管理后台>游戏>新增落地页视频封面 推广平台>落地页--更新

chenxiaojun 5 years ago
commit d6b7bc811d

@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
$phone['dow_icon'] = $sibling['dow_icon'];
$phone['back_map'] = $sibling['back_map'];
$phone['flooring_page_video'] = $sibling['flooring_page_video'];
$phone['flooring_page_video_cover'] = $sibling['flooring_page_video_cover'];
$phone['supersign_status'] = $sibling['supersign_status'];
M('Game', 'tab_')->data($phone)->where(array('id' => $another['id']))->save();

@ -384,6 +384,26 @@
<tr class="picbox">
<td class="l noticeinfo" >落地页视频封面</td>
<td class="r">
<span class="table_btn table_upload table_icon" style="float: none;">
<input type="hidden" name="flooring_page_video_cover" value="{$data['flooring_page_video_cover']}" />
<div id="uploadImg" class="wu-example">
<div class="btns">
<div id="flooring_page_video_cover">
<div class="webuploader-pick" style="line-height:13px">上传封面</div>
<div id="flooring_page_video_cover_thelist" class="uploader-list" style="display: flex;">
<span class="notice-text"></span>
<td class="l">ios视频是否置顶</td>
<if condition="$data['ios_video_top'] eq 1">
@ -1272,6 +1292,118 @@
$( '#'+file.id ).find('.progress').fadeOut();
var uploaderFlooringVideoPageCover = WebUploader.create({
// 选完文件后,是否自动上传。
auto: true,
// swf文件路径
swf: '__STATIC__/webuploader/Uploader.swf',
// 文件接收服务端。
server: "{:U('File/uploadPicture',array('session_id'=>session_id(),'flag'=>true))}",
// 选择文件的按钮。可选。
// 内部根据当前运行是创建可能是input元素也可能是flash.
pick: {
// dnd: false,
paste: document.body,
accept: {
title: '图片',
extensions: 'png,gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp',
mimeTypes: '.png,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.bmp',
// 不压缩image, 默认如果是jpeg文件上传前会压缩一把再上传
resize: false,
disableGlobalDnd: true,
prepareNextFile: true,
formData: function(){return $.extend(true, {}, userInfo);},
duplicate: true
// 当有文件被添加进队列的时候
uploaderFlooringVideoPageCover.on( 'fileQueued', function( file ) {
var html = '';
var imgList = $("#flooring_page_video_cover_thelist");
html += '<div id="' + file.id + '" class="item" style="margin-right: 10px;">';
html += '<a href="javascript:;"><img src="" style="width: 150px;height: 84px;cursor: move;"></a>';
html += '<h4 class="info">' + file.name + '</h4>';
html += '<p class="state">等待上传...</p>';
html += '</div>';
var img2 = imgList.children('#'+file.id).find('img');
uploaderFlooringVideoPageCover.makeThumb(file, function (error, src) {
if (error) {
img2.attr('src', src);
}, 300, 300);
// 文件上传过程中创建进度条实时显示。
uploaderFlooringVideoPageCover.on( 'uploadProgress', function(file, percentage) {
var $li = $( '#'+file.id ),
$percent = $li.find('.progress .progress-bar');
// 避免重复创建
if ( !$percent.length ) {
$percent = $('<div class="progress progress-striped active">' +
'<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="width: 0%">' +
'</div>' +
'</div>').appendTo( $li ).find('.progress-bar');
$percent.css( 'width', percentage * 100 + '%' );
$percent.text( (percentage * 100).toFixed(0) + '%' );
uploaderFlooringVideoPageCover.on( 'uploadSuccess', function( file , response) {
$( '#'+file.id ).find('p.state').text('已上传').fadeOut(800);
$('#'+file.id).find('h4.info').append('<a href="javascript:;" class="jsdelvideo table_click" style="float:none;display:inline-block;margin-left:10px;">删除</a>');
var cover = response.id;
$('#'+file.id).find('.jsdelvideo').on('click',function() {
uploaderFlooringVideoPageCover.removeFile( file.id );
return false;
var flooringVideoPageCover = [];
<?php if (!empty($data['flooring_page_video_cover'])) :?>
var html = '';
<?php $flooringVideoPageCover = $data['flooring_page_video_cover']; ?>
html += '<div id="' + <?=$flooringVideoPageCover?> + '" class="item" style="margin-right: 10px;">';
html += '<a href="javascript:;"><img src="<?=get_cover($flooringVideoPageCover,"path")?>" style="width: 150px;height: 84px;cursor: move;"></a>';
html += '<h4 class="info" style="text-align: center;">';
html += '<a href="javascript:;" class="jsdelzip table_click" style="float:none;display:inline-block;" img-id="' + <?=$flooringVideoPageCover?> + '">删除</a>';
html += '</h4>';
html += '<div class="progress progress-striped active" style="display: none;">';
html += '<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="width: 100%;">100%</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
$('#flooring_page_video_cover_thelist').children().children('h4').children('.jsdelzip').on('click', function() {
<?php endif ;?>
var uploaderFile = WebUploader.create({
// 选完文件后,是否自动上传。
auto: true,

@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ class HomeController extends Controller
@ -209,6 +210,7 @@ class HomeController extends Controller
$imageUrls[] = get_cover($imageId, 'path');
$game['flooring_page_imgs'] = $imageUrls;
$game['flooring_page_video_cover'] = get_cover($game['flooring_page_video_cover'], 'path');
$screenshotIds = explode(',', $game['screenshot']) ?? [];
$screenshotUrls = [];

@ -58,15 +58,10 @@
<?php if ($k == 1) :?>
<?php if (!empty($game['flooring_page_video'])):?>
<div class="home-video">
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls preload="none" width="640" height="264"
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered" controls preload="none" width="640" height="264" poster="{$game['flooring_page_video_cover']}" data-setup='{}'>
<source src="{$game['flooring_page_video']}" type='video/mp4' />
<!-- <div class="home-video">-->
<!-- <video id="shakeVideo" src="{$game['flooring_page_video']}" autoplay controls muted webkit-playsinline="true" playsinline="true"></video>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif ;?>
<?php if ($downloadUrl == 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) :?>
@ -87,93 +82,7 @@
var myPlayer = videojs('example_video_1');
var myPlayer = this;
videojs.addLanguage('zh-CN', {
"Play": "播放",
"Pause": "暂停",
"Current Time": "当前时间",
"Duration": "时长",
"Remaining Time": "剩余时间",
"Stream Type": "媒体流类型",
"LIVE": "直播",
"Loaded": "加载完毕",
"Progress": "进度",
"Fullscreen": "全屏",
"Non-Fullscreen": "退出全屏",
"Mute": "静音",
"Unmute": "取消静音",
"Playback Rate": "播放速度",
"Subtitles": "字幕",
"subtitles off": "关闭字幕",
"Captions": "内嵌字幕",
"captions off": "关闭内嵌字幕",
"Chapters": "节目段落",
"Close Modal Dialog": "关闭弹窗",
"Descriptions": "描述",
"descriptions off": "关闭描述",
"Audio Track": "音轨",
"You aborted the media playback": "视频播放被终止",
"A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "网络错误导致视频下载中途失败。",
"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "视频因格式不支持或者服务器或网络的问题无法加载。",
"The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "由于视频文件损坏或是该视频使用了你的浏览器不支持的功能,播放终止。",
"No compatible source was found for this media.": "无法找到此视频兼容的源。",
"The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "视频已加密,无法解密。",
"Play Video": "播放视频",
"Close": "关闭",
"Modal Window": "弹窗",
"This is a modal window": "这是一个弹窗",
"This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "可以按ESC按键或启用关闭按钮来关闭此弹窗。",
", opens captions settings dialog": ", 开启标题设置弹窗",
", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", 开启字幕设置弹窗",
", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", 开启描述设置弹窗",
", selected": ", 选择",
"captions settings": "字幕设定",
"Audio Player": "音频播放器",
"Video Player": "视频播放器",
"Replay": "重播",
"Progress Bar": "进度小节",
"Volume Level": "音量",
"subtitles settings": "字幕设定",
"descriptions settings": "描述设定",
"Text": "文字",
"White": "白",
"Black": "黑",
"Red": "红",
"Green": "绿",
"Blue": "蓝",
"Yellow": "黄",
"Magenta": "紫红",
"Cyan": "青",
"Background": "背景",
"Window": "视窗",
"Transparent": "透明",
"Semi-Transparent": "半透明",
"Opaque": "不透明",
"Font Size": "字体尺寸",
"Text Edge Style": "字体边缘样式",
"None": "无",
"Raised": "浮雕",
"Depressed": "压低",
"Uniform": "均匀",
"Dropshadow": "下阴影",
"Font Family": "字体库",
"Proportional Sans-Serif": "比例无细体",
"Monospace Sans-Serif": "单间隔无细体",
"Proportional Serif": "比例细体",
"Monospace Serif": "单间隔细体",
"Casual": "舒适",
"Script": "手写体",
"Small Caps": "小型大写字体",
"Reset": "重启",
"restore all settings to the default values": "恢复全部设定至预设值",
"Done": "完成",
"Caption Settings Dialog": "字幕设定视窗",
"Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "开始对话视窗。离开会取消及关闭视窗",
"End of dialog window.": "结束对话视窗"
$('.down-link').on('click', function () {

@ -705,3 +705,8 @@ ADD COLUMN `pay_way` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `ip`;
-- 菜单(游戏充值预下单)
INSERT INTO `sys_menu`(`title`, `pid`, `sort`, `url`, `hide`, `tip`, `group`, `is_dev`, `status`) VALUES ('游戏充值预下单', 16, 0, 'BehaviorLog/game', 0, '', '行为日志', 0, 1);
ALTER TABLE `tab_game`
ADD COLUMN `flooring_page_video_cover` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '落地页视频封面';