<?php namespace Home\Controller; use Think\Controller; use App\Model\GameModel; /** * 后台首页控制器 * @author 麦当苗儿 <zuojiazi@vip.qq.com> */ class DownController extends Controller { public function down_error($message=''){ $this->assign("message",$message); $this->display(); } public function down_file($game_id=0,$promote_id=0){ // 旧版兼容 A('Download')->index(); die(); $applyModel = M('Apply','tab_'); $map['status'] = 1; $map['enable_status'] = 1; $data = $applyModel ->field('game_id,tab_apply.game_name,promote_id,promote_account,relation_game_id,pack_url,plist_url,`status`,enable_status,tab_apply.sdk_version') ->join("tab_game ON tab_apply.game_id = tab_game.id AND promote_id = $promote_id AND game_id = $game_id ") ->where($map) ->find(); $system_type = 1; if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone')||strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPad')){ $system_type = 2; } $gamemodel = new GameModel(); $source = $gamemodel->getGameDownInfo($game_id); $pack_url = $this->package($source['packet'],$promote_id); M('Game','tab_')->where('id='.$data['game_id'])->setInc('dow_num'); if(is_mobile_request()){ if($data['sdk_version'] == 1 && get_devices_type()==2)$this->redirect("Down/down_error",array('message'=>"请使用安卓浏览器下载")); // if($data['sdk_version'] == 1 && is_weixin()) $this->redirect("Down/down_error",array('message'=>"请使用安卓浏览器下载")); if($data['sdk_version'] == 2 && get_devices_type()==1)$this->redirect("Down/down_error",array('message'=>"请使用ios浏览器下载")); } switch ($data['sdk_version']) { case 1: if(!empty($pack_url)){ if(preg_match("/oss/", $pack_url)){ $url=str_replace('-internal', '', $pack_url); echo "<script>window.location.href='$url';</script>"; }elseif(preg_match("/clouddn/", $pack_url)){ $url = "http://".$pack_url; redirect($url); }elseif(preg_match("/myqcloud/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }elseif(preg_match("/bcebos/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }else{ if (!file_exists($pack_url)){ $this->error('文件不存在哦 亲!'); }else{ redirect("http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].ltrim($pack_url,'.')); } } }else{ $this->error('原包地址不存在'); } break; default: switch ($system_type) { case 1: if(!empty($pack_url)){ if(preg_match("/oss/", $pack_url)){ $url=str_replace('-internal', '', $pack_url); echo "<script>window.location.href='$url';</script>"; }elseif(preg_match("/clouddn/", $pack_url)){ $url = "http://".$pack_url; redirect($url); }elseif(preg_match("/myqcloud/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }elseif(preg_match("/bcebos/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }else{ $this->down($pack_url); } }else{ $this->error('原包地址不存在'); } break; default: $plist_url = substr($data['plist_url'],'1',strlen($data['plist_url'])); Header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); Header("Location: "."itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url="."https://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/".$plist_url); break; } break; } } /** * 投放包下载 * @param * @author 鹿文学 */ public function launch_down_file($game_id=0,$promote_id=0,$platform_id=0,$position=1) { /* 检查游戏是否存在 */ //$game = M('game','tab_')->field('id,game_name')->where(['id'=>$game_id])->find(); //if(!is_array($game)) {$this->error('游戏不存在');} /* 检查渠道包是否存在或更改 */ $applymodel = M('apply','tab_'); $apply = $applymodel->field('id,sdk_version,pack_url,plist_url') ->where(['game_id'=>$game_id,'promote_id'=>$promote_id])->find(); //if(!is_array($apply)) {$this->error('渠道不存在');} $launchmodel = M('apply_launch','tab_'); $map = array( 'platform_id'=>$platform_id, 'apply_id'=>$apply['id'], 'position'=>$position, ); $launch = $launchmodel->where($map)->find(); //if(!is_array($launch)) {$this->error('游戏包不存在');} /* 检查原包是否存在或更改 */ $gamesource = M('game_source','tab_')->field('id,file_name,source_version')->where(['game_id'=>$game_id])->find(); if(!is_array($gamesource)) {$this->error('文件不存在哦');} if($gamesource['file_name'] == $launch['game_source_filename']) { $system_type = 1; if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone')||strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPad')){ $system_type = 2; } $pack_url = $launch['launch_down_url']; M('Game','tab_')->where(['id'=>$game_id])->setInc('dow_num'); if(is_mobile_request()){ if($apply['sdk_version'] == 1 && get_devices_type()==2)$this->redirect("Down/down_error",array('message'=>"请使用安卓浏览器下载")); if($apply['sdk_version'] == 1 && is_weixin())$this->redirect("Home/promotionofregistration",array('pid'=>$promote_id,'gid'=>$game_id,'lid'=>$platform_id,'p'=>$position,'message'=>"请使用安卓浏览器下载")); if($apply['sdk_version'] == 2 && get_devices_type()==1)$this->redirect("Down/down_error",array('message'=>"请使用ios浏览器下载")); } switch ($apply['sdk_version']) { case 1: if(!empty($pack_url)){ if(preg_match("/oss/", $pack_url)){ $url=str_replace('-internal', '', $pack_url); echo "<script>window.location.href='$url';</script>"; }elseif(preg_match("/clouddn/", $pack_url)){ $url = "http://".$pack_url; redirect($url); }elseif(preg_match("/myqcloud/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }elseif(preg_match("/bcebos/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }else{ $url = ROOTTT . substr($pack_url,stripos($pack_url,'uploads')); if (!file_exists($url)){ $this->error('文件不存在哦 亲!'); }else{ redirect($pack_url); } } }else{ $this->error('原包地址不存在'); } break; default: switch ($system_type) { case 1: if(!empty($pack_url)){ if(preg_match("/oss/", $pack_url)){ $url=str_replace('-internal', '', $pack_url); echo "<script>window.location.href='$url';</script>"; }elseif(preg_match("/clouddn/", $pack_url)){ $url = "http://".$pack_url; redirect($url); }elseif(preg_match("/myqcloud/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }elseif(preg_match("/bcebos/", $pack_url)){ redirect($pack_url); }else{ $this->down($pack_url); } }else{ $this->error('原包地址不存在'); } break; default: $plist_url = $launch['launch_plist_url']; if(stripos($plist_url,'https://') === false) { $plist_url = 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace('./','/',$plist_url); } Header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); Header("Location: "."itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=".$plist_url); break; } break; } } else { $applymodel->where(['id'=>$apply['id']])->setField('enable_status',2); $this->error('游戏正在打包,请稍候'); } } public function media_down_file($game_id=0,$type=1){ $model = M('Game','tab_'); $map['tab_game.id'] = $game_id; $map['file_type'] = $type; $data = $model ->field('tab_game_source.*,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.add_game_address,tab_game.ios_game_address') ->join("left join tab_game_source on tab_game.id = tab_game_source.game_id")->where($map)->find(); if($type==1){ if($data['file_url']!=''||!varify_url($data['add_game_address'])){ $this->down($data['file_url']); } else{ Header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); Header("Location: ".$data['add_game_address']); } }else{ if($data['file_url']!=''||!varify_url($data['ios_game_address'])){ $this->down($data['file_url']); } else{ Header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); Header("Location: ".$data['ios_game_address']); } } } public function down($file, $isLarge = false, $rename = NULL) { if(headers_sent())return false; if(!$file) { $this->error('文件不存在哦 亲!'); } if($rename==NULL){ if(strpos($file, '/')===false && strpos($file, '\\')===false) $filename = $file; else{ $filename = basename($file); } }else{ $filename = $rename; } header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header("Content-Type: application/force-download;"); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($file));//$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. header("Pragma: no-cache"); //不缓存页面 ob_clean(); flush(); if($isLarge) self::readfileChunked($file); else readfile($file); } public function down_material($game_id){ $map['status'] = 1; $game = M("game",'tab_')->where($map)->find($game_id); $material = $game['material_url']; if(file_exists($material) && is_file($material)){ clearstatcache(); $this->down($material); }else{ clearstatcache(); $this->error('下载地址错误'); } } /** * 安卓打包渠道信息 * @param $source_info 原包信息 * @param $promote_id * @return string * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com */ public function package($source_info, $promote_id) { $file_path = $source_info['file_url']; //验证原包是否存在 if (!varify_url($file_path)) { $this->error("未上传原包"); } else { $result = M('apply', 'tab_') ->alias('a') ->field('id, pack_url, plist_url') ->where(['a.game_id'=>$source_info['game_id'],'a.promote_id'=>$promote_id]) ->find(); if(empty($result)) { $this->error('此游戏不存在'); } if(GameModel::ANDROID == $source_info['sdk_version']){ if(varify_url($result['pack_url'])) { return $result['pack_url']; } }elseif(GameModel::IOS == $source_info['sdk_version']){ if(varify_url($result['plist_url'])) { return $result['plist_url']; } }else{ $this->error('游戏版本错误'); } $zip = new \ZipArchive(); if ($source_info['sdk_version'] == 1) { $str_ver = ".apk"; $file_name = "GamePack"; $url_ver = "META-INF/mch.properties"; } else { $zip_open_game_source = zip_open(get_game_source_file_url($source_info['game_id'])); if ($zip_open_game_source) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip_open_game_source)) { if (preg_match("/.app/", zip_entry_name($zip_entry))) { $ios_app = substr(zip_entry_name($zip_entry), 8) . "<br/>"; } $new_ios_1 = explode("/", $ios_app); } zip_close($zip_open_game_source); } $str_ver = ".ipa"; $file_name = "IosGamePack"; $url_ver = "Payload/" . $new_ios_1[0] . "/_CodeSignature/TXChannel"; } $new_name = "game_package" . $source_info['game_id'] . "-" . $promote_id . $str_ver; $to = "./Uploads/" . $file_name . "/" . $new_name; copy(get_game_source_file_url($source_info['game_id']), ROOTTT . ltrim($to, './')); $zip_res = $zip -> open(ROOTTT . ltrim($to, './'), \ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($zip_res == true) { #打包数据 $pack_data = array( "game_id" => $source_info["game_id"], "game_name" => $source_info['game_name'], "game_appid" => get_game_appid($source_info["game_id"], "id"), "promote_id" => $promote_id, "promote_account" => get_promote_account($promote_id), "source_version" => $source_info['source_version'], ); $zip -> addFromString($url_ver, json_encode($pack_data)); $zip->close(); $newname = $new_name; if (get_tool_status("oss_storage") == 1) { if (C("oss_storage.is_cname")) { $to = "http://" . C("oss_storage.domain") . "/" . str_replace("IosGamePack", "GamePack", $file_name) . "/" . $newname; } else { $to = "https://" . C("oss_storage.bucket") . "." . C("oss_storage.domain") . "/" . str_replace("IosGamePack", "GamePack", $file_name) . "/" . $newname; $to = str_replace('-internal', '', $to); } if (!empty(C('oss_storage.bd_domain')) && strlen(C('oss_storage.bd_domain')) > 5) { $to = C('oss_storage.bd_domain') . "/GamePack/" . $newname; } $new_to = ROOTTT . "Uploads/" . $file_name . "/" . $newname; $updata['savename'] = $newname; $updata['path'] = $new_to; $this -> upload_game_pak_oss($updata); @unlink($new_to); } elseif (get_tool_status("cos_storage") == 1) { $new_to = ROOTTT . "Uploads/" . $file_name . "/" . $newname; $updata['path'] = $new_to; $updata['savename'] = 'GamePack/'. $newname; $to = $this->upload_cos($updata); } $promote = array('game_id' => $source_info['game_id'], 'promote_id' => $promote_id); $plist_url = ''; if ($source_info['sdk_version'] == 2) { $plist_url = $this -> create_plist($promote['game_id'], $promote['promote_id'], get_payload_name($source_info['game_id']), $to); } $jieguo = $this -> updateinfo($result['id'], $to, $promote, $plist_url); if ($source_info['sdk_version'] == 2) { return $plist_url; }else{ return $to; } } return $to; } } /** *上传到OSS */ public function upload_game_pak_oss($return_data = null) { /** * 根据Config配置,得到一个OssClient实例 */ try { Vendor('OSS.autoload'); $ossClient = new \OSS\OssClient(C("oss_storage.accesskeyid"), C("oss_storage.accesskeysecr"), C("oss_storage.domain")); } catch (OssException $e) { $this -> error($e -> getMessage()); } $bucket = C('oss_storage.bucket'); // if(preg_match('/.apk/',$return_data['savename']) ){ $oss_name = "GamePack"; // }else{ // $oss_name="IosGamePack"; // } $oss_file_path = $oss_name . "/" . $return_data["savename"]; $avatar = $return_data["path"]; try { $this -> multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket, $oss_file_path, $avatar); return true; } catch (OssException $e) { /* 返回JSON数据 */ $this -> error($e -> getMessage()); } } /** * 腾讯云上传 * * @param null $data * * @return mixed * * @author: 鹿文学[lwx]<fyj301415926@126.com> * @since: 2019\4\18 0018 17:40 */ public function upload_cos($data=null) { Vendor('COS5.vendor.autoload'); $schema=C("cos_storage.schema")?:"https"; $secretId = C("cos_storage.SecretId"); //"云 API 密钥 SecretId"; $secretKey = C("cos_storage.SecretKey"); //"云 API 密钥 SecretKey"; $region = C("cos_storage.domain"); //设置一个默认的存储桶地域 $cosClient = new \Qcloud\Cos\Client( array( 'region' => $region, 'schema' => $schema, //协议头部,默认为http 'credentials'=> array( 'secretId' => $secretId , 'secretKey' => $secretKey ) ) ); $bucket = C("cos_storage.bucket"); //存储桶名称 格式:BucketName-APPID $key = $data['savename']; $srcPath = $data["path"];//本地文件绝对路径 try { $result = $cosClient->Upload( $bucket = $bucket, $key = $key, $body = fopen($srcPath, 'rb') ); $location = $result['Location']; if(!preg_match('/^(http)|(https)/', $location)) { $result['Location'] = 'https://' . $result['Location']; } return $result['Location']; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } } public function create_plist($game_id = 0, $promote_id = 0, $marking = "", $url = "", $platform_id = 0, $position=1) { $find_web_stie = M('config') -> field('value') -> where(['name' => 'WEB_SITE']) -> find(); $xml = new \DOMDocument(); $xml -> load(ROOTTT . 'Uploads/Plist/testdemo.Plist'); $online = $xml -> getElementsByTagName('dict');//查找节点 $asd = $online -> item(1) -> getElementsByTagName('string');//第二个节点下所有string foreach ($asd as $key => $value) { switch ($value -> textContent) { case 'ipa_url': if (preg_match("/Uploads/", $url)) { $value -> nodeValue = "https://" . $find_web_stie['value'] . ltrim($url, ".");//"https://iosdemo.vlcms.com/app/MCHSecretary.ipa";//替换xml对应的值 } else { $value -> nodeValue = $url; } break; case 'icon': $icon_url = get_cover(get_game_icon_id($game_id), 'path', 2); if (preg_match("/http/", $icon_url)) { $value -> nodeValue = $icon_url; } else { $value -> nodeValue = "https://" . $find_web_stie['value'] . $icon_url; } break; case 'com.dell': $value -> nodeValue = $marking; break; case '1.0.0': $value -> nodeValue = game_version($game_id); break; case 'mchdemo': $value -> nodeValue = get_ios_game_name($game_id); break; } if ($promote_id == 0) { $xml -> save(ROOTTT . "Uploads/SourcePlist/$game_id.Plist"); } elseif ($platform_id > 0) { $ppname = $game_id . "-" . $promote_id . "-" . $platform_id . "-" .$position; $xml -> save(ROOTTT . "Uploads/GamePlist/$ppname.Plist"); } else { $pname = $game_id . "-" . $promote_id; $xml -> save(ROOTTT . "Uploads/GamePlist/$pname.Plist"); } } if ($promote_id == 0) { return "./Uploads/SourcePlist/$game_id.Plist"; } elseif ($platform_id > 0) { $ppname = $game_id . "-" . $promote_id . "-" . $platform_id . "-" . $position; return "./Uploads/GamePlist/$ppname.Plist"; } else { return "./Uploads/GamePlist/$pname.Plist"; } } public function multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket, $url, $file) { //$file = __FILE__; $options = array(); try { #初始化分片上传文件 $uploadId = $ossClient -> initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $url); //$ossClient->multiuploadFile($bucket, $url, $file, $options); } catch (OssException $e) { printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": initiateMultipartUpload FAILED\n"); printf($e -> getMessage() . "\n"); return; } /* * step 2. 上传分片 */ $partSize = 5 * 1000 * 1024; $uploadFile = $file; $uploadFileSize = filesize($uploadFile); $pieces = $ossClient -> generateMultiuploadParts($uploadFileSize, $partSize); $responseUploadPart = array(); $uploadPosition = 0; $isCheckMd5 = true; foreach ($pieces as $i => $piece) { $fromPos = $uploadPosition + (integer) $piece[$ossClient ::OSS_SEEK_TO]; $toPos = (integer) $piece[$ossClient ::OSS_LENGTH] + $fromPos - 1; $upOptions = array( $ossClient ::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD => $uploadFile, $ossClient ::OSS_PART_NUM => ($i + 1), $ossClient ::OSS_SEEK_TO => $fromPos, $ossClient ::OSS_LENGTH => $toPos - $fromPos + 1, $ossClient ::OSS_CHECK_MD5 => $isCheckMd5, ); if ($isCheckMd5) { $contentMd5 = \OSS\Core\OssUtil ::getMd5SumForFile($uploadFile, $fromPos, $toPos); $upOptions[$ossClient ::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $contentMd5; } //2. 将每一分片上传到OSS try { $responseUploadPart[] = $ossClient -> uploadPart($bucket, $url, $uploadId, $upOptions); } catch (OssException $e) { printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": initiateMultipartUpload, uploadPart - part#{$i} FAILED\n"); printf($e -> getMessage() . "\n"); return; } } $uploadParts = array(); foreach ($responseUploadPart as $i => $eTag) { $uploadParts[] = array( 'PartNumber' => ($i + 1), 'ETag' => $eTag, ); } /** * step 3. 完成上传 */ try { $ossClient -> completeMultipartUpload($bucket, $url, $uploadId, $uploadParts); } catch (OssException $e) { printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": completeMultipartUpload FAILED\n"); printf($e -> getMessage() . "\n"); return; } } /** *修改申请信息 */ public function updateinfo($id, $pack_url, $promote, $plist_url) { $model = M('Apply', "tab_"); $data['id'] = $id; $data['pack_url'] = $pack_url; $data['dow_url'] = '/index.php?s=/Home/Down/down_file/game_id/' . $promote['game_id'] . '/promote_id/' . $promote['promote_id']; $data['dow_status'] = 1; $data['enable_status'] = 1; $data['plist_url'] = $plist_url; $res = $model -> save($data); return $res; } }