@ -239,7 +255,7 @@ class FinancePromoteController extends AdminController
$field= "SUM(CASE WHEN s.type = 1 THEN num ELSE 0 END) as pay_amount,SUM(CASE WHEN s.type = 2 THEN num ELSE 0 END) as back_amount,IFNULL(if(substring_index(substring_index(`chain`,'/',2),'/',-1)='',
@ -1592,13 +1599,13 @@ class QueryController extends ThinkController
$count = M()->table('('.$data.') as a')
->field("my_time,pay_amount,game_id,game_names,promote_id,promote_account,a.company_relation,a.company_belong,CASE WHEN root_id is null THEN 0 ELSE root_id END as root_id,CASE WHEN account is null THEN '官方渠道' ELSE account END as account")
->join("left join tab_promote on root_id = tab_promote.id")
->order("my_time Desc")
// $count = M()->table('('.$data.') as a')
// ->field("my_time,pay_amount,game_id,game_names,promote_id,promote_account,a.company_relation,a.company_belong,CASE WHEN root_id is null THEN 0 ELSE root_id END as root_id,CASE WHEN account is null THEN '官方渠道' ELSE account END as account")
// ->join("left join tab_promote on root_id = tab_promote.id")
// ->group("my_time,game_names,root_id")
// ->where($map)
// ->order("my_time Desc")
// ->select(false);
$data = M()->table('('.$data.') as a')
@ -1606,16 +1613,15 @@ class QueryController extends ThinkController
->join("left join tab_promote on root_id = tab_promote.id")
->join("left join tab_promote_game_ratio as tab_ratio on tab_ratio.game_id = a.relation_game_id and tab_ratio.promote_id=root_id and tab_ratio.status=1")
// ->join("left join tab_cp_game_ratio as game_ratio on game_ratio.game_id = a.game_id")
// ->page($page,$row)
->order("my_time Desc")
// var_dump($data);die();
// dump($data);die();
$pagecount = M()->table('('.$count.') as a')->count();
// $pagecount = M()->table('('.$count.') as a')->count();
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
$mytime = $value['my_time'];
@ -1625,6 +1631,7 @@ class QueryController extends ThinkController
->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time,'%Y-%m') as my_time,sum(pay_amount) as pay_amount,game_id,tab_spend.game_name,SUBSTRING_INDEX(tab_spend.`game_name`,\"(\",1) as game_names,promote_id,promote_account,company_relation,company_belong,CASE WHEN SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`chain`,\"/\",2),\"/\",-1)='' THEN promote_id ELSE SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`chain`,\"/\",2),\"/\",-1) END as root_id,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_spend.sdk_version ")
->join("left join tab_promote on promote_id = tab_promote.id")
->join("left join tab_game on tab_game.id=tab_spend.game_id")
->order("my_time Desc")
$data = M()->table('('.$data.') as a')
->field("my_time,pay_amount,a.game_id,game_name,game_names,a.promote_id,a.promote_account,a.company_relation,a.company_belong,CASE WHEN root_id is null THEN 0 ELSE root_id END as root_id,CASE WHEN account is null THEN '官方渠道' ELSE account END as account,tab_ratio.ratio as ratio,turnover_ratio,a.ratio as game_ratio,a.sdk_version")
->join("left join tab_promote on root_id = tab_promote.id")
->join("left join tab_promote_game_ratio as tab_ratio on tab_ratio.game_id = a.relation_game_id and tab_ratio.promote_id=root_id and tab_ratio.status=1")