You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
3.2 KiB

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | OneThink [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2013 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 麦当苗儿 <> <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Media\Controller;
use Admin\Model\GameModel;
* 文档模型控制器
* 文档模型列表和详情
class ServiceController extends BaseController
public function index($value = '')
$yidata = M('Kefuquestion')
->where(array('state' => 1, 'title' => array('neq', '常见问题')))
$erdata = M('Kefuquestion')
->where(array('state' => 1, 'istitle' => 2, 'title' => '常见问题'))
$oftendata = M('Kefuquestion')
->where(array('state' => 1, 'istitle' => 2, 'title' => array('eq', '常见问题')))
$this->assign('oftendata', $oftendata);
$this->assign('yidata', $yidata);
$this->assign('erdata', $erdata);
public function detail()
$yidata = M('Kefuquestion')
->where(array('status' => 1, 'istitle' => 1))
->order('id asc')
if (I('kefu') != '') {
$map1['status'] = 1;
$map1['istitle'] = 2;
$map1['titleurl'] = I('kefu');
empty(I('')) || $map1['zititle'] = ['like', '%' . I('') . '%'];
if ($_REQUEST['para'] != '') {
$map1['id'] = $_REQUEST['para'];
$erdata = M('Kefuquestion')
->order('sort desc')
$title = M('Kefuquestion')
->where(array('titleurl' => I('kefu')))
$this->assign('title', $title);
$this->assign('yidata', $yidata);
$this->assign('erdata', $erdata);
public function uploadAvatar()
// 成功 $this->ajaxReturn(array('state'=>'SUCCESS','url'=>'图片地址'),C('DEFAULT_AJAX_RETURN'));
$this->ajaxReturn(array('state' => '上传失败'), C('DEFAULT_AJAX_RETURN'));
public function sask()
if (IS_POST) {
public function sask2()
if (IS_POST) {
public function sask3()
if (IS_POST) {
public function spwd($p = 1)
public function spay($p = 1)
public function saccont($p = 1)
public function sgift($p = 1)
public function sother($p = 1)