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namespace Home\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
use User\Api\MemberApi;
use Base\Facade\Request;
use Base\Service\ApplyService;
use Base\Service\PromoteService;
use Base\Service\PackageDownloadLogService;
use Base\Tool\MobileDetect;
* 前台公共控制器
* 为防止多分组Controller名称冲突公共Controller名称统一使用分组名称
class HomeController extends Controller
protected $loginPromote = null;
protected $loginPromoteCompany = null;
/* 空操作用于输出404页面 */
public function _empty()
protected function _initialize()
/* 读取站点配置 */
$config = api('Config/lists');
C($config); //添加配置
if (!C('WEB_SITE_CLOSE')) {
$promoteService = new PromoteService();
$siteConfig = null;
$promoteCompany = $this->getLoginPromoteCompany();
if (is_null($promoteCompany)) {
$url = Request::getHost();
$promoteCompany = $promoteService->getPromoteCompanyBySite($url);
$siteConfig = $promoteService->getSiteConfig($promoteCompany);
$this->assign('siteConfig', $siteConfig);
public function getLoginPromote()
if ($this->loginPromote == null) {
$promoteId = session('promote_auth.pid');
$this->loginPromote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find();
return $this->loginPromote;
public function getLoginPromoteCompany()
$loginer = $this->getLoginPromote();
if ($this->loginPromoteCompany == null && $loginer) {
$this->loginPromoteCompany = M('promote_company', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$loginer['company_id']])->find();
return $this->loginPromoteCompany;
public function rule()
public function generateWechatSign()
$url = I('url', '');
$appid = 'wx5a1463c00253851b';
$secret = 'd3219c70a45c5e1954be4608b288d38b';
$tokenUrl = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid=' . $appid . '&secret=' . $secret;
$tempDataDir = RUNTIME_PATH . 'Data';
if(!is_dir($tempDataDir)) {
$content = file_get_contents($tempDataDir . '/wechat_ticket');
$ticketData = null;
if ($content) {
$ticketData = json_decode($content, true);
$isExpired = false;
$ticket = '';
if ($ticketData) {
$isExpired = time() > $ticketData['expired_at'] ? true : false;
$time = $ticketData['time'];
$ticket = $ticketData['ticket'];
if (!$ticketData || $isExpired) {
$ticket = $ticketData['ticket'];
$result = file_get_contents($tokenUrl);
$result = json_decode($result, true);
if (!$result || isset($result['errcode'])) {
'status' => false,
'msg' => '获取失败',
$accessToken = $result['access_token'];
$ticketUrl = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/ticket/getticket?access_token=' . $accessToken . '&type=jsapi';
$result = file_get_contents($ticketUrl);
$result = json_decode($result, true);
if (!$result || $result['errcode'] != 0) {
'status' => false,
'msg' => '获取失败',
$ticket = $result['ticket'];
file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . 'Data/wechat_ticket', json_encode(['ticket' => $ticket, 'expired_at' => time() + 3600]));
$randStr = 'aaabbbxeclsx';
$time = time();
$signStr = 'jsapi_ticket=' . $ticket . '&noncestr=' . $randStr . '&timestamp=' . $time . '&url=' . $url;
$sign = sha1($signStr);
'status' => true,
'msg' => '获取成功',
'data' => [
'sign' => $sign,
'randStr' => $randStr,
'time' => $time,
'appid' => $appid,
public function promitionofregestion()
// 旧版兼容
$gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')
->where(array('id' => intval($_GET['gid'])))
$RelationGameId = $gameData['relation_game_id'];
$gameSdkType = $gameData['sdk_version'];
$map['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = $RelationGameId;
$data = M('game', 'tab_')
->join('tab_apply ta ON ta.game_id = tab_game.id and ta.offline_status = 0 and ta.promote_id=' . intval($_GET['pid']))
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value['flooring_page_imgs'])) {
$data[$key]['flooring_page_imgs'] = explode(',', $value['flooring_page_imgs']);
$this->assign('data', $data);
$this->assign('gameSdkType', $gameSdkType);
public function landingPage()
$testKey = I('test_key', '');
$code = I('code', '');
$gameId = I('gid', 0);
$promoteId = I('pid', 0);
if ($code == '' && ($gameId == 0 || $promoteId == 0)) {
$identifier = $code != '' ? $code : 'gid/' . $gameId . '/pid/' . $promoteId;
$isBlack = M('device_bans', 'tab_')->where(['type' => 3, 'tag' => ['like', '%' . $identifier . '%']])->limit(1)->getField('id');
if ($isBlack) {
$applyService = new ApplyService();
if ($code != '') {
$data = $applyService->decodeApplyCode($code);
$result = $applyService->checkApplyCode($data, ApplyService::ENCRYPT_TYPE_LANDING_PAGE);
if (!$result['status']) {
$gameId = $data['game_id'];
$promoteId = $data['promote_id'];
$promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'parent_id', 'chain', 'level'])->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find();
if (!$promote) {
$promoteService = new PromoteService();
if (!$promoteService->checkPromoteLimitRule($promote)) {
$isWechat = Request::isWechat();
$isIOS = Request::isIOS() || Request::isIPadOS();
$isAndroid = Request::isAndroid();
$isIOS13 = Request::isIOS13();
if ($testKey != '') {
$tempDataDir = RUNTIME_PATH . 'Data';
if(!is_dir($tempDataDir)) {
$testStr = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' - ' . $testKey . ' - ' . Request::getUserAgent() . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($tempDataDir . '/langding_page.log', $testStr, FILE_APPEND);
$columns = [
$map = ['id' => intval($gameId)];
$game = M('game', 'tab_')->field($columns)->where($map)->find();
if ($game['sdk_version'] == 1 && $isIOS) {
$map = [];
$map['relation_game_id'] = $game['relation_game_id'];
$map['sdk_version'] = 2;
$game = M('game', 'tab_')->field($columns)->where($map)->find();
} elseif ($game['sdk_version'] == 2 && $isAndroid) {
$map = [];
$map['relation_game_id'] = $game['relation_game_id'];
$map['sdk_version'] = 1;
$game = M('game', 'tab_')->field($columns)->where($map)->find();
$apply = M('apply', 'tab_')->field(['game_id', 'enable_status', 'promote_id'])
->where(['promote_id' => $promoteId, 'game_id' => $game['id']])
if (!$apply) {
$game['icon'] = get_cover($game['icon'], 'path');
$gameSource = M('GameSource', 'tab_')->field(['create_time', 'org_plist_url', 'is_new_sdk'])->where(array('game_id' => $game['id']))->find();
$imageIds = explode(',', $game['flooring_page_imgs']) ?? [];
$imageUrls = [];
foreach ($imageIds as $imageId) {
$imageUrls[] = get_cover($imageId, 'path');
$game['flooring_page_imgs'] = $imageUrls;
$game['flooring_page_video_cover'] = get_cover($game['flooring_page_video_cover'], 'path');
$screenshotIds = explode(',', $game['screenshot']) ?? [];
$screenshotUrls = [];
foreach ($screenshotIds as $screenshotId) {
$screenshotUrls[] = get_cover($screenshotId, 'path');
$game['screenshot'] = $screenshotUrls;
$isNewIos = false;
if ($gameSource['is_new_sdk'] == 1) {
$isNewIos = true;
// 调试
// $isIOS = true;
$downloadUrl = '';
$applyService = new ApplyService();
$downloadDomain = $applyService->getDownloadDomain();
if (!$isNewIos && $isIOS13) {
$downloadUrl = 'itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=' . Request::getHost() . ltrim($gameSource['org_plist_url'], '.');
} else {
$downloadUrl = $applyService->getDownloadUrl($apply);
$serviceQQ = M("config", "sys_")->field('value')->where("name='APP_QQ'")->find()['value'];
$ssgUrl = $downloadDomain . '/mobile.php/Ssg/pay/game_id/' . $game['id'] . '/promote_id/' . $promoteId;
/* if(in_array($game['id'], [187, 188])) {
$game['relation_game_name'] = '游戏下载';
} */
$this->assign("serviceQQ", $serviceQQ);
$this->assign('isNewIos', $isNewIos);
$this->assign('downloadUrl', $downloadUrl);
$this->assign('isIOS13', $isIOS13);
$this->assign('isWechat', $isWechat);
$this->assign('isIOS', $isIOS);
$this->assign('isAndroid', $isAndroid);
$this->assign('apply', $apply);
$this->assign('game', $game);
$this->assign('promoteId', $promoteId);
$this->assign('ssgUrl', $ssgUrl);
$cur_url = base64_encode(base64_encode("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __SELF__));
$this->assign('cur_url', $cur_url);
if ($isIOS) {
} else {
private function get_device_type()
$agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$type = 'other';
if(strpos($agent, 'iphone') || strpos($agent, 'ipad'))
$type = 'ios';
if(strpos($agent, 'android'))
$type = 'android';
return $type;
public function iosDown()
$gameId = I('get.gid');
$promoteId = I('get.pid');
$status = I('get.status');
if (empty($gameId) || empty($promoteId)) {
$packageDownloadLogService = new PackageDownloadLogService();
'user_id' => 0,
'game_id' => $gameId,
'promote_id' => $promoteId,
'type' => 1,
if ($status == 1) {
$downLink = 'itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=' . "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . ltrim(M('GameSource', 'tab_')->where(array('game_id' => $gameId))->getField('org_plist_url'), '.');
} else {
$downLink = get_apply_dow_url($gameId, $promoteId);
$this->assign('downLink', $downLink);
* 推广链接(含投放)
* @author 鹿文学
public function promotionofregistration()
$map['relation_game_id'] = $_GET['gid'];
$map['ta.promote_id'] = $_GET['pid'];
$data = M('game', 'tab_')
->field('tab_game.id,tab_game.dow_icon,tab_game.back_map,tab_game.back_describe,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.dow_status,icon,screenshot,relation_game_id,relation_game_name,enable_status,ta.promote_id,ta.id as applyid,if(tab_game.sdk_version=1,ta.pack_url,ta.plist_url) as channel_url')
->where($map)->join('tab_apply ta ON ta.game_id=tab_game.id')->select();
if (empty($data)) {
$res = M('game', 'tab_')->find($_GET['gid']);
if ($res) {
$data = M('game', 'tab_')
->field('tab_game.id,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.dow_status,icon,screenshot,relation_game_id,relation_game_name,enable_status,ta.promote_id,ta.id as applyid,if(tab_game.sdk_version=1,ta.pack_url,ta.plist_url) as channel_url')
->where(['relation_game_id' => $res['relation_game_id']])->join('tab_apply ta ON ta.game_id=tab_game.id')->select();
$platform_id = $_GET['lid'];
$position = $_GET['p'] ? $_GET['p'] : 1;
if ($platform_id && $platform_id > 0) {
$launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
if ($v['applyid'] > 0) {
$launch = $launchmodel->field('launch_down_url,launch_plist_url')->where(['apply_id' => $v['applyid'], 'platform_id' => $platform_id, 'position' => $position])->find();
if ($v['sdk_version'] == 1) {
$data[$k]['launch'] = $launch['launch_down_url'];
} else {
$data[$k]['launch'] = $launch['launch_plist_url'];
$this->assign('platform_id', $platform_id);
$this->assign('position', $position);
$this->assign('is_launch', 1);
$this->assign('data', $data);
public function register()
$userApi = new MemberApi();
$id = $userApi->wap_register($_POST);
if ($id > 0) {
'status' => true,
'msg' => '注册成功'
} else {
'status' => false,
'msg' => '数据有误'
private function add_user_play($user = array())
$user_play = M("UserPlay", "tab_");
$map["game_id"] = $user["game_id"];
$map["user_id"] = $user["user_id"];
$map['sdk_version'] = $user['sdk_version'];
$res = $user_play->where($map)->find();
if (empty($res)) {
$user_entity = get_user_entity($user["user_id"]);
$data["user_id"] = $user["user_id"];
$data["user_account"] = $user_entity["account"];
$data["user_nickname"] = $user_entity["nickname"];
$data["game_id"] = $user["game_id"];
$data["game_appid"] = $user["game_appid"];
$data["game_name"] = get_game_name($user["game_id"]);
$data["server_id"] = 0;
$data["server_name"] = "";
$data["role_id"] = 0;
$data['parent_id'] = $user_entity["parent_id"];
$data['parent_name'] = $user_entity["parent_name"];
$data["role_name"] = "";
$data["role_level"] = 0;
$data["bind_balance"] = 0;
$data["promote_id"] = $user_entity["promote_id"];
$data["promote_account"] = $user_entity["promote_account"];
$data['play_time'] = time();
$data['play_ip'] = get_client_ip();
$data["sdk_version"] = $user["sdk_version"];
$data['ppuid'] = $user['puid'] == '' ? 0 : $user['puid'];
$data['check_time'] = time();