diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/AdminController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/AdminController.class.php index c74e8a4e6..e1fa9e103 100644 --- a/Application/Admin/Controller/AdminController.class.php +++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/AdminController.class.php @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class AdminController extends Controller { if ( false === $access ) { $this->error('403:禁止访问'); }elseif(null === $access ){ - $access_controller = ['Ajax', 'Finance', 'FinancePromote', 'PayChannel','FinanceCompare',"AggregateFinanceStatement"]; + $access_controller = ['Ajax', 'Finance', 'FinancePromote', 'PayChannel','FinanceCompare',"AggregateFinanceStatement","SubUserStatement"]; if(!in_array(CONTROLLER_NAME, $access_controller)){//ajax放行 //检测访问权限 $rule = strtolower(MODULE_NAME.'/'.CONTROLLER_NAME.'/'.ACTION_NAME); diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/QueryController.class - 副本.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/QueryController.class - 副本.php deleted file mode 100644 index 01d19002a..000000000 --- a/Application/Admin/Controller/QueryController.class - 副本.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -assign('group',$group); - if(isset($_REQUEST['total_status'])){ - unset($_REQUEST['total_status']); - } - if ($group == 1) { - if($_REQUEST['unum']==1){ - $order='unum'; - $order_type=SORT_ASC; - }else if($_REQUEST['unum']==0){ - $order='unum'; - $order_type=SORT_DESC; - } - if($_REQUEST['spay_amount']==1){ - $order='spay_amount'; - $order_type=SORT_ASC; - }else if($_REQUEST['spay_amount']==0){ - $order='spay_amount'; - $order_type=SORT_DESC; - } - $model = array( - 'title' => '渠道结算', - 'template_list' =>'settlement', - 'order' => $order, - 'order_type'=>$order_type//0倒序 1 正序 - ); - $start=$_REQUEST['timestart']; - $end=$_REQUEST['timeend']; - if(I('group')!=''){ - if($start==''||$end==''&&$_REQUEST['promote_account']==''){ - $this->error('结算周期、所属渠道不能为空!','',1); - } - if($start==''||$end==''){ - $this->error('请选择结算周期!','',1); - } - if($_REQUEST['promote_account']==''){ - $this->error('请选择渠道!','',1); - } - } - if($start && $end){ - if((strtotime($end)+24*60*60-1)error('时间选择不正确!',U('Query/settlement'),''); - } - $umap['register_time']=array('BETWEEN',array(strtotime($start),strtotime($end)+24*60*60-1)); - if(isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])&&$_REQUEST['game_name']!=''){ - $umap['fgame_name']=$_REQUEST['game_name']; - $smap['tab_spend.game_name']=$_REQUEST['game_name']; - } - if(isset($_REQUEST['promote_account'])&&$_REQUEST['promote_account']!=''){ - $allid=get_subordinate_promote($_REQUEST['promote_account'],'parent_name'); - $allid[]=$_REQUEST['promote_account']; - $umap['tab_user.promote_account']=array('in',implode(',',$allid)); - $smap['tab_spend.promote_account']=array('in',implode(',',$allid)); - }else{ - $this->error('未选择渠道!','',1); - } - $umap['is_check']=1; - $smap['pay_time']=array('BETWEEN',array(strtotime($start),strtotime($end)+24*60*60-1)); - $smap['is_check']=1; - $map['umap']=$umap; - $map['smap']=$smap; - $user = A('Settlement','Event'); - $user->settlement($model,$p,$map); - }else{ - $this->assign('setdate',date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 day"))); - $this->display(); - } - } - if ($group == 2) { - if(isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])&&isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])){ - $map['create_time']=array('BETWEEN',array(strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']),strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend'])+24*60*60-1)); - } - if(isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])){ - if($_REQUEST['game_name']=='全部'){ - unset($_REQUEST['game_name']); - }else{ - $map['game_name'] = $_REQUEST['game_name']; - } - } - if(isset($_REQUEST['promote_account'])){ - if($_REQUEST['promote_account']=='全部'){ - unset($_REQUEST['promote_account']); - }else{ - $map['promote_account'] = $_REQUEST['promote_account']; - } - } - if(!empty($_REQUEST['settlement_number'])){ - $map['settlement_number'] = $_REQUEST['settlement_number']; - } - $model = array( - 'm_name' => 'settlement', - 'order' => 'create_time desc ', - 'title' => '结算账单', - 'template_list' =>'settlement', - ); - $user = A('Bill','Event'); - $user->money_list($model,$p,$map); - } - } - public function cpsettlement($p=0) { - $group = I('group',1); - $this->assign('group',$group); - if(isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])&&$_REQUEST['timestart']!=''&&$_REQUEST['group']==1){ - $starttime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'].'-01'); - if($starttime>=strtotime(date('Y-m-01'))){ - $this->error('时间选择不正确','',1);exit; - } - $endtime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']."+1 month -1 day")+24*3600-1; - if(isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])&&$_REQUEST['game_name']!='全部'){ - $map['g.game_name']=$_REQUEST['game_name']; - } - if(isset($_REQUEST['selle_status'])){ - if($_REQUEST['selle_status']=="未结算"){ - $map['s.selle_status']=0; - }else if($_REQUEST['selle_status']=="已结算"){ - $map['s.selle_status']=1; - } - } - $map['s.pay_status']=1; - $map['pay_time']=array('BETWEEN',array($starttime,$endtime)); - $model = array( - 'm_name' => 'Spend as s', - 'order' => 's.id', - 'title' => '渠道结算', - 'group' => 'g.developers,g.id', - 'fields' =>'sum(s.pay_amount) as total,s.selle_ratio,s.id,g.developers,s.selle_status,g.id as gid,g.game_name,s.pay_status,s.pay_amount', - 'template_list' =>'cpsettlement', - ); - - $user = A('Spend','Event'); - $user->cpsettl_list($model,$p,$map); - }else if($_REQUEST['group']==2){ - if(isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])&&$_REQUEST['timestart']!=''){ - $starttime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'].'-01'); - if($starttime>=strtotime(date('Y-m-01'))){ - $this->error('时间选择不正确','',1);exit; - } - $starttime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'].'-01'); - $endtime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']."+1 month -1 day")+24*3600-1; - $map['pay_time']=array('BETWEEN',array($starttime,$endtime)); - } - $map['s.pay_status']=1; - $map['s.selle_status']=1;//已结算 - $model = array( - 'm_name' => 'Spend as s', - 'order' => 's.id', - 'title' => '渠道结算', - 'group' => 'g.developers,g.id', - 'fields' =>'sum(s.pay_amount) as total, s.id,s.selle_ratio,g.developers,s.selle_status,s.selle_time,g.id as gid,g.game_name,s.pay_status,s.pay_amount', - 'template_list' =>'cpsettlement', - ); - - $user = A('Spend','Event'); - $user->cpsettl_list($model,$p,$map); - }else{ - $this->meta_title = '渠道结算列表'; - $this->display(); - } - } - public function generatesettlement(){ - //批量结算要加判断 - $data['game_id']=$_REQUEST['game_id']; - $data['game_name']=get_game_name($_REQUEST['game_id']); - $data['promote_id']=$_REQUEST['promote_id']; - $data['promote_account']=get_promote_name($_REQUEST['promote_id']); - $data['total_money']=$_REQUEST['spay_amount']; - $data['total_number']=$_REQUEST['unum']; - $data['starttime']=strtotime($_REQUEST['starttime']); - $data['endtime']=strtotime($_REQUEST['endtime'])+24*60*60-1; - $data['pattern']=$_REQUEST['cooperation']=='CPS'?0:1; - $data['ratio']=$_REQUEST['cps_ratio']; - $data['money']=$_REQUEST['cpa_price']; - $data['create_time']=time(); - $data['settlement_number']='JS-'.date('Ymd').date('His').sp_random_string(4); - if(get_settlement($data['starttime'],$data['promote_id'],$data['game_id'])){ - $this->error('该结算周期不可结算,请重新选择'); - } - if($data['pattern']){ - $data['sum_money']=$data['total_number']*$data['money']; - }else{ - $data['sum_money']=$data['total_money']*$data['ratio']/100; - } - if($data['game_id']==''||$data['promote_id']==''||$data['starttime']==''||$data['endtime']==''){ - $this->error('必要参数不存在'); - } - $map['fgame_id']=$data['game_id']; - // $map['is_check']=1; - $map['register_time']=array('BETWEEN',array($data['starttime'],$data['endtime'])); - $allid=get_subordinate_promote($data['promote_account'],'parent_name'); - $allid[]=$data['promote_account']; - $map['promote_id']=array('in',$data['promote_id']); - $u=M('User','tab_'); - $user=$u->where($map)->setField('settle_check',1); - unset($map['register_time']); - $map['pay_time']=array('BETWEEN',array($data['starttime'],$data['endtime'])); - $s=M('spend','tab_'); - $spend=$s->where($map)->setField('settle_check',1); - $result=M('settlement','tab_')->add($data); - if($result){ - $this->success('结算成功'); - }else{ - $this->error('结算失败'); - } - } - public function generatecpsettlement() {//cp结算 - $game_id = I('request.ids'); - if(empty($game_id)){ - $this->error('请选择要操作的数据'); - } - $starttime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'].'-01'); - $endtime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']."+1 month -1 day")+24*3600-1; - $map['s.pay_status']=1; - $map['s.selle_status']=0; - if(is_array($game_id)){ - $map['s.game_id']=array('in',$game_id); - }else{ - $map['s.game_id']=$game_id; - } - $map['pay_time']=array('BETWEEN',array($starttime,$endtime)); - $spe=M('spend as s','tab_'); - $smap= array('s.selle_time'=>$_REQUEST['timestart'],'s.selle_status'=>1); - $data=$spe - ->field('s.id,s.selle_status,s.selle_time') - ->join('tab_game as g on g.id=s.game_id','LEFT') - ->where($map) - ->setField($smap); - if($data){ - $this->success('结算成功'); - }else{ - $this->error('结算失败'); - } - - } - public function changeratio(){ - $gid = I('request.game_id'); - if(empty($gid)){ - $this->ajaxReturn(0,"请选择要操作的数据",0);exit; - } - $starttime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'].'-01'); - $endtime=strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']."+1 month -1 day")+24*3600-1; - $map['s.pay_status']=1; - $map['s.selle_status']=0; - $map['s.game_id']=$_REQUEST['game_id']; - $map['pay_time']=array('BETWEEN',array($starttime,$endtime)); - $spe=M('spend as s','tab_'); - $data=$spe - ->field('s.id,s.selle_status,s.selle_ratio') - ->join('tab_game as g on g.id=s.game_id','LEFT') - ->where($map) - ->setField('s.selle_ratio',$_POST['ratio']); - if($data){ - $this->ajaxReturn($data); - }else{ - $this->ajaxReturn(-1); - } - } - public function withdraw() { - - if(isset($_REQUEST['settlement_number'])){ - $map['settlement_number']=$_REQUEST['settlement_number']; - } - if(isset($_REQUEST['status'])){ - $map['status']=$_REQUEST['status']; - } - if(isset($_REQUEST['promote_account'])){ - if($_REQUEST['promote_account']=='全部'){ - unset($_REQUEST['promote_account']); - }else{ - $map['promote_account'] = $_REQUEST['promote_account']; - } - } - - - $model = array( - 'm_name' => 'withdraw', - 'order' => 'create_time desc ', - 'title' => '渠道提现', - 'template_list' =>'withdraw', - ); - - $user = A('Bill','Event'); - $user->money_list($model,$p,$map); - - } - - public function set_withdraw_status($model='withdraw') { - $withdraw=M('withdraw',"tab_"); - $seet=M('settlement',"tab_"); - $count=count($_REQUEST['ids']); - if($count>1){ - for ($i=0; $i <$count; $i++) { - $map['id']=$_REQUEST['ids'][$i]; - $dind=$withdraw->where($map)->find(); - $se_map['settlement_number']=$dind['settlement_number']; - $seet->where($se_map)->save(array("ti_status"=>$_REQUEST['status'])); - $withdraw->where($map)->save(array("end_time"=>time())); - } - }else{ - $map['id']=$_REQUEST['ids']; - $dind=$withdraw->where($map)->find(); - $se_map['settlement_number']=$dind['settlement_number']; - $seet->where($se_map)->save(array("ti_status"=>$_REQUEST['status'])); - $withdraw->where($map)->save(array("end_time"=>time())); - } - - parent::set_status($model); - } - - - protected function upPromote($promote_id){ - $model = D('Promote'); - $data['id'] = $promote_id; - $data['money'] = 0; - return $model->save($data); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/SubUserStatementController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/SubUserStatementController.class.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5982d820b --- /dev/null +++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/SubUserStatementController.class.php @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +DBModel = M("UserStatement","sub_",SUBSITE_DB);//指定子库 + parent::_initialize(); + } + + public function lists() { + $params = I('get.'); + $page = $params['p'] ? intval($params['p']) : 1; + $row = $params['row'] ? intval($params['row']) : 10; + + //权限分配 + $map = [ + "_string"=>"1=1" + ]; + if (isset($_REQUEST['time_start']) && isset($_REQUEST['time_end'])) { + $time_start = strtotime($_REQUEST['time_start']); + $time_end = strtotime($_REQUEST['time_end'])+ 86399; + $map["_string"] = "(statement_begin_time BETWEEN {$time_start} AND {$time_end}) OR (statement_end_time BETWEEN {$time_start} AND {$time_end}) OR (statement_begin_time <= {$time_end} AND statement_end_time >= {$time_end})"; + } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['time_start'])) { + $time_start = strtotime($_REQUEST['time_start']); + $map["_string"] = "(statement_begin_time >= {$time_start} ) OR (statement_end_time >= {$time_start})"; + } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['time_end'])) { + $time_end = strtotime($_REQUEST['time_end'])+ 86399; + $map["_string"] = "(statement_begin_time <= {$time_end} ) OR (statement_end_time <= {$time_end})"; + } + + $data = $this->DBModel->where($map)->page($page,$row)->field("statement_info",true)->order("statement_begin_time desc")->select(); + foreach ($data as $k => &$v) { + $v['statement_begin_time'] = date('Y.m.d',$v['statement_begin_time']); + $v['statement_end_time'] = date('Y.m.d',$v['statement_end_time']); + $v["valid"] = "{$v['statement_begin_time']}-{$v['statement_end_time']}"; + } + + $count = $this->DBModel->where($map)->count(); + + $params['p'] = $page; + $params['row'] = $row; + $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $params); + if ($page) { + $this->assign('_page', $page); + } + $this->assign('data',$data); + $this->display(); + } + + public function updateStatement() + { + if(!isset($_REQUEST['id'])){ + $this->error('参数错误'); + } + $id = $_REQUEST['id']; + $temp = $this->DBModel->where(['id'=>$id])->getField('statement_end_time'); + $temp = date('Y-m-d',$temp-0+1); + + $params = "php ".SUBSITE_INDEX." SubCompanyStatementSet/setFreeDateCount/begin/{$temp}/end/{$temp}/company/pu"; + $r = D("CmdTasks")->addTask("SubCompanyStatementSet",$params,true); + if($r){ + $this->DBModel->where(['id'=>$id])->delete(); + $this->ajaxReturn(["status"=>1,"info"=>"旧数据已删除且重算登记成功,请稍后刷新页面查看最新数据"]); + }else{ + $this->ajaxReturn(["status"=>0,"info"=>"重算登记错误"]); + } + } + + + public function viewStatement() + { + $is_export= false; + if (isset($_REQUEST['export']) && $_REQUEST['export']==1){ + $is_export = true; + } + + if(!isset($_REQUEST['id'])){ + $this->error('参数错误'); + } + $id = $_REQUEST['id']; + + $data = $this->DBModel->where(['id'=>$id])->getField("statement_info"); + $data = json_decode($data,true); + $line = 2; + foreach ($data as $k => &$v) { + $v['row'] = count($v['statement_info']); + if ($is_export) { + foreach ($v['statement_info'] as $key => &$val) { + $val['sum_money'] = "=ROUND(F{$line}*G{$line},2)"; + $line++; + } + } + } + if ($is_export) { + $title = $data[0]['statement_info'][0]['statement_begin_time']."-".$data[0]['statement_info'][0]['statement_end_time']."个人汇总单"; + $this->assign("title",$title); + } + $this->assign("data",$data); + $this->assign("is_export",$is_export); + $this->display("viewPuPool"); + } + +} diff --git a/Application/Admin/Model/CmdTasksModel.class.php b/Application/Admin/Model/CmdTasksModel.class.php index 13705325f..a968f0903 100644 --- a/Application/Admin/Model/CmdTasksModel.class.php +++ b/Application/Admin/Model/CmdTasksModel.class.php @@ -49,10 +49,12 @@ class CmdTasksModel extends Model{ } } //插入任务 - public function addTask($type,$params,$need_path=true) + public function addTask($type,$params,$repeat=false,$need_path=true) { - if(!$this->isCanAddTask($type)) return false; - + if(!$repeat){ + if(!$this->isCanAddTask($type)) return false; + } + if($need_path){ if(IS_WIN){ $p = explode(':',ROOTTTTT); diff --git a/Application/Admin/View/SubUserStatement/lists.html b/Application/Admin/View/SubUserStatement/lists.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2f88c7b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Application/Admin/View/SubUserStatement/lists.html @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +  -  +
+ + +
+ +
+ 搜索 +
+ +
+ +
+ 导出 +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
aOh! 暂时还没有内容!
{$data.valid}{$data.statement_money} + 查看 + 重算 +
+ +
+ + + + {$_page|default=''} +
+ + + + if(C('COLOR_STYLE')=='blue_color') echo ' + + '; + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/Application/Admin/View/SubUserStatement/viewPuPool.html b/Application/Admin/View/SubUserStatement/viewPuPool.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7e03e13c --- /dev/null +++ b/Application/Admin/View/SubUserStatement/viewPuPool.html @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
aOh! 暂时还没有内容!
+ + +