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namespace Base\Service;
use Base\Tool\TaskClient;
use Think\Log;
use Base\Tool\Redis;
use Base\Tool\IPTool;
* @todo 未完成
class UserService
public function loginSdk($params)
if ($this->loginLimit($params)) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '登录人数过多,请稍后再试'];
$account = $params['account'] ?? '';
$password = $params['password'] ?? '';
$gameId = $params['game_id'] ?? 0;
$sdkVersion = $params['sdk_version'];
$deviceNum = $params['unique_code'] ?? '';
$clientIp = get_client_ip();
$game = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $gameId])->find();
$result = $this->doLogin($account, $password, $game, ['client_ip' => $clientIp, 'device_num' => $deviceNum]);
if (!$result['status']) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => $result['message']];
$user = $result['data']['user'];
$noticeCount = $this->getNoticeCount($user, $game);
$this->addUserPlay($user, $game, $clientIp);
'game_id' => $game['id'],
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'login_time' => time(),
$smallList = [];
$smallList[] = [
'is_platform' => $user['is_platform'],
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'account' => $user['account'],
'user_account' => $user['account']
$data = [
'status' => 200,
'return_code' => 'success',
'return_msg' => '登录成功',
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'account' => $user['account'],
'nickname' => $user['nickname'] ? $user['nickname'] : $user['account'],
'sex' => $user['sex'] ? $user['sex'] : 0,
'is_platform' => $user['is_platform'],
'token' => $result['data']['token'],
'user_token' => $result['data']['user_token'],
'OTP_token' => think_encrypt(json_encode(array('uid' => $user['id'], 'time' => time())), 1),
'is_uc' => 0,
'is_open_small_account' => C('IS_OPEN_SMALL_ACCOUNT'),
'url' => 'http://' . str_replace(array('http://'), '', C('WEB_SITE')) . '/mobile.php',
'small_list' => $smallList,
'ios_packagename' => C('WEB_IOS_PACKAGENAME'),
'android_packagename' => C('WEB_AND_PACKAGENAME'),
'site_status' => C('SDK_SITE_STATUS'),
'head_img' => !empty($user['head_img']) ? $user['head_img'] : '',
'unread_count' => $noticeCount,
'notice_count' => $noticeCount,
'request_count' => 0,
$this->doUserSource($data['user_id'], $gameId, $params['promote_id'] ?? 0, $deviceNum, $sdkVersion, $clientIp);
return ['status' => true, 'message' => '登录成功', 'data' => $data];
protected function isBan($ip, $deviceNum)
$ban = M('device_bans','tab_')->field(['id'])->where(['tag' => ['in', [$ip, $deviceNum]]])->limit(1)->find();
if (empty($ban)) {
return false;
return true;
protected function doLogin($account, $password, $game, $params = [])
$clientIp = $params['client_ip'] ?? get_client_ip();
$deviceNum = $params['device_num'] ?? '';
if ($this->isBan($clientIp, $deviceNum)) {
Log::write(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' account:' . $account . ' clientIp:' . $clientIp . ' deviceNum:' . $deviceNum, 'INFO', '', C('LOG_PATH')."login_ban.log");
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '设备已被禁用'];
$user = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['account' => $account])->find();
/* 获取用户数据 */
if (empty($user) || $user['lock_status'] != 1 || $user['check_status'] != 1) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '账号或密码错误'];
if ($this->password($password, UC_AUTH_KEY) !== $user['password']) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '密码错误'];
$testingUser = M('testing_user', 'tab_')->where(['user_id' => $user['id']])->find();
if ($testingUser) {
if ($testingUser['verify_status'] != 1) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '该账号不可使用!'];
if ($testingUser['status'] == 3) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '该账号已被禁用!'];
if ($this->isIpWarning($user, $clientIp)) {
M('testing_user', 'tab_')->where(['user_id' => $user['id']])->save([
'status' => 2,
'update_time' => time()
$result = $this->getLoginToken($user, $game, $password);
if (!$result) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '系统异常'];
[$token, $userToken] = $result;
$userData = [];
if (!$user['device_number']) {
$userData['device_number'] = $deviceNum;
$userData['login_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$userData['login_ip'] = $clientIp;
$userData['last_login_ip'] = $clientIp;
$userData['last_device_number'] = $deviceNum;
if(!$user['fgame_id']) {
$userData['fgame_id'] = $game['id'];
$userData['fgame_name'] = $game['game_name'];
$userData['token'] = $token;
$status = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $user['id']])->save($userData);
if (!$status) {
return ['status' => false, 'message' => '登录异常'];
$this->addUserLoginRecord($user, $game, $clientIp, $deviceNum);
$this->addUserGameLoginRecord($user, $game, $clientIp, $deviceNum);
if (!$user['device_type']) {
$this->oaDeviceTypeUpdate($user, $game);
$data = [
'user' => $user,
'token' => $token,
'user_token' => $userToken,
return ['status' => true, 'message' => '登录成功', 'data' => $data];
protected function doUserSource($uid, $gameId, $promoteId, $deviceNum, $sdkVersion, $clientIp) {
$find = M('user_source', 'tab_')->where([
'user_id' => $uid,
'game_id' => $gameId,
'promote_id' => $promoteId
if (!$find) {
M('user_source', 'tab_')->add([
'user_id' => $uid,
'game_id' => $gameId,
'promote_id' => $promoteId,
'device_num' => $deviceNum,
'sdk_version' => $sdkVersion,
'ip' => $clientIp,
'create_time' => time()
* @deprecated
protected function isDeviceError($user, $testResource, $deviceNum)
if ($testResource && $user['device_number'] && $deviceNum && $user['device_number'] != $deviceNum) {
return true;
return false;
* @deprecated
protected function deviceErrorLog($user, $testResource, $deviceNum){
$data = [];
$data['user_id'] = $user['id'];
$data['user_account'] = $testResource['user_account'];
$data['server_id'] = $testResource['server_id'];
$data['server_name'] = $testResource['server_name'];
$data['game_id'] = $testResource['game_id'];
$data['game_name'] = $testResource['game_name'];
$data['nickname'] = $testResource['role_name'];
$data['promote_id'] = $testResource['promote_id'];
$data['promote_account'] = $testResource['promote_account'];
$data['type'] = 2;
$data['detail'] = '登录设备号异常,本次异常设备号:' . $deviceNum . ',历史登录设备号:' . $user['device_number'];
$data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME;
protected function isIpWarning($user, $clientIp)
$newResult = IPTool::getIpInfo($clientIp);
$oldResult = IPTool::getIpInfo($user['login_ip']);
if (
$newResult['country_id'] == $oldResult['country_id'] &&
$newResult['region_id'] == $oldResult['region_id'] &&
$newResult['city_id'] == $oldResult['city_id']
) {
return false;
return true;
* @deprecated
protected function ipWarningLog($user, $testResource, $clientIp){
$data = [];
$data['user_id'] = $user['id'];
$data['user_account'] = $testResource['user_account'];
$data['server_id'] = $testResource['server_id'];
$data['server_name'] = $testResource['server_name'];
$data['game_id'] = $testResource['game_id'];
$data['game_name'] = $testResource['game_name'];
$data['nickname'] = $testResource['role_name'];
$data['promote_id'] = $testResource['promote_id'];
$data['promote_account'] =$testResource['promote_account'];
$data['type'] = 1;
$data['detail'] = '登录IP异常本次异常IP' . $clientIp . '历史登录IP' . $user['login_ip'];
$data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME;
protected function generateToken($userId, $account, $password){
$str = $userId . $account . $password . NOW_TIME . sp_random_string(7);
$token = md5($str);
return $token;
protected function getLoginToken($user, $game, $password)
$token = $this->generateToken($user['id'], $user['account'], $password);
$userToken = $this->generateToken($user['id'], $user['account'], $password) . uniqid() . rand(1000, 9999);
$record = M('user_token','tab_')->where(['user_id' => $user['id'], 'game_id' => $game['id']])->find();
if (!$record) {
$status = M('user_token', 'tab_')->add([
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'game_id' => $game['id'],
'relation_game_id' => $game['relation_game_id'],
'user_token' => $userToken,
'login_cnt' => 1,
'create_time' => time(),
'update_time' => time()
if (!$status) {
return null;
$status = M('user_token', 'tab_')->where([
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'relation_game_id' => $game['relation_game_id']
'user_token' => $userToken,
'login_cnt' => $record['login_cnt'] + 1,
'update_time' => time()
} else {
$status = M('user_token', 'tab_')->where([
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'game_id|relation_game_id' => $game['relation_game_id']
'user_token' => $userToken,
'login_cnt' => $record['login_cnt'] + 1,
'update_time' => time()
if ($status === false) {
return null;
return [$token, $userToken];
public function oaDeviceTypeUpdate($user, $game)
$gameServer = substr($game['game_name'], -10, 9);
if($gameServer == '安卓版'){
$arr['device_type'] = 'Android';
} elseif($gameServer == '苹果版') {
$arr['device_type'] = 'IOS';
$arr['time'] = time();
$arr['account'] = $user['account'];
$sign = md5(http_build_query($arr) . C('GET_INFO_KEY'));
$arr['sign'] = $sign;
$reData = curl_post('', $arr);
protected function addUserLoginRecord($user, $game, $clientIp, $deviceNum){
$data = [
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'user_account' => $user['account'],
'user_nickname' => $user['nickname'],
'game_id' => $game['id'],
'promote_id' => $user['promote_id'],
'game_name' => $game['game_name'],
'sdk_version' => $game['sdk_version'],
'type' => 1,
'server_id' => null,
'server_name' => null,
'login_time' => NOW_TIME,
'login_ip' => $clientIp,
'lpuid' => $user['puid'],
return M('user_login_record','tab_')->add($data);
protected function addUserGameLoginRecord($user, $game, $clientIp, $deviceNum){
$data = [
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'user_account' => $user['account'],
'user_nickname' => $user['nickname'],
'game_id' => $game['id'],
'promote_id' => $user['promote_id'],
'game_name' => $game['game_name'],
'sdk_version' => $game['sdk_version'],
'type' => 1,
'server_id' => null,
'server_name' => null,
'login_time' => NOW_TIME,
'login_ip' => $clientIp,
'lpuid' => $user['puid'],
return M('user_game_login_record','tab_')->add($data);
protected function dispatchLoginEvent($params)
try {
$client = new TaskClient();
$client->post('/game-event/login', $params);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
protected function addUserPlay($user, $game, $clientIp)
$map = [];
$map['game_id'] = $game['id'];
$map['user_id'] = $user['id'];
$map['sdk_version'] = $game['sdk_version'];
$userPlay = M('user_play', 'tab_')->where($map)->find();
if (empty($userPlay)) {
$data = [];
$data['user_id'] = $user['id'];
$data['user_account'] = $user['account'];
$data['user_nickname'] = $user['nickname'];
$data['game_id'] = $game['id'];
$data['game_appid'] = $game['game_appid'];
$data['game_name'] = $game['game_name'];
$data['server_id'] = 0;
$data['server_name'] = '';
$data['role_id'] = 0;
$data['parent_id'] = $user['parent_id'];
$data['parent_name'] = $user['parent_name'];
$data['role_name'] = '';
$data['role_level'] = 0;
$data['bind_balance'] = 0;
$data['promote_id'] = $user['promote_id'];
$data['promote_account'] = $user['promote_account'];
$data['play_time'] = time();
$data['play_ip'] = $clientIp;
$data['sdk_version'] = $game['sdk_version'];
$data['ppuid'] = $user['puid'] == '' ? 0 : $user['puid'];
$data['check_time'] = time();
$data['create_time'] = time();
M('user_play', 'tab_')->add($data);
protected function getNoticeCount($user, $game)
$noticeCount = 0;
$time = time();
$noticeIds = M('notice', 'tab_')
->where('start_time < ' . $time . ' AND game_id = ' . $game['id']. ' AND (end_time = 0 OR end_time >' . $time . ')')
$noticeCount += count($noticeIds);
$where['notice_id'] = ['in', implode(',', $noticeIds)];
$where['user_id'] = $user['id'];
$where['is_read'] = 1;
$noticeReadCount = M('notice_read', 'tab_')->where($where)->count();
$noticeCount -= $noticeReadCount;
return $noticeCount;
protected function loginLimit($params)
$isLoginLimit = intval(C('LOGIN_LIMIT_OPEN', null, 1));
if ($isLoginLimit == 0) {
return false;
$loginLimitNum = C('LOGIN_LIMIT_NUM', null, 300);
$count = Redis::incr(Redis::KEY_LOGIN_LIMIT);
if ($count >= $loginLimitNum) {
Log::write('login_limit:' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ---- ' . $count, 'INFO', '', C('LOG_PATH')."login_limit.log");
return true;
return false;
protected function resetLoginLimit()
$isLoginLimit = intval(C('LOGIN_LIMIT_OPEN', null, 1));
if ($isLoginLimit != 0) {
public function password($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
return '' === $str ? '' : md5(sha1($str) . $key);