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<div class="cf main-place top_nav_list navtab_list">
<h3 class="page_title">苹果支付测试ip白名单</h3>
<p class="description_text">说明苹果beta包苹果支付测试ip白名单</p>
<!-- <div class="demo">-->
<!-- <div class="wrap" ><span style="float: right;margin-top: 7px;margin-right: 120px">开</span>-->
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<!-- <span style="float: right;margin-top: 7px;margin-right: 30px">全游戏苹果内购支付成功通知默认限制</span>-->
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<div class="">
<!-- 表头 -->
<th class="" style="width: 50px;">
<input class="check-all" type="checkbox">
<th >玩家账号</th>
<!-- <th >区域</th>-->
<!-- <th >状态</th>-->
<th >添加人</th>
<th >添加时间</th>
<th >操作</th>
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<td ><input class="ids" type="checkbox" value="{$data.id}" name="ids[]"></td>
<td >{$data.user_account}</td>
<!-- <td>{$data.area}</td>-->
<!-- <td ><if condition="$data.status eq 1">通知到账<else/>通知不到账</if></td>-->
<td >{$data.admin_account}</td>
<td >{$data.create_time}</td>
<td >
<a href="javascript:;" onclick="del({$data.id})">删除 </a>
<!-- <if condition="$data.status eq 1">-->
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}, function(index) {
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layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '请选择后再进行操作' + "</em>");
url: "{:U('TestIpWhiteList/operateIp')}",
type: "get",
data: {id: text,status:0},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
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layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '批量操作失败' + "</em>");
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layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '批量操作成功' + "</em>")
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btn: ['确认','取消'],
}, function(index) {
if (!text) {
layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '请选择后再进行操作' + "</em>");
url: "{:U('TestIpWhiteList/operateIp')}",
type: "get",
data: {id: text,status:1},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
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layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '批量操作失败' + "</em>");
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url: "{:U('TestIpWhiteList/del')}",
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function limit(id,status) {
layer.confirm('【警告】是否确认此操作', {
btn: ['确认','取消'],
}, function(index) {
url: "{:U('TestIpWhiteList/operateIp')}",
type: "get",
data: {id: id,status: status},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
if (data.code == 0) {
layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '操作失败' + "</em>");
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layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '操作成功' + "</em>")
function del(id) {
layer.confirm('【警告】撤销后将不可回退,如需继续请点击确认', {
btn: ['确认','取消'],
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url: "{:U('TestIpWhiteList/del')}",
type: "get",
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layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '操作失败' + "</em>");
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layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '操作成功' + "</em>")
function setAppleInteriorBuyStatus(status) {
var text = '【警告】是否确认打开全游戏苹果内购支付成功通知';
if(status == 0) {
text = '【警告】是否确认关闭全游戏苹果内购支付成功通知';
layer.confirm(text, {
btn: ['确认','取消'],
area: ['380px','120px'],
title: false
}, function(index) {
url: "{:U('TestIpWhiteList/setAppleInteriorBuyStatus')}",
type: "get",
data: {status: status},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
if (data.code == 0) {
layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '操作失败' + "</em>");
} else {
layer.msg("<em style='color:white'>" + '操作成功' + "</em>")