Commit Graph

4530 Commits (82bd30c4d4bb7a5d2c6cdaebfcbaf9a13829b606)

Author SHA1 Message Date
廖金灵 82bd30c4d4 Merge branch 'hotfix/guanwang_beian' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi 3c8289f382 优化链接打开方式
chenzhi 9ff62b1648 新增备案跳转
廖金灵 5f6bc934a9 Merge branch 'hotfix/apply_game' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF c4b03c2a7d 修改添加下級游戲無法顯示推廣員bug
廖金灵 e885a75d1d Merge branch 'fix/member_user_info' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi ccaa9d3a78 优化公会游戏统计sql
chenzhi 381327ae21 优化游戏统计
chenzhi a33bf22e52 优化弹框
chenzhi a69ef9e118 优化公会统计平台币内充详情不符问题
chenzhi 76cd530239 优化获取子渠道基函数
chenzhi 27d4e7835d 优化公会统计索引1
廖金灵 9b6d2a72d9 Merge branch 'fix/member_user_info' of wmtx/platform into release
廖金灵 f849d7c14b Merge branch 'feature/fix_divide_warn' of wmtx/platform into release
yulingwei cf0762cb9c upt
yulingwei 315ebb2152 upt
chenzhi 45cad05508 优化用户列表统计数据
廖金灵 45184a3a83 Merge branch 'hotfix/recordPromoteLog' of wmtx/platform into master
廖金灵 0fdd3842d0 Merge branch 'hotfix/recordPromoteLog' of wmtx/platform into release
sunke 0c0b2d2f01 record_PromoteLogs热修复
chenzhi 44afe1f65d 优化玩家列表统计方式及回退去重功能
廖金灵 830552f12a Merge branch 'release' of wmtx/platform into master
sunke 31ac6f0a1a 推广后台财务管理退回导出设备版本
sunke 389ef7e967 bug修复
廖金灵 0eec86139a Merge branch 'release' of wmtx/platform into master
ELF b81842e6e0 解决冲突
zhengyongxing 48239c0f13 测试订单bug修改
ELF 9e82faf6f3 关闭后台操作日志
sunke 56627b75be 支付渠道优化
sunke 098c63d63d 支付渠道优化
zhengyongxing 55ad393efb 支付渠道添加索引
zhengyongxing 141bdf561a 支付渠道添加索引
sunke f980de770e 支付渠道统计
sunke 2ecb05d924 支付渠道统计
zhengyongxing 2ff97a4f41 Merge branch 'feature/user_repeat' into release
zhengyongxing e32be1bb57 测试资源权限去除
zhengyongxing 02b6db4aac Merge branch 'release' of into release
zhengyongxing 71751034b0 Merge branch 'feature/user_repeat' into release
zhengyongxing 458aea9c2a 测试资源bug修正
sunke 1ad2c21246 新增管理后台测试订单导出功能
sunke 3edb0640ed 新增管理后台测试订单导出功能
chenzhi 0344471659 Merge branch 'feature/operation_log' of into release
chenzhi cfbbf8e76b 优化默认公司名称为海南万盟天下科技
zhengyongxing 3302015365 行为日志增加修改绑定推广员操作
zhengyongxing 4ee6146a49 Merge branch 'feature/user_repeat' into release
zhengyongxing c6eef5124d 测试资源修改
zhengyongxing 7f0c883904 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release' into release
zhengyongxing 11f8434215 Merge branch 'feature/user_repeat' into release
zhengyongxing a2312d9eaa 用户去重bug修改
chenzhi 50b21f45ab Merge branch 'feature/operation_log' of into release