You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1037 lines
38 KiB

6 years ago
namespace Admin\Controller;
use User\Api\UserApi as UserApi;
* 后台首页控制器
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
class StatisticsController extends ThinkController {
public function overview(){
5 years ago
$shuju = json_decode(M('IndexChart','tab_')->field("all_count")->order('`date` desc')->find()["all_count"],true);
6 years ago
$this->meta_title = '总览';
$today = $this->total(1);
$thisweek = $this->total(2);
$thismounth = $this->total(3);
$thisyear = $this->total(4);
// 游戏排行
if($type==1 || $type==''){
// 推广员排行
switch($_REQUEST['category']) {
case 2:{$promote_data = $this->promote_data_order($thisweek,$lastweek);};break;
case 3:{$promote_data = $this->promote_data_order($thismounth,$lastmounth);};break;
case 4:{$promote_data = $this->promote_data_order($thisyear,$lastyear);};break;
$promote_data = $this->promote_data_order($today,$yesterday);
$this->assign('promotereg',array_slice($promote_data['reg'], 0, 10));
$this->assign('promoteactive',array_slice($promote_data['active'], 0, 10));
$this->assign('promotepay',array_slice($promote_data['pay'], 0, 10));
$this->assign('promote_chart', $promote_data['chart']);
6 years ago
// 日历
// 折线图
if(strtotime($_REQUEST['start']) == mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'))){
// $this->foldLineDiagram($_REQUEST['start'],$_REQUEST['end'],$_REQUEST['num']);
6 years ago
* 今日折线图
public function nowday($num)
$starttime = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'));
6 years ago
$endtime = $starttime+86399;
6 years ago
$start = date('Y-m-d',$starttime);
$end = date('Y-m-d',$endtime);
$user = D('User');
$spend = D('Spend');
$promote = D('Promote');
6 years ago
if ($start == date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-1 day'))) {$num = 2;}
$hours = ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23'];
$data['date'] = [$start];
$data['hours'] = 1;
foreach($hours as $v) {
$data['news'][$v] = 0;
$data['active'][$v] = 0;
$data['player'][$v] = 0;
$data['money'][$v] = 0;
// 新增用户
$hoursnews = $user->newsAdd(['register_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'news','time',5);
// 活跃用户
$hoursactive = $user->totalPlayerByGroup($hours,['tab_user_login_record.login_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'active','time',5);
// 付费用户
$hoursplayer = $spend->totalPlayerByGroup(['pay_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'player','time',5);
// 充值金额
$hoursmoney = $spend->totalAmountByGroup(['pay_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'money','time',5);
foreach($hours as $v) {
foreach($hoursnews as $h) {
$time = explode(' ',$h['time']);
if ($time[1] == $v){
$data['news'][$v] = (integer)$h['news'];break;
6 years ago
foreach($hoursactive as $h) {
6 years ago
if ($h['time'] == $v){
$data['active'][$v] = (integer)$h['active'];break;
6 years ago
foreach($hoursplayer as $h) {
$time = explode(' ',$h['time']);
if ($time[1] == $v){
$data['player'][$v] = (integer)$h['player'];break;
6 years ago
foreach($hoursmoney as $h) {
$time = explode(' ',$h['time']);
if ($time[1] == $v){
$data['money'][$v] = $h['money'];break;
6 years ago
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
if($data['hours']!=1){$table[$k] = $v;}
if ($k == 'date'){
$data[$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
$sum = 0;$x='';$y=0;$tempexport=[];
foreach($v as $t => $s){
$sum += $s;
if ($t%2==1) {$tab[$x.'~'.$t] = $y+$s;$x='';$y=0;}else{$x .= $t;$y += $s;}
6 years ago
$data[$k] = implode(',',$v);
6 years ago
if ($flag) {
6 years ago
echo json_encode($data);
6 years ago
} else {
# code...
* 折线图
* @param integer $start 开始时间
* @param integer $end 结束时间
* @param boolean $flag 是否ajax返回
* @author 鹿文学
public function foldLineDiagram($start='',$end='',$num='',$flag=false)
$starttime = $start?strtotime($start):mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-1,date('Y'));
$endtime = $end?strtotime($end)+86399:$starttime+86399;
$start = date('Y-m-d',$starttime);
$end = date('Y-m-d',$endtime);
$user = D('User');
$spend = D('Spend');
$promote = D('Promote');
if ($start == $end) { // 单天
if ($start == date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-1 day'))) {$num = 2;}
$data['date'] = [$start];
$data['hours'] = 1;
$tm = strtotime($start);
$dbdata = M("IndexChart","tab_")->field("new_user_count,new_user_hours,active_user_count,active_user_hours,pay_user_count,pay_user_hours,pay_money_count,pay_money_hours,promote_new_count")->where("`date` = '{$tm}'")->find();
5 years ago
$data['news'] = json_decode($dbdata["new_user_hours"],true);
$data['active'] = json_decode($dbdata["active_user_hours"],true);
} else {
6 years ago
$datelist = get_date_list($starttime,$endtime,$num==7?4:1);
$data['date'] = $datelist;
$data['hours'] = 0;
$map = array(
$count1 = array();
$active_user_list = [];
$pay_user_list = [];
$dbdata = M("IndexChart","tab_")->field("new_user_count,active_user_count,pay_user_count,pay_money_count,promote_new_count")
foreach($dbdata as $k => $v) {
$data['news'][$k] = $v['new_user_count'];
$data['active'][$k] = $v['active_user_count'];
$data['player'][$k] = $v['pay_user_count'];
$data['money'][$k] = $v['pay_money_count'];
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
// dump($k);
6 years ago
if (is_array($v)) {
if($data['hours']!=1){$table[$k] = $v;}
if ($k == 'date'){
$data[$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
$sum = 0;$x='';$y=0;$tempexport=[];
foreach($v as $t => $s){
$sum += $s;
if ($t%2==1) {$tab[$x.'~'.$t] = $y+$s;$x='';$y=0;}else{$x .= $t;$y += $s;}
$data[$k] = implode(',',$v);
if ($flag) {
echo json_encode($data);
} else {
# code...
6 years ago
private function promote_data_order($starttime,$endtime){
5 years ago
$PromoteCount = M("PromoteCount","tab_");
$new_user_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_account,new_user_count")->where("`date` {$starttime}")->order("new_user_count desc")->limit(10)->select(false);
echo "<pre>";dump($new_user_count);die();
6 years ago
* 排行榜(推广员)
* @param string $nowtime 现在时间段between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
* @param string $othertime 过去时间段between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
* @return array 结果集
* @author lwx
private function promote_data_order2($nowtime,$othertime){
6 years ago
$user = M("User","tab_");
$spend = M('Spend',"tab_");
$chart1 = [];
$chart2 = [];
$chart3 = [];
$ri_ug_order=$user->field('tab_user.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,count( as cg')
->join('tab_promote on ( = tab_user.promote_id)','left')
->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->limit(10)->select();
$regids = array_column($ri_ug_order,'promote_id');
if ($regids) {
$yes_ug_order=$user->field('tab_user.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,count( as cg')
->join('tab_promote on ( = tab_user.promote_id)')
->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
// dump($ri_ug_order);
// dump($yes_ug_order);exit;
foreach ($ri_ug_order as $key => $value) {
$ri_ug_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_ug_order)-1;
$chart1['p'.$value['promote_id']] = $value;
foreach ($yes_ug_order as $k => $v) {
// //今日活跃排行
$duser = D('User');
$ri_active_order = $duser->activeRankOnPromote($nowtime,'cg');
$activeids = array_column($ri_active_order,'promote_id');
if ($activeids) {
$yes_active = $duser->activeRankOnPromote($othertime,'cg',$activeids);
foreach ($ri_active_order as $key => $value) {
$ri_active_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_active_order)-1;
$chart2['p'.$value['promote_id']] = $value;
foreach ($yes_active as $k => $v) {
// //充值排行
$ri_spay_sql=$spend->field('tab_spend.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
->join('tab_promote on(tab_spend.promote_id =')
->union('select promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg from tab_deposit inner join tab_promote on( = tab_deposit.promote_id) where pay_status=1 and promote_id>0 and tab_deposit.create_time '.$nowtime.' group by promote_id ')
$ri_spay_order = $spend->field('promote_id,promote_account,sum(cg) as cg')->table('('.$ri_spay_sql.') as a')->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->limit(10)->select();
$payids = array_column($ri_spay_order,'promote_id');
if ($payids) {
$yes_spay_sql=$spend->field('tab_spend.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
->join('tab_promote on(tab_spend.promote_id =')
->union('select promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg from tab_deposit inner join tab_promote on( = tab_deposit.promote_id) where pay_status=1 and promote_id>0 and tab_deposit.create_time '.$othertime.' group by promote_id ')
$yes_spay=$spend->field('promote_id,promote_account,sum(cg) as cg')->table('('.$yes_spay_sql.') as a')->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
foreach ($ri_spay_order as $key => $value) {
$ri_spay_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_spay_order)-1;
$chart3['p'.$value['promote_id']] = $value;
foreach ($yes_spay as $k => $v) {
$chart4 = array_merge($chart1,$chart2,$chart3);
foreach($chart4 as $k => $v) {
$chart['promote'][$k] = $v['promote_account'];
foreach($chart1 as $c) {
$chart['reg'][$k] = 0;
if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
$chart['reg'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
foreach($chart2 as $c) {
$chart['active'][$k] = 0;
if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
$chart['active'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
foreach($chart3 as $c) {
$chart['pay'][$k] = 0;
if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
$chart['pay'][$k] = $c['cg'];break;
foreach($chart as $k => $v) {
if ($k == 'promote')
$data['chart'][$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
$data['chart'][$k] = implode(',',$v);
echo "<pre>";dump($data);die();
6 years ago
return $data;
* 排行榜(游戏)
* @param string $nowtime 现在时间段between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
* @param string $othertime 过去时间段between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
* @return array 结果集
* @author lwx edit
private function data_order($nowtime,$othertime){
$user = M("User","tab_");
$spend = M('Spend',"tab_");
$chart1 = [];
$chart2 = [];
$chart3 = [];
/* $ri_ug_order=$user->field('fgame_id as game_id,fgame_name as game_name,count( as cg')
->group('fgame_id')->order('cg desc')->limit(10)->select(false);
$ri_ug_order=$user->field('a.*,@rank:=@rank+1 as rank_no')->table('(' .$ri_ug_order. ') as a,(SELECT @rank:= 0) b')->select();
$regids = array_column($ri_ug_order,'game_id');
if($regids) {
$yes_ug_order=$user->field('fgame_id as game_id,fgame_name as game_name,count( as cg')
->group('fgame_id')->order('cg desc')->select(false);
$yes_ug_order=$user->field('a.*,@rank:=@rank+1 as rank_no')->table('(' .$yes_ug_order. ') as a,(SELECT @rank:= 0) b')->select();
foreach ($ri_ug_order as $key => $value) {
$chart1['g'.$value['game_id']] = $value;
foreach ($yes_ug_order as $k => $v) {
if($ri_ug_order[$key]['change']==0) {
$ri_ug_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rank_no']-count($ri_ug_order)-1;
} */
$ri_ug_order=$user->field('fgame_id as game_id,fgame_name as game_name,count( as cg')
->group('fgame_id')->order('cg desc')->limit(10)->select();
$regids = array_column($ri_ug_order,'game_id');
if($regids) {
$yes_ug_order=$user->field('fgame_id as game_id,fgame_name as game_name,count( as cg')
->group('fgame_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
foreach ($ri_ug_order as $key => $value) {
$ri_ug_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_ug_order)-1;
$chart1['g'.$value['game_id']] = $value;
foreach ($yes_ug_order as $k => $v) {
// //今日活跃排行
$duser = D('User');
$ri_active_order = $duser->activeRankOnGame($nowtime,'cg');
$activeids = array_column($ri_active_order,'game_id');
if($activeids) {
$yes_active = $duser->activeRankOnGame($othertime,'cg',$activeids);
foreach ($ri_active_order as $key => $value) {
$ri_active_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_active_order)-1;
$chart2['g'.$value['game_id']] = $value;
foreach ($yes_active as $k => $v) {
// //充值排行
$ri_spay_order=$spend->field('game_id,game_name,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
->group('game_id')->order('cg desc')->limit(10)->select();
$payids = array_column($ri_spay_order,'game_id');
if ($payids) {
$yes_spay=$spend->field('game_id,game_name,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
->group('game_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
foreach ($ri_spay_order as $key => $value) {
$ri_spay_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_spay_order)-1;
$chart3['g'.$value['game_id']] = $value;
foreach ($yes_spay as $k => $v) {
$chart4 = array_merge($chart1,$chart2,$chart3);
foreach($chart4 as $k => $v) {
$chart['game'][$k] = $v['game_name'];
foreach($chart1 as $c) {
$chart['reg'][$k] = 0;
if ($v['game_id'] == $c['game_id']) {
$chart['reg'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
foreach($chart2 as $c) {
$chart['active'][$k] = 0;
if ($v['game_id'] == $c['game_id']) {
$chart['active'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
foreach($chart3 as $c) {
$chart['pay'][$k] = 0;
if ($v['game_id'] == $c['game_id']) {
$chart['pay'][$k] = $c['cg'];break;
foreach($chart as $k => $v) {
if ($k == 'game')
$data['chart'][$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
$data['chart'][$k] = implode(',',$v);
return $data;
public function zhexian(){
$user = M("User","tab_");
$spend = M('Spend',"tab_");
$deposit = M('Deposit','tab_');
$data=$user->field('fgame_id,fgame_name,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( `register_time`),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,count(id) as cg')->where(array('register_time'.$time))->where(array('fgame_id'=>array('gt',0)))->group('time,fgame_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
$title=$user->field('fgame_name,count(id) as cg')->where(array('register_time'.$time))->where(array('fgame_id'=>array('gt',0)))->group('fgame_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
foreach ($day as $key => $value) {
if(array_key_exists($value, $data)){
foreach ($data[$value] as $kk => $vv) {
$data=$user->field('game_id,game_name,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( uu.login_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,count( as cg')->join('tab_user_login_record as uu on = uu.user_id')->where(array('uu.login_time'.$time))->where(array('game_id'=>array('gt',0)))->group('time,game_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
$title=$user->field('game_name,count( as cg')->join('tab_user_login_record as uu on = uu.user_id')->where(array('uu.login_time'.$time))->where(array('game_id'=>array('gt',0)))->group('game_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
foreach ($day as $key => $value) {
if(array_key_exists($value, $data)){
foreach ($data[$value] as $kk => $vv) {
$data=$spend->field('game_id,game_name,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( pay_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,sum(pay_amount) as cg')->where(array('pay_time'.$time))->where(array('game_id'=>array('gt',0)))->where(array('pay_status'=>1))->group('time,game_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
$title=$spend->field('game_name,sum(pay_amount) as cg')->where(array('pay_time'.$time))->where(array('game_id'=>array('gt',0)))->where(array('pay_status'=>1))->group('game_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
foreach ($day as $key => $value) {
if(array_key_exists($value, $data)){
foreach ($data[$value] as $kk => $vv) {
* 数据概况
* @author 鹿文学
public function data_profile() {
$user = D('User');
$spend = D('Spend');
$ishours = 0;
if($_REQUEST['key'] == 1 || empty($_REQUEST['key'])) {
$hours = ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23'];
$data['date'] = $hours;
$ishours = 1;
foreach($hours as $v) {
$data['news'][$v] = 0;
$data['money'][$v] = 0;
$between = ['between',array(strtotime('-1 day',strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))),strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))-1)];
// 新增用户
$hoursnews = $user->newsAdd(['register_time'=>$between],'news','time',5);
// 充值金额
$hoursmoney = $spend->totalAmountByGroup(['pay_time'=>$between],'money','time',5);
foreach($hours as $v) {
foreach($hoursnews as $h) {
$time = explode(' ',$h['time']);
if ($time[1] == $v){
$data['news'][$v] = (integer)$h['news'];break;
foreach($hoursmoney as $h) {
$time = explode(' ',$h['time']);
if ($time[1] == $v){
$data['money'][$v] = $h['money'];break;
} else {
$num = $_REQUEST['key'];
$flag= $num==4?365:($num==3?30:7);
$starttime = strtotime('-'.$flag.' day',strtotime(date('Y-m-d')));
$endtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))-1;
$datelist = get_date_list($starttime,$endtime,$num==4?4:1);
$data['date'] = $datelist;
foreach($datelist as $k => $v) {
$data['news'][$v] = 0;
$data['money'][$v] = 0;
// 新增用户
$news = $user->newsAdd(['register_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'news','time',$num==4?2:1);
// 充值金额
$money = $spend->totalAmountByGroup(['pay_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'money','time',$num==4?2:1);
foreach($datelist as $v) {
foreach($news as $h) {
if ($v == $h['time']) {
$data['news'][$v] = (integer)$h['news'];break;
foreach($money as $h) {
if ($v == $h['time']) {
$data['money'][$v] = $h['money'];break;
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
if ($k == 'date'){
if ($ishours == 1) {
$data[$k] = '"'.implode('","',array_map('addZeroToTime',$v)).'"';
} else {
$data[$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
$data[$k] = implode(',',$v);
$this->meta_title = '数据概况';
public function data_profile2(){
$deposit= M('Deposit','tab_');
$udata=$user->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( register_time),"%H") AS time,count(id) as count')->where('register_time'.$tt)->group('time')->select();
$sdata=$spend->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( pay_time),"%H") AS time,sum(pay_amount) as sum')->where('pay_time'.$tt)->where(array('pay_status'=>1))->group('time')->select();
foreach ($xstime as $key => $value) {
$udata=$user->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( `register_time`),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,count(id) as count')->where(array('register_time'.$tt))->group('time')->order('time asc')->select();
$sdata=$spend->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( pay_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,sum(pay_amount) as sum')->where(array('pay_time'.$tt))->where(array('game_id'=>array('gt',0)))->where(array('pay_status'=>1))->group('time')->order('time asc')->select();
foreach ($xstime as $key => $value) {
// var_dump($time);exit;
$udata=$user->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( `register_time`),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,count(id) as count')->where(array('register_time'.$tt))->group('time')->order('time asc')->select();
$sdata=$spend->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( pay_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,sum(pay_amount) as sum')->where(array('pay_time'.$tt))->where(array('game_id'=>array('gt',0)))->where(array('pay_status'=>1))->group('time')->order('time asc')->select();
foreach ($xstime as $key => $value) {
$udata=$user->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( `register_time`),"%Y-%m") AS time,count(id) as count')->where(array('register_time'.$tt))->group('time')->order('time asc')->select();
$sdata=$spend->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME( pay_time),"%Y-%m") AS time,sum(pay_amount) as sum')->where(array('pay_time'.$tt))->where(array('game_id'=>array('gt',0)))->where(array('pay_status'=>1))->group('time')->order('time asc')->select();
foreach ($xstime as $key => $value) {
// 前台显示
// X轴日期
foreach ($time as $tk => $tv) {
foreach ($time as $tk => $tv) {
foreach ($time as $tk => $tv) {
foreach ($time as $tk => $tv) {
foreach ($xtime as $key => $value) {
foreach ($stime as $key => $value) {
$this->meta_title = '数据概况';
* [数据折线 分配每个时间段]
* @param [type] $time [时间点]
* @return [type] [description]
private function for_every_time_point($time,$data,$key1,$key2){
foreach ($time as $key => $value) {
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
return $newdata;
//把时间戳 当前时间一天分成24小时 前七天 前30天 前12个月
function time2other($type='day'){
$start = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("y"));
for($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++){
static $x=0;
$b = $start + ($i * 3600);
$e = $start + (($i+1) * 3600)-1;
$time[$xxx]="between $b and $e";
foreach ($ttime as $key => $value) {
foreach ($ttime as $key => $value) {
foreach ($ttime as $key => $value) {
return $time;
//以当前日期 默认前七天
private function every_day($m=7){
for ($i=0; $i <$m ; $i++) {
return $time;
private function total($type) {
switch ($type) {
case 1: { // 今天
case 2: { // 本周
$sdefaultDate = date("Y-m-d");
//$first =1 表示每周星期一为开始日期 0表示每周日为开始日期
//获取当前周的第几天 周日是 0 周一到周六是 1 - 6
//获取本周开始日期,如果$w是0则表示周日减去 6 天
$week_start=date('Y-m-d',strtotime("$sdefaultDate -".($w ? $w - $first : 6).' days'));
$week_end=date('Y-m-d',strtotime("$week_start +6 days"));
$sdefaultDate = date("Y-m-d");
//$first =1 表示每周星期一为开始日期 0表示每周日为开始日期
//获取当前周的第几天 周日是 0 周一到周六是 1 - 6
//获取本周开始日期,如果$w是0则表示周日减去 6 天
$start=strtotime("$sdefaultDate -".($w ? $w - $first : 6).' days');
case 3: { // 本月
case 4: { // 本年
case 5: { // 昨天
case 6: { // 上周
$start=mktime(0, 0 , 0,date("m"),date("d")-date("w")+1-7,date("Y"));
case 7: { // 上月
$start=mktime(0, 0 , 0,date("m")-1,1,date("Y"));
$end=mktime(23,59,59,date("m") ,0,date("Y"));
case 8: { // 上一年
case 9: { // 前七天
$start = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-6,date('Y'));
case 10: { // 前30天
$start = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-29,date('Y'));
return " between $start and $end ";
private function huanwei($total) {
$total = empty($total)?'0':trim($total.' ');
$len = strlen($total);
if ($len>7) { // 万
$total = (round(($total/10000),2)).'w';
return $total;
* LTV统计
* @param integer $p 当前页
* @author 鹿文学
public function ltv($p=1) {
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$row = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$row = 10;}
$start = $_GET['start']= I('start',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-30 day')));
$end = I('end',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-1 day')));
$end = strtotime($end)>=strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))?date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-1 day')):$end;
$_GET['end'] = $end;
$list = D('user')->ltv(strtotime($start),strtotime($end));
$count = count($list);
$data = array_slice($list,($page-1)*$row,$row,true);
$page = set_pagination($count,$row);
if($page) {$this->assign('_page', $page);}
$this->meta_title = 'LTV统计';