Commit Graph

5186 Commits (16f8bead316ba8a9af4a95ea07bc8320a83bfbab)

Author SHA1 Message Date
zhengyongxing 729136a95c 聚合订单代码导出,及重算功能修改
ELF e8a925b64c 游戏统计添加聚合充值数据
chenzhi 69adcbabf8 优化推广公司
chenzhi 5aa7427504 新增公司信息编辑
chenzhi c708fb6d11 优化CP搜索
yulingwei 20ac65f12a upt
yulingwei dda43c7289 Merge branch 'feature/deposit' of into feature/deposit
yulingwei 555fd052fe upt
chenzhi 35f2fe3f05 优化公司显示
yulingwei e337ecac5e upt
yulingwei c8bd476a60 upt
zhengyongxing 2fefd44d0c 公会统计推广员支付时间修正
chenzhi f7d90780aa 新增CP公司审核
zhengyongxing cd8f64c7e6 游戏详情订单修改
chenzhi 33cf2cf8a6 新增审核列表
yulingwei adc3acd992 upt
yulingwei 33049f5a9f upt
ELF 05fac79ed3 修改
chenzhi 0c2e2db65d 新增税费费率
zhengyongxing 288f121955 添加手机登录的功能
yulingwei e155c92ed6 1
zhengyongxing 114e51ebe2 Merge branch 'master' of into hotfix/market_percentage
chenzhi 58c8508ce4 新增cp导出
chenzhi bd3510581f 新增CP导出生效时间
chenzhi f66ec6d1ff 优化函数
chenzhi 296b5a0d8f 优化关系函数
chenzhi 3349304e10 新增上游预警金额读取
万盟天下 2528313ba0 Merge branch 'hotfix/promote_achievement' of wmtx/platform into master
ELF aeade79e67 修改
ELF 80cb58cdc9 推广员业绩查询时间范围限制为31天
ELF c87b61d94b 修改发票类型
ELF 0f0d52c78f 修改
ELF b448f0829e 修改公司绑定默认值
yulingwei 98413791aa repair
ELF 451b2b3105 修改
廖金灵 80e89c651a Merge branch 'feature/excel_payment' of wmtx/platform into master
chenzhi ad2078cfbe 优化手机设置
万盟天下 32d4450e4a Merge branch 'featurn/markets' of wmtx/platform into master
zhengyongxing 53f490ea20 名字增加修改
万盟天下 00d99897b0 Merge branch 'hotfix/gitbag_op' of wmtx/platform into master
ELF 007b7b5c1f 优化后台
chenzhi 4b2995f279 Merge branch 'master' of into feature/excel_payment
ELF 15d0b454a4 修改
万盟天下 72115a9ede Merge branch 'feature/promote_statistics' of wmtx/platform into release
yulingwei 64bb801be2 1
yulingwei 6390d680ec upt
yulingwei 96327507f4 upt
chenzhi ba4d08cc8b 取消线上打款权限
万盟天下 0885bbdcb7 Merge branch 'feature/excel_payment' of wmtx/platform into release
yulingwei 52b478f570 upt
chenzhi 5231b508e6 优化打款权限
chenzhi 213b152398 优化打款权限
chenzhi bed393c5a0 打款账号
yulingwei 7fc6609d78 upt
yulingwei aa77fb7821 upt
chenzhi fd706fb314 优化打款列表
万盟天下 093d73e883 Merge branch 'feature/excel_payment' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi 628a58d5e1 取消测试环境
chenzhi f58154a07a 优化打款
chenzhi 309300299d 新增显示全部
zhengyongxing 2220a6cfec 财务支付时间修改,增加手机登录验证,及开发推广员列表名称
chenzhi 60e89f6868 修改导出
chenzhi 52b1168930 优化打款记录
yulingwei 51a1c9c707 upt
yulingwei b9dfe08177 upt
chenzhi b460b7409f 优化打款系统登陆
chenzhi e9c3355c90 优化打款名称
yulingwei 1119e8faf9 upt
chenzhi 84f5592359 Merge branch 'hotfix/shift_promote' of into hotfix2/shift_promote
chenzhi 2f9269f29f 取消默认选择时间
chenzhi 17aea456e5 Merge branch 'hotfix/shift_promote' of into hotfix2/shift_promote
chenzhi 6c1f898fb9 优化换绑时间
yulingwei 80597c4894 upt
chenzhi db64bea72f 优化提醒
chenzhi b1c09b698d Merge branch 'release' of into hotfix2/shift_promote
chenzhi 617cfbd4bf 优化换绑
yulingwei 5e5aa8ca3f upt
yulingwei 0b54c71cb0 upt
chenzhi d6ec8e0248 新增导出
廖金灵 831c87c9ee Merge branch 'hotfix/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into master
廖金灵 420c3454fc Merge branch 'hotfix/fan_promote' of wmtx/platform into master
廖金灵 3065ba060f Merge branch 'hotfix/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing fd926a0795 条数修改
郑永星 b77a3a1136 Merge branch 'hotfix/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 5ea0f21574 groupby市场专员id添加
廖金灵 3095270a84 Merge branch 'hotfix/fan_promote' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF f167d63c4a 修改
chenzhi 0c91774854 解决冲突
chenzhi 17e1f4b1fa 优化前端提醒
郑永星 8076e22b2f Merge branch 'hotfix/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing ce2540919c 市场专员筛选
郑永星 c036175a14 Merge branch 'hotfix/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 039b496b28 市场专员筛选,月份跳转,及时间筛选修正
zhengyongxing 96f68c4f50 市场专员筛选,月份跳转,及时间筛选修正
elf@home fb87be0b43 修改
廖金灵 83a1f15de5 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing cd208fbfd7 跳转汇总结算单默认事件添加
廖金灵 6f3a94a31b Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 19c2f8b2de 跳转汇总结算单默认事件添加
廖金灵 98dab102f4 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing ced9d51845 跳转汇总结算单跳转修正,添加筛选发放状态的代码
廖金灵 6af9e39ec9 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing dae421270f 重算展示权限添加
廖金灵 262940a42f Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 53979941a0 列表全部开发给市场专员,其他人员的数据隐藏
chenzhi a0b04cf81e 优化公司为模糊搜索
chenzhi 41f214c7e7 优化基础参数
chenzhi 5362c1e9e4 优化批量导出
chenzhi 2104a3e4b6 优化批次号
廖金灵 1ec683a86e Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi 9cbcbc7013 优化打款
chenzhi 9ff3153f57 打款ok
zhengyongxing 1acef89380 市场业绩提成市场总监管理组添加查看全部用户的权限
廖金灵 27f14f0292 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing bded27756e 市场业绩提成bug修改
廖金灵 c008157b0a Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 0c5e857ca2 市场业绩提成bug修改
廖金灵 6deed99b79 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 5ab96edd8f 市场业绩提成bug修改
chenzhi 9292aa7862 优化打款
zhengyongxing 8f4505205b 市场业绩提成优时间大小判断
廖金灵 b58f66f9b8 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing b64e5858ea 市场业绩提成优化
zhengyongxing 5f113b8bfc 市场业绩提成优化
廖金灵 886c70665c Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 2975b9fe35 市场业绩提成优化
chenzhi 9cb0e33531 znac
chenzhi 74e39c7b20 excel打款列表
chenzhi 24f2b76bd6 新增导入
廖金灵 31de395c6e Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing cbb0e82db1 提现汇总表时间检索bug修正
郑永星 a9e8905e27 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 3eeeb449de 提现汇总表时间检索bug修正
zhengyongxing 4e562ffcc4 提现汇总表时间检索bug修正
廖金灵 8ad5533c53 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 0ac831dece 汇率逻辑修改
廖金灵 aebc8b9f70 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing a1df3c547e 编辑汇率时间控件修改
廖金灵 7576434beb Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 5dc5222091 时间控件修改
chenzhi 399c3b37cf 新增文件读取
郑永星 7608fb3b99 Merge branch 'feature/market_percentage' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing c637d7a1d7 离职发放发放完成隐藏
廖金灵 6d6ec065b2 Merge branch 'hotfix/retention_down' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF a17bb698dc 修改bug
廖金灵 39af00fe0e Merge branch 'hotfix/retention_down' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF 2dadc11d09 修改bug
廖金灵 578087e50e Merge branch 'hotfix/retention_down' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF fa4de7ece5 修改
zhengyongxing 585f523984 arpu分析bug修正
zhengyongxing a6dd2a9830 市场专员业绩导出公式添加
zhengyongxing f4789a1534 市场专员业绩提成bug修正
zhengyongxing 3603f5fa21 市场专员业绩提成bug修正
zhengyongxing 944a424b3c 市场专员业绩提成bug修正
chenzhi 8d32b5104e 新增excel打款
zhengyongxing 44feb6957d 市场专员业绩提成bug修正
zhengyongxing e4d1ced122 市场专员业绩提成bug修正
zhengyongxing b9255647f7 市场专员业绩提成汇总单检索
zhengyongxing 0ca629518d 市场专员业绩结算结构修改
zhengyongxing 5c76d1180d 市场专员业绩结算结构修改
zhengyongxing 4bfa0dfa2f 市场专员业绩结算结构修改
zhengyongxing d40ce89901 市场专员业绩结算发放时间选项修改
zhengyongxing 8053806801 市场专员业绩bug修改
zhengyongxing f7c11991ca 市场专员业绩bug修改
chenzhi 2a4541569d 优化列表显示
zhengyongxing 2303c439aa 市场专员业绩计页面修改
chenzhi c11266291f Merge branch 'master' of into hotfix/change_cp_time
chenzhi 63054ac0d8 优化订单校验
zhengyongxing de3d7d52b7 市场专员业绩计bug修正
chenzhi 04e13844c3 zancun
zhengyongxing 962d140d80 Merge branch 'hotfix/pay_channel_modify' into feature/market_percentage
zhengyongxing 043ee29f54 市场专员业绩计bug修正
zhengyongxing 8430444b8e 市场专员业绩计bug修正
zhengyongxing 2da9821caf 市场专员业绩计算修正
zhengyongxing 9a23b5588b 市场专员业绩计算修正
zhengyongxing ea21948984 支付渠道bug修改
zhengyongxing 97161900ac 市场专员业绩管理bug修改
chenzhi c9d6b9859d 合并热更
chenzhi c18eb439c5 优化游戏获取逻辑
zhengyongxing 1c535ee74b 市场专员业绩管理 重算调用脚本命令修改
zhengyongxing bdeacbd718 市场专员业绩管理 重算调用脚本命令修改
zhengyongxing c96340afa9 市场专员业绩管理bug修改
chenzhi 048931ce9e 优化搜索3
chenzhi 35380ae9b0 优化搜索2
chenzhi 587d7913ca 优化检索
zhengyongxing 1e80004e3e 市场专员业绩管理bug修改
zhengyongxing 17ff8d9029 市场专员业绩管理模板指定
zhengyongxing 70d6c3c7bf 市场专员业绩管理权限判断
zhengyongxing 80dc2b860c Merge branch 'release' of into feature/market_percentage
zhengyongxing 83717b64ae 市场专员业绩管理优化
chenzhi 5fc03a14a4 优化cp添加
chenzhi 0dda3b1c61 优化合同不需要限制时间
chenzhi 490197a490 移除合作方合同时间限制
chenzhi 03f4130e9e 新增上游合作
廖金灵 89edac1fee Merge branch 'hotfix/market_name' of wmtx/platform into master
廖金灵 56619e58b7 Merge branch 'hotfix/market_name' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF 3f42d2967c 修改
ELF 70c9e26ce4 修改bug
zhengyongxing 06bd0bf848 市场专员业绩管理代码提交
chenzhi d52ab03714 新增推广公司游戏选择
廖金灵 4a755d2269 Merge branch 'feature/market_admin' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF ecc228409d 修改
廖金灵 ed9d193531 Merge branch 'feature/promote_statistics' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing 3128c079d3 推广员充值换榜定时器优化
zhengyongxing ef8d16fc6e 推广员充值换榜定时器优化
zhengyongxing acc45f5911 江息网络漏掉的修改
chenzhi bc75da8c14 解决冲突
zhengyongxing 15b9efcd7e 江息网络漏掉的修改
zhengyongxing 1234349844 市场专员业绩计算修改
chenzhi f62cfca22b 隐藏推广公司分成比例
zhengyongxing dbad9a08db Merge branch 'release' of into feature/promote_statistics
chenzhi 21a738054a 隐藏推广公司比例
zhengyongxing 39e2bce6dd 推广员充值统计提交
zhengyongxing 2bc4bf79d9 市场结算管理公司税率提交
ELF 990a2bd206 解决冲突
chenzhi a020cb26df 新增不验证手机 己方
chenzhi 91ae987c3c 优化游戏比例分成无需大于
chenzhi 9dd4a507e9 隐藏模板批量操作
chenzhi f1824fd7b3 优化新增名称
ELF 7c3a001e25 修改
chenzhi 4fde001d4e 优化游戏分成比例不受档位限制
zhengyongxing 682ce333b1 市场结算管理公司税率提交
ELF 102e77267d 修改bug
chenzhi c76cf038cd 己方公司
ELF e94b6418f1 修改
ELF 8224cfb362 修改
ELF 77c692c44d 修改
zhengyongxing ca5c68d078 推广公司编辑添加合并错误去除
zhengyongxing f63b115641 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
# Conflicts:
#	Application/Admin/View/PromoteCompany/add.html
#	Application/Admin/View/PromoteCompany/edit.html
zhengyongxing 2fae4219df 公会统计去除
zhengyongxing a8f4f16349 Merge branch 'feature/juhe_sms' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
# Conflicts:
#	Application/Admin/View/PromoteCompany/view.html
#	Data/update.sql
zhengyongxing cd0d9e295f 市场专员结算代码上传
zhengyongxing 379716298a 市场专员结算代码上传
ELF e3b53e7df1 修改
ELF 73f5f4f5ea 修改
ELF 38c10a0f7a 修改
ELF 10aed50db7 修改
ELF f9b054e1cb 修改
ELF 34691d6baa 修改
ELF f0a8b6bc3b 修改
ELF 6f2f588617 优化
yulingwei 2680f92079 1
yulingwei 4058eb3963 1
ELF 76fcfec7c2 修改
yulingwei 22ac6bf293 修复问题
ELF 5f5a6ee1af 修改
zhengyongxing a2408407b7 上传市场专员结算代码
廖金灵 c1163e7b22 Merge branch 'release' of wmtx/platform into master
廖金灵 4989deb7be Merge branch 'feature/loginInfo' of wmtx/platform into release
yulingwei efe84158da 修改错误样式
zhengyongxing c3956f7ed2 平台币金额解释添加
廖金灵 bc00b1112f Merge branch 'feature/apply_game' of wmtx/platform into release
廖金灵 1907985e7b Merge branch 'feature/ylw-06-10' of wmtx/platform into release
廖金灵 2fe024f696 Merge branch 'feature/loginInfo' of wmtx/platform into release
yulingwei ff9b2249b8 新增公司默认选择默认模板
yulingwei 34df4e5a8e upt
廖金灵 db32f11215 Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi 7d8dca7421 取消测试的虚拟验证码
chenzhi 95d9f45612 新增检索
廖金灵 a808b86865 Merge branch 'feature/paytime_summary' of wmtx/platform into release
廖金灵 20b401fe85 Merge branch 'feature/promote_withdraw' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing bdc5d3a385 结算中心提现总金额等4个功能隐藏
yulingwei c8924779c4 Merge branch 'release' into feature/ylw-06-17
yulingwei 8c18f2aa1d 1
廖金灵 c4ec5753f0 Merge branch 'feature/loginInfo' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF 2d872ed710 解决冲突
ELF 2589806e62 解决冲突
yulingwei 3f4406a1ee Merge branch 'release' into feature/ylw-06-17
yulingwei 0decb03cb1 merge
ELF a153fb9a0e 修改
chenzhi ad801a37fb 优化前端
yulingwei b2b28bce07 upt
yulingwei 5b604ab073 upt
yulingwei cdf2d903cd upt
chenzhi ca551b9c50 己方公司新增搜索项目
chenzhi e0b588be11 新加加载load
chenzhi c335c1f0b3 优化补点和月结集合
chenzhi bffc9a32f1 数据迁移
chenzhi 26ccc9c450 优化导出权限
yulingwei e4a29b8bb4 upt
chenzhi b8610e3490 永星-优化提现提醒
chenzhi 2229e16a9d 永星-优化前端请求
chenzhi a629654ccb 优化打款
chenzhi 42dc519712 永星-打款中
chenzhi 1da5da1ea5 永星-优化提现说明
chenzhi e96c6e8b52 公司获取优化
chenzhi 40940b4536 优化比例
chenzhi d2a10e626d 永星-优化提现
chenzhi f321c6259d 永星合并
zhengyongxing 0c4b96dd56 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
zhengyongxing 846264600e Merge branch 'feature/promote_withdraw' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
zhengyongxing 5957ffddcf 汇总单代码提交
chenzhi 511f53e83c 优化权限
yulingwei bd166bb5eb upt
chenzhi c422b84df4 Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
chenzhi d845ab35a3 优化新增结算
zhengyongxing 7c0294bb4c Merge branch 'feature/promote_withdraw' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
zhengyongxing b6026f1b32 汇总单代码提交
zhengyongxing 25ae6a03a4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
zhengyongxing 6a46df5a28 汇总单代码提交