diff --git a/Application/Payment/Common/extend.php b/Application/Payment/Common/extend.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dcb80a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Common/extend.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2472 @@
+ * @since: 2019\4\16 0016 13:42
+ * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+ * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+ * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+ */
+function get_user_big_info($id=0, $flag=false) {
+ if((is_numeric($id) && $id>0) || (is_string($id) && !empty($id)) ) {
+ if($flag) {
+ $map['b.account'] = $id;
+ } else {
+ $map['b.id'] = $id;
+ }
+ return M('User','tab_')
+ ->alias('a')
+ ->field('a.id,a.account,a.balance')
+ ->join('inner join tab_user b on a.id = b.puid')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ * 获取推广员列表(根据父级编号)
+ * @param integer $id 父级编号(为负数则是全部)
+ * @author 鹿文学
+ */
+function get_promote_list_by_id($id=0) {
+ //为数据权限修改 2019-12-19 lww
+ $query = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin');
+ $map = array();
+ setPowerPromoteIds($map, 'id');
+ if(is_numeric($id) && $id>=0) {
+ $map['parent_id'] = $id;
+ } elseif(is_array($id)) {
+ $map['parent_id'] = array('in',$id);
+ }
+ $list = $query->where($map)->select();
+ return $list;
+ * 秒数转时长(时分秒格式)
+ * @param int $times 秒数
+ * @author 鹿文学
+ */
+function second_to_duration($times){
+ $result = '00:00:00';
+ if ($times>0) {
+ $hour = floor($times/3600);
+ $minute = floor(($times-3600 * $hour)/60);
+ $second = floor((($times-3600 * $hour) - 60 * $minute) % 60);
+ $result = $hour.':'.$minute.':'.$second;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ * 后台公共文件扩展
+ * 主要定义后台公共函数库
+ */
+function get_vip_level_limit($field='',$level=0) {
+ if(empty($field)) {return '';}
+ $tool = M('tool',"tab_")->field('config,status')->where(['name'=>'viplevel'])->find();
+ if(!empty($tool) && $tool['status']==1){
+ $viplevel = json_decode($tool['config'],true);
+ $vl='';
+ if(empty($viplevel)) {return '';}
+ foreach($viplevel as $k=>$v) {
+ $cur = intval(str_replace('vip','',$k));
+ if($level == 0) {$vl = $field . '<' . $v;break;}
+ if($level>=count($viplevel) && $cur >= count($viplevel)) {$vl = $field . '>=' . $v;break;}
+ if($level==$cur) {
+ $vl = $field . '>=' . $v . ' and ' . $field .'<'.$viplevel['vip'.($cur+1)];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $vl;
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+function addZeroToTime($v) {
+ return $v.':00';
+function set_date_day_format($day='') {
+ return strlen($day)==1?'0'.$day:$day;
+ * 异常类型
+ */
+function get_bug_name_by_id($id=0) {
+ if (!is_numeric($id) || $id<0 ) {return '';}
+ $list = get_bug_list();
+ return $list[$id];
+function get_bug_list() {
+ return array(
+ 100=>'开发者注册未审核',
+ 101=>'游戏充值未到账',
+ 102=>'补单失败',
+ 103=>'平台币充值未到账',
+ 104=>'绑币充值未到账',
+ 200=>'开发者提现未处理',
+ 201=>'推广员提现未处理',
+ 300=>'推广员注册未审核',
+ 301=>'推广员混服申请未审核',
+ 302=>'推广员游戏申请未审核',
+ 303=>'推广员游戏申请未打包',
+ 304=>'推广员游戏盒子APP申请未审核',
+ 305=>'推广员游戏盒子APP申请未打包',
+ 400=>'游戏未设置分成比例',
+ 401=>'开发者游戏未审核',
+ 402=>'游戏原包未上传',
+ 403=>'礼包数量不足',
+ 404=>'评论未审核',
+ 405=>'发放平台币失败',
+ 406=>'发放绑币失败',
+ );
+/* 获取色系 鹿文学 2017-11-17 */
+function get_color_style_list() {
+ $result = M('config')->field('extra,value')->find(13);
+ if ($result) {
+ $list['list'] = parse_config_attr($result['extra']);
+ $list['value']=$result['value'];
+ }
+ return $list;
+ //根据游戏id获取游戏唯一标示
+function get_marking($id)
+ $map['id']=$id;
+ $game=M("game","tab_")->where($map)->find();
+ return $game['marking'];
+function get_auth_group_name($uid){
+ $model = D("auth_group_access");
+ $res = $model->join("sys_auth_group on sys_auth_group.id = sys_auth_group_access.group_id")
+ ->field("title")
+ ->where("uid=".$uid)
+ ->find();
+ return empty($res["title"]) ? "空" : $res["title"];
+function get_push_name($id)
+ $map['id']=$id;
+ $list=M("push","tab_")->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($list)){return false;}
+ return $list['push_name'];
+function get_push_list()
+ $list=M("push","tab_")->select();
+ if(empty($list)){return false;}
+ return $list;
+function get_promote_list($select='') {
+ $list = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin')->select();//where("status=1")->
+ if (empty($list)){return '';}
+ if($select==111){
+ $new['id']=-1;
+ $new['account']="全站用户";
+ array_unshift($list,$new);
+ }
+ return $list;
+ * [获取所有一级推广员]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_all_toppromote(){
+ $map['status']=1;
+ $map['level']=['lt', 4];
+ //为数据权限添加
+ setPowerPromoteIds($map, 'id');
+ $list = M("Promote","tab_")->where($map)->select();
+ if (empty($list)){return '';}
+ return $list;
+function time_day($time){
+ $now = time();
+ return floor(($now-$time)/(60*60*24));
+function mdate($time = NULL) {
+ $text = '';
+ $time = $time === NULL || $time > time() ? time() : intval($time);
+ $t = time() - $time; //时间差 (秒)
+ $y = date('Y', $time)-date('Y', time());//是否跨年
+ switch($t){
+ case $t == 0:
+ $text = '刚刚';
+ break;
+ case $t < 60:
+ $text = $t . '秒前'; // 一分钟内
+ break;
+ case $t < 60 * 60:
+ $text = floor($t / 60) . '分钟前'; //一小时内
+ break;
+ case $t < 60 * 60 * 24:
+ $text = floor($t / (60 * 60)) . '小时前'; // 一天内
+ break;
+ case $t < 60 * 60 * 24 * 1:
+ $text = '昨天 ' . date('H:i', $time);
+ break;
+ case $t < 60 * 60 * 24 * 30:
+ $text = date('m-d H:i', $time); //一个月内
+ break;
+ case $t < 60 * 60 * 24 * 365&&$y==0:
+ $text = date('m-d', $time); //一年内
+ break;
+ default:
+ $text = date('Y-m-d-', $time); //一年以前
+ break;
+ }
+ return $text;
+function all_pay_way($type=false)
+ if($type){
+ $pay_way[0]=array('key'=>0,'value'=>"平台币");
+ }
+ $pay_way[1]=array('key'=>-1,'value'=>"绑币");
+ $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>1,'value'=>"支付宝");
+ $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>2,'value'=>"微信");
+ $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>8,'value'=>'金猪');
+ $pay_way[9]=array('key'=>9,'value'=>"双乾支付-支付宝");
+ $pay_way[10]=array('key'=>10,'value'=>"双乾支付-银联");
+// $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'微信APP');
+// $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'威富通');
+ /* $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>5,'value'=>'聚宝云'); */
+// $pay_way[5]=array('key'=>6,'value'=>'汇付宝');
+ /* $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>7,'value'=>"苹果支付");
+ */
+ $pay_way[15]=array('key'=>15,'value'=>'双乾支付-快捷');
+ $pay_way[17]=array('key'=>17,'value'=>'易宝支付');
+ return $pay_way;
+/* //获取支付方式 */
+function get_pay_way($id=null)
+ if(!isset($id)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch ($id) {
+ case -1:
+ return "绑币";
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ return "平台币";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return "支付宝";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return "微信";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return "微信APP";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return "威富通";
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ return "聚宝云";
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return "竣付通";
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ return "苹果支付";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ return "金猪支付";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ return "双乾支付-支付宝";
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ return "双乾支付-银联";
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ return "双乾支付-快捷";
+ case 17:
+ return "易宝支付";
+ break;
+ }
+ * 获取订单类型
+ *
+ * @param null $id
+ * @return string
+ */
+function get_order_type($id=null)
+ switch ($id) {
+ case 1:
+ return "sdk充值订单";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return "平台币充值订单";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return "超级签充值订单";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return '未知';
+ break;
+ }
+function get_pay_way_map($id) {
+ if(!isset($id)){
+ return '';
+ }
+ switch ($id) {
+ case -1:
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ return array('in',[2,3,4]);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ return 5;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return 6;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ return 7;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ return 8;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ return 9;
+ case 17:
+ return 17;
+ break;
+ }
+function get_obtain_pay_way($keys=array()){
+ $pay_way[0]=array('key'=>0, 'value'=>"平台币");
+ $pay_way[1]=array('key'=>-1,'value'=>"绑币");
+ $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>1, 'value'=>"支付宝");
+ $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>2, 'value'=>"微信");
+ $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>5, 'value'=>'聚宝云');
+ $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>7, 'value'=>"苹果支付");
+ $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>8,'value'=>'竣付通');
+ if(!empty($keys)){
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ unset($pay_way[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $pay_way;
+function get_register_way($id=null)
+ if(!isset($id)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch ($id) {
+ case 1:
+ return "SDK注册";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return "APP注册";
+ case 3:
+ return "PC注册";
+ case 4:
+ return "WAP注册";
+ break;
+ }
+ * 获取所有第三方注册方式
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_register_type($id=null){
+ if(!isset($id)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch ($id) {
+ case 3:
+ return "微信";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return "QQ";
+ case 5:
+ return "百度";
+ case 6:
+ return "微博";
+ break;
+ }
+ * 所有注册方式
+ * @param boolean $type [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ * @author zc <894827077@qq.com>
+ */
+function all_register_way($type=false)
+ $pay_way[1]=array('key'=>1,'value'=>'SDK注册');
+ $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>2,'value'=>'APP注册');
+ $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'PC注册');
+ $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'WAP注册');
+ return $pay_way;
+ * 所有第三方注册方式
+ * @param boolean $type [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ * @author zc <894827077@qq.com>
+ */
+function all_register_type($type=false)
+ $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'微信');
+ $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'QQ');
+ $pay_way[5]=array('key'=>5,'value'=>'百度');
+ $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>6,'value'=>'微博');
+ $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>0,'value'=>'游客');
+ return $pay_way;
+ * 根据用户账号 获取用户昵称
+ * @param [type] $account [用户账号]
+ * @return [type] user_nickname [用户]
+ * @author [yyh]
+ */
+function get_user_nickname($account){
+ $map['account']=$account;
+ $user=M("user_play","tab_")->field('user_nickname')->where($map)->find();
+ return $user['user_nickname'];
+//判断用户是否玩此游戏 author:yyh
+function get_play_user($account,$gid){
+ if(empty($account))return false;
+ $user = D('User');
+ $map['account']=$account;
+ $map['game_id']=$gid;
+ $data = $user->field('tab_user.id,tab_user.account')
+ ->join('tab_user_play on tab_user.account=tab_user_play.user_account')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ return $data;
+function build_order_no(){
+ return date('Ymd').substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8);
+ * [get_game_id description]根据游戏名称 获取游戏id
+ * @param [type] $name [游戏名称]
+ * @return [type] [id]
+ * @author [yyh] <[email address]>
+ */
+function get_game_id($name){
+ $game=M('game','tab_');
+ $map['game_name']=$name;
+ $data=$game->where($map)->find();
+ if($data['id']==null){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $data['id'];
+ * [ratio_stytl 数值转百分比
+ * @param integer $num [description]
+ * @return [yyh] [description]
+ */
+function ratio_stytl($num = 0){
+ return $num."%";
+ * [get_user_account 根据用户id 获取用户账号]
+ * @param [type] $uid [用户id]
+ * @return [type] account [用户账号]
+ * @author [yyh] <[email address]>
+ */
+function get_user_account($uid=null){
+ if(empty($uid)){return false;}
+ $user = D('User');
+ $map['id'] = $uid;
+ $data = $user->field('account')->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($data['account'])){return false;}
+ return $data['account'];
+ * [checked_game description]
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @param [type] $sibling_id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function checked_game($id,$sibling_id){
+ if($sibling_id){
+ $map['id']=array('neq',$id);
+ $map['sibling_id']=$sibling_id;
+ $game=M('Game','tab_')->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($game)){
+ return '';
+ }else{
+ return $game;
+ }
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ * [获取游戏原包文件版本]
+ * @param [type] $game_id [description]
+ * @param string $type [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_game_version($game_id,$type=''){
+ $model=M('game_source force index (`game_id`)','tab_');
+ if($game_id==''){
+ return '';
+ }
+ $map['game_id']=$game_id;
+ $map['file_type']=$type;
+ $data=$model
+ ->where($map)
+ ->select();
+ return $data;
+ * [获取游戏版本]
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function game_version($id){
+ $game=M('game','tab_');
+ $map['id']=$id;
+ $data=$game->field('sdk_version')->where($map)->find();
+ if($data['id']==null){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $data['version'];
+function get_game_set_field($game_id,$field=""){
+ $map['id'] = $game_id;
+ $data = M('GameSet','tab_')->where($map)->getField($field);
+ if(empty($data)){
+ return "暂无";
+ }else{
+ return $data;
+ }
+ * 渠道列表
+ * @param $type
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function promote_lists($type){
+ if($type){
+ $map['level'] = $type;
+ } else{
+ $map = '';
+ }
+ //为数据权限添加
+ setPowerPromoteIds($map, 'id');
+ $data = M('promote','tab_')->where($map)->select();
+ $items = M('PromoteBalanceCoin', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => 0])->select();
+ $records = [];
+ foreach ($items as $item) {
+ $records[$item['promote_id']] = $item['num'];
+ }
+ foreach ($data as $key => $item) {
+ $item['common_coin'] = isset($records[$item['id']]) ? $records[$item['id']] : $item['balance_coin'];
+ $data[$key] = $item;
+ }
+ return $data;
+// 获取IOS游戏名称
+function get_ios_game_name($game_id=null,$field='id'){
+ $map[$field]=$game_id;
+ $map['game_version']=0;
+ $data=M('Game','tab_')->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($data)){return false;}
+ $game_name=explode("(", $data['game_name']);
+ return $game_name[0];
+ * [获取区服名称]
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_server_name($id){
+ if($id==''){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $map['id']=$id;
+ $area=M("Server","tab_")->field('')->where($map)->find();
+ return $area['server_name'];
+ * [获取游戏区服名称]
+ * @param [type] $area_id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_area_name($area_id= null){
+ if(empty($area_id)){return false;}
+ $area_model = D('Server');
+ $map['server_num'] = $area_id;
+ $name = $area_model->field('server_name')->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($name['server_name'])){return false;}
+ return $name['server_name'];
+ * [根据推广员获取所属专员]
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_belong_admin($id)
+ $map['id']=$id;
+ $pro=M("promote","tab_")->where($map)->find();
+ if($pro){
+ return get_admin_nickname($pro['parent_id'],$pro['admin_id']);
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ * [获取管理员列表]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_admin_list()
+ $list= M("Member")->field('uid,nickname')->where("status=1")->select();
+ if(empty($list)){return false;}
+ return $list;
+ * [渠道等级]
+ * @param [type] $pid [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_qu_promote($pid){
+ if($pid==0){
+ return "一级推广员";
+ }else{
+ return "二级推广员";
+ }
+ * [上线渠道]
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @param [type] $pid [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_top_promote($id,$pid){
+ if($pid==0){
+ $pro=M("promote","tab_")->field('account')->where(array('id'=>$id))->find();
+ }else{
+ $map['id']=$pid;
+ $pro=M("promote","tab_")->field('account')->where($map)->find();
+ }
+ if($pro==''){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $pro['account'];
+function get_parent_promote_name($id) {
+ if(!is_numeric($id) || $id<1) {return '--';}
+ $promotemodel= M('promote','tab_');
+ $pro = $promotemodel->field('account,parent_id')->where(['id'=>$id])->find();
+ if(is_array($pro)) {
+ if($pro['parent_id']==0) {return $pro['account'];}
+ $pre = $promotemodel->field('account')->where(['id'=>$pro['parent_id']])->find();
+ if(is_array($pre)) {
+ return $pre['account'];
+ } else {
+ return $pro['account'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ return '--';
+ }
+ * 获取管理员昵称 二级跟随一级
+ * @param [type] $parent_id [description]
+ * @param [type] $admin_id [description]
+ * @return [type] ` [description]
+ */
+function get_admin_nickname($parent_id = 0,$admin_id=null){
+ $user = D('member');
+ $map1['uid'] = $parent_id;
+ $data = $user->field('nickname')->where($map1)->find();
+ return $data['nickname'];
+function get_admin_account($id=0) {
+ $map['id'] = $id;
+ $data = M('UcenterMember')->field('username')->where($map)->find();
+ return $data['username'];
+ * [根据推广员获取所属专员]
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_admin_promotes($param,$type='admin_id')
+ $map[$type]=$param;
+ $pro=M("promote","tab_")->where($map)->select();
+ return $pro;
+ * [根据推广员id获取上级推广员姓名]
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_parent_promoteto($id){
+ if($id==''){
+ return '';
+ }
+ $list=D("promote");
+ $map['id']=$id;
+ $pid=$list->field('parent_id')->where($map)->find();
+ if($pid['parent_id']!=0){
+ $mapp['id']=$pid['parent_id'];
+ $pname=$list->field('account')->where($mapp)->find();
+ if($pname){
+ return "[".$pname['account']."]";
+ }
+ else{
+ return "";
+ }
+ }else{
+ return "";
+ }
+ //获取注册来源
+function get_registerway($way){
+ if(!isset($way)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $arr=array(
+ 1=>'SDK',
+ 2=>'APP',
+ 3=>'PC',
+ 4=>'WAP',
+ );
+ return $arr[$way];
+function get_registertype($type){
+ if(!isset($type)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $arr=array(
+ 0=>"游客",
+ 1=>"账号",
+ 2 =>"手机",
+ 3=>"微信",
+ 4=>"QQ",
+ 5=>"百度",
+ 6=>"微博",
+ 7=>"Facebook",
+ 8=>"Google",
+ 9=>"邮箱",
+ );
+ return $arr[$type];
+function get_promote_id($name){
+ $promote=M('Promote','tab_');
+ $map['account']=$name;
+ $data=$promote->field('id')->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($data)){
+ return '';
+ }else{
+ return $data['id'];
+ }
+function get_admin_id($name){
+ $promote=M('Member','sys_');
+ $map['nickname']=$name;
+ $data=$promote->field('uid')->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($data)){
+ return '';
+ }else{
+ return $data['uid'];
+ }
+function get_user_list(){
+ $user = M('User','tab_');
+ $list = $user->field('id,account,balance')->order('id')->select();
+ return $list;
+function get_user_play_group_list(){
+ $user = M('UserPlay','tab_');
+ $list = $user->field('user_id,user_account,game_id,game_name,bind_balance')->group("user_id")->select();
+ return $list;
+ * [array_group_by 二维数组根据里面元素数组的字段 分组]
+ * @param [type] $arr [description]
+ * @param [type] $key [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function array_group_by($arr, $key){
+ $grouped = [];
+ foreach ($arr as $value) {
+ $grouped[$value[$key]][] = $value;
+ }
+ if (func_num_args() > 2) {
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ foreach ($grouped as $key => $value) {
+ $parms = array_merge([$value], array_slice($args, 2, func_num_args()));
+ $grouped[$key] = call_user_func_array('array_group_by', $parms);
+ }
+ }
+ return $grouped;
+ * [前几个月]
+ * @param integer $m [前几个月]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function before_mounth($m=12){
+ $time=array();
+ for ($i=0; $i <$m ; $i++) {
+ $time[]=date("Y-m", strtotime("-$i month"));
+ }
+ return $time;
+ * 获取上周指定日期时间
+ * @param $str 指定时间
+ * @return unknown 时间
+ */
+function get_lastweek_name($str){
+ switch ($str) {
+ case '1':
+ $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-1,date('Y')));
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-2,date('Y')));
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-3,date('Y')));
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-4,date('Y')));
+ break;
+ case '5':
+ $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-5,date('Y')));
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-6,date('Y')));
+ break;
+ case '7':
+ $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-7,date('Y')));
+ break;
+ // case '-1':
+ // $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-7,date('Y')));
+ // break;
+ default:
+ $time =date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y')));
+ break;
+ }
+ return $time;
+function get_adv_type($type=0){
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 1:
+ return '单图';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return '多图';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return '文字链接';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return '代码';
+ break;
+ default:
+ return '未知类型';
+ break;
+ }
+ *获取广告位标题
+ *@param int $pos_id
+ *@return string
+ *@author 小纯洁
+ */
+function get_adv_pos_title($pos_id=0){
+ $adv_pos = M('AdvPos',"tab_");
+ $map['id'] = $pos_id;
+ $data = $adv_pos->field('title')->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($data)){return "没有广告位";}
+ return $data['title'];
+function get_relation_game($id,$relation_id){
+ if($id==$relation_id){
+ $gdata=M('Game','tab_')->where(array('relation_game_id'=>$relation_id,'id'=>array('neq',$id)))->find();
+ if(!$gdata){
+ return false;//未关联游戏 即没有例外一个版本
+ }else{
+ return true;
+ }
+ }else{
+ //再次确认关联的游戏
+ $gdata=M('Game','tab_')->where(array('relation_game_id'=>$relation_id,'id'=>$relation_id))->find();
+ if($gdata){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ return -1; //数据出错
+ }
+ }
+function get_kuaijie($type=''){
+ if($type==''){
+ return false;
+ }else{
+ $data=M('Member')->field('kuaijie_value')->where(array('uid'=>UID))->find();
+ }
+ $data=$data['kuaijie_value'];
+ if(empty($data)){
+ $data='1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10';
+ }
+ $dataa=explode(',',$data);
+ if($type==1){
+ if($data==''){
+ $dataa='';
+ }else{
+ $map['id']=array('in',$data);
+ $dataa=M('Kuaijieicon')->where($map)->select();
+ }
+ }elseif($type==2){
+ if($data==''){
+ $dataa=M('Kuaijieicon')->select();
+ }else{
+ $map['id']=array('not in',$data);
+ $dataa=M('Kuaijieicon')->where($map)->select();
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($dataa as $key => $value) {
+ foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
+ if($value==$v['value']){
+ $dataa[$key]=$v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $dataa;
+ * 获取游戏版本
+ * @param $game_id
+ * @return string
+ */
+function get_sdk_version($game_id){
+ $game = M('Game','tab_')->find($game_id);
+ $version = empty($game) ? '' : $game['sdk_version'];
+ return $version;
+function get_kefu_data(){
+ $map['status']=1;
+ $map['istitle']=1;
+ $list = M('Kefuquestion')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->group('title')
+ ->select();
+ return $list;
+function get_msg($id = 0){
+ $id = $id ? $id : session('user_auth.uid');
+ $map['user_id'] = $id;
+ $map['status'] = 2;
+ $count = M('msg', 'tab_')->where($map)->count();
+ return $count;
+function array_status2value($status,$param,$array=array()){
+ foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
+ if($value[$status]!=1){
+ unset($array[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $array;
+ * 获取渠道平台币
+ * @param $promote_id
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function get_promote_coin($promote_id){
+ $promote = M('promote','tab_')->field('balance_coin')->find($promote_id);
+ return $promote['balance_coin'];
+function intFun($v)
+ {
+ $v=(int)$v;
+ return $v;
+ }
+ * 获取渠道父类
+ * @param $promote_id
+ * @param string $field
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function get_promote_parent($promote_id,$field='account'){
+ $Promote = M('promote','tab_');
+ $data = $Promote->field('parent_id')->find($promote_id);
+ if($data['parent_id'] != 0){
+ $data = $Promote->find($data['parent_id']);
+ }
+ return $data[$field];
+ * 获取渠道父类 父级默认空
+ */
+function get_promote_parent_acc($promote_id){
+ $Promote = M('promote','tab_');
+ $data = $Promote->field('account,parent_id,chain')->find($promote_id);
+ if(empty($data)){
+ return $data["account"]="官方渠道";exit;
+ }
+ $chain = trim($data['chain'], '/');
+ if ($chain == '') {
+ return '------';
+ } else {
+ $topPromoteId = explode('/', $chain)[0];
+ $parent_promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $topPromoteId])->find();
+ return $parent_promote['account'] ?: '------';
+ }
+function get_applecert(){
+ $data=M('applecert')->select();
+ return $data;;
+ * 获取ios游戏描述文件路径等
+ * @param [type] $game_id 游戏id
+ * @param [type] $type 1 原包路径 2描述文件路径
+ * @return [type] 路径
+ */
+function get_game_url($game_id,$type=1){
+ $map['game_id']=$game_id;
+ $find=M('game_source','tab_')->field('file_url,description_url')->where($map)->find();
+ if($type==1){
+ return $find['file_url'];
+ }elseif($type==2){
+ return $find['description_url'];
+ }
+ * 检查苹果渠道包打包状态
+ * @param [type] $pid [渠道id]
+ * @param [type] $gid [游戏id]
+ * @return boolean [-2 可以申请 -1 正在打包 1打包成功 2 打包失败 ]
+ */
+function is_check_pack_for_ios($pid,$gid){
+ $map['channelid']=$pid;
+ $map['game_id']=$gid;
+ $find=M('iospacket')->where($map)->find();
+ if(null==$find){
+ return -2;
+ }elseif(null!==$find&&$find['status']==2){
+ return -1;
+ }elseif(null!==$find&&$find['status']==0){
+ return 1;
+ }elseif(null!==$find&&$find['status']==-1){
+ return 2;
+ }
+ * 根据游戏id获取存入iospacket的原包/描述文件路径
+ * @param [type] $game_id [description]
+ * @param [type] $t [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function get_ios_purl($game_id,$t){
+ $a=explode("/",get_game_url($game_id,$t));
+ return $a[3]."/".$a[4];
+ * 判断原包是否有更新
+ * @param [type] $game_id [游戏id]
+ * @param [type] $promote_id [渠道id]
+ * @return [type] [1 有更新 0 无鞥下]
+ */
+function check_iosupdate($game_id,$promote_id){
+ $map['game_id']=$game_id;
+ $source=M('game_source','tab_')->field('game_id,file_url')->where($map)->find();
+ $map['channelid']=$promote_id;
+ $iospack=M('iospacket')->field('originalpath')->where($map)->find();
+ if($source['file_url']!=="./Uploads/Ios/".$iospack['originalpath']){
+ return 1;
+ }else{
+ return 0;
+ }
+ * 获取积分类型列表
+ * @return mixed
+ * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
+ */
+function get_point_type_lists(){
+ $data =M("point_type","tab_")->where(['status'=>1])->select();
+ return $data;
+ * 获取积分商品列表
+ * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
+ */
+function get_point_good_lists(){
+ $data =M("point_shop","tab_")->where(['status'=>1])->select();
+ return $data;
+ * 验证退款记录
+ * @param $pay_order_number
+ * @return int
+ */
+function ischeck_refund($pay_order_number){
+ $map['pay_order_number']=$pay_order_number;
+ $find=M('refund_record','tab_')->where($map)->find();
+ if(null==$find){
+ return 1;
+ }elseif($find['tui_status']=='2'){
+ return 2;
+ }elseif($find['tui_status']=='1'){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ * 获取支付方式
+ * @param $order
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function get_spend_pay_way($order){
+ $map['pay_order_number']=$order;
+ $find=M('refund_record','tab_')->field('pay_way')->where($map)->find();
+ return $find['pay_way'];
+function get_plist($game_id){
+ $map['game_id'] = $game_id;
+ $data = M('Game_source','tab_')->where($map)->field('plist_url')->find();
+ if (empty($data['plist_url'])){
+ return '';
+ }else{
+ return "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].substr($data['plist_url'],1);
+ }
+* @param array $data, 要移除的数据
+* @param type $element,要移除的指定元素
+* @return array 移除后的新数组
+* @author 小纯洁
+function remove_array_element($data=null,$element=null){
+ foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
+ if ($value === $element)
+ {
+ unset($data[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+*@param int $case 类型
+*@return string 返回对象名称
+*@author 小纯洁
+function get_discount_obj_name($case = 0){
+ $result = "";
+ switch ($case) {
+ case -1:
+ $result = "全站玩家";
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ $result = "官方渠道";
+ break;
+ case -2:
+ $result = "推广渠道";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $result = "全站玩家";
+ break;
+ }
+ return $result;
+*@param int $promote_id
+*@return string 返回对象名称
+*@author 小纯洁
+function get_promote_business_account($promote_id=0){
+ $promote = M('promote','tab_')->find($promote_id);
+ if(empty($promote)){
+ return "错误";
+ }
+ $business = M('BusinessAffairs','tab_')->find($promote['ba_id']);
+ return empty($business['account']) ? "暂无" : $business['account'];
+function get_highlight_subnav($cate_id=0,$url='Article/index',$param='cate_id'){
+ $map['sys_category.id'] = $cate_id;
+ $cate_id = D('category')
+ ->field("tab.id,tab.title,tab.pid,tab.sort")
+ ->join("sys_category AS tab ON sys_category.pid = tab.pid")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->order('tab.sort asc')
+ ->getField('tab.id',1);
+ $url = U($url,array('cate_id'=>$cate_id));
+ return $url;
+*@param string field 要返回的字段结果
+*@param string fieldMap 要查询的字段名称
+*@param string value 要查询的唯一字段的值
+function get_spend_fields($field='user_account',$fieldMap='id',$value=''){
+ $map[$fieldMap] = $value;
+ $data = M('Spend','tab_')->field($field)->where($map)->find();
+ if(empty($data)){
+ return false;
+ }else{
+ return $field === 'true' ? $data : $data[$field];
+ }
+ *根据模板id获取获取模板名称
+ */
+function get_tepname($id){
+ $model = M("Template");
+ $map["id"] = $id;
+ $reg = $model->where($map)->find();
+ return $reg["temname"];
+function open_url($url=null){
+ $str = "".$url."";
+ return $str;
+ *获取自建模板
+ */
+function templatelist(){
+ $model = M("Template");
+ $list = $model->select();
+ return $list;
+function get_gamename($gid=0){
+ if($gid == 0){return "未知";}
+ $model = D("Game");
+ $list = $model->where("id=".$gid)->find();
+// return $list;
+ return $list["game_name"];
+ *返回游戏官网名称
+ */
+function get_self_name($gid=0){
+ if($gid == 0){return "未知";}
+ $model = D("Game");
+ $self=M('selfbuilt')->where(['id'=>$gid])->find();
+ $list = $model->where("id=".$self['gameid'])->find();
+ return $list["game_name"];
+function get_list_data($model=null){
+ $m = M($model)->select();
+ return $m;
+function get_list_row($item = "global",$modelName="Model"){
+ $list = new \Admin\Event\listRowEvent();
+ $r = $list->getItem($item);
+ return $list->listRows();
+function get_pos_game($type=16){
+ $map['apply_status'] = 1;
+ $map['game_status'] = 1;
+ if($type == 16){
+ $map['sdk_version'] = 1;
+ }else{
+ $map['sdk_version'] = 2;
+ }
+ $data = M('game','tab_')->field('id,game_name')->where($map)->select();
+ return $data;
+function get_promote_levels($id = 0)
+ $data = M('promote', 'tab_')->field('parent_id, level')->where(array('id' => $id))->find();
+ switch ($data['level']) {
+ case '1':
+ return "会长";
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ return "部门长";
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ return "组长";
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ return "组员";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return '';
+ }
+ * 统计推广员总流水
+ * @param [type] $id [description]
+ * @return [type] [description]
+ */
+function sum_promote_total_money($id){
+ $map['promote_id']=$id;
+ $map['pay_status']=1;
+ $res=M('Spend','tab_')->field("SUM(pay_amount) as pay_amount")->where($map)->select();
+ return $res[0]['pay_amount']==null ? '0.00':$res[0]['pay_amount'];
+ *后续可用额度
+ * @param [type] $game_id [description]
+ * @return [type] $promote_id [description]
+ */
+function max_quota($game_id,$promote_id){
+ $map_s['game_id'] =$game_id;
+ $map_s['promote_id'] =$promote_id;
+ $map_s['support_type'] =1;
+ $map_s['notice_status'] =1;
+ $yishenhe_support_sum=M('support','tab_')->field("SUM(real_support_num) as sum_support_num")->where($map_s)->select();
+ $map_s['notice_status'] =0;
+ $map_s['status'] =['neq',0];
+ $weishenhe_support_sum=M('support','tab_')->field("SUM(support_num) as sum_support_num")->where($map_s)->select();
+ $support_quota=M('game','tab_')->field('support_quota,support_ratio')->where(['id'=>$game_id])->find();
+ $max_quota=$support_quota['support_quota']-$support_sum[0]['sum_support_num']; //算法一: 可用额度 = 后台设置额度 - 已申请额度
+ $map_sp['pay_status']=1;
+ $map_sp['game_id']=$game_id;
+ $child_promote = get_zi_promote_id($promote_id);
+ if($child_promote==0){
+ $child_promote = $promote_id;
+ }else{
+ $child_promote = $child_promote .','.$promote_id;
+ }
+ $map_sp['promote_id'] = ['in',$child_promote];
+ $spend=M('spend','tab_')->field('SUM(pay_amount) as sum_amount')->where($map_sp)->select();
+ // 该渠道该游戏可用额度 = 该渠道和子渠道的所有玩家的充值量 * 扶持额度 - 待审核额度 - 已申请成功额度
+ $promote_quota=floor($spend[0]['sum_amount'] * $support_quota['support_ratio']/100 - $weishenhe_support_sum[0]['sum_support_num'] - $yishenhe_support_sum[0]['sum_support_num']);
+ return $promote_quota < 1 ? 0 : $promote_quota;
+function cash_pay_way()
+ //$pay_way[1]=array('key'=>-1,'value'=>"绑币");
+ $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>1,'value'=>"支付宝");
+ $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>2,'value'=>"微信");
+// $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'微信APP');
+// $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'威富通');
+ /* $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>5,'value'=>'聚宝云'); */
+// $pay_way[5]=array('key'=>6,'value'=>'汇付宝');
+ /* $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>7,'value'=>"苹果支付");
+ */
+ $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>8,'value'=>'金猪');
+ $pay_way[9]=array('key'=>9,'value'=>"双乾支付-支付宝");
+ $pay_way[10]=array('key'=>10,'value'=>"双乾支付-银联");
+ $pay_way[15]=array('key'=>15,'value'=>'双乾支付-快捷');
+ $pay_way[17]=array('key'=>17,'value'=>'易宝支付');
+ return $pay_way;
+function getMonth() {
+ $start = date("Y-m", strtotime("now"));
+ //开始月份
+ $range = [];
+ $i = 1;
+ do {
+ $month = date('Y-m', strtotime($start . ' - ' . $i . ' month'));
+ $range[] = $month;
+ $i++;
+ } while ($i<13);
+ return $range;
+function getPayType($type) {
+ $return = '';
+ switch ($type) {
+ case -1:
+ $return = '绑币';
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ $return = '平台币';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $return = '支付宝';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $return = '微信(扫码)';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $return = '微信app';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $return = '威富通';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $return = '聚宝云';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $return = '竣付通';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ $return = '金猪';
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ $return = '双乾支付-支付宝';
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ $return = '双乾支付-银联';
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ $return = '双乾支付-快捷';
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ $return = '易宝支付';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $return = '未知';
+ break;
+ }
+ return $return;
+function getPartner() {
+ $map['status'] = 1;
+ $data = M('partner','tab_')->field('id,partner')->where($map)->select();
+ return $data;
+function getGameList($partner_id) {
+ if ($partner_id) {
+ $map['partner_id'] = $partner_id;
+ }
+ $data = M('game','tab_')->field("id,game_name")->where($map)->select();
+ return $data;
+function getAdminData ($uid) {
+ $adminData = M('auth_group_access')
+ ->field('data_empower_type,data_president,show_data')
+ ->join('left join sys_auth_group on sys_auth_group_access.group_id=sys_auth_group.id')
+ ->where(array('uid'=>$uid))->find();
+// $promoteData = M('promote','tab_')->field('id')->where(array('admin_id'=>$uid))->select();
+// $promoteData = implode(',',array_column($promoteData,'id'));
+// $adminData['data_president'] = $adminData['data_president'].','.$promoteData;
+ return $adminData;
+ * 获取当前管理员有权限查看所有推广员id
+ * @return mixed|string 格式如;all-全部;1,2,3;为空表示都没有权限
+ */
+function getPowerPromoteIds()
+ //session已存在当前管理员可查看数据的推广员id,则直接返回,权限有变化事删除此session
+ if (!empty(session('user_auth_promote_ids'))) {
+ return session('user_auth_promote_ids');
+ }
+ $userAuth = session('user_auth');
+ $promoteIds = 'all';
+ $userAuth['data_president']= trim($userAuth['data_president'], ",");
+ if (!empty($userAuth['data_empower_type'])) {//数据权限 1 全部 2 部分数据 3 自己底下的会长
+ //等于1默认全部数据,不进行筛选
+ if (in_array($userAuth['data_empower_type'], [2, 3])) {
+ $promoteIds = '';
+ //自己创建的会长
+ $myPromote_ids = M('promote', 'tab_')
+ ->field('GROUP_CONCAT(id) as promote_ids')
+ ->where(['admin_id' => $userAuth['uid']])
+ ->find();
+ $myPromote_ids = $myPromote_ids['promote_ids'];
+ if ($myPromote_ids) {
+ if ($userAuth['data_empower_type'] == 2) {//部分会长加上自己创建的会长
+// $userAuth['data_president'] .= "," . $myPromote_ids;
+ } elseif ($userAuth['data_empower_type'] == 3) {//自己创建的会长和底下推广员
+ $userAuth['data_president'] = $myPromote_ids;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($userAuth['data_president'])) {//查询有权限查看的会长以及底下的推广员
+ $map = array();
+ //查询会长底下的推广员(首个斜杆之间的数字)
+ $userAuth['data_president']= trim($userAuth['data_president'], ",");
+ $where['SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`chain`,"/",2),"/",-1)'] = array('exp',"IN({$userAuth['data_president']})");
+ $where['id'] = array('in', $userAuth['data_president']);//会长本身
+ $where['_logic'] = 'or';
+ $map['_complex'] = $where;
+ $sqlResult = M('promote', 'tab_')
+ ->field('GROUP_CONCAT(id) as promote_ids')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ $promoteIds = $sqlResult['promote_ids'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// var_dump(in_array('-1',explode(',',$userAuth['data_president'])));die();
+ if (in_array('-1',explode(',',$userAuth['data_president']))) {
+ $promoteIds = $promoteIds .',0';
+ }
+// var_dump($promoteIds);die();
+ session('user_auth_promote_ids', $promoteIds);
+ return $promoteIds;
+ * 为数据权限添加筛选参数
+ * @param array $map 查询条件
+ * @param string $column 字段名,默认为promote_id
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function setPowerPromoteIds(&$map, $column = 'promote_id') {
+ //为数据权限添加
+ $promoteIds = getPowerPromoteIds();
+ if (empty($promoteIds)) {
+ $map[$column] = -1;//没权限时将promote_id置为-1
+ } elseif ($promoteIds != 'all') {
+ if (isset($map[$column])) {
+ if (isset($map['_string'])) {//查询字段中已存在promote_id,不覆盖此条件而处理
+ $map['_string'] .= " and $column in($promoteIds)";
+ } else {
+ $map['_string'] = " $column in($promoteIds)";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $map[$column] = array('in', $promoteIds);
+ }
+ }
+function get_promote_listOther($select='') {
+// $promoteRoot = getPowerPromoteIds();
+// if ($promoteRoot) {
+// $map['id'] =array('in',$promoteRoot);
+// }
+ setPowerPromoteIds($map,'id');
+ $list = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin')->where($map)->select();//where("status=1")->
+ if (empty($list)){return '';}
+ if($select==111){
+ $new['id']=-1;
+ $new['account']="全站用户";
+ array_unshift($list,$new);
+ }
+ return $list;
+ * 渠道列表
+ * @param $type
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function promote_listsOther($type){
+ if($type){
+ $map['level'] = $type;
+ } else{
+ $map = '';
+ }
+// $promoteRoot = getPowerPromoteIds();
+// if ($promoteRoot) {
+// $map['id'] =array('in',$promoteRoot);
+// }
+ setPowerPromoteIds($map,'id');
+ $data = M('promote','tab_')->where($map)->select();
+ $items = M('PromoteBalanceCoin', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => 0])->select();
+ $records = [];
+ foreach ($items as $item) {
+ $records[$item['promote_id']] = $item['num'];
+ }
+ foreach ($data as $key => $item) {
+ $item['common_coin'] = isset($records[$item['id']]) ? $records[$item['id']] : $item['balance_coin'];
+ $data[$key] = $item;
+ }
+ return $data;
+function get_admin_listOther()
+ $nickname = session('user_auth')['username'];
+ $list= M("Member")->field('uid,nickname')->where("status=1 and nickname='{$nickname}'")->select();
+ if(empty($list)){return false;}
+ return $list;
+ * 根据会长id底下的推广员id
+ * @param $promote_id
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function getOffspringByPromoteId($promote_id = null) {
+ if (isset($promote_id)) {
+ if ($promote_id ==0) {//官方渠道
+ $promote_ids = '0';
+ } else {
+ $where['chain'] = ['like', "%/{$promote_id}/%"];
+ $where['id'] = $promote_id;//会长本身
+ $where['_logic'] = 'or';
+ $map['_complex'] = $where;
+ $promote_ids = M('promote', 'tab_')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->field('group_concat(id) as promote_ids')
+ ->find();
+ $promote_ids = $promote_ids['promote_ids'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $promote_ids = getPowerPromoteIds();
+ }
+ return $promote_ids;
+ * csv 导出函数
+ * @param [array] $data 一般为数据库查询结果集
+ * @param [string] $title 表格名称
+ * @param [array] $fields [字段=>首行名称,...]例如:['name'=>'名称']
+ * @return void
+ */
+function data2csv(&$data,$title,$fields){
+ set_time_limit(0);
+ ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); //设置内存不受限制
+ $csvFileName = $title.'.csv';
+ //设置好告诉浏览器要下载excel文件的headers
+ header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
+ header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $csvFileName .'"');
+ header('Expires: 0');
+ header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
+ header('Pragma: public');
+ $fp = fopen('php://output', 'a');//打开output流
+ fwrite($fp, chr(0xEF).chr(0xBB).chr(0xBF));//转码,防止乱码
+ $field = array_keys($fields);
+ //生成首行
+ $header = array_values($fields);
+ fputcsv($fp, $header);
+ $index = 0;
+ foreach ($data as $row) {
+ $a = [];
+ foreach($field as $k=>$v){
+ // $a[$v] = $row[$v] . "\t";//防止格式错误
+ $a[$v] = $row[$v];
+ }
+ if ($index == 10000) { //每次写入1000条数据清除内存
+ $index = 0;
+ ob_flush();//清除内存
+ flush();
+ }
+ $index++;
+ fputcsv($fp, $a);
+ }
+ ob_flush();
+ fclose($fp); //每生成一个文件关闭
+ die();
+function all_pay_way_other($type=false)
+ if($type){
+ $pay_way[0]=array('key'=>0,'value'=>"平台币");
+ }
+ $pay_way[1]=array('key'=>-1,'value'=>"绑币");
+ $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>1,'value'=>"支付宝");
+ $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>2,'value'=>"微信");
+ $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>7,'value'=>'苹果');
+ $pay_way[9]=array('key'=>9,'value'=>"双乾支付-支付宝");
+ $pay_way[10]=array('key'=>10,'value'=>"双乾支付-银联");
+// $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'微信APP');
+// $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'威富通');
+ /* $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>5,'value'=>'聚宝云'); */
+// $pay_way[5]=array('key'=>6,'value'=>'汇付宝');
+ /* $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>7,'value'=>"苹果支付");
+ */
+ $pay_way[15]=array('key'=>15,'value'=>'双乾支付-快捷');
+ $pay_way[17]=array('key'=>17,'value'=>'易宝支付');
+ return $pay_way;
+function getMonthOther() {
+ $start = date("Y-m", strtotime("now"));
+ //开始月份
+ $range = [];
+ $i = 0;
+ do {
+ $month = date('Y-m', strtotime($start . ' - ' . $i . ' month'));
+ $range[] = $month;
+ $i++;
+ } while ($i<36);
+ return $range;
+function getAdmin($column = 'uid') {
+ return session("user_auth")[$column];
+function getCompanyList() {
+ $sql = "select id,company_name,1 as company_type from tab_promote_company UNION ALL select id,partner,0 as company_type from tab_partner";
+ $data = M()->table("({$sql}) as a")->select();
+ return $data;
+function excelUpStreamTemplate($data, $all_sum_money, $all_pay_amount, $big_all_sum_money) {
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
+ error_reporting(E_ALL);
+ ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
+ ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
+ define('EOL',(PHP_SAPI == 'cli') ? PHP_EOL : '
+ date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London');
+ Vendor("PHPExcel.PHPExcel");
+ $objReader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5');
+ //设置模板文件
+ $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load("Public/Admin/excel/up_stream.xls");
+ //增加甲方信息
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D2', $data['first_party_info']['partner']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D3', $data['first_party_info']['link_man']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D4', $data['first_party_info']['link_phone']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D5', $data['first_party_info']['address']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D6', $data['first_party_info']['company_tax_no']);
+ //增加乙方信息
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J2', $data['second_party_info']['partner']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J3', $data['second_party_info']['link_man']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J4', $data['second_party_info']['link_phone']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J5', $data['second_party_info']['address']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J6', $data['second_party_info']['company_tax_no']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C7', "支付给:".$data['receive_company']['partner']); //增加支付给对应公司
+ $line = 10;
+ //记录统计项目
+ $pay_amount_str = "=";
+ //增加结算记录
+ foreach ($data['statement_info'] as $key => $value) {
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->insertNewRowBefore($line,1)->mergeCells("J$line:K$line");
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C'.$line, $value['statement_begin_time'] . '-' . $value['statement_end_time']);
+ if ($value['statement_type'] > 0) {//罚款
+ $product_name = $value['game_name'];
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F'.$line , '-');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('G'.$line, '-');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('H'.$line, '-');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('I'.$line, '-');
+ if ($value['statement_type'] == 1) {
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.$line, "-".$value['pay_amount']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J'.$line, "-".$value['sum_money']);
+ }else{
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.$line, $value['pay_amount']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J'.$line, $value['sum_money']);
+ }
+ } else {//游戏
+ $product_name = $value['game_name'];
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F'.$line , $value['first_ratio'] . '%');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('G'.$line, $value['second_ratio'] . '%');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('H'.$line, $value['promote_ratio'] . '%');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('I'.$line, $value['fax_ratio']. '%');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.$line, $value['pay_amount']);
+ // $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J'.$line, $value['sum_money']);
+ if ($data['pay_type'] == 2) {
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J'.$line, "=E{$line}*(1-H{$line})*G{$line}*(1-I{$line})");
+ }else{
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('J'.$line, "=E{$line}*(1-H{$line})*F{$line}*(1-I{$line})");
+ }
+ }
+ $pay_amount_str .= "J{$line}+";
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D'.$line, $product_name);
+ $line++;
+ }
+ //合计
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("E" . ($line), $data['pay_amount']);
+ // $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("J" . ($line), $data['statement_money']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("J" . ($line), trim($pay_amount_str,"+"));
+ // $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("J" . ($line+1), $big_all_sum_money); //本月分成总金额(人民币大写)
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("J" . ($line+1), "=J{$line}"); //本月分成总金额(人民币大写)
+ //收款方
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("D" . ($line+2), $data['receive_company']['payee_name']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("D" . ($line+3), $data['receive_company']['bank_account']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("D" . ($line+4), $data['receive_company']['opening_bank']);
+ //付款方
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("J" . ($line+2), $data['pay_company']['payee_name']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("J" . ($line+3), $data['pay_company']['bank_account']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue("J" . ($line+4), $data['pay_company']['opening_bank']);
+ $statement_begin_time = date('Y.m.d', $data['statement_begin_time']);//对账开始时间
+ $statement_end_time = date('Y.m.d',$data['statement_end_time']);//对账截止时间
+ $fileName = "{$data['second_party_info']['partner']}&{$data['first_party_info']['partner']}-对账单{$statement_begin_time}-{$statement_end_time}";
+ ob_end_clean();//清除缓冲区,避免乱码
+ header('pragma:public');
+ header('Content-type:application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8;name="' . $fileName .'".xls');
+ header("Content-Disposition:attachment;filename={$fileName}.xls");//attachment新窗口打印inline本窗口打印
+ $objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
+ $objWriter->save('php://output');
+ exit;
+function excelDownStreamTemplate($data, $all_sum_money, $all_pay_amount, $big_all_sum_money) {
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
+ error_reporting(E_ALL);
+ ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
+ ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
+ define('EOL',(PHP_SAPI == 'cli') ? PHP_EOL : '
+ Vendor("PHPExcel.PHPExcel");
+ $objPHPExcel = new \PHPExcel();
+ $objReader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5');
+ //设置模板文件
+ $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load("Public/Admin/excel/down_stream.xls");
+ $statement_begin_time = date('Y.m.d', $data['statement_begin_time']);//对账开始时间
+ $statement_end_time = date('Y.m.d',$data['statement_end_time']);//对账截止时间
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', "《 {$data['company_name']} 》结算单\n({$statement_begin_time}-{$statement_end_time})");
+ if ($data['withdraw_type'] == '2') {
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D2','补点比例');
+ }
+ $line = 3;
+ $pay_amount_str = "=";
+ foreach ($data['statement_info'] as $key => $value) {
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->insertNewRowBefore($line,1);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->removeConditionalStyles();
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A'.$line, $value['statement_begin_time'] . '-' . $value['statement_end_time']);
+ if ($value['statement_type'] > 0) {//罚款
+ $product_name = $value['game_name'];
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D'.$line, '-');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.$line, '-');
+ if ($value['statement_type'] == 1) {
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C'.$line, "-".$value['pay_amount']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F'.$line, "-".$value['sum_money']);
+ }else{
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C'.$line, $value['pay_amount']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F'.$line, $value['sum_money']);
+ }
+ } else {//游戏
+ $product_name = $value['game_name'];
+ if ($data['withdraw_type'] == 2) {
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D'.$line, $value['increment_ratio'] . '%');
+ }else{
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D'.$line, $value['ratio'] . '%');
+ }
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.$line, $value['fax_ratio'] . '%');
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C'.$line, $value['pay_amount']);
+ // $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F'.$line, $value['sum_money']);
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F'.$line,"=C{$line}*D{$line}*(1-E{$line})");
+ }
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.$line, $product_name);
+ $pay_amount_str .= "F{$line}+";
+ $line++;
+ }
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C'.($line), $data['pay_amount']);//合计-平台总额
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F'.($line), trim($pay_amount_str,"+"));//合计-结算金额
+ // $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.($line+1), $big_all_sum_money);//大写支付结算金额
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.($line+1), "=F{$line}");//大写支付结算金额
+ //甲方信息
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.($line+3), $data['pay_company']['partner']);//甲方
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.($line+4), $data['pay_company']['link_man']);//联系人
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.($line+5), $data['pay_company']['link_phone']);//联系电话
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.($line+6), $data['receive_company']['invoice_content']);//开票项目
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B'.($line+7), $data['receive_company']['invoice_type']);//发票类型
+ //乙方信息
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+3), $data['receive_company']['partner']);//乙方
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+4), $data['receive_company']['link_man']);//联系人
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+5), $data['receive_company']['link_phone']);//联系电话
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+6), $data['receive_company']['address']);//邮寄地址
+// $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+8), $value['pay_amount']);//请汇入此账号
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+8), $data['receive_company']['bank_account_name']);//户名
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+9), $data['receive_company']['bank_account']);//银行账号
+ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E'.($line+10), $data['receive_company']['opening_bank']);//开户行
+ $fileName = "{$data['second_party_info']['partner']}&{$data['first_party_info']['partner']}-对账单{$statement_begin_time}-{$statement_end_time}";
+// dd($fileName);
+ ob_end_clean();//清除缓冲区,避免乱码
+ header('pragma:public');
+ header('Content-type:application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8;name="' . $fileName .'".xls');
+ header("Content-Disposition:attachment;filename={$fileName}.xls");//attachment新窗口打印inline本窗口打印
+ $objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
+ $objWriter->save('php://output');
+ exit;
+function getWithdrawNumber() {
+ $map = [];
+ $map['ext_field'] = ['neq',null];
+ $data = M('withdraw',"tab_")
+ ->field("widthdraw_number")
+ ->join('left join tab_promote_belong on tab_withdraw.promote_id=tab_promote_belong.promote_id')
+ ->join("left join tab_statement as statement on tab_withdraw.widthdraw_number = statement.ext_field")
+ ->where("ext_field is null and tab_promote_belong.company_type!=2")
+ ->select();
+ return $data;
+function caculateUpstream($game_id,$pay_amount) {
+ $ladderData = M('cp_game_ratio','tab_')
+ ->where(['game_id'=>$game_id,'begin_total_amount'=>['elt',$pay_amount],'is_del'=>0])
+ ->limit(0,2)
+ ->order('begin_total_amount desc')
+ ->select();
+ foreach($ladderData as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value['instanceof'] == 1 && $value['begin_total_amount'] <= $pay_amount
+ || $value['instanceof'] == 2 && $value['begin_total_amount'] != $pay_amount ) {
+ $data['ratio'] = $value['ratio'];
+ break;
+ } else {
+ $data['ratio'] = $value['ratio'];
+ }
+ }
+ return number_format($pay_amount*($data['ratio']/100),2,'.','');
+function getPromoteCompanyList() {
+ $sql = "select id,company_name,1 as company_type from tab_promote_company";
+ $data = M()->table("({$sql}) as a")->select();
+ return $data;
+//获取游戏cp分成比例 $type=false时返回最低分成比例
+function getGameCpRadio($game_id,$amount,$type) {
+ if (!$type) {
+ $data = M('cp_game_ratio','tab_')->where(['game_id'=>$game_id])->order('begin_total_amount asc')->find();
+ } else {
+ //取两条
+ $ladderData = M('cp_game_ratio','tab_')->where(['game_id'=>$game_id,'begin_total_amount'=>['elt',$amount]])->limit(0,2)->order('begin_total_amount desc')->select();
+// dump($ladderData);die();
+ foreach($ladderData as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value['instanceof'] == 1 && $value['begin_total_amount'] <= $amount
+ || $value['instanceof'] == 2 && $value['begin_total_amount'] != $amount ) {
+ $data['ratio'] = $value['ratio'];
+ break;
+ } else {
+ $data['ratio'] = $value['ratio'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $data['ratio']?$data['ratio']:0;
+ * 获取渠道分成比例
+ * @author chenzhi
+ * @param [type] $company_id 公司id
+ * @param [type] $relation_game_id 游戏广联id
+ * @param [type] $endtime 结算结束的时间戳
+ * @param [type] $amount 金额
+ * @param [type] $type $type=false时返回最低分成比例
+ * @param [type] $company_belong 公司团体类型,不传的话用id查询
+ * @return ratio
+ */
+function getGamePromoteCompanyRadio($company_id,$relation_game_id,$endtime,$amount,$type,$company_belong=false) {
+ //判断是否有生效
+ $rwhere = "(end_time = 0 OR end_time >= '{$endtime}') and company_id='{$company_id}' and relation_game_id='{$relation_game_id}'";
+ $cgr_res = M("CompanyGameRatio","tab_")->where($rwhere)->find();
+ if(empty($cgr_res)){
+ //模板搜索
+ //获取公司类型
+ if($company_belong === false){
+ $company_belong = M("PromoteCompany","tab_")->field("company_belong")->where("id='{$company_id}'")->find()['company_belong'];
+ }
+ $mwhere = "company_belong='{$company_belong}' and relation_game_id='{$relation_game_id}'";
+ $m_res = M("GameRatioMould","tab_")->where($mwhere)->find();
+ if(empty($m_res)){
+ $default_r = 0;
+ $turnover_ratio = false;
+ }else{
+ $default_r = $m_res['ratio'];
+ $turnover_ratio = json_decode($m_res['turnover_ratio'],true);
+ }
+ }else{
+ $default_r = $cgr_res['ratio'];
+ $turnover_ratio = json_decode($cgr_res['turnover_ratio'],true);
+ }
+ //执行比例
+ if (!$type || !$turnover_ratio) {
+ return $default_r;
+ }
+ //获取比例
+ $ratio = $default_r;
+ foreach($turnover_ratio as $k=>$v){
+ if($v['instanceof'] == 1){
+ if($amount >= $v['turnover']){
+ $ratio = $v['ratio'];
+ }
+ }else{
+ if($amount > $v['turnover']){
+ $ratio = $v['ratio'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ratio;
+function check_str($str, $substr)
+ $nums=substr_count($str,$substr);
+ return $nums;
+function getPromoteGameRatio($promoteID = 0, $relationGameId = 0, $amount=0, $timeStart=0, $timeEnd=0, $isDefault = false)
+ $map = " promote_id = {$promoteID} and relation_game_id = {$relationGameId} and status = 1 and begin_time <= {$timeStart} ";
+ if ($timeEnd) {
+ $map .= " and (end_time = 0 or end_time >= {$timeEnd}) ";
+ }
+ $result = M('promote_game_ratio_log', 'tab_')->where($map)->order('id desc')->find();
+ if (!$result) return 0;
+ $ratios = array_reverse(json_decode($result['turnover_ratio'], true));
+ if (!$ratios) return 0;
+ if ($isDefault) {
+ return $result['ratio'] ?: 0;
+ }
+ $ratio = $result['ratio'];
+ foreach ($ratios as $item) {
+ if (($item['instanceof'] == 1 && $amount >= $item['turnover']) || ($item['instanceof'] == 2 && $amount > $item['turnover'])) {
+ $ratio = $item['ratio'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ratio;
+function checkAccount($type,$account) {
+// $type = I('type');
+// $account = I('account');
+ $map = [];
+ $map['account'] = $account;
+ if ($type == 1) {
+ $result = M('promote','tab_')->field('account')->where($map)->find();
+ } else {
+ $result = M('user','tab_')->field('account')->where($map)->find();
+ }
+ if ($result) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+function a_array_unique($array){
+ $out = array();
+ foreach ($array as $key=>$value) {
+ if (!in_array($value, $out)){
+ $out[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ $out = array_values($out);
+ return $out;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取团体归属类型
+ * @author chenzhi 20200219
+ * $id 不传返回所有类型列表
+ * 传入ID 返回对应的团体类型
+ */
+ function getCompanyBlong($id = -1)
+ {
+ $data = array(
+ ["id"=>0,'name'=>"内团"],
+ ["id"=>1,'name'=>"外团"],
+ ["id"=>2,'name'=>"外团-分发"],
+ ["id"=>3,'name'=>"无"]
+ );
+ if($id > -1){
+ foreach($data as $k=>$v){
+ if($v['id'] == $id){
+ return $v['name'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ return $data;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取公会归属关系
+ * @author chenzhi 20200219
+ * $id 不传返回所有关系列表
+ * 传入ID 返回对应的团体关系
+ */
+ function getCompanyRelation($id = -1)
+ {
+ $data = array(
+ ["id"=>0,'name'=>"自主开发及维护"],
+ ["id"=>1,'name'=>"只维护"],
+ ["id"=>2,'name'=>"无"]
+ );
+ if($id > -1){
+ foreach($data as $k=>$v){
+ if($v['id'] == $id){
+ return $v['name'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ return $data;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取公会等级对应名称
+ * @author chenzhi 20200219
+ * $id 不传返回所有等级名称
+ * 传入ID 返回对应的等级名称
+ */
+ function getPromoteLeverName($id = -1)
+ {
+ $data = array(
+ ["id"=>1,'name'=>"会长"],
+ ["id"=>2,'name'=>"部门长"],
+ ["id"=>3,'name'=>"组长"],
+ ["id"=>4,'name'=>"组员"],
+ );
+ if($id > -1){
+ foreach($data as $k=>$v){
+ if($v['id'] == $id){
+ return $v['name'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ return $data;
+ }
+ }
+ * 操作日志
+ * array(
+ * op_type=>操作类型 0:新增,1:编辑 2:删除 3:下载,
+ * op_name=>操作说明 例如:编辑,删除,锁定等,
+ * url=>需要跳转的url 添加去列表加唯一id,编辑直接去编辑页面,下载可以重新下载(新开页面),
+ * key=>关键词:用户的账号,游戏的名词等,
+ * menu=>非必须,菜单目录,不存在的话按控制器寻找。
+ * )
+ */
+function addOperationLog($options)
+ $checkarr = ['op_type','url','key'];
+ foreach ($checkarr as $v) {
+ if(!array_key_exists($v,$options)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!array_key_exists("op_name",$options)){
+ $options['op_name'] = ($options['op_type'] == 1 ? "编辑" : ($options['op_type'] == 2 ? "删除" :($options['op_type'] == 3 ? "导出" :"新增")));
+ }
+ //获取ip
+ $addarray = [
+ "op_ip"=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
+ 'admin_id'=>$_SESSION['onethink_admin']['user_auth']['uid'],
+ 'admin_account'=>$_SESSION['onethink_admin']['user_auth']['username'],
+ 'op_type'=>$options['op_type'],
+ 'op_name'=>$options['op_name'],
+ 'url'=>$options['url'],
+ 'key'=>$options['key'],
+ 'create_time'=>time()
+ ];
+ //获取菜单名称
+ if(!array_key_exists("menu",$options)){
+ $arr = [];
+ $menuname = D("menu")->field('title,pid,group')->where("url = '{$act}'")->find();
+ if($menuname){
+ $arr[] = $menuname['title'];
+ if(!empty($menuname['group'])){
+ $arr[] = $menuname['group'];
+ }
+ getLink($menuname['pid'],$arr);
+ }
+ $addarray['menu'] = implode ( "-",array_reverse($arr));
+ }else{
+ $addarray['menu'] = $options['menu'];
+ }
+ M("OperationLog","tab_")->add($addarray);
+function getLink($pid=0,&$arr){
+ if($pid == 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ $menuname = D("menu")->field('title,pid,group')->where("id = '{$pid}'")->find();
+ if($menuname){
+ $arr[] = $menuname['title'];
+ if(!empty($menuname['group'])){
+ $arr[] = $menuname['group'];
+ }
+ if($menuname['pid'] != 0){
+ getLink($menuname['pid'], $arr);
+ }
+ }
+function getNowDate() {
+ return date('YmdHis',time());
+function getPromoteName($id) {
+ if (!$id) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $name = M('promote','tab_')
+ ->where(['id'=>$id])
+ ->find()['account'];
+ return $name;
+function getrelationGameName($id) {
+ if (!$id) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $name = M('game','tab_')
+ ->where(['relation_game_id'=>$id])
+ ->find()['relation_game_name'];
+ return $name;
+ * 获取测试资源可用余额
+ * promote_id=>推广员id,
+ * game_id=>游戏id,
+ */
+function getAvailableBalance($promote_id=0,$game_id=0,$server_id='') {
+ if (!$promote_id||!$game_id||!$server_id) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $availableBalanceData = M('promote_game_available_balance','tab_')
+ ->field('available_balance')
+ ->where(['promote_id'=>$promote_id,'game_id'=>$game_id,'server_name'=>$server_id])
+ ->find();
+ return $availableBalanceData['available_balance']?$availableBalanceData['available_balance']:0;
diff --git a/Application/Payment/Common/function.php b/Application/Payment/Common/function.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..408114613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Common/function.php
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 后台公共文件
+ * 主要定义后台公共函数库
+ */
+/* 解析列表定义规则*/
+function get_list_field($data, $grid)
+ // 获取当前字段数据
+ foreach ($grid['field'] as $field) {
+ $array = explode('|', $field);
+ $temp = $data[$array[0]];
+ $twotemp = $data[$array[2]];//新加
+ // 函数支持
+ if (isset($array[1])) {
+ if (isset($twotemp)) {//新加
+ $param = explode('*', $array[1]);
+ $temp = isset($param[1]) ? call_user_func($param[0], $temp, $param[1]) : call_user_func($array[1], $twotemp, $temp);
+ } else {
+ $param = explode('*', $array[1]);
+ $temp = isset($param[1]) ? call_user_func($param[0], $temp, $param[1]) : call_user_func($array[1], $temp);
+ }
+ }
+ $data2[$array[0]] = $temp;
+ }
+ if (!empty($grid['format'])) {
+ $value = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data2) {
+ return $data2[$match[1]];
+ }, $grid['format']);
+ } else {
+ $value = implode(' ', $data2);
+ }
+ // 链接支持
+ if ('title' == $grid['field'][0] && '目录' == $data['type']) {
+ // 目录类型自动设置子文档列表链接
+ $grid['href'] = '[LIST]';
+ }
+ if (!empty($grid['href'])) {
+ $links = explode(',', $grid['href']);
+ foreach ($links as $link) {
+ $array = explode('|', $link);
+ $href = $array[0];
+ if (preg_match('/^\[([a-z_]+)\]$/', $href, $matches)) {
+ $val[] = $data2[$matches[1]];
+ } else {
+ $show = isset($array[1]) ? $array[1] : $value;
+ // 替换系统特殊字符串
+ $href = str_replace(
+ array('[DELETE]', '[EDIT]', '[LIST]'),
+ array('setstatus?status=-1&ids=[id]',
+ 'edit?id=[id]&model=[model_id]&cate_id=[category_id]',
+ 'index?pid=[id]&model=[model_id]&cate_id=[category_id]'),
+ $href);
+ // 替换数据变量
+ $href = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data) {
+ return $data[$match[1]];
+ }, $href);
+ switch ($show) {
+ case '删除':
+ $val[] = '' . $show . '';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $val[] = '' . $show . '';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $value = implode(' ', $val);
+ }
+ return $value;
+ * [every_day 获取日期]
+ * @param integer $m [description]
+ * @return [type] [array]
+ */
+function every_day($m = 7)
+ $time = array();
+ for ($i = $m - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+ $time[] = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - $i, date('Y')));
+ }
+ return $time;
+// 两个日期之间的所有日期
+function prDates($start, $end)
+ $dt_start = strtotime($start);
+ $dt_end = strtotime($end);
+ while ($dt_start <= $dt_end) {
+ $tt[] = date('Y-m-d', $dt_start);
+ $dt_start = strtotime('+1 day', $dt_start);
+ }
+ return $tt;
+/* 解析插件数据列表定义规则*/
+function get_addonlist_field($data, $grid, $addon)
+ // 获取当前字段数据
+ foreach ($grid['field'] as $field) {
+ $array = explode('|', $field);
+ $temp = $data[$array[0]];
+ // 函数支持
+ if (isset($array[1])) {
+ $temp = call_user_func($array[1], $temp);
+ }
+ $data2[$array[0]] = $temp;
+ }
+ if (!empty($grid['format'])) {
+ $value = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data2) {
+ return $data2[$match[1]];
+ }, $grid['format']);
+ } else {
+ $value = implode(' ', $data2);
+ }
+ // 链接支持
+ if (!empty($grid['href'])) {
+ $links = explode(',', $grid['href']);
+ foreach ($links as $link) {
+ $array = explode('|', $link);
+ $href = $array[0];
+ if (preg_match('/^\[([a-z_]+)\]$/', $href, $matches)) {
+ $val[] = $data2[$matches[1]];
+ } else {
+ $show = isset($array[1]) ? $array[1] : $value;
+ // 替换系统特殊字符串
+ $href = str_replace(
+ array('[DELETE]', '[EDIT]', '[ADDON]'),
+ array('del?ids=[id]&name=[ADDON]', 'edit?id=[id]&name=[ADDON]', $addon),
+ $href);
+ // 替换数据变量
+ $href = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data) {
+ return $data[$match[1]];
+ }, $href);
+ $val[] = '' . $show . '';
+ }
+ }
+ $value = implode(' ', $val);
+ }
+ return $value;
+// 获取模型名称
+function get_model_by_id($id)
+ return $model = M('Model')->getFieldById($id, 'title');
+// 获取属性类型信息
+function get_attribute_type($type = '')
+ // TODO 可以加入系统配置
+ static $_type = array(
+ 'num' => array('数字', 'int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL'),
+ 'string' => array('字符串', 'varchar(255) NOT NULL'),
+ 'textarea' => array('文本框', 'text NOT NULL'),
+ 'date' => array('日期', 'int(10) NOT NULL'),
+ 'datetime' => array('时间', 'int(10) NOT NULL'),
+ 'bool' => array('布尔', 'tinyint(2) NOT NULL'),
+ 'select' => array('枚举', 'char(50) NOT NULL'),
+ 'radio' => array('单选', 'char(10) NOT NULL'),
+ 'checkbox' => array('多选', 'varchar(100) NOT NULL'),
+ 'editor' => array('编辑器', 'text NOT NULL'),
+ 'picture' => array('上传图片', 'int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL'),
+ 'file' => array('上传附件', 'int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL'),
+ );
+ return $type ? $_type[$type][0] : $_type;
+ * 获取对应状态的文字信息
+ * @param int $status
+ * @return string 状态文字 ,false 未获取到
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_status_title($status = null)
+ if (!isset($status)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch ($status) {
+ case -1 :
+ return "已删除";
+ break;
+ case 0 :
+ return "禁用";
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ return "正常";
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ return "待审核";
+ break;
+ default :
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+// 获取数据的状态操作
+function show_status_op($status)
+ switch ($status) {
+ case 0 :
+ return "正常";
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ return "禁用";
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ return "待审核";
+ break;
+ default :
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ * 获取文档的类型文字
+ * @param string $type
+ * @return string 状态文字 ,false 未获取到
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_document_type($type = null)
+ if (!isset($type)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 1 :
+ return '目录';
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ return '主题';
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ return '段落';
+ break;
+ default :
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ * 获取配置的类型
+ * @param string $type 配置类型
+ * @return string
+ */
+function get_config_type($type = 0)
+ $list = C('CONFIG_TYPE_LIST');
+ return $list[$type];
+ * 获取配置的分组
+ * @param string $group 配置分组
+ * @return string
+ */
+function get_config_group($group = 0)
+ $list = C('CONFIG_GROUP_LIST');
+ return $group ? $list[$group] : '';
+ * select返回的数组进行整数映射转换
+ *
+ * @param array $map 映射关系二维数组 array(
+ * '字段名1'=>array(映射关系数组),
+ * '字段名2'=>array(映射关系数组),
+ * ......
+ * )
+ * @return array
+ *
+ * array(
+ * array('id'=>1,'title'=>'标题','status'=>'1','status_text'=>'正常')
+ * ....
+ * )
+ *
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+function int_to_string(&$data, $map = array('status' => array(1 => '正常', -1 => '删除', 0 => '锁定', 2 => '未审核', 3 => '草稿')))
+ if ($data === false || $data === null) {
+ return $data;
+ }
+ $data = (array)$data;
+ foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
+ foreach ($map as $col => $pair) {
+ if (isset($row[$col]) && isset($pair[$row[$col]])) {
+ $data[$key][$col . '_text'] = $pair[$row[$col]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+ * 动态扩展左侧菜单,base.html里用到
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+function extra_menu($extra_menu, &$base_menu)
+ foreach ($extra_menu as $key => $group) {
+ if (isset($base_menu['child'][$key])) {
+ $base_menu['child'][$key] = array_merge($base_menu['child'][$key], $group);
+ } else {
+ $base_menu['child'][$key] = $group;
+ }
+ }
+ * 获取参数的所有父级分类
+ * @param int $cid 分类id
+ * @return array 参数分类和父类的信息集合
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_parent_category($cid)
+ if (empty($cid)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $cates = M('Category')->where(array('status' => 1))->field('id,title,pid')->order('sort')->select();
+ $child = get_category($cid); //获取参数分类的信息
+ $pid = $child['pid'];
+ $temp = array();
+ $res[] = $child;
+ while (true) {
+ foreach ($cates as $key => $cate) {
+ if ($cate['id'] == $pid) {
+ $pid = $cate['pid'];
+ array_unshift($res, $cate); //将父分类插入到数组第一个元素前
+ }
+ }
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+ * 检测验证码
+ * @param integer $id 验证码ID
+ * @return boolean 检测结果
+ * @author 麦当苗儿
+ */
+function check_verify($code, $id = 1)
+ $verify = new \Think\Verify();
+ return $verify->check($code, $id);
+ * 获取当前分类的文档类型
+ * @param int $id
+ * @return array 文档类型数组
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_type_bycate($id = null)
+ if (empty($id)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $type_list = C('DOCUMENT_MODEL_TYPE');
+ $model_type = M('Category')->getFieldById($id, 'type');
+ $model_type = explode(',', $model_type);
+ foreach ($type_list as $key => $value) {
+ if (!in_array($key, $model_type)) {
+ unset($type_list[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $type_list;
+ * 获取当前文档的分类
+ * @param int $id
+ * @return array 文档类型数组
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_cate($cate_id = null)
+ if (empty($cate_id)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $cate = M('Category')->where('id=' . $cate_id)->getField('title');
+ return $cate;
+// 分析枚举类型配置值 格式 a:名称1,b:名称2
+function parse_config_attr($string)
+ $array = preg_split('/[,;\r\n]+/', trim($string, ",;\r\n"));
+ if (strpos($string, ':')) {
+ $value = array();
+ foreach ($array as $val) {
+ list($k, $v) = explode(':', $val);
+ $value[$k] = $v;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $value = $array;
+ }
+ return $value;
+// 获取子文档数目
+function get_subdocument_count($id = 0)
+ return M('Document')->where('pid=' . $id)->count();
+// 分析枚举类型字段值 格式 a:名称1,b:名称2
+// 暂时和 parse_config_attr功能相同
+// 但请不要互相使用,后期会调整
+function parse_field_attr($string)
+ if (0 === strpos($string, ':')) {
+ // 采用函数定义
+ return eval('return ' . substr($string, 1) . ';');
+ } elseif (0 === strpos($string, '[')) {
+ // 支持读取配置参数(必须是数组类型)
+ return C(substr($string, 1, -1));
+ }
+ $array = preg_split('/[,;\r\n]+/', trim($string, ",;\r\n"));
+ if (strpos($string, ':')) {
+ $value = array();
+ foreach ($array as $val) {
+ list($k, $v) = explode(':', $val);
+ $value[$k] = $v;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $value = $array;
+ }
+ return $value;
+ * 获取行为数据
+ * @param string $id 行为id
+ * @param string $field 需要获取的字段
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_action($id = null, $field = null)
+ if (empty($id) && !is_numeric($id)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $list = S('action_list');
+ if (empty($list[$id])) {
+ $map = array('status' => array('gt', -1), 'id' => $id);
+ $list[$id] = M('Action')->where($map)->field(true)->find();
+ }
+ return empty($field) ? $list[$id] : $list[$id][$field];
+ * 根据条件字段获取数据
+ * @param mixed $value 条件,可用常量或者数组
+ * @param string $condition 条件字段
+ * @param string $field 需要返回的字段,不传则返回整个数据
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_document_field($value = null, $condition = 'id', $field = null)
+ if (empty($value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //拼接参数
+ $map[$condition] = $value;
+ $info = M('Model')->where($map);
+ if (empty($field)) {
+ $info = $info->field(true)->find();
+ } else {
+ $info = $info->getField($field);
+ }
+ return $info;
+ * 获取行为类型
+ * @param intger $type 类型
+ * @param bool $all 是否返回全部类型
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+function get_action_type($type, $all = false)
+ $list = array(
+ 1 => '系统',
+ 2 => '用户',
+ );
+ if ($all) {
+ return $list;
+ }
+ return $list[$type];
+function getServerType($serverType)
+ return (($serverType == 1) ? '专服' : '混服');
+function getPartnerList($id = 0)
+ if ($id > 0) {
+ return M('Partner', 'tab_')->field('id,partner')->find($id);
+ } else {
+ return M('Partner', 'tab_')->field('id,partner')->where(array('status' => 1))->select();
+ }
+function getPartnerName($id = 0)
+ return M('Partner', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => intval($id)))->getField('partner');
+function getGameByName($game_name=null, $sdk_version=null)
+ $map = [];
+ if ($game_name) {
+ $map['relation_game_name'] = $game_name;
+ }
+ if ($sdk_version) {
+ $map['sdk_version'] = $sdk_version;
+ }
+ $result = D("Game")->field('id')->where($map)->select();
+ if(empty($result)) {
+ return [['id' => -1]];
+ }else
+ {
+ return $result;
+ }
+function getGameidByPartnerNameType($partner_id=null,$game_name=null, $sdk_version=null)
+ $map = [];
+ if($partner_id){
+ $map['partner_id'] = $partner_id;
+ }
+ if ($game_name) {
+ $map['relation_game_name'] = $game_name;
+ }
+ if ($sdk_version) {
+ $map['sdk_version'] = $sdk_version;
+ }
+ $result = D("Game")->field('id')->where($map)->select();
+ if(empty($result)) {
+ return [['id' => -1]];
+ }else
+ {
+ return $result;
+ }
+function getTopPromote($promote_id)
+ $promoter = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $promote_id])->find();
+ if (!$promoter) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ $chain = trim($promoter['chain'], '/');
+ if ($chain == '') {
+ return $promoter;
+ } else {
+ $topPromoteId = explode('/', $chain)[0];
+ return M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $topPromoteId])->find();
+ }
+function arrayPromoteWithdrawStatus($status, $param, $array = array()) {
+ foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
+ if($value[$status] == -1){
+ unset($array[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $array;
+function getAllGame()
+ $list = M("game", 'tab_')->field('relation_game_name as game_name')->group('relation_game_name')->select();
+ return $list;
+ * 获取合作公司
+ * @author chenzhi
+ */
+function getPromoteCompany()
+ $list = M("PromoteCompany", 'tab_')
+ ->field('id,company_name')
+ ->where("status = 1")
+ ->select();
+ array_unshift($list,array("id"=>0,"company_name"=>C(DEFAULT_COMPANY)));//默认0
+ return $list;
+function getAllIosGame()
+ $list = M("game", 'tab_')->field('relation_game_name as game_name,id')->where(['sdk_version' => 2])->group('relation_game_name')->select();
+ return $list;
+ * 中间加密 替换字符串的子串
+ */
+function encryptStr($str) {
+ $length = strlen($str);
+ $stars_str = "";
+ for ($x=0; $x<=$length-6; $x++) {
+ $stars_str = $stars_str."*";
+ }
+ return substr_replace($str, $stars_str, 3, $length-6);
+ * 身份证加密
+ *
+ * @param $str
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function encryptIdCard($str) {
+ $length = strlen($str);
+ $stars_str = "";
+ if($length>=4){
+ $stars_str = "****";
+ }
+ return substr_replace($str, $stars_str, $length-4, 4);
+ * 真实名字加密
+ *
+ * @param $str
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function encryptRealName($str) {
+ $length = strlen($str);
+ $stars_str = "";
+ if($length>=4){
+ $stars_str = "****";
+ }
+ return substr_replace($str, "**", 3, $length);
+//获取推广员资质审核状态 $type 1-获取数组 2-获取文本
+function getPromoteVerStatus($status, $type = 1)
+ $statusList = [
+ 0 => '未认证',
+ 1 => '审核成功',
+ 2 => '审核失败',
+ 3 => '审核中',
+ 4 => '修改审核中',
+ ];
+ $records = null;
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 1:
+ $records = $status;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $records = $statusList[$status] ?? '未知';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $records = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return $records;
+function getPromoteAccount($promoteId)
+ $map['id'] = intval($promoteId);
+ return M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('account');
+//获取推广员列表 $level 0-全部 $companyId 推广公司 0-全部
+function getPromoteByLevel($level = 0, $companyId = 0)
+ $field = 'id, account, real_name';
+ $map['_string'] = '1 = 1';
+ if ($level > 0) {
+ $map['level'] = $level;
+ }
+ if ($companyId > 0) {
+ $map['company_id'] = $companyId;
+ }
+ $promotes = M('promote', 'tab_')->field($field)->where($map)->select();
+ return $promotes;
+function getAllGameList($groupByRelation = false)
+ $field = 'id, game_name, relation_game_id, relation_game_name';
+ if ($groupByRelation) {
+ $games = M('game', 'tab_')->field($field)->where('id = relation_game_id')->group('relation_game_id')->select();
+ } else {
+ $games = M('game', 'tab_')->field($field)->select();
+ }
+ return $games;
+function getAdminRules($adminId)
+ $rules = [];
+ if ($adminId) {
+ $groupId = M('auth_group_access')->where(array('uid' => intval($adminId)))->getField('group_id');
+ if ($groupId) {
+ $rules = M('auth_group')->where(array('id' => $groupId))->getField('rules');
+ $rules = explode(',', $rules);
+ }
+ }
+ return $rules;
+function getRule($name, $module)
+ $ruleId = 0;
+ if ($name) {
+ if ($module) {
+ $map['module'] = $module;
+ }
+ $map['name'] = trim($name);
+ $ruleId = M('auth_rule')->where($map)->getField('id');
+ }
+ return $ruleId;
+//下划线转驼峰 $littleHump 是否转换成小驼峰
+function camelize($str, $separator = '_', $littleHump = false)
+ if ($littleHump) {
+ $str = $separator . str_replace($separator, " ", strtolower($str));
+ } else {
+ $str = str_replace($separator, " ", strtolower($str));
+ }
+ return ltrim(str_replace(" ", "", ucwords($str)), $separator );
+function unCamelize($str, $separator = '_')
+ return strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', "$1" . $separator . "$2", $str));
+function convertAmountToCn($num) {
+ //判断$num是否存在
+ if(!$num) return '零圆';
+ if($num-0+1 == 1){
+ return '零圆';
+ }
+ //保留小数点后两位
+ $num = round($num, 2);
+ //将浮点转换为整数
+ $tem_num = $num * 100;
+ //判断数字长度
+ $tem_num_len = strlen($tem_num);
+ if($tem_num_len > 14) {
+ return '数值过大';
+ }
+ //大写数字
+ $dint = array('零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖');
+ //大写金额单位
+ $danwei = array('仟', '佰', '拾', '亿', '仟', '佰', '拾', '万', '仟', '佰', '拾', '圆');
+ $danwei1 = array('角', '分');
+ //空的变量用来保存转换字符串
+ $daxie = '';
+ if($num < 0){
+ $daxie .= "负";
+ }
+ //分割数字,区分圆角分
+ list($left_num, $right_num) = explode('.', $num);
+ //计算单位长度
+ $danwei_len = count($danwei);
+ //计算分割后的字符串长度
+ $left_num_len = strlen($left_num);
+ $right_num_len = strlen($right_num);
+ //循环计算亿万元等
+ for($i = 0; $i < $left_num_len; $i++) {
+ //循环单个文字
+ $key_ = substr($left_num, $i, 1);
+ //判断数字不等于0或数字等于0与金额单位为亿、万、圆,就返回完整单位的字符串
+ if($key_ !== '0' || ($key_ == '0' && ($danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i] == '亿' || $danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i] == '万' || $danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i] == '圆'))) {
+ $daxie = $daxie . $dint[$key_] . $danwei[$danwei_len - $left_num_len + $i];
+ } else {
+ //否则就不含单位
+ $daxie = $daxie . $dint[$key_];
+ }
+ }
+ //循环计算角分
+ for($i = 0; $i < $right_num_len; $i++) {
+ $key_ = substr($right_num, $i, 1);
+ if($key_ > 0) {
+ $daxie = $daxie . $dint[$key_] . $danwei1[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ //计算转换后的长度
+ $daxie_len = strlen($daxie);
+ //设置文字切片从0开始,utf-8汉字占3个字符
+ $j = 0;
+ while($daxie_len > 0) {
+ //每次切片两个汉字
+ $str = substr($daxie, $j, 6);
+ //判断切片后的文字不等于零万、零圆、零亿、零零
+ if($str == '零万' || $str == '零圆' || $str == '零亿' || $str == '零零') {
+ //重新切片
+ $left = substr($daxie, 0, $j);
+ $right = substr($daxie, $j + 3);
+ $daxie = $left . $right;
+ }
+ $j += 3;
+ $daxie_len -= 3;
+ }
+ return $daxie . '整';
+ * @param $phone
+ * @return false|int
+ */
+function checkPhone($phone) {
+ return preg_match("/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/",$phone);
+function getSDKTypeName($sdkType, $chinese = false)
+ $android = 'Android';
+ if ($chinese) {
+ $android = '安卓';
+ }
+ switch ($sdkType) {
+ case 0:
+ $sdkName = $android . '+ios';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $sdkName = $android;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $sdkName = 'ios';
+ break;
+ }
+ return $sdkName;
+//游戏名称取消 (安卓版),(苹果版)
+function clearGameNameType($game_name)
+ return preg_replace("/\(.*\)/","",$game_name);
+function getGameTypeName($id,$chinese=true)
+ if(empty($id)){
+ return '无';
+ }
+ $android = 'Android';
+ $ios = 'ios';
+ if($chinese){
+ $android = '安卓';
+ $ios = '苹果';
+ }
+ $data = array(
+ ["id"=>0,'name'=>"{$android}+{$ios}"],
+ ["id"=>1,'name'=>$android],
+ ["id"=>2,'name'=> $ios]
+ );
+ if($id > -1){
+ foreach($data as $k=>$v){
+ if($v['id'] == $id){
+ return $v['name'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ return $data;
+ }
+ * 权限检测
+ * @param string $rule 检测的规则
+ * @param string $mode check模式
+ * @return boolean
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+use Admin\Model\AuthRuleModel;
+function checkRule($rule, $type=AuthRuleModel::RULE_URL, $mode='url'){
+ static $Auth = null;
+ if (!$Auth) {
+ $Auth = new \Think\Auth();
+ }
+ if(!$Auth->check($rule,is_login(),$type,$mode)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * 验证导出账号权限是否加密
+ * @param [type] $type 0:"_list_check",1:"_count_check"
+ * @return void
+ */
+function checkEncryptionAuth(&$value,$string){
+ //验证count
+ if(is_administrator()){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ $exportRule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.$string."_encryption_check");
+ if (!checkRule($exportRule,array('in','1,2'))) {
+// dump(1);die();
+ $value = encryption($value);
+ }
+ }
+ * 获取控制器得自操作权限
+ */
+function getModuleControllerAuth()
+ $group = $_SESSION['onethink_admin']['user_group_id'];
+ //获取全部权限列表
+ $ruleList = M("AuthGroup")->field("rules")->where("id='{$group}'")->find()['rules'];
+ //获取所有含有规则的数据
+ $authlist = M("AuthRule")->field('name')->where("name like '{$mc}%' AND id in ($ruleList)")->select();
+ $Auth = [];
+ foreach ($authlist as $k => $v) {
+ $a = str_replace("{$mc}/","",$v['name']);
+ $Auth[] = $a;
+ }
+ return $Auth;
diff --git a/Application/Payment/Conf/config.php b/Application/Payment/Conf/config.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98da8199f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Conf/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 前台配置文件
+ * 所有除开系统级别的前台配置
+ */
+return array(
+ /* 数据缓存设置 */
+ 'DATA_CACHE_PREFIX' => 'onethink_', // 缓存前缀
+ 'DATA_CACHE_TYPE' => 'File', // 数据缓存类型
+ 'URL_MODEL' => 3, //URL模式
+ 'GET_INFO_KEY' => 'wmkjtx_kj213',
+ 'OA' => array(
+ 'testUrl' => 'http://oa.76ba.com',
+ 'formalUrl' => 'http://oa.76ba.com',
+ ),
+ /* 文件上传相关配置 */
+ 'DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD' => array(
+ 'mimes' => '', //允许上传的文件MiMe类型
+ 'maxSize' => 0, //上传的文件大小限制 (0-不做限制)
+ 'exts' => 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg,zip,rar,tar,gz,7z,doc,docx,txt,xml,mp4,xlsx', //允许上传的文件后缀
+ 'autoSub' => true, //自动子目录保存文件
+ 'subName' => array('date', 'Y-m-d'), //子目录创建方式,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
+ 'rootPath' => './Uploads/Download/', //保存根路径
+ 'savePath' => '', //保存路径
+ 'saveName' => array('uniqid', ''), //上传文件命名规则,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
+ 'saveExt' => '', //文件保存后缀,空则使用原后缀
+ 'replace' => false, //存在同名是否覆盖
+ 'hash' => true, //是否生成hash编码
+ 'callback' => false, //检测文件是否存在回调函数,如果存在返回文件信息数组
+ ), //下载模型上传配置(文件上传类配置)
+ /* 图片上传相关配置 */
+ 'PICTURE_UPLOAD' => array(
+ 'mimes' => '', //允许上传的文件MiMe类型
+ 'maxSize' => 0, //上传的文件大小限制 (0-不做限制)
+ 'exts' => 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg', //允许上传的文件后缀
+ 'autoSub' => true, //自动子目录保存文件
+ 'subName' => array('date', 'Y-m-d'), //子目录创建方式,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
+ 'rootPath' => './Uploads/Picture/', //保存根路径
+ 'waterPath' => './Uploads/Water/', //保存根路径
+ 'savePath' => '', //保存路径
+ 'saveName' => array('uniqid', ''), //上传文件命名规则,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
+ 'saveExt' => '', //文件保存后缀,空则使用原后缀
+ 'replace' => false, //存在同名是否覆盖
+ 'hash' => true, //是否生成hash编码
+ 'callback' => false, //检测文件是否存在回调函数,如果存在返回文件信息数组
+ ), //图片上传相关配置(文件上传类配置)
+ //本地上传文件驱动配置
+ 'AccessKey'=>'',
+ 'SecretKey'=>'',
+ 'bucket'=>'',
+ 'rename'=>false
+ ),
+ 'accessKey'=>'__ODsglZwwjRJNZHAu7vtcEf-zgIxdQAY-QqVrZD',
+ 'secrectKey'=>'Z9-RahGtXhKeTUYy9WCnLbQ98ZuZ_paiaoBjByKv',
+ 'bucket'=>'onethinktest',
+ 'domain'=>'onethinktest.u.qiniudn.com',
+ 'timeout'=>3600,
+ ),
+ /* 编辑器图片上传相关配置 */
+ 'EDITOR_UPLOAD' => array(
+ 'mimes' => '', //允许上传的文件MiMe类型
+ 'maxSize' => 2*1024*1024, //上传的文件大小限制 (0-不做限制)
+ 'exts' => 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg', //允许上传的文件后缀
+ 'autoSub' => true, //自动子目录保存文件
+ 'subName' => array('date', 'Y-m-d'), //子目录创建方式,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
+ 'rootPath' => './Uploads/Editor/', //保存根路径
+ 'savePath' => '', //保存路径
+ 'saveName' => array('uniqid', ''), //上传文件命名规则,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
+ 'saveExt' => '', //文件保存后缀,空则使用原后缀
+ 'replace' => false, //存在同名是否覆盖
+ 'hash' => true, //是否生成hash编码
+ 'callback' => false, //检测文件是否存在回调函数,如果存在返回文件信息数组
+ ),
+ /* 模板相关配置 */
+ 'TMPL_PARSE_STRING' => array(
+ '__STATIC__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/static',
+ '__ADDONS__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/Admin/Addons',
+ '__IMG__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/Admin/images',
+ '__CSS__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/Admin/css',
+ '__JS__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/Admin/js',
+ '__FONT__' => __ROOT__ . '/Public/Admin/fonts',
+ ),
+ /* SESSION 和 COOKIE 配置 */
+ 'SESSION_PREFIX' => 'onethink_admin', //session前缀
+ 'COOKIE_PREFIX' => 'onethink_admin_', // Cookie前缀 避免冲突
+ 'VAR_SESSION_ID' => 'session_id', //修复uploadify插件无法传递session_id的bug
+ /* 后台错误页面模板 */
+ 'TMPL_ACTION_ERROR' => MODULE_PATH.'View/Public/error.html', // 默认错误跳转对应的模板文件
+ 'TMPL_ACTION_SUCCESS' => MODULE_PATH.'View/Public/success.html', // 默认成功跳转对应的模板文件
+ 'TMPL_EXCEPTION_FILE' => MODULE_PATH.'View/Public/exception.html',// 异常页面的模板文件
+ /*默认公司名称*/
+ 'DEFAULT_COMPANY'=>"海南万盟天下科技有限公司",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Payment/Conf/tags.php b/Application/Payment/Conf/tags.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97ce5731a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Conf/tags.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ array('Behavior\CheckLangBehavior'), //表示在app_begin标签位置执行多语言检测行为。
+ );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Payment/Controller/AdminController.class.php b/Application/Payment/Controller/AdminController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14e46c22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Controller/AdminController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace Payment\Controller;
+use Think\Controller;
+use Admin\Model\AuthRuleModel;
+use Admin\Model\AuthGroupModel;
+ * 后台首页控制器
+ * @author 麦当苗儿
+ */
+class AdminController extends Controller {
+ /**
+ * 后台控制器初始化
+ */
+ /**
+ * 大菜单存在两个及以上的同方法菜单,需要进行多级菜单确认
+ */
+ protected function strictCheckRule($rule)
+ {
+ $flag =false;
+ $id= 0;
+ $ruleres = M("auth_rule")->field("id,type")->where("name LIKE '%{$rule}%'")->select();
+ foreach ($ruleres as $k => $v) {
+ $checkRule = $this->checkRule($rule,array('eq',$v['type']));
+ if(!$checkRule){
+ $flag = true;
+ }else{
+ $id = $v['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($flag){ //不通过
+ //获取菜单下的
+ $rulearr = explode("/",$rule);
+ $where = array();
+ $where['pid'] = 0;
+ $where['hide'] = 0;
+ $where['url'] = array("like",$rulearr[1]."/".$rulearr[2]);
+ $second_id = M('Menu')->where($where)->field('id')->find()['id'];
+ $where2['pid'] = $second_id;
+ $where2['hide'] = 0;
+ $menu = M('Menu')->where($where2)->field('id,url')->order('sort asc')->select();
+ foreach ($menu as $k=>$v) {
+ $to_check_url = $v['url'];
+ if( stripos($to_check_url,MODULE_NAME)!==0 ){
+ $trule = MODULE_NAME.'/'.$to_check_url;
+ }else{
+ $trule = $to_check_url;
+ }
+ if($this->checkRule($trule, AuthRuleModel::RULE_URL,null)){
+ redirect(U("$trule"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # code...
+ }
+ /**
+ * 权限检测
+ * @param string $rule 检测的规则
+ * @param string $mode check模式
+ * @return boolean
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ final protected function checkRule($rule, $type=AuthRuleModel::RULE_URL, $mode='url'){
+ static $Auth = null;
+ if (!$Auth) {
+ $Auth = new \Think\Auth();
+ }
+ if(!$Auth->check($rule,UID,$type,$mode)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检测是否是需要动态判断的权限
+ * @return boolean|null
+ * 返回true则表示当前访问有权限
+ * 返回false则表示当前访问无权限
+ * 返回null,则表示权限不明
+ *
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ protected function checkDynamic(){}
+ /**
+ * action访问控制,在 **登录成功** 后执行的第一项权限检测任务
+ *
+ * @return boolean|null 返回值必须使用 `===` 进行判断
+ *
+ * 返回 **false**, 不允许任何人访问(超管除外)
+ * 返回 **true**, 允许任何管理员访问,无需执行节点权限检测
+ * 返回 **null**, 需要继续执行节点权限检测决定是否允许访问
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ final protected function accessControl(){
+ $allow = C('ALLOW_VISIT');
+ $deny = C('DENY_VISIT');
+ $check = strtolower(CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME);
+ if ( !empty($deny) && in_array_case($check,$deny) ) {
+ return false;//非超管禁止访问deny中的方法
+ }
+ if ( !empty($allow) && in_array_case($check,$allow) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return null;//需要检测节点权限
+ }
+ //驳回条目
+ public function reject ($model , $where = array() , $msg = array( 'success'=>'状态恢复成功!', 'error'=>'状态恢复失败!'),$fields='status'){
+ $data = array($fields => 2,'dispose_id'=>UID,'dispose_time'=>time());
+ $this->editRow( $model , $data, $where, $msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 对数据表中的单行或多行记录执行修改 GET参数id为数字或逗号分隔的数字
+ *
+ * @param string $model 模型名称,供M函数使用的参数
+ * @param array $data 修改的数据
+ * @param array $where 查询时的where()方法的参数
+ * @param array $msg 执行正确和错误的消息 array('success'=>'','error'=>'', 'url'=>'','ajax'=>false)
+ * url为跳转页面,ajax是否ajax方式(数字则为倒数计时秒数)
+ *
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ final protected function editRow ( $model ,$data, $where , $msg ){
+ $id = array_unique((array)I('id',0));
+ $id = is_array($id) ? implode(',',$id) : $id;
+ //如存在id字段,则加入该条件
+ $fields = D($model)->getDbFields();
+ if(in_array('id',$fields) && !empty($id)){
+ $where = array_merge( array('id' => array('in', $id )) ,(array)$where );
+ }
+ $msg = array_merge( array( 'success'=>'操作成功!', 'error'=>'操作失败!', 'url'=>'' ,'ajax'=>IS_AJAX) , (array)$msg );
+ if( D($model)->where($where)->save($data)!==false ) {
+ $this->success($msg['success'],$msg['url'],$msg['ajax']);
+ }else{
+ $this->error($msg['error'],$msg['url'],$msg['ajax']);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 禁用条目
+ * @param string $model 模型名称,供D函数使用的参数
+ * @param array $where 查询时的 where()方法的参数
+ * @param array $msg 执行正确和错误的消息,可以设置四个元素 array('success'=>'','error'=>'', 'url'=>'','ajax'=>false)
+ * url为跳转页面,ajax是否ajax方式(数字则为倒数计时秒数)
+ *
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ protected function forbid ( $model , $where = array() , $msg = array( 'success'=>'状态禁用成功!', 'error'=>'状态禁用失败!'),$fields='status'){
+ $data = array($fields => 0);
+ $this->editRow( $model , $data, $where, $msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 恢复条目
+ * @param string $model 模型名称,供D函数使用的参数
+ * @param array $where 查询时的where()方法的参数
+ * @param array $msg 执行正确和错误的消息 array('success'=>'','error'=>'', 'url'=>'','ajax'=>false)
+ * url为跳转页面,ajax是否ajax方式(数字则为倒数计时秒数)
+ *
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ protected function resume ( $model , $where = array() , $msg = array( 'success'=>'状态恢复成功!', 'error'=>'状态恢复失败!'),$fields='status'){
+ $data = array($fields => 1,'dispose_id'=>UID,'dispose_time'=>time());
+ $this->editRow( $model , $data, $where, $msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 还原条目
+ * @param string $model 模型名称,供D函数使用的参数
+ * @param array $where 查询时的where()方法的参数
+ * @param array $msg 执行正确和错误的消息 array('success'=>'','error'=>'', 'url'=>'','ajax'=>false)
+ * url为跳转页面,ajax是否ajax方式(数字则为倒数计时秒数)
+ * @author huajie
+ */
+ protected function restore ( $model , $where = array() , $msg = array( 'success'=>'状态还原成功!', 'error'=>'状态还原失败!'),$fields='status'){
+ $data = array($fields => 1);
+ $where = array_merge(array('status' => -1),$where);
+ $this->editRow( $model , $data, $where, $msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 条目假删除
+ * @param string $model 模型名称,供D函数使用的参数
+ * @param array $where 查询时的where()方法的参数
+ * @param array $msg 执行正确和错误的消息 array('success'=>'','error'=>'', 'url'=>'','ajax'=>false)
+ * url为跳转页面,ajax是否ajax方式(数字则为倒数计时秒数)
+ *
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ protected function delete ( $model , $where = array() , $msg = array( 'success'=>'删除成功!', 'error'=>'删除失败!')) {
+ $data['status'] = -1;
+ $this->editRow( $model , $data, $where, $msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置一条或者多条数据的状态
+ */
+ public function setStatus($Model=CONTROLLER_NAME){
+ $ids = I('request.ids');
+ $status = I('request.status');
+ if(empty($ids)){
+ $this->error('请选择要操作的数据');
+ }
+ $map['id'] = array('in',$ids);
+ switch ($status){
+ case -1 :
+ $this->delete($Model, $map, array('success'=>'删除成功','error'=>'删除失败'));
+ break;
+ case 0 :
+ $this->forbid($Model, $map, array('success'=>'禁用成功','error'=>'禁用失败'));
+ break;
+ case 1 :
+ $this->resume($Model, $map, array('success'=>'启用成功','error'=>'启用失败'));
+ break;
+ default :
+ $this->error('参数错误');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取控制器菜单数组,二级菜单元素位于一级菜单的'_child'元素中
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ final public function getMenus($controller=CONTROLLER_NAME){
+ //$menus = session('ADMIN_MENU_LIST.'.$controller);
+ if(empty($menus)){
+ // 获取主菜单
+ $where['pid'] = 0;
+ $where['hide'] = 0;
+ if(!C('DEVELOP_MODE')){ // 是否开发者模式
+ $where['is_dev'] = 0;
+ }
+ $menus['main'] = M('Menu')->where($where)->order('sort asc')->field('id,title,url')->select();
+ $menus['child'] = array(); //设置子节点
+ foreach ($menus['main'] as $key => $item) {
+ // 判断主菜单权限
+ if ( !IS_ROOT && !$this->checkRule(strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.$item['url']),AuthRuleModel::RULE_MAIN,null) ) {
+ unset($menus['main'][$key]);
+ continue;//继续循环
+ }
+ if(strtolower(CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME) == strtolower($item['url']) ){
+ $menus['main'][$key]['class']='current';
+ }
+ }
+ // 查找当前子菜单
+ $pid = M('Menu')->where("pid !=0 AND url like '%{$controller}/".ACTION_NAME."%'")->getField('pid');
+ if($pid){
+ // 查找当前主菜单
+ $nav = M('Menu')->find($pid);
+ // if($nav['pid']){
+ // $nav = M('Menu')->find($nav['pid']);
+ // }
+ while ($nav['pid'] != 0) {
+ $nav = M('Menu')->find($nav['pid']);
+ }
+ //var_dump($nav);exit;
+ foreach ($menus['main'] as $key => $item) {
+ // 获取当前主菜单的子菜单项
+ if($item['id'] == $nav['id']){
+ $menus['main'][$key]['class']='current';
+ //生成child树
+ $groups = M('Menu')->where(array('group'=>array('neq',''),'pid' =>$item['id']))->order('sort asc')->distinct(true)->getField("group",true);
+ //获取二级分类的合法url
+ $where = array();
+ $where['pid'] = $item['id'];
+ $where['hide'] = 0;
+ if(!C('DEVELOP_MODE')){ // 是否开发者模式
+ $where['is_dev'] = 0;
+ }
+ $second_urls = M('Menu')->where($where)->getField('id,url');
+ if(!IS_ROOT){
+ // 检测菜单权限
+ $to_check_urls = array();
+ foreach ($second_urls as $key=>$to_check_url) {
+ if( stripos($to_check_url,MODULE_NAME)!==0 ){
+ $rule = MODULE_NAME.'/'.$to_check_url;
+ }else{
+ $rule = $to_check_url;
+ }
+ if($this->checkRule($rule, AuthRuleModel::RULE_URL,null))
+ $to_check_urls[] = $to_check_url;
+ }
+ }
+ // 按照分组生成子菜单树
+ foreach ($groups as $g) {
+ $map = array('group'=>$g);
+ if(isset($to_check_urls)){
+ if(empty($to_check_urls)){
+ // 没有任何权限
+ continue;
+ }else{
+ $map['url'] = array('in', $to_check_urls);
+ }
+ }
+ $map['pid'] = $item['id'];
+ $map['hide'] = 0;
+ if(!C('DEVELOP_MODE')){ // 是否开发者模式
+ $map['is_dev'] = 0;
+ }
+ $menuList = M('Menu')->where($map)->field('id,pid,title,url,tip')->order('sort asc')->select();
+ $menus['child'][$g] = list_to_tree($menuList, 'id', 'pid', 'operater', $item['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ session('ADMIN_MENU_LIST.'.$controller,$menus);
+ }
+ return $menus;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 返回后台节点数据
+ * @param boolean $tree 是否返回多维数组结构(生成菜单时用到),为false返回一维数组(生成权限节点时用到)
+ * @retrun array
+ *
+ * 注意,返回的主菜单节点数组中有'controller'元素,以供区分子节点和主节点
+ *
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ */
+ final protected function returnNodes($tree = true){
+ static $tree_nodes = array();
+ if ( $tree && !empty($tree_nodes[(int)$tree]) ) {
+ return $tree_nodes[$tree];
+ }
+ if((int)$tree){
+ $list = M('Menu')->field('id,pid,title,url,tip,hide')->where('hide = 0')->order('sort asc')->select();
+ foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
+ if( stripos($value['url'],MODULE_NAME)!==0 ){
+ $list[$key]['url'] = MODULE_NAME.'/'.$value['url'];
+ }
+ }
+ $nodes = list_to_tree($list,$pk='id',$pid='pid',$child='operator',$root=0);
+ foreach ($nodes as $key => $value) {
+ if(!empty($value['operator'])){
+ $nodes[$key]['child'] = $value['operator'];
+ unset($nodes[$key]['operator']);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ $nodes = M('Menu')->field('title,url,tip,pid')->order('sort asc')->select();
+ foreach ($nodes as $key => $value) {
+ if( stripos($value['url'],MODULE_NAME)!==0 ){
+ $nodes[$key]['url'] = MODULE_NAME.'/'.$value['url'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $tree_nodes[(int)$tree] = $nodes;
+ return $nodes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 通用分页列表数据集获取方法
+ *
+ * 可以通过url参数传递where条件,例如: index.html?name=asdfasdfasdfddds
+ * 可以通过url空值排序字段和方式,例如: index.html?_field=id&_order=asc
+ * 可以通过url参数r指定每页数据条数,例如: index.html?r=5
+ *
+ * @param sting|Model $model 模型名或模型实例
+ * @param array $where where查询条件(优先级: $where>$_REQUEST>模型设定)
+ * @param array|string $order 排序条件,传入null时使用sql默认排序或模型属性(优先级最高);
+ * 请求参数中如果指定了_order和_field则据此排序(优先级第二);
+ * 否则使用$order参数(如果$order参数,且模型也没有设定过order,则取主键降序);
+ *
+ * @param boolean $field 单表模型用不到该参数,要用在多表join时为field()方法指定参数
+ * @author 朱亚杰
+ *
+ * @return array|false
+ * 返回数据集
+ */
+ protected function lists ($model,$where=array(),$order='',$field=true){
+ $options = array();
+ $REQUEST = (array)I('request.');
+ if(is_string($model)){
+ $model = M($model);
+ }
+ $OPT = new \ReflectionProperty($model,'options');
+ $OPT->setAccessible(true);
+ $pk = $model->getPk();
+ if($order===null){
+ //order置空
+ }else if ( isset($REQUEST['_order']) && isset($REQUEST['_field']) && in_array(strtolower($REQUEST['_order']),array('desc','asc')) ) {
+ $options['order'] = '`'.$REQUEST['_field'].'` '.$REQUEST['_order'];
+ }elseif( $order==='' && empty($options['order']) && !empty($pk) ){
+ $options['order'] = $pk.' desc';
+ }elseif($order){
+ $options['order'] = $order;
+ }
+ unset($REQUEST['_order'],$REQUEST['_field']);
+ if(empty($where)){
+ $where = array('status'=>array('egt',0));
+ }
+ if( !empty($where)){
+ $options['where'] = $where;
+ }
+ $options = array_merge( (array)$OPT->getValue($model), $options );
+ $total = $model->where($options['where'])->count();
+ if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$listRows = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$listRows = 10;}
+ $page = set_pagination($total,$listRows);
+ if($page) {$this->assign('_page', $page);}
+ $this->assign('_total',$total);
+ $options['limit'] = (I('get.p',1)-1)*$listRows.','.$listRows;
+ $model->setProperty('options',$options);
+ return $model->field($field)->select();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 处理文档列表显示
+ * @param array $list 列表数据
+ * @param integer $model_id 模型id
+ */
+ protected function parseDocumentList($list,$model_id=null){
+ $model_id = $model_id ? $model_id : 1;
+ $attrList = get_model_attribute($model_id,false,'id,name,type,extra');
+ // 对列表数据进行显示处理
+ if(is_array($list)){
+ foreach ($list as $k=>$data){
+ foreach($data as $key=>$val){
+ if(isset($attrList[$key])){
+ $extra = $attrList[$key]['extra'];
+ $type = $attrList[$key]['type'];
+ if('select'== $type || 'checkbox' == $type || 'radio' == $type || 'bool' == $type) {
+ // 枚举/多选/单选/布尔型
+ $options = parse_field_attr($extra);
+ if($options && array_key_exists($val,$options)) {
+ $data[$key] = $options[$val];
+ }
+ }elseif('date'==$type){ // 日期型
+ $data[$key] = date('Y-m-d',$val);
+ }elseif('datetime' == $type){ // 时间型
+ $data[$key] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $data['model_id'] = $model_id;
+ $list[$k] = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ return $list;
+ }
+ function set_color_style($value) {
+ $result = M('config')->where('id=13')->setField('value',$value);
+ if($result) {
+ S('DB_CONFIG_DATA',null);
+ action_log('update_config','config',$data['id'],UID);
+ $this->success("更新成功", Cookie('__forward__'));
+ } else {
+ $this->error("主题设置失败!");
+ }
+ }
+ public function addShortcutIcon() {
+ $Kuaijieicon = M('Kuaijieicon');
+ $result = $Kuaijieicon->where(['url'=>$_REQUEST['url']])->find();
+ if ($result) {
+ if ($result['status'] == 0) {
+ $data = array('status'=>1,'id'=>$result['id']);
+ $id = $Kuaijieicon->save($data);
+ if($id){
+ //记录行为
+ action_log('Kuaijie/edit', 'Kuaijieicon', $result['id'], UID);
+ $this->success('添加成功');
+ } else {
+ $this->error('添加失败');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->error('已添加过常用设置');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $data = array('title'=>$_REQUEST['title'],'status'=>1,'url'=>$_REQUEST['url'],'value'=>0);
+ $id = $Kuaijieicon->add($data);
+ if($id){
+ //记录行为
+ action_log('Kuaijie/add', 'Kuaijieicon', $id, UID);
+ $this->success('添加成功');
+ } else {
+ $this->error('添加失败');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function delShortcutIcon($id=0) {
+ if (!is_numeric($id) || $id<1) {$this->error('参数错误');}
+ $Kuaijieicon = M('Kuaijieicon');
+ $data = array('status'=>0,'id'=>$id);
+ $res = $Kuaijieicon->save($data);
+ if($res){
+ //记录行为
+ action_log('Kuaijie/del', 'Kuaijieicon', $id, UID);
+ $this->success('删除成功');
+ } else {
+ $this->error('删除失败');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 验证列表的展示或者统计权限
+ * @param [type] $type 0:"_list_check",1:"_count_check"
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function checkListOrCountAuthRestMap(&$map,$checkarr = false,$countfield = "rule_count_check"){
+ //验证count
+ if(IS_ROOT){
+ $this->assign('role_export_check',true);
+ $this->assign($countfield,true);
+ }else{
+ $exportRule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME."_export_check");
+// var_dump($this->checkRule($exportRule,array('in','1,2')));die();
+ $this->assign('role_export_check',$this->checkRule($exportRule,array('in','1,2')));
+ $countRule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME."_count_check");
+ $this->assign($countfield,$this->checkRule($countRule,array('in','1,2')));
+ //验证list
+ $listrule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME."_list_check");
+ $listflag = $this->checkRule($listrule,array('in','1,2'));
+ if(!$listflag && $checkarr){
+ foreach ($checkarr as $v) {
+ if(isset($map[$v])){
+ //如果有模糊查询改精准查询
+ if($map[$v][0] == "like"){
+ $map[$v] = trim($map[$v][1],"%");
+ }
+ $listflag = true;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_array($checkarr)&&!$checkarr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!$listflag){
+ $map["_string"] = "1=0";
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Payment/Controller/BaseController.class.php b/Application/Payment/Controller/BaseController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66644bc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Controller/BaseController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+companyinfo = session('payment_user');
+ if (empty(session('payment_user'))) {
+ redirect(U('Public/login'));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Payment/Controller/PaymentController.class.php b/Application/Payment/Controller/PaymentController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f718e5844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Controller/PaymentController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ */
+class PaymentController extends BaseController
+ public function _initialize()
+ {
+ $this->admininfo = session('payment_user');;
+ // $this->DBModel = M("CompanyStatementPool","tab_");
+ parent::_initialize();
+ }
+ public function transfer_set()
+ {
+ // dump($this->admininfo);
+ $this->meta_title = '打款设置';
+ //TODO:获取 当前账号余额
+ $money = 10000;
+ $this->assign("money",$money);
+ $this->display();
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Payment/Controller/PublicController.class.php b/Application/Payment/Controller/PublicController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8fa2fb16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/Controller/PublicController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ */
+class PublicController extends \Think\Controller
+ /**
+ * 后台用户登录
+ * @author 麦当苗儿
+ */
+ public function login($mobile = null, $verify = null)
+ {
+ if (IS_POST) {
+ //1.验证手机
+ $this->check_moblie($mobile);
+ /* 检测验证码 TODO: */
+ if($verify !== 'txsb0601'){
+ if (!$this->checksafecode($mobile, $verify)) {
+ $this->error('验证码错误');
+ }
+ }
+ $cp_auth = array(
+ 'mobile' => $mobile
+ );
+ $session_name = 'payment_user';
+ if (I('auto_login')) {
+ $expireTime = 60*60*24*30;//自动登录一个月
+ ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $expireTime);
+ ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $expireTime);
+ session($session_name, $cp_auth);
+ session($session_name.'_sign', data_auth_sign($cp_auth));
+ session($session_name.'_expire', time());
+ } else {
+ session($session_name, $cp_auth);
+ session($session_name.'_sign', data_auth_sign($cp_auth));
+ }
+ $this->success('登录成功!', U('VerifyBill/index'));
+ } else {
+ if (session('payment_user')) {
+ $this->redirect('VerifyBill/index');
+ } else {
+ /* 读取数据库中的配置 */
+ $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
+ if (!$config) {
+ $config = D('Config')->lists();
+ S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
+ }
+ C($config); //添加配置
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function logout()
+ {
+ session('cp_user_auth', null);
+ session('cp_user_auth_sign', null);
+ $this->redirect('cp_login');
+ }
+ public function checkVerify()
+ {
+ $verify = $_POST['verify'];
+ if (!check_verify($verify)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '验证码输入错误!'));
+ }
+ }
+ public function verify()
+ {
+ $config = array(
+ 'seKey' => 'ThinkPHP.CN', //验证码加密密钥
+ 'fontSize' => 22, // 验证码字体大小(px)
+ 'imageH' => 50, // 验证码图片高度
+ 'imageW' => 180, // 验证码图片宽度
+ 'length' => 4, // 验证码位数
+ 'fontttf' => '4.ttf', // 验证码字体,不设置随机获取
+ );
+ ob_clean();
+ $verify = new \Think\Verify($config);
+ $verify->codeSet = '0123456789';
+ $verify->entry(1);
+ }
+ public function zh_cn()
+ {
+ cookie('think_language', 'zh-cn');
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1]);
+ }
+ public function en_us()
+ {
+ cookie('think_language', 'en-us');
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 发动手机验证码
+ */
+ public function telsafecode($phone = '', $delay = 10, $flag = true)
+ {
+ $this->check_moblie($phone);
+ $taskClient = new TaskClient();
+ $result = $taskClient->sendSmsCode($phone, get_client_ip());
+ $data = [];
+ if ($result['code'] == TaskClient::SUCCESS) {
+ $data['status'] = 1;
+ } else {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ }
+ $data['msg'] = $result['message'];
+ echo json_encode($data);
+ exit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 手机安全码验证
+ */
+ public function checksafecode($phone, $code)
+ {
+ $taskClient = new TaskClient();
+ $result = $taskClient->checkSms($phone, $code);
+ $data = [];
+ if ($result && $result['code'] == TaskClient::SUCCESS) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function check_moblie($mobile){
+ $check_mobile = M("Kv")->field("value")->where("`key`='payment_check_mobile'")->find();
+ if(empty($check_mobile)){
+ $this->error('请先配置登陆验证手机');
+ }
+ $check_mobile = $check_mobile['value'];
+ if($check_mobile !== $mobile){
+ $this->error('该账号没有权限登录打款系统');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Payment/View/Payment/transfer_set.html b/Application/Payment/View/Payment/transfer_set.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ee605493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/View/Payment/transfer_set.html
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
diff --git a/Application/Payment/View/Public/base.html b/Application/Payment/View/Public/base.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..298a02624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/View/Public/base.html
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ {$meta_title}-{:C('WEB_SITE_TITLE')}
+ {$v}
+ {$v}>
diff --git a/Application/Payment/View/Public/error.html b/Application/Payment/View/Public/error.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19b3b277a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/View/Public/error.html
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ 秒后页面将自动跳转
diff --git a/Application/Payment/View/Public/exception.html b/Application/Payment/View/Public/exception.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5e580cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/View/Public/exception.html
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Payment/View/Public/login.html b/Application/Payment/View/Public/login.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f29d3bfe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/View/Public/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ 欢迎登录打款系统
diff --git a/Application/Payment/View/Public/success.html b/Application/Payment/View/Public/success.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be424b9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Payment/View/Public/success.html
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ 秒后页面将自动跳转
diff --git a/payment.php b/payment.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13a56fbde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/payment.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.3.0','<')) die('require PHP > 5.3.0 !');
+ * 系统调试设置
+ * 项目正式部署后请设置为false
+ */
+define('APP_DEBUG', true );
+ * 应用目录设置
+ * 安全期间,建议安装调试完成后移动到非WEB目录
+ */
+define ( 'APP_PATH', './Application/' );
+if(!is_file(APP_PATH . 'User/Conf/config.php')){
+ header('Location: ./install.php');
+ exit;
+ * 缓存目录设置
+ * 此目录必须可写,建议移动到非WEB目录
+ */
+define ( 'RUNTIME_PATH', './Runtime/' );
+ * 引入核心入口
+ * ThinkPHP亦可移动到WEB以外的目录
+ */
+require './ThinkPHP/ThinkPHP.php';
\ No newline at end of file