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4 years ago
<extend name="Public/promote_base"/>
<block name="css">
<link href="__CSS__/20180207/account.css" rel="stylesheet" >
.form-group {
float: left;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.form-group label {
line-height: 34px;
height: 34px;
.pointer-hand {
cursor: pointer;
<block name="body">
<div class="page-list normal_list promote-mychlid-list">
<div class="trunk-title">
<div class="location">
<div class="location-container">当前位置:<span>评级管理></span><span>团队评级</span></div>
<img src="__IMG__/20180207/icon_normal_game.png">
<span class="title_main">团队评级</span>
<div class="trunk-content article">
<div class="trunk-search clearfix">
4 years ago
<form action="{:U('PromoteGrade/index',['row'=>I('get.row')])}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
4 years ago
<input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="{:I('parent_id', 0)}">
<div class="form-group normal_space">
<select name="promote_id" class="reselect select_gallery" style="width: 220px;" >
<option value="0">请选择{$searchLevelName}</option>
<volist name="subPromotes" id="promote">
<option ba-id="{$}" value="{$}" <if condition="I('promote_id') == $promote['id']">selected</if>>
<?=$promote['group_remark'] ? ' - ' . $promote['group_remark'] : '' ?>
4 years ago
<div class="form-group normal_space">
<select name="base_game_id" class="reselect select_gallery" style="width: 220px;" >
<option value="0">请选择游戏</option>
<volist name="baseGames" id="baseGame">
<option ba-id="{$}" value="{$}" <if condition="I('base_game_id') == $baseGame['id']">selected</if>>
4 years ago
<div class="form-group normal_space fr">
4 years ago
<input type="text" class="txt month-date" name="month" placeholder="月份" value="{$month}" >
4 years ago
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" class="submit normal_space" value="查询">
<?php if ($prevParentId > 0):?>
<div class="form-group">
4 years ago
<a class="submit normal_space" href="{:U('PromoteGrade/index', ['row'=>I('get.row'), 'parent_id' => $prevParentId, 'base_game_id' => I('base_game_id', 0), 'month'=>$month])}" style="line-height: 36px; display: inline-block; text-align: center; background: #E5E5E5; color: #2bd8ed; cursor: pointer;">返回上级</a>
4 years ago
<?php endif;?>
<div class="trunk-list list_normal">
<table class="table normal_table">
<tr class="odd">
4 years ago
4 years ago
<empty name="records">
4 years ago
<tr><td colspan="13" class="text-align: center;height: 45vh;"">
<?= $error ? '<span style="color: #ff0000;">' . $error . '</span>': '<img src="__IMG__/20180207/icon_wushujv2.png"/><p style="line-height: 40px;color: #A5A5A5;">暂无数据</p>' ?></td>
4 years ago
<else />
<volist name="records" id="record" mod="2">
4 years ago
<tr data-id="{$}" class="<eq name='mod' value='1'>odd</eq>">
4 years ago
<?php if($record['promote_group'] != ''):?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if($record['current_display'] != ''):?>
<span style="color: #06C;">[{$record['current_display']}]</span>
<?php endif;?>
4 years ago
4 years ago
<?php if($record['current_display'] == '' && $record['level'] < 4):?>
4 years ago
<a href="{:U('PromoteGrade/index', ['parent_id' => $record['id'], 'base_game_id' => I('base_game_id', 0), 'month' => I('month', '')])}">查看下级</a>
4 years ago
<?php endif;?>
<div class="pagenation clearfix">
<?php if ($loginer['level'] !== 4) :?>
4 years ago
<a id="sch-btn" href="{:U('download/promote_grade_export',array_merge(['parent_id'=>$parentId,'month'=>$month, 'base_game_id' => I('base_game_id', 0)],I('post.')))}" class="ajax-get">导出</a>
4 years ago
<?php endif ;?>
<div class="page-explain promote-mychlid-explain">
<div class="trunk-content article border_normal">
<!-- <table class="desccontent">
<tr><td class="title" style="width: 100px;display: inline-block;">二级渠道说明:</td><td class="det">推广员默认为一级渠道,一级渠道可通过推广员后台新增二级渠道;二级渠道由一级渠道管理开启权限,并由一级渠道给二级渠道结算,结算可到财务管理操作。</td></tr>
<block name="script">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="__STATIC__/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.css">
<script src="__STATIC__/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.js"></script>
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<eq name='timeout' value='1'>
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$(function() {
4 years ago
var defaultDate = $('.month-date').val()
4 years ago
locale: 'zh',
4 years ago
dateFormat: "Y-m",
4 years ago
defaultDate: defaultDate,
var gameId = $('#game-select').val();
var sdkVersion = $('#sdk_version').val();
var defaultServerId = $('#server-select').attr('data-server');
getGameServers(gameId, sdkVersion, defaultServerId)
change: function name() {
gameId = $('#game-select').val();
sdkVersion = $('#sdk_version').val();
getGameServers(gameId, sdkVersion, 0);
function getGameServers(gameId, sdkVersion, defaultServerId) {
url: "{:U('Query/getGameServers')}",
dataType: 'json',
data: {game_id: gameId, sdk_version: sdkVersion},
success: function(response) {
var options = '<option value="0">请选择区服</option>'
for (var i in {
var server =[i]
var selected = ''
if (defaultServerId > 0 && {
selected = 'selected'
options += '<option value="' + server.server_id + '"' + selected + '>' + server.server_name + '</option>'