<?php namespace Admin\Controller; use User\Api\UserApi; /** * 结算单 * @author ylw */ class WorkOrderController extends ThinkController { public function list($row = 10, $p = 1) { $map = []; $map['_string'] = " status <> 2 "; if (I('order_no')) { $map['_string'] .= ' and order_no like "'.I('order_no').'%"'; } if (I('user_account')) { $map['_string'] .= ' and user_account like "%'.I('user_account').'%"'; } if (I('attachment_type', '')) { if (I('attachment_type') == 1) { $map['_string'] .= ' and attachment_url <> ""'; } else { $map['_string'] .= ' and attachment_url = ""'; } } if (I('server_id')) { $map['server_id'] = I('server_id'); } if (I('handler_id')) { $map['handler_id'] = I('handler_id'); } if (I('game_id')) { $map['game_id'] = I('game_id'); } if (I('type')) { $map['type'] = I('type'); } if (I('score')) { $map['score'] = I('score'); } if (I('status')) { $map['status'] = I('status'); } if (isset($_GET['created_time_start'])) { $map['_string'] .= " and created_time >= " . strtotime($_GET['created_time_start']); } if (isset($_GET['created_time_end'])) { $map['_string'] .= " and created_time < " . (strtotime($_GET['created_time_end']) + 86400); } $list = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where($map)->page($p, $row)->order("status desc, created_time desc")->select(); $count = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where($map)->count(); if ($list) { foreach ($list as &$item) { $item['status_desc'] = $this->getOrderStatus($item['status']); } } $this->checkListOrCountAuthRestMap($map,[]); $page = set_pagination($count, $row); if ($page) { $this->assign('_page', $page); } $this->assign('admin_users', M('member')->where(['status'=>1])->field('uid, nickname')->select()); $this->assign('list_data', $list); $this->display('list'); } public function store() { if (IS_POST) { // 存储 $data['game_id'] = I('game_id'); $data['game_name'] = I('game_name'); $data['server_id'] = I('server_id'); $data['server_name'] = I('server_name'); $data['type'] = I('type'); $data['creator_id'] = is_login(); if (empty($data['game_id']) || empty($data['server_id'])) { $this->error('请选择游戏及区服'); } $data['created_time'] = time(); switch (I('type')) { case 1: // 资源工单 // 如果不是附件形式 $User = new UserApi; $user_accounts = I('user_accounts'); $passwords = I('user_passwords'); if (count($user_accounts) == 1 && (empty($user_accounts[0]) && empty($passwords[0])) && empty(I('attachment_url'))) { $this->error('请填写工单内容'); } M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->startTrans(); //事物 if (!empty($user_accounts[0])) { for ($i = 0; $i<sizeof($user_accounts); $i++) { $user = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['account'=>$user_accounts[$i]])->find(); if (empty($user)) {M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->rollback(); $this->error($user_accounts[$i]."账号不存在");} if ($this->think_ucenter_md5($passwords[$i], UC_AUTH_KEY) != $user['password']) {M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->rollback(); $this->error(sprintf('%s 密码错误', $user_accounts[$i]));} $info = $data; $info['user_account'] = $user_accounts[$i]; $info['remark'] = I('remarks')[$i]; $info['role_name'] = I('role_names')[$i]; $info['resource_num'] = I('apply_resources')[$i]; $info['order_no'] = $info['type'] . date('YmdHis'). $i. rand(10, 99) . $info['creator_id']; //$info['handler_id'] = $info['creator_id']; $ins = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->add($info); if (!$ins) {M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->rollback(); $this->error("创建失败");} } } if (!empty(I('attachment_url', ''))) { // 添加一条附件信息 $attachement_info = $data; $attachement_info['attachment_url'] = I('attachment_url', ''); //$attachement_info['handler_id'] = $attachement_info['creator_id']; $attachement_info['order_no'] = $attachement_info['type'] . date('YmdHis'). rand(100, 999) . $attachement_info['creator_id']; $ins = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->add($attachement_info); if (!$ins) {M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->rollback(); $this->error("创建失败");} } M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->commit(); return $this->success('创建工单成功', U('WorkOrder/list')); break; case 2: // 反馈工单 $data['order_no'] = $data['type'] . date('YmdHis'). rand(100, 999) . is_login(); if (empty(I('user_account')) || empty(I('role_name')) || empty(I('feedback'))) { $this->error('请填写必填的数据'); } // if (empty('handler_id')) { // $this->error('请选择处理人'); // } $user = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['account'=>I('user_account')])->find(); if (empty($user)) $this->error("账号不存在"); $data['attachment_url'] = I('attachment_url', ''); $data['user_account'] = I('user_account'); $data['role_name'] = I('role_name'); $data['feedback'] = I('feedback'); //$data['handler_id'] = I('handler_id'); $data['remark'] = I('remark', ''); $data['process_log'] = json_encode([['title'=>sprintf('%s于 %s 创建了工单%s,工单状态处理中。', get_admin_name($data['creator_id']), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $data['order_no']), 'type'=>1]]); $ins = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->add($data); return $ins ? $this->success('创建工单成功', U('WorkOrder/list')) : $this->error('创建失败'); break; default: $this->error('错误的工单类型'); } } else { $this->assign('admin_users', M('member')->where(['status'=>1])->field('uid, nickname')->select()); $this->display('store'); } } public function modify($id=0) { $info = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if (empty($info)) $this->error('未找到该资源'); if (IS_POST) { $data['game_id'] = I('game_id'); $data['game_name'] = I('game_name'); $data['server_id'] = I('server_id'); $data['server_name'] = I('server_name'); $data['attachment_url'] = I('attachment_url', ''); if (empty($data['game_id']) || empty($data['server_id'])) { $this->error('请选择游戏及区服'); } switch($info['type']) { case 1: $data = array_merge(I('resource'), $data); if (!empty($info['attachment_url']) && empty($data['attachment_url'])) $this->error('请上传附件'); if (empty($info['attachment_url'])) { $user = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['account'=>$data['user_account']])->find(); if (empty($user)) $this->error("账号不存在"); if ($this->think_ucenter_md5($data['user_password'], UC_AUTH_KEY) != $user['password']) $this->error(sprintf('%s 密码错误', $user_accounts[$i])); unset($data['user_password']); } $upt = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data); return $upt ? $this->success('更新成功', U('WorkOrder/list')) : $this->error('更新失败'); break; case 2: $data = array_merge(I('feedback'), $data); $user = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['account'=>$data['user_account']])->find(); if (empty($user)) $this->error("账号不存在{$data['user_account']}"); $log = $this->modifyProcessLog($info, $data); if ($log) { $process_log = json_decode($info['process_log'], true) ?: []; $log = ['title'=>sprintf("%s于%s 修改了工单%s内容", get_admin_name(is_login()), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $info['order_no']), 'detail'=>$log, 'type'=>2]; $data['process_log'] = json_encode(array_merge($process_log, [$log])); } $upt = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data); return $upt ? $this->success('更新成功', U('WorkOrder/list')) : $this->error('更新失败'); break; default: $this->error('错误的工单类型'); } } else { $info['process_log'] = json_decode($info['process_log'], true); $this->assign('data', $info); $this->assign('admin_users', M('member')->where(['status'=>1])->field('uid, nickname')->select()); $this->display('modify'); } } private function modifyProcessLog($oldData, $newData) { $key = ['game_name'=>'游戏名称', 'server_name'=>'区服名称', 'role_name'=>'角色名称', 'user_account'=>'玩家账号', 'feedback'=>'反馈原因', 'handler_id'=>'接单人员', 'remark'=>'备注', 'status'=>'状态', 'attachment_url'=>'附件']; $log = []; foreach ($newData as $k => $v) { if (array_key_exists($k, $oldData) && array_key_exists($k, $key) && $oldData[$k] != $newData[$k]) { if ($k == 'handler_id') { $log[] = ['key_name'=>$key[$k], 'key'=>$k, 'old'=>get_admin_name($oldData[$k]), 'new'=>get_admin_name($newData[$k])]; } else if ($k == 'status') { $log[] = ['key_name'=>$key[$k], 'key'=>$k, 'old'=>$this->getOrderStatus($oldData[$k]), 'new'=>$this->getOrderStatus($newData[$k])]; } else { $log[] = ['key_name'=>$key[$k], 'key'=>$k, 'old'=>$oldData[$k], 'new'=>$newData[$k]]; } } } return $log; } private function getOrderStatus($status) { switch($status) { case 1: return '完成'; case 2: return '失败'; case 3: return '处理中'; default: return '未知'; } } /** * 系统非常规MD5加密方法 * @param string $str 要加密的字符串 * @return string */ public function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){ return '' === $str ? '' : md5(sha1($str) . $key); } public function resourceApply($id=0) { $info = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if (empty($info)) $this->error('未找到该资源'); if ($info['type'] != 1) $this->error('错误的订单类型'); if (IS_POST) { if (!empty($info['attachment_url'])) { if (!I('attachment_url')) $this->error('请上传附件'); } else { if (!I('resource_num')) $this->error('请填写申请资源数量'); } $data['creator_id'] = is_login(); $data['created_time'] = time(); $data['type'] = $info['type']; $data['server_id'] = $info['server_id']; $data['server_name'] = $info['server_name']; $data['game_id'] = $info['game_id']; $data['game_name'] = $info['game_name']; $data['role_name'] = $info['role_name']; $data['user_account'] = $info['user_account']; $data['order_no'] = $info['type'] . date('YmdHis', $data['created_time']). rand(100, 999) . $data['creator_id']; $data['resource_num'] = I('resource_num', 0); $data['remark'] = I('remark', ''); $data['attachment_url'] = I('attachment_url', ''); $ins = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->add($data); return $ins ? $this->success('申请成功', U('WorkOrder/list')) : $this->error('申请失败'); } else { $this->assign('data', $info); $this->display('resourceApply'); } } // 反馈进度存储 public function feedbackProcessLogStore($id=0) { $info = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if (empty($info)) $this->error('未找到该资源'); $info['process_log'] = json_decode($info['process_log'], true); if ($info['type'] != 2) $this->error('错误的订单类型'); if (IS_POST) { $log = [['type'=>3, 'title'=>sprintf('%s于 %s 更新了工单%s进度,工单状态%s', get_admin_name(is_login()), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $info['order_no'], $this->getOrderStatus($info['status'])), 'detail'=>I('process_log')]]; $upt = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save(['process_log'=>json_encode(array_merge($info['process_log'], $log))]); return $upt ? $this->success('更新进度成功', U('WorkOrder/list')) : $this->error('更新进度失败'); } else { $this->assign('data', $info); $this->display('feedbackProcessLogStore'); } } // 评价 public function evaluate($id=0) { $info = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if (empty($info)) $this->error('未找到该资源'); if (IS_POST) { if (empty(I('evaluate_content'))) $this->error('请填写评价内容'); $data['score'] = I('evaluate', 5); $info['process_log'] = json_decode($info['process_log'], true); $log = [['type'=>3, 'title'=>sprintf('%s于 %s 评价了工单%s为%s分,工单状态%s', get_admin_name(is_login()), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $info['order_no'], $data['score'], $this->getOrderStatus($info['status'])), 'detail'=>I('evaluate_content')]]; $data['process_log'] = json_encode(array_merge($info['process_log'], $log)); $upt = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data); return $upt ? $this->success('评价成功', U('WorkOrder/list')) : $this->error('评价失败'); } else { $this->assign('data', $info); $this->display('feedbackEvaluate'); } } // 删除 public function delete($ids) { $delete = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>['in', $ids]])->delete(); return $delete ? $this->success('删除成功') : $this->error('删除失败'); } public function finish($id) { $info = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if (empty($info)) $this->error('未找到该资源'); $info['process_log'] = json_decode($info['process_log'], true); $log = [['type'=>1, 'title'=>sprintf('%s于 %s 完成了工单%s,工单状态完成', get_admin_name(is_login()), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $info['order_no'])]]; $data['process_log'] = json_encode(array_merge($info['process_log'], $log)); $data['status'] = 1; $delete = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data); return $delete ? $this->success('成功完成工单') : $this->error('更新失败'); } public function take($id) { $info = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if (empty($info)) $this->error('未找到该资源'); $userid = is_login(); if ($info['status'] == 1) { $this->error('工单已完成'); } if (!empty($info['handler_id'])) { if ($info['handler_id'] != $userid) { $this->error('工单已被他人领取'); } else { $this->error('请勿重复领取工单'); } } if ($info['type'] == 2) { $process_log = json_decode($info['process_log'], true) ?: []; $log = ['title'=>sprintf("%s于%s 接取了工单%s", get_admin_name(is_login()), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $info['order_no']), 'detail'=>$log, 'type'=>2]; $data['process_log'] = json_encode(array_merge($process_log, [$log])); } $data['handler_id'] = $userid; $upt = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data); return $upt ? $this->success('成功接取工单') : $this->error('接单失败'); } public function statistics($row = 10, $p = 1) { $limit = ($p-1)*$row . ", {$row}"; $order = ''; if ($_REQUEST['data_order'] != '') { $data_order = reset(explode(',', $_REQUEST['data_order'])); $data_order_type = end(explode(',', $_REQUEST['data_order'])); $this->assign('userarpu_order', $data_order); $this->assign('userarpu_order_type', $data_order_type); $order = 'order by ' . $data_order_type . " " . ($data_order == 3 ? 'desc' : 'asc'); } $map = '1=1'; if (!empty(I('nickname'))) { $map .= " and t.nickname = '" . I('nickname') . "'"; } // 获取所有传单或者接单用户id $userids = M('work_order_info', 'tab_') ->field("concat(creator_id, ',', handler_id) as userid") ->join('sys_member as t on creator_id = t.uid or handler_id = t.uid') ->where($map) ->select(); if (empty($userids)) { $list = []; $count = 0; } else { $userids = implode(',', array_unique(array_filter(explode(',', implode(',', array_column($userids, 'userid')))))); $count = count($userids); $list = M('work_order_info', 'tab_')->query("SELECT t.id, t.nickname, sum(total_create_count) as total_create_count, sum(total_accepted_count) as total_accepted_count, sum(total_handle_count) as total_handle_count, sum(total_complete_count) as total_complete_count FROM ( SELECT u.uid as id, u.nickname, count(*) AS total_create_count, count( IF (i.`handler_id` > 0, 1, NULL) ) AS total_accepted_count, NULL AS total_handle_count, NULL AS total_complete_count FROM sys_member u JOIN tab_work_order_info i ON i.creator_id = u.uid WHERE u.uid in ({$userids}) GROUP BY u.uid UNION SELECT u.uid as id, u.nickname, NULL AS total_create_count, NULL AS total_accepted_count, count(*) AS total_handle_count, count(IF(i.`status` = 1, 1, NULL)) AS total_complete_count FROM sys_member u JOIN tab_work_order_info i ON i.handler_id = u.uid WHERE u.uid in ({$userids}) GROUP BY u.uid ) AS t where {$map} GROUP BY t.id $order limit {$limit}"); } $this->checkListOrCountAuthRestMap($map,[]); $page = set_pagination($count, $row); if ($page) { $this->assign('_page', $page); } $this->assign('list_data', $list); $this->display('statistics'); } }