You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
151 lines
5.1 KiB
151 lines
5.1 KiB
namespace Admin\Controller;
use Org\Util\Date;
use Sdk\Controller\AgeController;
use User\Api\MemberApi as MemberApi;
use Org\WeixinSDK\Weixin;
class TestOrderController extends ThinkController
public function lists($p = 0) {
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$arraypage = $page;
$platformType = I('platform_type', 0);
$startedAt = I('timestart', '') == '' ? I('start', '') : I('timestart', '');
$endedAt = I('timeend', '') == '' ? I('end', '') : I('timeend', '');
$gameId = I('game_id', 0);
if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
$row = $_REQUEST['row'];
} else {
$row = 10;
$gameSets = M('game_set', 'tab_')->field(['game_id', 'pay_notify_url'])->select();
$gameSets = index_by_column('game_id', $gameSets);
$aggGameIds = getAggExceptIds($gameSets);
$map['1'] = "1";
$map['_string'] = '1=1';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['server_type'])) {
$map['t.server_type'] = $_REQUEST['server_type'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['order_type'])||$_REQUEST['order_type'] == '0') {
$map['order_type'] = $_REQUEST['order_type'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['order_no'])) {
$map['order_no'] = $_REQUEST['order_no'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['user_account'])) {
$map['user_account'] = $_REQUEST['user_account'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['pay_way'])) {
$map['pay_way'] = $_REQUEST['pay_way'];
if ($startedAt != '') {
$map['_string'] .= ' and pay_time>=' . strtotime($startedAt . ' 00:00:00');
if ($endedAt != '') {
$map['_string'] .= ' and pay_time<=' . strtotime($endedAt . ' 23:59:59');
if ($platformType == 1) {
$map['_string'] .= ' and game_id not in(' . implode(',', $aggGameIds) . ')';
if ($platformType == 2) {
$map['_string'] .= ' and game_id in(' . implode(',', $aggGameIds) . ')';
if ($gameId != 0) {
$map['_string'] .= ' and game_id=' . $gameId;
if ($_REQUEST['merchant_id']) {
$map['merchant_id'] = $_REQUEST['merchant_id'];
$order_list = M('test_order t', 'tab_')
->join("tab_game g on t.game_id =","left")
->where($map)->page($page,$row)->order('add_time desc')->select();
foreach ($order_list as $k => &$v) {
$v['game_name'] = clearGameNameType($v['game_name']);
$v['sdk_version'] = getGameTypeName($v['sdk_version']);
$v['platform_type'] = in_array($v['game_id'], $aggGameIds) ? '聚合' : '联运';
$sum_order_amount = M('test_order', 'tab_')->alias("t")->where($map)->field('sum(order_amount) as sum_order_amount,count(1) as count')->find();
$sum_pay_amount = M('test_order', 'tab_')->alias("t")->where($map)->field('sum(pay_amount) as sum_order_amount')->find();
$count = $sum_order_amount['count'];
$page = set_pagination($count, $row);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);//分页
$this->assign('datas', $order_list);
$this->assign('sum_order_amount', $sum_order_amount);
$this->assign('sum_pay_amount', $sum_pay_amount);
public function addOrder(){
public function saveOrder() {
$data = $_GET;
// dump($data);die();
$data['add_time'] = time();
$data['pay_time'] = strtotime($data['pay_time']);
$data['game_name'] = get_gamename($data['game_id']);
$is_exist = M('test_order','tab_')->where(['order_no'=>$data['order_no'],'cp_order_no'=>$data['cp_order_no']])->find();
if ($is_exist) {
$isSuccess = M('test_order','tab_')->add($data);
if ($isSuccess) {
} else {
public function del() {
$id = I('id');
if (!$id) {
$is_del = M('test_order','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->delete();
if ($is_del) {
} else {
} |