
parent e8d2879218
commit 1eebbeff5d

@ -40,18 +40,17 @@
<div class="navContent jsnavContent">
<a href="{:U('Promote/base_info')}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and ACTION_NAME eq base_info '>active</if> ">账户信息</a>
<?php if (in_array($loginer['level'], [1])):?>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 0])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq add_chlid or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">部门长管理</a>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 0])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">部门长管理</a>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (in_array($loginer['level'], [1, 2])):?>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 1])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq add_chlid or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">组长管理</a>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 1])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">组长管理</a>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (in_array($loginer['level'], [1, 2, 3])):?>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 2])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq add_chlid or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">推广员管理</a>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 2])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">推广员管理</a>
<?php endif;?>
$whiteList = [1, 8, 2, 84];
$isOpenQuery = in_array($loginer['id'], $whiteList) || in_array($loginer['parent_id'], $whiteList) || in_array($loginer['grand_id'], $whiteList) ? true : false;
$isOpenQuery = true;
<?php if($isOpenQuery):?>
@ -116,12 +115,12 @@
<!--<div class="subNav jssubNav"><i class="prev_icon icon_fuli"></i><span>会长福利</span><i class="arrow_icon"></i></div>-->
<if condition="get_promote_levels(session('promote_auth.pid')) neq '三级推广员'">
<if condition="$loginer['level'] neq 4">
<div class="subNav jssubNav"><i class="prev_icon icon_fuli"></i><span>平台币管理</span><i class="arrow_icon"></i></div>
<div class="navContent jsnavContent">
<a href="{:U('PromoteCoin/myCoin')}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq PromoteCoin and (ACTION_NAME eq myCoin or ACTION_NAME eq coinRecord or ACTION_NAME eq coinRecordDesc) '>active</if> ">我的平台币</a>
<a href="{:U('PromoteCoin/record')}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq PromoteCoin and (ACTION_NAME eq shift or ACTION_NAME eq record) '>active</if> ">平台币转移</a>
<if condition="($parent_id eq 0) and ($grand_id eq 0)">
<if condition="$loginer['level'] eq 1">
<a href="{:U('CoinOrder/order_list')}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq CoinOrder and (ACTION_NAME eq order_list or ACTION_NAME eq order_add or ACTION_NAME eq order_detail) '>active</if> ">平台币充值</a>
