You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
3.0 KiB

6 years ago

function initComplexArea(a, k, h, p, q, d, b, l) {
var f = initComplexArea.arguments;
var m = document.getElementById(a);
var o = document.getElementById(k);
var n = document.getElementById(h);
var e = 0;
var c = 0;
if (p != undefined) {
if (d != undefined) {
d = parseInt(d);
else {
d = 0;
if (b != undefined) {
b = parseInt(b);
else {
b = 0;
if (l != undefined) {
l = parseInt(l);
else {
l = 0
n[0] = new Option("请选择 ", 0);
for (e = 0; e < p.length; e++) {
if (p[e] == undefined) {
if (f[6]) {
if (f[6] == true) {
if (e == 0) {
m[c] = new Option(p[e], e);
if (d == e) {
m[c].selected = true;
if (q[d] != undefined) {
c = 0; for (e = 0; e < q[d].length; e++) {
if (q[d][e] == undefined) { continue }
if (f[6]) {
if ((f[6] == true) && (d != 71) && (d != 81) && (d != 82)) {
if ((e % 100) == 0) { continue }
} o[c] = new Option(q[d][e], e);
if (b == e) { o[c].selected = true } c++
function changeComplexProvince(f, k, e, d) {
var c = changeComplexProvince.arguments; var h = document.getElementById(e);
var g = document.getElementById(d); var b = 0; var a = 0; removeOptions(h); f = parseInt(f);
if (k[f] != undefined) {
for (b = 0; b < k[f].length; b++) {
if (k[f][b] == undefined) { continue }
if (c[3]) { if ((c[3] == true) && (f != 71) && (f != 81) && (f != 82)) { if ((b % 100) == 0) { continue } } }
h[a] = new Option(k[f][b], b); a++
removeOptions(g); g[0] = new Option("请选择 ", 0);
if (f == 11 || f == 12 || f == 31 || f == 71 || f == 50 || f == 81 || f == 82) {
if ($("#" + d + "_div"))
{ $("#" + d + "_div").hide(); }
else {
if ($("#" + d + "_div")) { $("#" + d + "_div").show(); }
function changeCity(c, a, t) {
$("#" + a).html('<option value="0" >请选择</option>');
$("#" + a).unbind("change");
c = parseInt(c);
var _d = sub_arr[c];
var str = "";
str += "<option value='0' >请选择</option>";
for (var i = c * 100; i < _d.length; i++) {
if (_d[i] == undefined) continue;
str += "<option value='" + i + "' >" + _d[i] + "</option>";
$("#" + a).html(str);
function removeOptions(c) {
if ((c != undefined) && (c.options != undefined)) {
var a = c.options.length;
for (var b = 0; b < a; b++) {
c.options[0] = null;