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namespace Home\Controller;
use OT\DataDictionary;
use Admin\Model\ApplyModel;
use Think\Model;
* 前台首页控制器
* 主要获取首页聚合数据
class ApplyController extends BaseController
public function jion_list($model = array(), $p, $map = array())
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$name = $model['name'];
$row = empty($model['list_row']) ? 15 : $model['list_row'];
$data = M($name, 'tab_')
/* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
->field(empty($fields) ? true : $fields)
// 查询条件
/* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
->order($model['need_pk'] ? 'id DESC' : '')
/* 数据分页 */
->page($page, $row)
/* 执行查询 */
/* 查询记录总数 */
$count = M($name, "tab_")->where($map)->count();
if ($count > $row) {
$page = new \Think\Page($count, $row);
$page->setConfig('theme', '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
$this->assign('_page', $page->show());
$this->assign('list_data', $data);
$this->meta_title = $model['title'];
//首页 $type-查询的游戏平台类型 0-全部 10-安卓+ios 2-ios 1-安卓
public function index($p = 0, $type = 0)
$promoteId = empty(I('promote_id')) ? PID : I('promote_id');//搜索的渠道ID
$promoteRole = empty(I('promote_role')) ? 1 : I('promote_role');//渠道角色
$parentPromoteId = getParentPromoteId($promoteId);//上级渠道ID
$thisParentPromoteId = getParentPromoteId(PID);//本账号上级渠道ID
// $addPermission = 1;//是否有添加游戏权限
// if ($thisParentPromoteId == 0 && $promoteRole == 3) {
// $addPermission = 0;
// }
$map['tab_game.online_status'] = 1;//开发者游戏上线状态
$map['tab_game.down_port'] = 1;//游戏端口 第三方接口不能申请
$map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
if (!empty(I('game_id'))) {
$thisRelationGameName = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => I('game_id')))->getField('relation_game_name');
$map['tab_game.relation_game_name'] = ['like', $thisRelationGameName];
$group = '';
switch ($type) {
case 1:
case 2:
$gameIdList = M('Game', 'tab_')->group('relation_game_id')->having('count(id) = 1')->getField('id', true);
$map['tab_game.sdk_version'] = $type;
if (count($gameIdList) > 0) {
$gameIds = implode(',', $gameIdList);
$map[''] = ['in', $gameIds];
} else {
$map = '1 = 2';
case 10:
$group = 'tab_game.relation_game_id';
if ($parentPromoteId > 0) {
$gameRelationGameIdList = M('Game', 'tab_')->group('relation_game_id')->having('count(id) = 2')->getField('relation_game_id', true);
if (count($gameRelationGameIdList) > 0) {
$gameRelationGameIdList = implode(',', $gameRelationGameIdList);
$where['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = ['in', $gameRelationGameIdList];
} else {
$where = '1 = 2';
} else {
$gameIdList = M('Game', 'tab_')->group('relation_game_id')->having('count(id) = 2')->getField('id', true);
if (count($gameIdList) > 0) {
$gameIds = implode(',', $gameIdList);
$map[''] = ['in', $gameIds];
} else {
$map = '1 = 2';
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
$row = $_REQUEST['row'];
} else {
$row = 10;
$join = '';
if ($parentPromoteId > 0) {
$map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = PID;
if (!empty($where)) {
$map['_logic'] = 'and';
$map['_complex'] = $where;
$join = 'inner join tab_apply on = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.offline_status = 0';//查询上级游戏
$data = M('Game', 'tab_')
->field(',tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.features,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.relation_game_name, as apply_id_1, as apply_id_2')
->join('left join tab_apply as ta_1 on = ta_1.game_id and ta_1.offline_status = 0 and ta_1.promote_id = ' . $promoteId)//查询是否拥有该游戏
->join('left join tab_apply as ta_2 on tab_game.relation_game_id = ta_2.game_id and ta_2.offline_status = 0 and != tab_game.relation_game_id and ta_2.promote_id = ' . $promoteId)//查询是否拥有关联游戏
->join('left join tab_game_source on = tab_game_source.game_id')//查询游戏版本
->order('tab_game.sort desc, desc')
->page($page, $row)
// var_dump($data);
// die;
/* 查询记录总数 */
$count = M("Game", "tab_")
$count = count($count);
$parameter['p'] = I('get.p', 1);
$parameter['row'] = I('get.row');
$parameter['type'] = $type;
$parameter['promote_role'] = $promoteRole;
empty(I('promote_id')) || $parameter['promote_id'] = I('promote_id');
$page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$this->assign('list_data', $data);
$this->assign("count", $count);
$this->assign("promoteId", $promoteId);
$this->assign('parentPromoteId', $parentPromoteId);
$this->assign('thisParentPromoteId', $thisParentPromoteId);
$this->assign('promoteRole', $promoteRole);
$this->assign('pID', PID);
$this->assign('promoteData', getAllPromoteListByType($promoteRole));
// $this->assign('addPermission', $addPermission);
$this->assign('type', $type);
$this->meta_title = "申请游戏";
public function viewGameDetailed()
$id = $_POST['id'];
$gameData = array();
if ($id > 0) {
$map[''] = $id;
$gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')
->join('left join tab_game_source on = tab_game_source.game_id')
if (!empty($gameData['create_time'])) {
$gameData['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $gameData['create_time']);
$gameData['icon'] = __ROOT__ . get_cover($gameData['icon'], 'path');
$gameData['screenshot'] = explode(',', $gameData['screenshot']);
foreach ($gameData['screenshot'] as $value) {
$gameData['screenshot_url'][] = get_cover($value, 'path');
public function gapply()
$map1['relation_game_id'] = array('in', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
$res = M('game', 'tab_')->field('id')->where($map1)->select();
$res = array_map('array_shift', $res);
$_REQUEST['game_id'] = implode(',', $res);
$model = new ApplyModel(); //D('Apply');
$map['game_id'] = array('in', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
$map['promote_id'] = session("");
$c = $model->where($map)->select();
$_REQUEST['game_id'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
foreach ($c as $key => $value) {
$va[] = $value['game_id'];
if (!empty($va)) {
$game_id = array_diff($_REQUEST['game_id'], $va);
} else {
$game_id = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
if (empty($game_id)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "0", "msg" => "游戏已申请过,请勿重复申请"));
$_REQUEST['game_id'] = implode(',', $game_id);
$data['game_id'] = array('in', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
$data['promote_id'] = session("");
$data['promote_account'] = session("promote_auth.account");
$data['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$data['status'] = 0;
$game = M('Game', 'tab_');
foreach ($game_id as $key => $value) {
$data['game_id'] = $value;
$gdata = $game->where(array('id' => $value))->find();
$data['game_name'] = get_game_name($value);
$data['ratio'] = $gdata['ratio'];
$data['money'] = $gdata['money'];
$data['sdk_version'] = $gdata['sdk_version'];
// $data['pattern']=current($pattern);
// next($pattern);
$res = $model->add($data);
if ($res) {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "1", "msg" => "申请成功"));
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "0", "msg" => "申请失败"));
* 批量添加投放申请
* @author 鹿文学
public function batch_apply_game()
if (IS_POST) {
$relation_game_ids = $_POST['game_id'];
$platform_id = $_POST['platform_id'];
$platform_name = $_POST['platform_name'];
$remark = $_POST['remark'];
$promote_id = is_login_promote();
if ($promote_id < 1) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请登录后再操作'], 'json');
if (empty($relation_game_ids)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '你还没有选择任何内容!'], 'json');
if ((!is_numeric($platform_id) || $platform_id < 1) && empty($platform_name)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台不能为空'], 'json');
$gamemodel = M('Game', 'tab_');
$game = $gamemodel->field('id,game_name,sdk_version,ratio,money')->where(['relation_game_id' => ['in', $relation_game_ids]])->select();
if (!is_array($game) || empty($game[0])) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '游戏不存在'], 'json');
$game_id = array_column($game, 'id');
// 先查投放平台,如有渠道输入则先判断平台是否存在,不存在则添加,存在则获取信息;没有趣的输入,则判断选择平台是否存在,不存在返回
$platformmodel = M('launch_platform', 'tab_');
if ($platform_name) {
$platform = $platformmodel->where(['name' => $platform_name])->find();
if (empty($platform)) {
$platform_id = $platformmodel->add(['create_time' => time(), 'update_time' => time(), 'name' => $platform_name, 'promote_id' => $promote_id, 'promote_account' => get_promote_account($promote_id), 'mark' => 1]);
} else {
$platform_id = $platform['id'];
} else {
$platform = $platformmodel->where(['id' => $platform_id])->find();
if (empty($platform)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台选择有误,请重新选择'], 'json');
// 再查申请表,数据是否存在,存在则不予理会,不存在则添加
$applymodel = M('Apply', 'tab_');
$apply = $applymodel->field('id,game_id,status')->where(['promote_id' => $promote_id, 'game_id' => ['in', $game_id]])->select();
$exist = 1;
if (empty($apply)) {
$apply = $this->add_apply($applymodel, $game, $promote_id, $game_id);
$exist = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
foreach ($apply as $k => $v) {
foreach ($game as $m => $n) {
if ($v['game_id'] == $n['id']) {
if (!empty($game)) {
$apply = $this->add_apply($applymodel, $game, $promote_id, $game_id);
$apply_ids = array_column($apply, 'id');
if ($platform_id > 0 && is_array($apply_ids)) {
$launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
$launch = $launchmodel->field('platform_id,apply_id,max(position) as position')->where(['platform_id' => $platform_id, 'apply_id' => ['in', $apply_ids]])->group('platform_id,apply_id')->order('launch_time desc')->select();
if (empty($launch)) {
foreach ($apply as $k => $v) {
$data[] = array(
'platform_id' => $platform_id,
'apply_id' => $v['id'],
'launch_game_id' => $v['game_id'],
'launch_time' => time(),
'position' => 1,
'remark' => $remark,
} else {
foreach ($apply as $k => $v) {
$flag = true;
foreach ($launch as $m => $n) {
if ($n['apply_id'] == $v['id']) {
if ($v['status'] == 1) {
$data[$k] = array(
'platform_id' => $platform_id,
'apply_id' => $v['id'],
'launch_game_id' => $v['game_id'],
'launch_time' => time(),
'position' => $n['position'] > 0 ? (intval($n['position']) + 1) : 1,
'remark' => $remark,
} else {
$flag = false;
if (!$data[$k] && $flag) {
$data[$k] = array(
'platform_id' => $platform_id,
'apply_id' => $v['id'],
'launch_game_id' => $v['game_id'],
'launch_time' => time(),
'position' => 1,
'remark' => $remark,
$res = $launchmodel->addAll($data);
if ($res > 0) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'msg' => '申请成功', 'exist' => $exist], 'json');
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败'], 'json');
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败,请重新申请'], 'json');
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请求有误'], 'json');
* 批量添加申请并返回符合条件的申请信息
* @param object $applymodel 申请表模型对象
* @param array $game 游戏数组对象
* @param integer $promote_id 渠道编号
* @param array $game_id 要查找的游戏编号数组
* @param string $fields 查询字段
* @param array 根据条件获取的申请信息数组
* @author 鹿文学
private function add_apply($applymodel, $game, $promote_id, $game_id, $fields = 'id,game_id,status')
foreach ($game as $k => $v) {
$data[] = array(
'game_id' => $v['id'],
'game_name' => $v['game_name'],
'promote_id' => $promote_id,
'promote_account' => session("promote_auth.account"),
'apply_time' => time(),
'status' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK'),
'dispose_time' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK') ? time() : '',
'sdk_version' => $v['sdk_version'],
'ratio' => $v['ratio'],
'money' => $v['money'],
$apply = $applymodel->field($fields)->where(['promote_id' => $promote_id, 'game_id' => ['in', $game_id]])->select();
return $apply;
public function my_game($type = -1, $p = 0)
if (empty($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
$promoteId = get_pid();
} else {
$promoteId = $_REQUEST['promote_id'];
$applyMap['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$applyMap['offline_status'] = 0;
$gameIds = M('Apply', 'tab_')->where($applyMap)->getField('game_id', true);
$gameIds = implode(',', $gameIds);
if (empty($gameIds)) {
$map['_string'] = '1 = 2';
} else {
$map[''] = ['in', $gameIds];
$map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = $promoteId;
if ($_REQUEST['game_id'] != null) {
$relationGameName = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => $_REQUEST['game_id']))->getField('relation_game_name');
if ($relationGameName) {
$map['tab_game.relation_game_name'] = ['like', $relationGameName];
} else {
$map['tab_apply.game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
if ($_REQUEST['pattern'] != null) {
$map['tab_apply.pattern'] = $_REQUEST['pattern'];
// $map['tab_apply.status'] = 1;
// $map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
// empty(I('sdk_version')) || $map['tab_game.sdk_version'] = I('sdk_version');
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
$row = $_REQUEST['row'];
} else {
$row = 10;
$data = M("game", "tab_")
/* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
->field(",tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.features,,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.recommend_status,promote_id,status,tab_apply.dow_status,tab_apply.plist_url, as applyid,enable_status,tab_game.sort,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_game.relation_game_name,tab_game.material_url,dispose_time,tab_apply.promote_money as applymoney,tab_apply.promote_ratio as applyratio,apply_time,tab_apply.status as applystatus,tab_game.and_dow_address,tab_game.ios_dow_address,tab_game.add_game_address,tab_game.ios_game_address")
->join("tab_apply ON = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . $promoteId)
// ->join("left join tab_game as tg ON ( = tg.relation_game_id and tg.game_status = 1 and!=tab_game.relation_game_id) or ( = tg.relation_game_id and! and tg.game_status = 1) or (!=tab_game.relation_game_id and and tab_game.game_status=1)")
// 查询条件
/* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
->order("apply_time desc,id desc")
/* 数据分页 */
->page($page, $row)
/* 执行查询 */
/* 查询记录总数 */
$count = count(M("game", "tab_")
/* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
->join("tab_apply ON = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . $promoteId)
// 查询条件
$parameter = array(
'row' => I('get.row'),
'sdk_version' => I('request.sdk_version'),
'p' => I('p', 1),
'type' => I('request.type'),
'enable_status' => I('request.enable_status'),
'game_id' => I('request.game_id'),
$page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$promoteRole = empty(I('promote_role')) ? 1 : I('promote_role');
$url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__ . "/media.php/member/preg/pid/" . session("");
$this->assign("url", $url);
$this->assign("count", $count);
$this->assign("row", $row);
$this->assign('model', $model);
$this->assign('promoteId', $promoteId);
$this->assign('thisParentPromoteId', getParentPromoteId(PID));
$this->assign('pID', PID);
$this->assign('promoteRole', $promoteRole);
$this->assign('promoteData', getAllPromoteListByType($promoteRole));
$this->assign('list_data', $data);
$this->meta_title = "我的游戏";
public function my_game_ch($type = -1, $p = 0)
$game_ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => get_pid()])->getField('game_ids');
if (!empty($game_ids) || $game_ids === '0') {
$game_ids = explode(',', $game_ids);
$map[''] = ['in', $game_ids];
$map['promote_id'] = session("");
$map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
if ($_REQUEST['game_id'] != null) {
$map['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
$res = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['relation_game_id' => $_REQUEST['game_id']])->find();
if (empty($res) && $_REQUEST['game_id']) {
$res_ = M('game', 'tab_')->find($_REQUEST['game_id']);
$map['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = $res_['relation_game_id'];
$map['tab_apply.status'] = 0;
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$row = 6;
if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
$row = $_REQUEST['row'];
} else {
$row = 10;
$data = M("game", "tab_")
/* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
->field(",tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_name,,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.recommend_status,promote_id,status,tab_apply.dow_status,tab_apply.plist_url, as applyid,enable_status,tab_game.sort,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_game.relation_game_name,tab_game.material_url,tg.relation_game_id as trelation_game_id, as tid,tg.sdk_version as tsdk_version,tg.game_size as tgame_size, as tmoney,tg.ratio as tratio,tg.material_url as tmaterial_url,dispose_time,apply_time,tab_apply.promote_money as applymoney,tab_apply.promote_ratio as applyratio,tab_apply.status as applystatus")
->join("tab_apply ON = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . session(''))
->join("left join tab_game as tg ON ( = tg.relation_game_id and tg.game_status = 1 and!=tab_game.relation_game_id) or ( = tg.relation_game_id and! and tg.game_status = 1) or (!=tab_game.relation_game_id and and tab_game.game_status=1)")
// 查询条件
/* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
->order("id desc")
/* 数据分页 */
->page($page, $row)
/* 执行查询 */
$applymodel = M('apply', 'tab_');
$launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($value['sdk_version'] == 2 && $value['tsdk_version'] == 1) {
$game_ios = get_game_info($value['id']);
$game_and = get_game_info($value['tid']);
$data[$key] = $game_and;
$data[$key]['tid'] = $game_ios['id'];
$data[$key]['tsdk_version'] = $game_ios['sdk_version'];
$data[$key]['tgame_size'] = $game_ios['game_size'];
$data[$key]['tmoney'] = $game_ios['money'];
$data[$key]['tratio'] = $game_ios['ratio'];
$data[$key]['dispose_time'] = $game_ios['dispose_time'];
$data[$key]['tapplymoney'] = $apply_info['promote_money'];
$data[$key]['tapplyratio'] = $apply_info['promote_ratio'];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$apply = $applymodel->field('id,status')->where(['promote_id' => get_pid(), 'game_id' => $value['tid']])->find();
if ($value['applyid']) {
$platform = $launchmodel->field('platform_id')->where(['apply_id' => $value['applyid']])->find();
$data[$key]['platform_id'] = $platform['platform_id'];
} else {
$data[$key]['applyid'] = 0;
if ($apply['id']) {
$data[$key]['tapplyid'] = $apply['id'];
$tplatform = $launchmodel->field('platform_id')->where(['apply_id' => $apply['id']])->find();
$data[$key]['tplatform_id'] = $tplatform['platform_id'];
$data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = $apply['status'];
} else {
$data[$key]['tapplyid'] = 0;
$data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = 0;
/* 查询记录总数 */
$count = count(M("game", "tab_")
/* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
->join("tab_apply ON = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . session(''))
// 查询条件
$parameter = array(
'row' => I('get.row'),
'sdk_version' => I('request.sdk_version'),
'p' => I('p', 1),
'type' => I('request.type'),
'enable_status' => I('request.enable_status'),
'game_id' => I('request.game_id'),
$page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__ . "/media.php/member/preg/pid/" . session("");
$this->assign("url", $url);
$this->assign("count", $count);
$this->assign('model', $model);
$this->assign('list_data', $data);
$this->meta_title = "我的游戏";
public function child_game($p = 0)
/* if (PLEVEL>0) {echo '<script>window.location.go(-1);</script>';exit;} */
if (PRO_GRADE > 2) {
echo '<script>window.location.go(-1);</script>';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['game_id'])) {
$map['tab_apply.game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
$map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = $_REQUEST['promote_id'];
} else {
$sid = M('Promote', 'tab_')->field('id')->where(array('parent_id' => PID, 'status' => 1))->select();
if ($sid) {
$map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = array('in', array_column($sid, 'id'));
} else {
$map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = -1;
$map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
$start_time = strtotime(I('time_start'));
$end_time = strtotime(I('time_end'));
if (!empty($start_time) && !empty($end_time)) {
$map['tab_apply.dispose_time'] = ['BETWEEN', [$start_time, $end_time + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1]];
} else if (!empty($start_time)) {
$map['tab_apply.dispose_time'] = array('gt', $start_time);
} else if (!empty($end_time)) {
$map['tab_apply.dispose_time'] = array('lt', $end_time + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1);
$map['tab_apply.status'] = 1;
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
$row = $_REQUEST['row'];
} else {
$row = 10;
$data = M("game", "tab_")
/* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
->field(",tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_name,,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.recommend_status,promote_id,promote_account,status,tab_apply.dow_status,tab_apply.plist_url, as applyid,enable_status,tab_game.sort,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_game.relation_game_name,tab_game.material_url,tg.relation_game_id as trelation_game_id, as tid,tg.game_name as tgame_name,tg.sdk_version as tsdk_version,tg.game_size as tgame_size, as tmoney,tg.ratio as tratio,tg.material_url as tmaterial_url,dispose_time,apply_time,promote_account,tab_apply.promote_money as applymoney,tab_apply.promote_ratio as applyratio,tab_apply.status as applystatus")
->join("tab_apply ON = tab_apply.game_id ")
->join("left join tab_game as tg ON ( = tg.relation_game_id and tg.game_status = 1 and!=tab_game.relation_game_id) or ( = tg.relation_game_id and! and tg.game_status = 1) or (!=tab_game.relation_game_id and and tab_game.game_status=1)")
// 查询条件
/* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
->order("id desc")
/* 数据分页 */
->page($page, $row)
/* 执行查询 */
$count = count(M("game", "tab_")
/* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
->join("tab_apply ON = tab_apply.game_id ")
// 查询条件
$applymodel = M('apply', 'tab_');
$launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($value['sdk_version'] == 2 && $value['tsdk_version'] == 1) {
$game_ios = get_game_info($value['id']);
$game_and = get_game_info($value['tid']);
$apply_info = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => $value['id'], 'promote_account' => $value['promote_account']])->find();
$data[$key] = $game_and;
$data[$key]['tid'] = $game_ios['id'];
$data[$key]['tsdk_version'] = $game_ios['sdk_version'];
$data[$key]['tgame_size'] = $game_ios['game_size'];
$data[$key]['tmoney'] = $game_ios['money'];
$data[$key]['tratio'] = $game_ios['ratio'];
$data[$key]['applyid'] = $apply_info['id'];
$data[$key]['enable_status'] = $apply_info['enable_status'];
$data[$key]['promote_id'] = $apply_info['promote_id'];
$data[$key]['promote_account'] = $apply_info['promote_account'];
$data[$key]['applymoney'] = $apply_info['promote_money'];
$data[$key]['tapplyratio'] = $apply_info['promote_ratio'];
$data[$key]['tapply_time'] = $apply_info['apply_time'];
$data[$key]['dispose_time'] = $apply_info['apply_time'];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$apply = $applymodel->field('id,status')->where(['promote_id' => $value['promote_id'], 'game_id' => $value['tid']])->find();
if ($value['applyid']) {
$data[$key]['launch_count'] = $launchmodel->where(['apply_id' => $value['applyid']])->count();
} else {
$data[$key]['applyid'] = 0;
if ($apply['id']) {
$data[$key]['tapplyid'] = $apply['id'];
$data[$key]['tlaunch_count'] = $launchmodel->where(['apply_id' => $apply['id']])->count();
$data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = $apply['status'];
} else {
$data[$key]['tapplyid'] = 0;
$data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = 0;
$parameter = $_POST;
$parameter['p'] = I('get.p', 1);
$parameter['row'] = I('get.row');
$page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$this->assign("count", $count);
$this->assign('model', $model);
$this->assign('list_data', $data);
$this->meta_title = "子渠道游戏";
public function changevalue()
if (IS_POST) {
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['id']) || $_REQUEST['id'] <= 0) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['value']) || $_REQUEST['value'] < 0) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
$apply = M('apply', 'tab_');
if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 1) {
$res = $apply->where(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']))->setField(array('promote_money' => $_REQUEST['value']));
if ($res) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '注册单价修改成功'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '注册单价修改失败'));
} elseif ($_REQUEST['type'] == 2) {
$res = $apply->where(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']))->setField(array('promote_ratio' => $_REQUEST['value']));
if ($res) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '分成比例修改成功'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '分成比例修改失败'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
* 申请游戏
public function apply()
if ($_POST['game_id']) {
$gameMap[''] = $_POST['game_id'];
$promoteId = I('promote_id');
if (empty($promoteId)) {
$promoteId = PID;
$promoteData = D('Promote')->where(array('id' => $promoteId))->find();
if ($_POST['sdk_type'] > 0) {
if ($promoteData['parent_id'] > 0) {
$gameRelationName = M('game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => $_POST['game_id']))->getField('relation_game_name');
$gameData = M('game', 'tab_')
->join('tab_apply on = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.offline_status = 0 and tab_apply.promote_id = ' . PID)
->where(array('tab_game.relation_game_name' => $gameRelationName))
} else {
$gameRelationName = M('game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => $_POST['game_id']))->getField('relation_game_name');
$gameData = M('game', 'tab_')
->where(array('relation_game_name' => $gameRelationName))
} else {
if ($promoteData['parent_id'] > 0) {
$gameData = M('game', 'tab_')
->join('tab_apply on = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.offline_status = 0 and tab_apply.promote_id = ' . PID)
} else {
$gameData = M('game', 'tab_')->where($gameMap)->select();
if (empty($gameData)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 0, "msg" => "游戏权限异常"));
foreach ($gameData as $list) {
$updateStatus = 0;
$map['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$map['game_id'] = $list['id'];
$result = M('apply', 'tab_')->field('id,offline_status')->where($map)->find();
if (!empty($result)) {
if ($result['offline_status'] == 1) {
$updateStatus = 1;
} else {
if ($_POST['sdk_type'] > 0) {
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1, "msg" => "已申请过该游戏"));
$model = new ApplyModel(); //D('Apply');
$ratio = $list['ratio'];
$money = $list['money'];
$data['ratio'] = $ratio;
$data['money'] = $money;
$data['promote_account'] = $promoteData['account'];
$data['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$data['offline_status'] = 0;
if ($updateStatus == 0) {
$sdk_version = $list['sdk_version'];
$data['sdk_version'] = $sdk_version;
$data['game_id'] = $list['id'];
$data['game_name'] = get_game_name($list['id']);
$data['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$data['status'] = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
$res = $model->add($data);
} else {
$res = $model->where('id = ' . $result['id'])->save($data);
if (($updateStatus == 0 && $res) || ($updateStatus == 1 && $res !== false)) {
$thsiAppltId = M('Apply', 'tab_')->where(array('game_id' => $list['id'], 'promote_id' => $promoteId))->getField('id');
$gameSource = M('Game_source', 'tab_')->field('id,source_version')->where(['game_id' => $list['id']])->find();
if (file_exists(get_game_source_file_url($list['id'])) || null == $gameSource) {
M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $thsiAppltId])->setField(['enable_status' => 2, 'pack_url' => '', 'plist_url' => '']);
M('apply_launch', 'tab_')->where(['apply_id' => $thsiAppltId])->setField('launch_packge', 0);
} else {
M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $thsiAppltId])->setField('enable_status', -1);
M('apply_launch', 'tab_')->where(['apply_id' => $thsiAppltId])->setField('launch_packge', -1);
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 0, "msg" => "申请失败", 'ret' => $res));
if ($_POST['sdk_type'] > 0 && empty($res)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1, "msg" => "已申请过该游戏"));
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1, "msg" => "申请成功"));
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "0", "msg" => "数据有误"));
public function apply_game()
if (IS_POST) {
$relation_game_id = $_POST['game_id'];
$sdk_version = $_POST['sdk_version'];
$platform_id = $_POST['platform_id'];
$platform_name = $_POST['platform_name'];
$remark = $_POST['remark'];
$promote_id = is_login_promote();
if ($promote_id < 1) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请登录后再操作'], 'json');
if (!is_numeric($relation_game_id) || $relation_game_id < 1) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '缺少游戏'], 'json');
if (!is_numeric($sdk_version) || $sdk_version < 1 || $sdk_version > 2) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '缺少版本'], 'json');
if ((!is_numeric($platform_id) || $platform_id < 1) && empty($platform_name)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台不能为空'], 'json');
$gamemodel = M('Game', 'tab_');
$game = $gamemodel->where(['relation_game_id' => $relation_game_id, 'sdk_version' => $sdk_version])->find();
if (!is_array($game)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '此游戏不存在'], 'json');
$game_id = $game['id'];
// 先查投放平台,如有渠道输入则先判断平台是否存在,不存在则添加,存在则获取信息;没有趣的输入,则判断选择平台是否存在,不存在返回
$platformmodel = M('launch_platform', 'tab_');
if ($platform_name) {
$platform = $platformmodel->where(['name' => $platform_name])->find();
if (empty($platform)) {
$platform_id = $platformmodel->add(['create_time' => time(), 'update_time' => time(), 'name' => $platform_name, 'promote_id' => $promote_id, 'promote_account' => get_promote_account($promote_id), 'mark' => 1]);
} else {
$platform_id = $platform['id'];
} else {
$platform = $platformmodel->where(['id' => $platform_id])->find();
if (empty($platform)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台选择有误,请重新选择'], 'json');
// 再查申请表,数据是否存在,存在则不予理会,不存在则添加
$applymodel = M('Apply', 'tab_');
$apply = $applymodel->field('id')->where(['promote_id' => $promote_id, 'game_id' => $game_id])->find();
if (empty($apply)) {
$data = array(
'game_id' => $game_id,
'game_name' => $game['game_name'],
'promote_id' => $promote_id,
'promote_account' => session("promote_auth.account"),
'apply_time' => time(),
'status' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK'),
'dispose_time' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK') ? time() : '',
'sdk_version' => $sdk_version,
'ratio' => $game['ratio'],
'money' => $game['money'],
$exist = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
$apply_id = $applymodel->add($data);
} else {
$apply_id = $apply['id'];
$exist = 1;
if ($platform_id > 0 && $apply_id > 0) {
$launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
$launch = $launchmodel->field('position')->where(['platform_id' => $platform_id, 'apply_id' => $apply_id])->order('launch_time desc')->find();
$data = array(
'platform_id' => $platform_id,
'apply_id' => $apply_id,
'launch_game_id' => $game_id,
'launch_time' => time(),
'position' => $launch['position'] > 0 ? (intval($launch['position']) + 1) : 1,
'remark' => $remark,
$res = $launchmodel->add($data);
if ($res > 0) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'msg' => '申请成功', 'exist' => $exist], 'json');
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败'], 'json');
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败,请重新申请'], 'json');
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请求有误'], 'json');
* APP申请
public function app_index()
$map['tab_app.type'] = 1;
empty(I('version')) || $map['tab_app.version'] = I('version');
$promote_id = PID;
$data = M('app', 'tab_')
->field('tab_app.*,p.status as apply_status,p.dow_url,p.enable_status,p.promote_id')
->join("left join tab_app_apply p on p.app_id = and p.promote_id = {$promote_id}")
$this->assign('data', $data);
$this->meta_title = "APP申请";
public function apply_app($app_id)
$app = M('app', 'tab_')->find($app_id);
$map['app_id'] = $app_id;
$map['promote_id'] = PID;
$data = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->find();
if (!empty($data)) {
$res['status'] = 2;
$res['msg'] = '该渠道已经申请过此APP';
} else {
$data['promote_id'] = PID;
$data['app_id'] = $app_id;
$data['app_name'] = $app['name'];
$data['app_version'] = $app['version'];
$data['apply_time'] = time();
$data['status'] = 0;
$result = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->add($data);
if ($result !== false) {
$res['status'] = 1;
$res['msg'] = '申请成功';
} else {
$res['status'] = 2;
$res['msg'] = '申请失败';
public function allpackage($ids = null, $game_id = 0)
if (empty($ids)) {
$gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')->find($game_id);
$model = new ApplyModel(); //D('Apply');
$data['game_id'] = $_POST['game_id'];
$data['game_name'] = get_game_name($game_id);
$data['promote_id'] = session("");
$data['promote_account'] = session("promote_auth.account");
$data['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['enable_status'] = 2;
$data['dispose_id'] = 0;
$data['dispose_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$data['sdk_version'] = $gameData['sdk_version'];
$data['ratio'] = $gameData['ratio'];
$data['money'] = $gameData['money'];
$result = $model->add($data);
if ($result > 0) {
} else {
} else {
$map['id'] = $ids;
$data = array('status' => 1, 'enable_status' => 2);
M('apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->setField($data);
public function app_package($appid = null)
$appData = M('app', 'tab_')->find($appid);
$map['app_id'] = $appid;
$map['promote_id'] = PID;
$ids = 0;
$data = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->find();
if (empty($data)) {
$data['promote_id'] = PID;
$data['app_id'] = $appid;
$data['app_name'] = $appData['name'];
$data['app_version'] = $appData['version'];
$data['apply_time'] = time();
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['enable_status'] = 1;
$data['dispose_id'] = 0;
$data['dispose_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$result = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->add($data);
$ids = $result;
} else {
$ids = $data['id'];
try {
$apply_data = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->find($ids);
$source_file = M('app', 'tab_')->find($apply_data['app_id']);
if ($apply_data['app_version'] == 1) {
$app_type = ".apk";
$url_ver = "META-INF/";
} else {
$app_type = ".ipa";
$url_ver = "Payload/";
$newname = "app_package" . $apply_data["app_id"] . "-" . $apply_data['promote_id'] . $app_type;
$to = "./Uploads/GamePack/" . $newname;
copy($source_file['file_url'], $to);
$zip = new \ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($to, \ZipArchive::CREATE);
if ($res == TRUE) {
$pack_data = array(
"promote_id" => $apply_data['promote_id'],
"promote_account" => get_promote_name($apply_data["promote_id"]),
$zip->addFromString($url_ver, json_encode($pack_data));
if (get_tool_status("oss_storage") == 1) {
$to = "http://" . C("oss_storage.bucket") . "." . C("oss_storage.domain") . "/GamePack/" . $newname;
$to = str_replace('-internal', '', $to);
$new_to = "./Uploads/GamePack/" . $newname;
$updata['savename'] = $newname;
$updata['path'] = $new_to;
} elseif (get_tool_status("qiniu_storage") == 1) {
$url = $this->upQiNiuFile($newname, $to);
$to = "http://" . $url;
} elseif (get_tool_status("cos_storage") == 1) {
$cos = A('Cos');
$cos->cosupload("", "/App/" . $newname, 2);
$cos_res = $cos->cosupload($to, "/App/" . $newname);
if (strlen($cos_res) > 10) {
$to = $cos_res;
} else {
if ($apply_data['app_version'] == 2) {
$plist_url = A('Plist')->create_plist_app('1', $apply_data['promote_id'], 'app', $to);
$apply_data['plist_url'] = $plist_url;
$apply_data['dow_url'] = $to;
$apply_data['enable_status'] = 1;
$apply_data['status'] = 1;
$res = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->save($apply_data);
} else {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
public function promitionofregestion()
$map['relation_game_id'] = $_GET['gid'];
$data = M('game', 'tab_')->field('id,sdk_version,icon,screenshot,relation_game_id,relation_game_name')->where($map)->select();
$this->assign('data', $data);
public function qrcode($url = '', $logo = '', $level = 3, $size = 4)
$url = base64_decode(base64_decode($url));
$logo = base64_decode(base64_decode($logo));
$errorCorrectionLevel = intval($level);//容错级别
$matrixPointSize = intval($size);//生成图片大小
// echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
echo \QRcode::png($url, false, $errorCorrectionLevel, $matrixPointSize, 2, false, $logo);
public function upload_game_pak_oss($return_data = null)
* 根据Config配置得到一个OssClient实例
try {
$ossClient = new \OSS\OssClient(C("oss_storage.accesskeyid"), C("oss_storage.accesskeysecr"), C("oss_storage.domain"));
} catch (OssException $e) {
$bucket = C('oss_storage.bucket');
// if(preg_match('/.apk/',$return_data['savename']) ){
$oss_name = "GamePack";
// }else{
// $oss_name="IosGamePack";
// }
$oss_file_path = $oss_name . "/" . $return_data["savename"];
$avatar = $return_data["path"];
try {
$this->multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket, $oss_file_path, $avatar);
return true;
} catch (OssException $e) {
/* 返回JSON数据 */
public function multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket, $url, $file)
//$file = __FILE__;
$options = array();
try {
$uploadId = $ossClient->initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $url);
//$ossClient->multiuploadFile($bucket, $url, $file, $options);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": initiateMultipartUpload FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
* step 2. 上传分片
$partSize = 5 * 1000 * 1024;
$uploadFile = $file;
$uploadFileSize = filesize($uploadFile);
$pieces = $ossClient->generateMultiuploadParts($uploadFileSize, $partSize);
$responseUploadPart = array();
$uploadPosition = 0;
$isCheckMd5 = true;
foreach ($pieces as $i => $piece) {
$fromPos = $uploadPosition + (integer)$piece[$ossClient::OSS_SEEK_TO];
$toPos = (integer)$piece[$ossClient::OSS_LENGTH] + $fromPos - 1;
$upOptions = array(
$ossClient::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD => $uploadFile,
$ossClient::OSS_PART_NUM => ($i + 1),
$ossClient::OSS_SEEK_TO => $fromPos,
$ossClient::OSS_LENGTH => $toPos - $fromPos + 1,
$ossClient::OSS_CHECK_MD5 => $isCheckMd5,
if ($isCheckMd5) {
$contentMd5 = \OSS\Core\OssUtil::getMd5SumForFile($uploadFile, $fromPos, $toPos);
$upOptions[$ossClient::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $contentMd5;
//2. 将每一分片上传到OSS
try {
$responseUploadPart[] = $ossClient->uploadPart($bucket, $url, $uploadId, $upOptions);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": initiateMultipartUpload, uploadPart - part#{$i} FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
$uploadParts = array();
foreach ($responseUploadPart as $i => $eTag) {
$uploadParts[] = array(
'PartNumber' => ($i + 1),
'ETag' => $eTag,
* step 3. 完成上传
try {
$ossClient->completeMultipartUpload($bucket, $url, $uploadId, $uploadParts);
} catch (OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": completeMultipartUpload FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
* 投放平台列表
* @param integer $applyid 申请表编号
* @author 鹿文学
public function launch($applyid = 0, $p = 1)
if (is_numeric($applyid) && $applyid > 0) {
$launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$map = ['apply_id' => $applyid];
$count = $launchmodel->alias('l')
->join('tab_apply as a on( ')
if ($count > 0) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
$row = $_REQUEST['row'];
} else {
$row = 10;
$list = $launchmodel->alias('l')->field('l.*,a.game_id,a.promote_id,a.promote_id,a.sdk_version,a.enable_status')
->join('tab_apply as a on( ')
->where($map)->page($page, $row)->select();
$game = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $list[0]['launch_game_id']])->field('game_status,dow_status')->find();
if ($game['dow_status'] == 0 || $game['game_status'] == 0) {
foreach ($list as $key => $v) {
$page = set_pagination($count, $row);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$this->assign('list_data', $list);
$this->assign('is_launch', 1);
} else {
$list = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $applyid])->find();
$game = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $list['game_id']])->field('game_status,dow_status')->find();
if ($game['dow_status'] == 0 || $game['game_status'] == 0) {
$this->assign('list_data', [$list]);
$this->assign('is_launch', 0);
$this->assign('relation_game_id', I('get.rgid', ''));
$this->assign('notchild', stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'child_game') ? 0 : 1);
function getPromoteListByRole()
$promoteRole = I('promote_role');
$data = array();
switch ($promoteRole) {
case 2:
case 3:
$data = getAllPromoteListByType($promoteRole);
function getGameInfo()
$gameId = I('game_id');
$promoteType = I('promote_type');
$gameData = array();
if ($gameId > 0) {
$map['id'] = $gameId;
$gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')
$gameData['sdk_name'] = getSDKTypeName($gameData['sdk_version']);
$promoteData = D('Promote')->where(array('id' => PID))->find();
if ($promoteData['parent_id'] > 0 && $promoteData['grand_id'] == 0) {
$promoteType = 3;
$promoteIds = getAllPromoteListByType($promoteType);
$newPromoteData = [];
if (count($promoteIds) > 0) {
foreach ($promoteIds as $value) {
$thisPromote = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(array('game_id' => $gameId, 'promote_id' => $value['id']))->count('id');
if (!$thisPromote) {
$newPromoteData[] = $value;
$data['game_data'] = $gameData;
$data['promote_data'] = $newPromoteData;
function addGameToPromote()
$gameId = I('game_id');
$promoteIds = I('promote_ids');
if (empty($gameId)) {
$data['status'] = -1;
$data['msg'] = '游戏id错误';
if (empty($promoteIds)) {
$data['status'] = -1;
$data['msg'] = '未选择渠道';
$gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => $gameId))->find();
foreach ($promoteIds as $value) {
$thisPromoteData = D('Promote')->where(array('id' => $value))->find();
if (empty($thisPromoteData) || !hasPromotePermission(PID, $value)) {
$data['status'] = -1;
$data['msg'] = '渠道权限异常';
$save['game_id'] = $gameId;
$save['game_name'] = get_game_name($gameId);
$save['promote_id'] = $value;
$save['promote_account'] = session("promote_auth.account");
$save['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$save['status'] = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
$save['sdk_version'] = $gameData['sdk_version'];
$save['ratio'] = $gameData['ratio'];
$save['money'] = $gameData['money'];
$res = M('Apply', 'tab_')->add($save);
if (!$res) {
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加失败", 'ret' => $res));
$this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 0, "msg" => "添加成功"));