
zhengyongxing 5 years ago
parent 6ad8277aa0
commit 0b15e9edd5

@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
<div class="navContent jsnavContent">
<!-- <a href="{:U('Promote/base_info')}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and ACTION_NAME eq base_info '>active</if> ">账户信息</a>-->
<?php if (in_array($loginer['level'], [1])):?>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 0])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">部门长管理</a>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 0])}" class="<if condition='$_GET["promote_type"]==0 and CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">部门长管理</a>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (in_array($loginer['level'], [1, 2])):?>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 1])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">组长管理</a>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 1])}" class="<if condition='$_GET["promote_type"]==1 and CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">组长管理</a>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (in_array($loginer['level'], [1, 2, 3])):?>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 2])}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">推广员管理</a>
<a href="{:U('Promote/children', ['promote_type' => 2])}" class="<if condition='$_GET["promote_type"]==2 and CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq children or ACTION_NAME eq addPromote or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> ">推广员管理</a>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>

@ -395,3 +395,8 @@ CREATE TABLE `tab_promote_coin_transfer_log` (
ALTER TABLE `tab_downloadlog`
CHANGE COLUMN `conditions` `conditions` VARCHAR(20480) NULL DEFAULT '[]' COMMENT '下载筛选条件' AFTER `content`;
-- 2019-11-17 zhengyongxing
UPDATE `platform_new`.`tab_quick_menu` SET `url` = '/index.php?s=/Home/PromoteCoin/transferLogs.html' WHERE `id` = 15
UPDATE `platform_new`.`tab_quick_menu` SET `url` = 'index.php?s=/Home/Promote/children/promote_type/1.html' WHERE `id` = 2
UPDATE `platform_new`.`tab_quick_menu` SET `url` = '/index.php?s=/Home/Promote/children/promote_type/2.html' WHERE `id` = 3
