You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
884 lines
33 KiB
884 lines
33 KiB
6 years ago
<extend name="Public/promote_base"/>
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<block name="body">
<div class="page-list normal_list apply-index-list">
<div class="trunk-title">
<div class="location">
<div class="location-container">当前位置:<span>游戏管理></span><span>游戏列表</span></div>
<img src="__IMG__/20180207/icon_normal_game.png"><span class="title_main">游戏列表</span>
<div class="trunk-content article">
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<eq name="type" value="0">
<a href="javascript:;" class="current">全部游戏</a>
<a href="{:U('index')}" class="">全部游戏</a>
<eq name="type" value="10">
<a href="javascript:;" class="current">Android+ios游戏</a>
<a href="{:U('index', array('type' => 10))}" class="">Android+ios游戏</a>
<eq name="type" value="2">
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<a href="{:U('index', array('type' => 2))}" class="">IOS游戏</a>
<eq name="type" value="1">
<a href="javascript:;" class="current">Android游戏</a>
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<a href="{:U('my_game')}" class="">我的游戏</a>
<div class="tab marg_top20" style="clear:both;display: flex;">
<!-- <if condition="C('LAUNCH_SWITCH') eq 1">-->
<!-- <a href="#" class="btn_calc" id="batch_application" style="color:#fff;border: 1px solid #3A97FF;">批量申请</a>-->
<!-- <else/>-->
<!-- <a href="#" class="examine_a examine_aon" id="gapply" style="color:#fff;border: 1px solid #3A97FF;background: #3A97FF;">批量申请</a>-->
<!-- </if>-->
<div style="display: flex;">
<if condition="$promoteRole eq 1">
<div class="btn btn-role highlight" promote-role="1">
<div class="btn btn-role" promote-role="1">
<if condition="$thisParentPromoteId eq 0">
<if condition="$promoteRole eq 2">
<div class="btn btn-role highlight" style="border-left: 0;<?=(isMinPromote($pID)==0)?'border-right: 0;':''?>" promote-role="2">
<div class="btn btn-role" style="border-left: 0;<?=(isMinPromote($pID)==0)?'border-right: 0;':''?>" promote-role="2">
<eq name="pID|isMinPromote" value="0">
<if condition="$promoteRole eq 3">
<div class="btn btn-role highlight" promote-role="3">
<div class="btn btn-role" promote-role="3">
<form action="{:U('index',array('row'=>I('get.row'),'type'=>$type))}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
<div class="form-group normal_space fr">
<input type="submit" class="submit" value="查询">
<div class="form-group normal_space fr">
<select id="game_id" name="game_id" class="reselect select_gallery" style="min-width:200px;width: 175px;">
<option value="">请选择游戏</option>
<volist name=":get_promote_serach_game()" id="vo">
<option value="{$}" title="{$vo.relation_game_name}">{$vo.relation_game_name}</option>
<div class="form-group normal_space fr">
<select id="promote_id" name="promote_id" class="reselect select_gallery" style="min-width:200px;width: 175px;">
<empty name="promoteData">
<option value="" selected="selected">请选择渠道</option>
<option value="">请选择渠道</option>
<volist name="promoteData" id="vo">
<if condition="$ eq $promoteId">
<option value="{$}" title="{$vo.account}({$vo.nickname})" selected="selected">
<option value="{$}" title="{$vo.account}({$vo.nickname})">
<div class="form-group normal_space fr" style="display: none;">
<input id="promote_role" name="promote_role">
<div class="trunk-list">
<div class="div_bgtab">
<ul class="game-ul">
<empty name="list_data">
<ul class="game-ul">
<li class="game-li" style="text-align: center;">
<img src="__IMG__/20180207/icon_wushujv2.png"/>
<p style="line-height: 40px;color: #A5A5A5;">暂无数据</p>
<volist name="list_data" id="vo">
<li class="game-li">
<div class="media">
<div class="img-box" onclick="viewGameDetailed({$})">
<img src="__ROOT__{$vo.icon|get_cover='path'}" />
<div class="game-msg" style="width: calc(92% - 90px);">
<h5 class="game-title">
<if condition="$type eq 10">
<if condition="$type eq 10">
<span>平台:<span>Android+ios</span> </span>
<span>平台:<span>{:getSDKTypeName($vo['sdk_version'])}</span> </span>
<span>版本:<span>{$vo.version}</span> </span>
<span>大小:<span>{$vo.game_size}</span> </span>
<span>游戏类型:<span>{$vo.game_type_name}</span> </span>
<div class="game-operating" style="width: 8%;">
<if condition="$type eq 10">
<if condition="addedAboutDoubleSdk($promoteId,$vo['id']) eq 1">
<span class="add-disable" style="cursor: pointer;">已添加</span>
<if condition="$addPermission eq 1">
<span onclick="commonApply({$},this,0,10)" style="cursor: pointer;"><u>添加</u></span>
<if condition="$vo.apply_id_1 gt 0">
<span class="add-disable" style="cursor: pointer;">已添加</span>
<if condition="$addPermission eq 1">
<span onclick="commonApply({$},this,0,0)" style="cursor: pointer;"><u>添加</u></span>
<div class="pagenation clearfix">
<div id="platform_list" style="display:none;">
<option value="">选择投放平台</option>
<volist name=":get_launch_platform_list(0)" id="vo">
<option value="{$}">{$}</option>
<div class="detail-body" style="display: none;">
<div class="detail-box">
<a href="javascript:;" class="game-detail-close jq-detail-close"><i class="iconfont iconguanbi" style="font-size: 40px;"></i></a>
<div class="game-detail-inner">
<div class="detail-list">
<img src="" id="game_icon">
<dd class="game-title" id="game_name"></dd>
<dd class="game-word">
<span><b>版本:</b><span id="version"></span></span>
<span><b>类型:</b><span id="game_type_name"></span></span>
<span><b>大小:</b><span id="game_size"></span></span>
<span><b>更新时间:</b><span id="create_time"></span></span>
<span><b>下载:</b><span id="dow_num"></span></span>
<dd class="game-tab">
<div class="game-detail-outer">
<div class="game-detail-left fl">
<div class="detail-con game-synopsis panel panel-bordered">
<div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">游戏简介</h3></div>
<p id="features"></p>
<div class="detail-con game-pic panel panel-bordered">
<div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">游戏截图</h3></div>
<div class="pic-box">
<div class="game-slides">
<ul style="width: 1400px;" class="game-slide-li">
<a href="javascript:;" class="pic-prev" style="left: 10px;">
<i class="iconfont iconfanhui" style="font-size: 30px;margin-left: 4px;color: #fff;"></i>
<a href="javascript:;" class="pic-next down-img" style="right: 10px;">
<i class="iconfont icongengduo" style="font-size: 30px;margin-left: -7px;color: #fff;"></i>
<!-- <div class="game-detail-right fr">-->
<!-- <div class="detail-con game-date panel panel-bordered">-->
<!-- <div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">游戏开服</h3></div>-->
<!-- <div class="date-box ">-->
<!-- <ul class="date-tit">-->
<!-- <li>时间</li>-->
<!-- <li>服务器名称</li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- <div class="list-outer ">-->
<!-- <ul class="date-list">-->
<!-- <li><span class="android"></span></li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- <ul class="date-list">-->
<!-- <li><span>09-06 16:00</span></li>-->
<!-- <li>天宫73区</li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- <ul class="date-list">-->
<!-- <li><span>09-07 16:00</span></li>-->
<!-- <li>天宫74区</li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- <ul class="date-list">-->
<!-- <li><span>09-09 16:00</span></li>-->
<!-- <li>天宫75区</li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- <ul class="date-list">-->
<!-- <li><span>09-10 16:00</span></li>-->
<!-- <li>天宫76区</li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class="detail-con game-pack panel panel-bordered">-->
<!-- <div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">游戏礼包</h3></div>-->
<!-- <div class="pack-box ">-->
<!-- <ul id="GamePackInfo">-->
<!-- <li class="">-->
<!-- <div class="pack-inner">-->
<!-- <p class="pack-tit">《天宫计》新手礼包</p>-->
<!-- <p class="pack-word">天女礼物礼包*1、悬赏令*1、铜币*5000</p>-->
<!-- <p class="pack-num">剩余:<b>82.2%</b></p>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- <li class="current">-->
<!-- <div class="pack-inner">-->
<!-- <p class="pack-tit">《天宫计》媒体礼包</p>-->
<!-- <p class="pack-word">技能书礼包*1、宠物经验丹*1、铜币*5000</p>-->
<!-- <p class="pack-num">剩余:<b>83.3%</b></p>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- </ul>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </div>-->
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<script type="text/javascript">
var gameScreenshotCount = 0; //游戏截图数量
var newPromoteId = 0;
setValue('sdk_version', {$Think.request.sdk_version |default = '""'});
setValue('game_id', {$Think.request.game_id |default = '""'});
setValue('promote_id', {$Think.request.promote_id |default = '""'});
setValue('enable_status', {$Think.request.enable_status |default = '""'});
setValue('promote_role', {$Think.request.promote_role |default = 1});
setValue('row', '{:I("row",10)}');
$('.btn-role').on('click', function () {
var thisElement = $(this);
if (!thisElement.hasClass('highlight')) {
var promoteRole = thisElement.attr('promote-role');
setValue('promote_role', promoteRole);
if (promoteRole == 1) {
location.href = "{:U('index', array('type' => $type))}";
} else {
function getPromoteListByRole(promoteRole)
type: "post",
url: "__URL__/getPromoteListByRole",
dataType: "json",
data: {'promote_role': promoteRole},
success: function (data) {
var html = '<option value="">请选择渠道</option>';
if (data.length > 0) {
$.each(data, function (index, item) {
var promoteTitle = item['account'] + '(' + item['nickname'] + ')';
html += '<option value="' + item['id'] + '" title="' + promoteTitle + '">';
html += promoteTitle;
html += '</option>';
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$('#batch_application').on('click', function () {
var gameid = '';
$(this).closest('.trunk-content').find('table input[class="ids"]:checked').each(function () {
gameid += ',' + $(this).val();
gameid = gameid.slice(1);
if (!gameid) {
} else {
var select = $('#platform_list');
select.find('select').attr('id', 'lwx_dialog_select').addClass('lwx_dialog_select');
layer.confirm(select.html() + '<input id="lwx_dialog_input" type="text" class="lwx_dialog_input" placeholder="可输入其他平台" value=""><textarea class="lwx_dialog_textarea" id="lwx_dialog_textarea" name="remark" placeholder="备注"></textarea>', {
title: '投放平台', zIndex: 1, skin: 'lwx_dialog_prompt', success: function (layero, index) {
layero.append('<p class="lwx_dialog_notice">注:选择后不可修改</p>');
}, btn: ['确定']
}, function (index, layero) {
var select = layero.find('#lwx_dialog_select');
var input = layero.find('#lwx_dialog_input');
var textarea = layero.find('#lwx_dialog_textarea');
var val_s = select.val();
var val_i = input.val();
var remark = textarea.val();
if (!val_s && !val_i) {
layer.msg('请输入投放平台', {type: 1, time: 1500}, function (index) {
return false;
type: "post",
url: "{:U('batch_apply_game')}",
dataType: "json",
data: {game_id: gameid, platform_id: val_s, platform_name: val_i, remark: remark},
success: function (res) {
if (res.status) {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 1});
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1500);
} else {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 2});
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function () {
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$("#gapply").click(function () {
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var pattern_value = "";
$(':checkbox').each(function () {
if ($(this).val() != "" && $(this).prop('checked')) {
chk_value += ("," + $(this).val());
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chk_value = chk_value.slice(0);
pattern_value = pattern_value.substr(1, pattern_value.length - 1);
pattern_value = pattern_value.slice(0);
if (chk_value == 0) {
} else {
type: "post",
url: "__URL__/gapply",
dataType: "json",
data: {game_id: chk_value},//,pattern:pattern
success: function (res) {
if (res.status) {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 1});
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1500);
} else {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 2});
error: function () {
layer.msg('服务器故障', {icon: 5});
// $("#gapply").attr('href', '__MODULE__/Apply/gapply/game_id/'+chk_value);//+'/pattern/'+pattern_value
function errapply($gameid, pattern, obj) {
layer.msg("上级渠道未申请或未通过该游戏,不能申请", {icon: 2});
function erapply($gameid, pattern, obj) {
type: "post",
url: "__URL__/apply",
dataType: "json",
data: {game_id: $gameid, pattern: pattern},
success: function (res) {
if (res.status) {
$(obj).attr("onclick", "").html("<span style='color:#26C7DB'>申请成功</span>").addClass("proc wait");
location.href = "{:U('index')}";
} else {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 2});
error: function () {
layer.msg('服务器故障', {icon: 5});
function firstapply(gameid, obj, type, version) {
var select = $('#platform_list');
select.find('select').attr('id', 'lwx_dialog_select').addClass('lwx_dialog_select');
layer.confirm(select.html() + '<input id="lwx_dialog_input" type="text" class="lwx_dialog_input" placeholder="可输入其他平台" value=""><textarea class="lwx_dialog_textarea" id="lwx_dialog_textarea" name="remark" placeholder="备注"></textarea>', {
title: '投放平台', zIndex: 1, skin: 'lwx_dialog_prompt', success: function (layero, index) {
layero.append('<p class="lwx_dialog_notice">注:选择后不可修改</p>');
}, btn: ['确定']
}, function (index, layero) {
var select = layero.find('#lwx_dialog_select');
var input = layero.find('#lwx_dialog_input');
var textarea = layero.find('#lwx_dialog_textarea');
var val_s = select.val();
var val_i = input.val();
var remark = textarea.val();
if (!val_s && !val_i) {
layer.msg('请输入投放平台', {type: 1, time: 1500}, function (index) {
return false;
type: 'post',
url: '{:U("apply_game")}',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
game_id: gameid,
sdk_version: version,
platform_id: val_s,
platform_name: val_i,
remark: remark
success: function (res) {
if (res.status) {
if (type == 1 && parseInt(res.exist) == 0) {
$(obj).attr("onclick", "").html("<span >审核中</span>").addClass("proc wait");
} else {
$(obj).html("<span >再次申请</span>").addClass("proc wait");
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 1, time: 1500}, function (index) {
} else {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 2, time: 1500}, function (index) {
error: function () {
layer.msg('服务器故障', {icon: 5});
function commonApply(gameid, obj, type, sdkType) {
var that = $(obj);
if (that.hasClass('no_submit')) {
return false;
type: 'post',
url: '{:U("apply")}',
dataType: 'json',
data: {game_id: gameid, promote_id: {$promoteId}, sdk_type: sdkType},
success: function (res) {
if (res.status) {
if (type == 1) {
that.attr("onclick", "").html("<span>审核中</span>").addClass("proc wait");
} else {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 1, time: 1500});
} else {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 2, time: 1500});
error: function () {
layer.msg('服务器故障', {icon: 5});
function yiapply($gameid, obj, type) {
type: "post",
url: "__URL__/apply",
dataType: "json",
data: {game_id: $gameid},//,pattern:pattern
success: function (res) {
if (res.status) {
if (type == 1) {
$(obj).attr("onclick", "").html("<span style='color:#26C7DB'>审核中</span>").addClass("proc wait");
} else {
$(obj).attr("onclick", "").html("<span style='color:#26C7DB'>申请成功</span>").addClass("proc wait");
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 1});
} else {
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 2});
error: function () {
layer.msg('服务器故障', {icon: 5});
function package($id, $game_id) {
type: "post",
url: "__URL__/allpackage",
dataType: "json",
data: {ids: $id, game_id: $game_id},
success: function (result) {
layer.msg(, {icon: 6, time: 3000},
function () {
error: function () {
highlight_subnav('{:U("Apply / index")}');
function viewGameDetailed(id) {
type: "post",
url: "__URL__/viewGameDetailed",
dataType: "json",
data: {'id': id},
success: function (data) {
$('#game_icon').attr('src', data.icon ? data.icon : '');
$('#game_name').text(data.game_name ? data.game_name : '');
$('#version').text(data.version ? data.version : '无');
$('#game_type_name').text(data.game_type_name ? data.game_type_name : '无');
$('#game_size').text(data.game_size ? data.game_size : 0);
$('#create_time').text(data.create_time ? data.create_time : '无');
$('#dow_num').text(data.dow_num ? data.dow_num : 0);
$('#features').text(data.features ? data.features : '无');
gameScreenshotCount = data.screenshot.length; //游戏截图数量
if (gameScreenshotCount > 0) {
var html = '';
$.each(data.screenshot_url, function (index, item) {
html += '<li>';
html += '<img src="' + item + '">';
html += '</li>';
error: function (result) {
layer.msg('网络异常', {icon: 5});
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var newLeft = oldLeft - 280;
var minLeft = -(gameScreenshotCount * 280 -560);
if (newLeft >= minLeft && newLeft % 1 === 0) {
element.css('left', newLeft);
$('.pack-inner').hover(function () {
var element = $(this);
$('#promote_id').on('change', function () {
newPromoteId = $(this).val();