From 52c78bb835c0b67b6b5a656467a09ebd7afe5186 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenzhi Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 10:38:00 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/42] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BC=98=E5=8C=96=E7=BB=9F=E8=AE=A1-?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BB=9F=E8=AE=A1-=E6=8E=A8=E5=B9=BF=E5=91=98=E7=BB=9F?= =?UTF-8?q?=E8=AE=A1?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .../Controller/PlatformController.class.php | 110 +++++++----------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php index 6a53681e6..d2994cf08 100644 --- a/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php +++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php @@ -439,28 +439,24 @@ class PlatformController extends ThinkController $today = total(1); $week = total(2); $mounth = total(3); - - + if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) { - $map[''] = $_REQUEST['promote_id']; - } else { - $map['tp1.chain'] = '/'; + $promoter_ids = D("Promote")->where("chain like '%/{$_REQUEST['promote_id']}/%' or id={$_REQUEST['promote_id']}")->field('id')->select(); + if ($promoter_ids) { + $map['u.promote_id'] = ['in', implode(',', array_column($promoter_ids, 'id'))]; + } } //为数据权限添加 setPowerPromoteIds($map, 'u.promote_id'); - - $data = M('promote', 'tab_')->alias('tp1') - ->field('tp1.account as promote_account,, - date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"% ") AS time, - count( as count') - ->join("tab_promote AS tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/',, '/%') OR =", 'left') - ->join("tab_user as u on = u.promote_id", 'left') - ->join($play_map ? "tab_user_play as up on up.user_id = " . $play_map : false) - ->join($play_info_map ? "tab_user_play_info as upi on upi.user_id = " . $play_info_map : false) - ->where($map) - ->group('') - ->order('count desc, register_time') - ->select(); + $data = M("User u","tab_") + ->field("count( as count,IFNULL(if(substring_index(substring_index(promote.`chain`,'/',2),'/',-1)='',u.promote_id,substring_index(substring_index(promote.`chain`,'/',2),'/',-1)),0) id") + ->join("tab_promote promote ON u.promote_id =","left") + ->join($play_map ? "tab_user_play as up on up.user_id = " . $play_map : false) + ->join($play_info_map ? "tab_user_play_info as upi on upi.user_id = " . $play_info_map : false) + ->where($map) + ->group('id') + ->order('count desc, register_time') + ->select(); //今日/本周/本月不变 $tmap = $map; if(isset($tmap['register_time'])){ @@ -476,21 +472,19 @@ class PlatformController extends ThinkController } $tmap['register_time'] = ['between', array($tmin,$tmonth[1][1])]; } - - $tdata = M('promote', 'tab_')->alias('tp1') - ->field('tp1.account as promote_account,, - date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"% ") AS time, - count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today, - count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week, - count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth') - ->join("tab_promote AS tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/',, '/%') OR =", 'left') - ->join("tab_user as u on = u.promote_id", 'left') - ->join($play_map ? "tab_user_play as up on up.user_id = " . $play_map : false) - ->join($play_info_map ? "tab_user_play_info as upi on upi.user_id = " . $play_info_map : false) - ->where($tmap) - ->group('') - ->order('register_time') - ->select(); + + $tdata = M("User u","tab_") + ->field("count(IF(register_time {$today},1,null)) as today, + count(IF(register_time {$week},1,null)) as week, + count(IF(register_time {$mounth},1,null)) as mounth, + IFNULL(if(substring_index(substring_index(promote.`chain`,'/',2),'/',-1)='',u.promote_id,substring_index(substring_index(promote.`chain`,'/',2),'/',-1)),0) id") + ->join("tab_promote promote ON u.promote_id =","left") + ->join($play_map ? "tab_user_play as up on up.user_id = " . $play_map : false) + ->join($play_info_map ? "tab_user_play_info as upi on upi.user_id = " . $play_info_map : false) + ->where($tmap) + ->group('id') + ->order('register_time') + ->select(); $tmdata = []; foreach($data as $k=>$v){ $v['today'] = 0; @@ -503,18 +497,24 @@ class PlatformController extends ThinkController $tmdata[$v['id']]['today'] = $v['today']; $tmdata[$v['id']]['week'] = $v['week']; $tmdata[$v['id']]['mounth'] = $v['mounth']; - if (!$tmdata[$v['id']]['promote_account']) { - $tmdata[$v['id']]['promote_account'] = $v['promote_account']; - $tmdata[$v['id']]['count'] = 0; - } + $tmdata[$v['id']]['id'] = $v['id']; + } + } + if(count($tmdata) >0){ + //获取推广员 + $idstr = implode(",",array_keys($tmdata)); + $promoteRes = M("Promote","tab_")->field("id,account promote_account")->where("id in ({$idstr})")->select(); + foreach($promoteRes as $k=>$v){ + $tmdata[$v['id']]['promote_account'] = $v['promote_account']; } } - $data = []; foreach($tmdata as $k => $v){ + if($v['id'] == 0){ + $v['promote_account'] = "官方渠道"; + } $data[] = $v; } - unset($map['']); unset($map['tp1.chain']); unset($tmap['']); @@ -522,38 +522,6 @@ class PlatformController extends ThinkController $map['u.promote_id'] = 0; $tmap['u.promote_id'] = 0; $authorityData['count'] = 0; - - //如果有官方渠道权限 - $user_auth_promote_ids = session('user_auth_promote_ids'); - if ($user_auth_promote_ids == 'all' || in_array('0', explode(",", $user_auth_promote_ids))) { - //官方渠道数据添加 - $authorityData = M('user', 'tab_')->alias('u') - ->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,count( as count') - ->join($play_map ? "tab_user_play as up on up.user_id = " . $play_map : false) - ->join($play_info_map ? "tab_user_play_info as upi on upi.user_id = " . $play_info_map : false) - ->where($map) - ->find(); - $tauthorityData = M('user', 'tab_')->alias('u') - ->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, - count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today, - count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week, - count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth') - ->where($tmap) - ->join($play_map ? "tab_user_play as up on up.user_id = " . $play_map : false) - ->join($play_info_map ? "tab_user_play_info as upi on upi.user_id = " . $play_info_map : false) - ->find(); - $authorityData['today'] = $tauthorityData['today']; - $authorityData['week'] = $tauthorityData['week']; - $authorityData['mounth'] = $tauthorityData['mounth']; - } - $authorityData['promote_account'] = "官方渠道"; - $authorityData['id'] = "1"; - if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_id'])||$authorityData['count']==0) { - $authorityData = []; - } else { - array_push($data, $authorityData); - } - //数据排序 $last_names = array_column($data,'count'); array_multisort($last_names,SORT_DESC,$data); From e63c52ba2c9b9508a0f8ce84d265a068cdb639aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zhengyongxing Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 17:55:28 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/42] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=B8=82=E5=9C=BA=E7=BB=93=E7=AE=97?= =?UTF-8?q?=E7=AE=A1=E7=90=86=EF=BC=8C=E5=AE=9A=E6=97=B6=E5=99=A8=E5=AE=8C?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=88=90?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .../Controller/TimingController.class.php | 190 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 190 insertions(+) diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/TimingController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/TimingController.class.php index 789865f64..ea8656593 100644 --- a/Application/Admin/Controller/TimingController.class.php +++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/TimingController.class.php @@ -325,4 +325,194 @@ class TimingController extends AdminController { } + public function caculateMarketList() { + + $map = []; + + $map['my_time'] = date('Y-m',strtotime('-1 month')); + + if ($_REQUEST['count_date']) { + $map['my_time'] = $_REQUEST['count_date']; + } + + if ($_REQUEST['count_date'] == 'all') { + $map['my_time'] = ['neq', date('Y-m',time())]; + } + + $spendMap['tab_spend.pay_status'] = 1; + //获取spend表中的数据,同时根据会长id进行group分类 + $data = M('Spend','tab_') + ->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time,'%Y-%m') as my_time,sum(pay_amount) as pay_amount,game_id,tab_spend.game_name,SUBSTRING_INDEX(tab_spend.`game_name`,\"(\",1) as game_names,promote_id,promote_account,company_relation,company_belong,CASE WHEN SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`chain`,\"/\",2),\"/\",-1)='' THEN promote_id ELSE SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`chain`,\"/\",2),\"/\",-1) END as root_id,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_spend.sdk_version ") + ->join("left join tab_promote on promote_id =") + ->join("left join tab_game on") + ->where($spendMap) + ->group("my_time,game_id,root_id") + ->order("my_time Desc") + ->select(false); + + + //关联表获取会长账号名 + $data = M()->table('('.$data.') as a') + ->field("my_time,pay_amount,a.game_id,game_name,game_names,a.promote_id,a.promote_account,a.company_relation,a.company_belong,CASE WHEN root_id is null THEN 0 ELSE root_id END as root_id,CASE WHEN account is null THEN '官方渠道' ELSE account END as account,tab_ratio.ratio as ratio,turnover_ratio,a.ratio as game_ratio,a.sdk_version") + ->join("left join tab_promote on root_id =") + ->join("left join tab_promote_game_ratio as tab_ratio on tab_ratio.game_id = a.relation_game_id and tab_ratio.promote_id=root_id and tab_ratio.status=1") + ->where($map) + ->group("my_time,game_id,root_id") + ->order("my_time Desc") + ->select(); + +// dump($data);die(); + + + foreach($data as $key => $value) { + $mytime = $value['my_time']; + $nextMonth = date('Y-m',strtotime("$mytime + 1 month")); + $game_id = $value['game_id']; + $gameInfo = M('game','tab_')->where(['id'=>$game_id])->getField('game_name'); + $gameName = substr($gameInfo,0,strpos($gameInfo,'(')); + $gameMap['game_name'] = ['like','%'.$gameName.'%']; + $gameIdArr = M('game','tab_')->field('id')->where($gameMap)->select(); + $gameNameIdArr = []; + foreach($gameIdArr as $gameKey => $gameValue){ + $gameNameIdArr[] = $gameValue['id']; + } + $promote_id = $value['promote_id']; + $pay_status = 1; + $promoteInfo = M('promote','tab_')->where(['id'=>$promote_id])->find(); + + $level = $promoteInfo['level']; + if($promote_id != 0) { + $promoteIdArr = []; + if ($level == 1) { + $rootPromoteId = $promote_id; + $promoteIdArr[] = $promote_id; + }else { + $chain = $promoteInfo['chain']; + $chainArr = explode('/',$chain); + $rootPromoteId = $chainArr[1]; + } + $where1['chain'] = array('like', '%/' . $rootPromoteId. '/%'); + $promoteIdInfo = M('promote','tab_')->field('id')->where($where1)->select(); + foreach($promoteIdInfo as $key2 => $v1) { + $promoteIdArr[] = $v1['id']; + } + $where['promote_id'] = ['in',$promoteIdArr]; + + if (!$promoteIdArr) { + $where['promote_id']= 0; + } + + }else { + $where['promote_id'] = 0; + } + + $where['game_id'] = ['in',$gameNameIdArr]; + $where['pay_status'] = 1; + $begTime = strtotime($mytime); + $endTime = strtotime($nextMonth); + $where['pay_time'] = ['between',[$begTime,$endTime]]; + $spendInfo = M('spend','tab_')->field('pay_amount,pay_way')->where($where)->select(); + + $initNum = 0; + foreach($spendInfo as $key1 => $spendValue) { + $pay_way = $spendValue['pay_way']; + $channel_rate = $this->getChannelConfig($pay_way) / 100; + $initNum += $spendValue['pay_amount'] * $channel_rate; + + } + $data[$key]['pay_amount'] = $value['pay_amount'] - $initNum; + + $data[$key]['upstream'] = caculateUpstream($value['game_id'],$value['pay_amount']); + + if ($value['ratio']) { + $data[$key]['downstream'] = $value['pay_amount'] * ($value['ratio']*0.01); + } else { + $data[$key]['downstream'] = $value['pay_amount'] * ($value['game_ratio']*0.01); + } + + $value['turnover_ratio'] = json_decode($value['turnover_ratio'],true); + +// dd($value); + + if (is_array($value['turnover_ratio'])) { + foreach($value['turnover_ratio'] as $k =>$v) { + if(($value['pay_amount']>=$v['turnover']&&$v['instanceof']==1) || $value['pay_amount']>$v['turnover']) { + $data[$key]['downstream'] = $value['pay_amount'] * ($v['ratio']*0.01); + } + } + } + + $data[$key]['highquality'] = number_format(($value['pay_amount'] - $initNum - $data[$key]['upstream']-$data[$key]['downstream']) * (1-0.0672),2,'.',''); + + if (!$data[$key]['company_belong']) { + $data[$key]['company_belong'] = getCompanyBlong(0); + } else { + $data[$key]['company_belong'] = getCompanyBlong($data[$key]['company_belong']); + } + + $data[$key]['company_relation'] = $data[$key]['company_relation']?'只维护':'自主开发及维护'; + + } + + foreach($data as $key => $value) { + + $is_hav = M('market_balance','tab_')->where(['my_time'=>$value['my_time'], + 'game_id'=>$value['game_id'], + 'promote_id'=>$value['promote_id'], + 'root_id'=>$value['root_id']])->find(); + + if (!$is_hav) { + M('market_balance','tab_')->add($value); + } else { + M('market_balance','tab_') + ->where(['my_time'=>$value['my_time'], + 'game_id'=>$value['game_id'], + 'promote_id'=>$value['promote_id'], + 'root_id'=>$value['root_id']]) + ->save(['pay_amount'=>$value['pay_amount'], + 'ratio'=>$value['ratio'], + 'turnover_ratio'=>$value['turnover_ratio'], + 'game_ratio'=>$value['game_ratio'], + 'upstream'=>$value['upstream'], + 'downstream'=>$value['downstream'], + 'highquality'=>$value['highquality']]); + } + } + + + echo 'success'; + +// dump($data);die(); + + } + + public function getChannelConfig($pay_way = 0,$config=false) { + if(!$config) { + $payWayName = $this->pay_way_name[$pay_way]; + $toolConfig = M('tool','tab_')->where(['name'=>$payWayName])->find(); + $config = json_decode($toolConfig['config'],true); + if(empty($config['channel_rate'])){ + $channel_rate = 0; + }else { + $channel_rate = $config['channel_rate']; + } + + }else { + foreach($this->pay_way_name as $key => $value) { + $name = $value; + $toolConfig = M('tool','tab_')->where(['name'=>$name])->find(); + $config = json_decode($toolConfig['config'],true); + if(empty($config['channel_rate'])){ + $channel_rate[$key] = 0; + }else { + $channel_rate[$key] = $config['channel_rate']; + } + } + } + + return $channel_rate; + + } + + } From b217695c3f32e203439a5e6d220a59ff1c959ba0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ELF <> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:36:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/42] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E6=94=B9=E5=88=86=E5=8C=85oss?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=87=E4=BB=B6=E4=B8=8A=E4=BC=A0?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .../Base/Service/GameSourceService.class.php | 31 ++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/Application/Base/Service/GameSourceService.class.php b/Application/Base/Service/GameSourceService.class.php index 4af55713c..f26eb0b6f 100644 --- a/Application/Base/Service/GameSourceService.class.php +++ b/Application/Base/Service/GameSourceService.class.php @@ -351,20 +351,27 @@ class GameSourceService { 'base_uri' => C('PACKAGE_CHUNK_URL'), 'timeout' => 30.0, ]); - $response = $client->post('/upload', [ - 'verify' => false, - 'form_params' => [ - 'file' => $localFilePath, - 'dest' => $distFilePath, - 'is_delete_local' => ($isDeleteLocal ? 1 : 0), - ] - ]); - $result = (string)$response->getBody(); - $result = json_decode($result, true); - if (!$result) { + try { + $response = $client->post('/upload', [ + 'verify' => false, + 'form_params' => [ + 'file' => $localFilePath, + 'dest' => $distFilePath, + 'is_delete_local' => ($isDeleteLocal ? 1 : 0), + ] + ]); + $result = (string)$response->getBody(); + $result = json_decode($result, true); + if (!$result) { + return [ + 'status' => false, + 'message' => '请求异常', + ]; + } + } catch (\Exception $e) { return [ 'status' => false, - 'message' => '请求打包失败', + 'message' => '请求异常: ' . $e->getMessage(), ]; } return $result; From 878414aeb2108e0b8c6be9adaa9b6c4de726b0bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zhengyongxing Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 13:52:41 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 04/42] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=B5=8B=E8=AF=95=E8=B5=84=E6=BA=90?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=90=9C=E7=B4=A2=E4=BF=AE=E6=AD=A3?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .../TestResourceController.class.php | 16 ++++++- .../View/TestResource/supportNumberList.html | 47 +++++++++++++++++-- 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/TestResourceController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/TestResourceController.class.php index f9d1fde7a..6a22b9c3d 100644 --- a/Application/Admin/Controller/TestResourceController.class.php +++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/TestResourceController.class.php @@ -78,8 +78,18 @@ class TestResourceController extends ThinkController if(!empty(I('user_account'))){ $map['tab_test_resource.user_account']=['like','%'.I('user_account').'%']; } - if(!empty(I('promote_name'))){ - $map['tab_test_resource.promote_account']=['like','%'.I('promote_name').'%']; + if(!empty(I('promote_id'))){ + + $promote_id = I('promote_id'); + + $promnote_arr = M("promote","tab_")->field("id")->where("chain like '%/{$promote_id}/%'")->select(); + + $promnote_arr = array_column($promnote_arr,"id"); + array_push($promnote_arr,$promote_id); + + $promnote_arr = implode(",",$promnote_arr); + + $map['tab_test_resource.promote_id']=['in',$promnote_arr]; } //为数据权限添加 setPowerPromoteIds($map, 'tab_test_resource.promote_id'); @@ -91,6 +101,8 @@ class TestResourceController extends ThinkController ->order('tab_test_resource.create_time DESC') ->select(); +// var_dump($data);die(); + foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value['create_time']); } diff --git a/Application/Admin/View/TestResource/supportNumberList.html b/Application/Admin/View/TestResource/supportNumberList.html index 341c8abf6..98ddc53c2 100644 --- a/Application/Admin/View/TestResource/supportNumberList.html +++ b/Application/Admin/View/TestResource/supportNumberList.html @@ -74,10 +74,27 @@   -
- -   + + + + + +
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+ @@ -200,6 +217,7 @@ diff --git a/Application/Media/View/default/Index/index.html b/Application/Media/View/default/Index/index.html index b909c60c8..54f2c7643 100644 --- a/Application/Media/View/default/Index/index.html +++ b/Application/Media/View/default/Index/index.html @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
- -
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Application/Media/View/default/Recharge/pay.html b/Application/Media/View/default/Recharge/pay.html index 5856c8297..a7aff2ec7 100644 --- a/Application/Media/View/default/Recharge/pay.html +++ b/Application/Media/View/default/Recharge/pay.html @@ -204,8 +204,8 @@
- -
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Application/Mobile/View/Index/index.html b/Application/Mobile/View/Index/index.html index 12ceb47b8..f26d45d55 100644 --- a/Application/Mobile/View/Index/index.html +++ b/Application/Mobile/View/Index/index.html @@ -38,15 +38,15 @@
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diff --git a/Application/Mobile/View/User/index.html b/Application/Mobile/View/User/index.html index 605690899..1b41332c4 100644 --- a/Application/Mobile/View/User/index.html +++ b/Application/Mobile/View/User/index.html @@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ 我的礼包
+ +
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