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* artTemplate - Template Engine
* Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses
* 模板引擎路由函数
* 若第二个参数类型为 Object 则执行 render 方法, 否则 compile 方法
* @name template
* @param {String} 模板ID (可选)
* @param {Object, String} 数据或者模板字符串
* @return {String, Function} 渲染好的HTML字符串或者渲染方法
var template = function (id, content) {
return template[
typeof content === 'object' ? 'render' : 'compile'
].apply(template, arguments);
(function (exports, global) {
'use strict';
exports.version = '2.0.1';
exports.openTag = '<%'; // 设置逻辑语法开始标签
exports.closeTag = '%>'; // 设置逻辑语法结束标签
exports.isEscape = true; // HTML字符编码输出开关
exports.isCompress = false; // 剔除渲染后HTML多余的空白开关
exports.parser = null; // 自定义语法插件接口
* 渲染模板
* @name template.render
* @param {String} 模板ID
* @param {Object} 数据
* @return {String} 渲染好的HTML字符串
exports.render = function (id, data) {
var cache = _getCache(id);
if (cache === undefined) {
return _debug({
id: id,
name: 'Render Error',
message: 'No Template'
return cache(data);
* 编译模板
* 2012-6-6:
* define 方法名改为 compile,
* 与 Node Express 保持一致,
* 感谢 TooBug 提供帮助!
* @name template.compile
* @param {String} 模板ID (可选)
* @param {String} 模板字符串
* @return {Function} 渲染方法
exports.compile = function (id, source) {
var params = arguments;
var isDebug = params[2];
var anonymous = 'anonymous';
if (typeof source !== 'string') {
isDebug = params[1];
source = params[0];
id = anonymous;
try {
var Render = _compile(source, isDebug);
} catch (e) { = id || source; = 'Syntax Error';
return _debug(e);
function render (data) {
try {
return new Render(data) + '';
} catch (e) {
if (!isDebug) {
return exports.compile(id, source, true)(data);
} = id || source; = 'Render Error';
e.source = source;
return _debug(e);
render.prototype = Render.prototype;
render.toString = function () {
return Render.toString();
if (id !== anonymous) {
_cache[id] = render;
return render;
* 添加模板辅助方法
* @name template.helper
* @param {String} 名称
* @param {Function} 方法
exports.helper = function (name, helper) {
exports.prototype[name] = helper;
* 模板错误事件
* @name template.onerror
* @event
exports.onerror = function (e) {
var content = '[template]:\n'
+ '\n\n[name]:\n'
if (e.message) {
content += '\n\n[message]:\n'
+ e.message;
if (e.line) {
content += '\n\n[line]:\n'
+ e.line;
content += '\n\n[source]:\n'
+ e.source.split(/\n/)[e.line - 1].replace(/^[\s\t]+/, '');
if (e.temp) {
content += '\n\n[temp]:\n'
+ e.temp;
if (global.console) {
// 编译好的函数缓存
var _cache = {};
// 获取模板缓存
var _getCache = function (id) {
var cache = _cache[id];
if (cache === undefined && 'document' in global) {
var elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (elem) {
var source = elem.value || elem.innerHTML;
return exports.compile(id, source.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ''));
} else if (_cache.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
return cache;
// 模板调试器
var _debug = function (e) {
function error () {
return error + '';
error.toString = function () {
return '{Template Error}';
return error;
// 模板编译器
var _compile = (function () {
// 辅助方法集合
exports.prototype = {
$render: exports.render,
$escape: function (content) {
return typeof content === 'string'
? content.replace(/&(?![\w#]+;)|[<>"']/g, function (s) {
return {
"<": "&#60;",
">": "&#62;",
'"': "&#34;",
"'": "&#39;",
"&": "&#38;"
: content;
$string: function (value) {
if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
return value;
} else if (typeof value === 'function') {
return value();
} else {
return '';
var arrayforEach = Array.prototype.forEach || function (block, thisObject) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this) {, this[i], i, this);
// 数组迭代
var forEach = function (array, callback) {, callback);
// 静态分析模板变量
// 关键字
+ ',finally,for,function,if,in,instanceof,new,null,return,switch,this'
+ ',throw,true,try,typeof,var,void,while,with'
// 保留字
+ ',abstract,boolean,byte,char,class,const,double,enum,export,extends'
+ ',final,float,goto,implements,import,int,interface,long,native'
+ ',package,private,protected,public,short,static,super,synchronized'
+ ',throws,transient,volatile'
// ECMA 5 - use strict
+ ',arguments,let,yield'
+ ',undefined';
var REMOVE_RE = /\/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*\n|\/\/[^\n]*$|'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[\s\t\n]*\.[\s\t\n]*[$\w\.]+/g;
var SPLIT_RE = /[^\w$]+/g;
var KEYWORDS_RE = new RegExp(["\\b" + KEYWORDS.replace(/,/g, '\\b|\\b') + "\\b"].join('|'), 'g');
var NUMBER_RE = /\b\d[^,]*/g;
var BOUNDARY_RE = /^,+|,+$/g;
var getVariable = function (code) {
code = code
.replace(REMOVE_RE, '')
.replace(SPLIT_RE, ',')
.replace(KEYWORDS_RE, '')
.replace(NUMBER_RE, '')
.replace(BOUNDARY_RE, '');
code = code ? code.split(/,+/) : [];
return code;
return function (source, isDebug) {
var openTag = exports.openTag;
var closeTag = exports.closeTag;
var parser = exports.parser;
var code = source;
var tempCode = '';
var line = 1;
var uniq = {$data:true,$helpers:true,$out:true,$line:true};
var helpers = exports.prototype;
var prototype = {};
var variables = "var $helpers=this,"
+ (isDebug ? "$line=0," : "");
var isNewEngine = ''.trim;// '__proto__' in {}
var replaces = isNewEngine
? ["$out='';", "$out+=", ";", "$out"]
: ["$out=[];", "$out.push(", ");", "$out.join('')"];
var concat = isNewEngine
? "if(content!==undefined){$out+=content;return content}"
: "$out.push(content);";
var print = "function(content){" + concat + "}";
var include = "function(id,data){"
+ "if(data===undefined){data=$data}"
+ "var content=$helpers.$render(id,data);"
+ concat
+ "}";
// html与逻辑语法分离
forEach(code.split(openTag), function (code, i) {
code = code.split(closeTag);
var $0 = code[0];
var $1 = code[1];
// code: [html]
if (code.length === 1) {
tempCode += html($0);
// code: [logic, html]
} else {
tempCode += logic($0);
if ($1) {
tempCode += html($1);
code = tempCode;
// 调试语句
if (isDebug) {
code = 'try{' + code + '}catch(e){'
+ 'e.line=$line;'
+ 'throw e'
+ '}';
code = "'use strict';"
+ variables + replaces[0] + code
+ 'return new String(' + replaces[3] + ')';
try {
var Render = new Function('$data', code);
Render.prototype = prototype;
return Render;
} catch (e) {
e.temp = 'function anonymous($data) {' + code + '}';
throw e;
// 处理 HTML 语句
function html (code) {
// 记录行号
line += code.split(/\n/).length - 1;
if (exports.isCompress) {
code = code.replace(/[\n\r\t\s]+/g, ' ');
code = code
// 单引号与反斜杠转义(因为编译后的函数默认使用单引号,因此双引号无需转义)
.replace(/('|\\)/g, '\\$1')
// 换行符转义(windows + linux)
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
code = replaces[1] + "'" + code + "'" + replaces[2];
return code + '\n';
// 处理逻辑语句
function logic (code) {
var thisLine = line;
if (parser) {
// 语法转换插件钩子
code = parser(code);
} else if (isDebug) {
// 记录行号
code = code.replace(/\n/g, function () {
line ++;
return '$line=' + line + ';';
// 输出语句. 转义: <%=value%> 不转义:<%==value%>
if (code.indexOf('=') === 0) {
var isEscape = code.indexOf('==') !== 0;
code = code.replace(/^=*|[\s;]*$/g, '');
if (isEscape && exports.isEscape) {
// 转义处理,但排除辅助方法
var name = code.replace(/\s*\([^\)]+\)/, '');
if (
&& !/^(include|print)$/.test(name)
) {
code = '$escape($string(' + code + '))';
} else {
code = '$string(' + code + ')';
code = replaces[1] + code + replaces[2];
if (isDebug) {
code = '$line=' + thisLine + ';' + code;
return code + '\n';
// 提取模板中的变量名
function getKey (code) {
code = getVariable(code);
// 分词
forEach(code, function (name) {
// 除重
if (!uniq.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
uniq[name] = true;
// 声明模板变量
// 赋值优先级:
// 内置特权方法(include, print) > 私有模板辅助方法 > 数据 > 公用模板辅助方法
function setValue (name) {
var value;
if (name === 'print') {
value = print;
} else if (name === 'include') {
prototype['$render'] = helpers['$render'];
value = include;
} else {
value = '$data.' + name;
if (helpers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
prototype[name] = helpers[name];
if (name.indexOf('$') === 0) {
value = '$helpers.' + name;
} else {
value = value
+ '===undefined?$helpers.' + name + ':' + value;
variables += name + '=' + value + ',';
})(template, this);
// RequireJS || SeaJS
if (typeof define === 'function') {
define(function(require, exports, module) {
module.exports = template;
// NodeJS
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = template;
Cute.template = function(tplname, data, extend){
tplname = "_" + tplname.toUpperCase() + "_TPL_";
template.openTag = '<#';
template.closeTag = '#>';
template.helper('$', $);
template.helper('Cute', Cute);
template.helper('window', window);
$.each(extend || {}, function(i,item){
template.helper(i, item);
return template.render(tplname,data);
Cute.template.helper = template.helper;
// function(tplname, data, isCached) { //模板
// if (!this._templateCache) this._templateCache = {};
// tplname = "_" + tplname.toUpperCase() + "_TPL_";
// var func = this._templateCache[tplname];
// null == data && (data = {});
// if (!func) {
// var tpl = $("#" + tplname).html();//.replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
// func = new Function("obj", "var _=[];with(obj){_.push('" +
// tpl.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
// .replace(/'(?=[^#]*#>)/g, "\t")
// .split("'").join("\\'")
// .split("\t").join("'")
// .replace(/<#=(.+?)#>/g, "',$1,'")
// .split("<#").join("');")
// .split("#>").join("_.push('")
// + "');}return _.join('');");
// (null == isCached || true === isCached) && (this._templateCache[tplname] = func);
// }
// return func(data);
// }