=$adult) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* 支付验证 当前只有未成年 * return: array code 1成功 0失败 msg :错误消息 */ function pay_check($user_id) { $ret = array( 'code' => 1, 'msg' => '', ); $idcard = M("user", "tab_")->where(array('id' => $user_id))->getField("idcard"); if (!$idcard) { $ret['code'] = 0; $ret['msg'] = '

请到“悬浮球->我的”进行实名认证'; return $ret; } if (is_adult($idcard, 18)) { $ret['code'] = 1; $ret['msg'] = ''; return $ret; } else { $ret['code'] = 0; $ret['msg'] = '未成年禁止支付哟!'; return $ret; } } // 支付限额 wx alipay function pay_limit($type='wx') { C(BaseController::get_tool()); $configType = $type; if ($configType== 'wx') { $configType = 'wei_xin'; } $date = date('Ymd'); if ($configType== 'wei_xin') { $dwhere = "pay_date={$date} and (pay_way=2 or pay_way=3)"; } else if ($configType== 'alipay') { $dwhere = "pay_date={$date} and pay_way=1"; } else { // 找不到的不限额 return false; } if (C($configType.".day_pay_limit") > 0) { $todayTotal = M("pay_today_total", "tab_")->where($dwhere)->getField("price_cnt"); if ($todayTotal >= C($configType.".day_pay_limit")) { // 日限额 return true; } } $start = date('Ym01'); $end = date('Ymd'); if ($configType== 'wei_xin') { $mwhere = "(pay_way=2 or pay_way=3) and pay_date>={$start} and pay_date<={$end}"; } else if ($configType== 'alipay') { $mwhere = "pay_way=1 and pay_date>={$start} and pay_date<={$end}"; } else { // 找不到的不限额 return false; } if (C($configType.".month_pay_limit") > 0) { $todayTotal = M("pay_today_total", "tab_")->where($mwhere)->sum("price_cnt"); if ($todayTotal >= C($configType.".month_pay_limit")) { // 月限额 return true; } } return false; } /* //获取支付方式 */ function get_pay_way($id=null) { if(!isset($id)){ return false; } switch ($id) { case -1: return "绑币"; break; case 0: return "平台币"; break; case 1: return "支付宝"; break; case 2: case 3: case 4: return "微信"; break; // case 3: // return "微信APP"; // break; // case 4: // return "威富通"; // break; case 5: return "聚宝云"; break; case 6: return "竣付通"; break; case 7: return "苹果支付"; break; case 8: return "金猪支付"; break; case 9: return "金猪支付-微信"; break; } } /* * 获取添加好友请求总数 * @param integer $userid 我的账户编号 * @author 鹿文学 */ function get_buddies_unagree_count($userid) { $count = 0; if(is_numeric($userid) && $userid>0) { $map['_string'] = "(inviter_id = {$userid} and inviter_status in(2,3) and invitee_status=1 )"; $map['_complex'] = array('invitee_id'=>$userid,'invitee_status'=>array('in','2,3'),'inviter_status'=>1); $map['_logic'] = 'or'; $count = M('buddies','tab_')->where($map)->count(); } return $count; } /* *获取游戏设置信息 */ function get_game_set_info($game_id = 0){ $game = M('GameSet','tab_'); $map['game_id'] = $game_id; $data = $game->where($map)->find(); return $data; } /** * 对数据进行编码转换 * @param array/string $data 数组 * @param string $output 转换后的编码 */ function array_iconv($data, $output = 'utf-8') { $encode_arr = array('UTF-8','ASCII','GBK','GB2312','BIG5','JIS','eucjp-win','sjis-win','EUC-JP'); $encoded = mb_detect_encoding($data, $encode_arr); if (!is_array($data)) { return mb_convert_encoding($data, $output, $encoded); } else { foreach ($data as $key=>$val) { $key = array_iconv($key, $output); if(is_array($val)) { $data[$key] = array_iconv($val, $output); } else { $data[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($data, $output, $encoded); } } return $data; } } /** * 获取游戏appstor上线状态 * @param $game_id 游戏id * @return mixed appstatus 上线状态 * @author zhaochao */ function get_game_appstatus($game_id){ $map['id']=$game_id; $game=M('game','tab_')->where($map)->find(); if($game['sdk_version']==2&&$game['appstatus']==1){ return true; }elseif($game['sdk_version']==2&&$game['appstatus']==0){ return false; }elseif($game['sdk_version']==1){ return true; } } /** * 邮件发送函数 */ function sendMail($to,$rand) { Vendor('phpmailer.PHPMailerAutoload'); $mail = new \PHPMailer(); //实例化 $mail->IsSMTP(); // 启用SMTP $mail->Host=C('email_set.smtp'); //smtp服务器的名称(这里以126邮箱为例:smtp.126.com) $mail->SMTPAuth = TRUE;//C('MAIL_SMTPAUTH'); //启用smtp认证 $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; //设置使用ssl加密方式登录鉴权 $mail->Port = C('email_set.smtp_port'); //设置ssl连接smtp服务器的远程服务器端口号 $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->Username = C('email_set.smtp_account'); //你的邮箱名 $mail->Password = C('email_set.smtp_password') ; //邮箱密码 $mail->From = C('email_set.smtp_account'); //发件人地址(也就是你的邮箱地址) $mail->FromName = C('email_set.smtp_name'); //发件人姓名 $mail->AddAddress($to,"尊敬的客户"); $mail->WordWrap = 50; //设置每行字符长度 $mail->IsHTML(TRUE); // 是否HTML格式邮件 $mail->CharSet='utf-8'; //设置邮件编码 $mail->Subject =C('email_set.title'); //邮件主题 $content=M("tool",'tab_')->where(array('name'=>'email_set'))->getField('template'); $reg="/#code#/"; $content=preg_replace($reg,$rand,$content); $mail->Body = $content; //邮件内容 $c = strip_tags($content); $mail->AltBody = $c; //邮件正文不支持HTML的备用显示 return($mail->Send()); } /** * 获取微信app登录参数 * @return [type] [description] */ function get_game_param($game_id,$field="",$type=''){ $map['game_id']=0; empty($type) || $map['type'] = $type; $find=M('param','tab_')->field($field)->where($map)->find(); if(null==$find){ $map['game_id']=$game_id; $find=M('param','tab_')->field($field)->where($map)->find(); } return $find; } /** * 生成随机汉字字符串 * @param $num 数量 * @return [type] [description] */ function getChinaChar($num) { $char = file_get_contents(APP_PATH.'Sdk/SecretKey/Data/chinaChar.txt'); $str = ''; $length = strlen($char); $len = mb_strlen($char); for($i = 0;$i < $num;$i++) { $rand = rand(0,$len); $str .= substr($char,$rand*3,3); } return $str; } /** * 公共返回方法 * @param number $code 200成功 非200失败 * @param string $msg 错误提示 * @param unknown $data 业务数据 */ function re_msg($code=200,$msg='',$data=[]) { $ret['code'] = $code; $ret['msg'] = $msg; $ret['data'] = $data; echo base64_encode(json_encode($ret)); exit(); } function jsonOutput($status=0, $msg='', $data=[]) { $ret['status'] = $status; $ret['msg'] = $msg; $ret['data'] = $data; echo json_encode($ret); exit(); } /** * 使用淘宝接口 判断ip,,,确定是否属于该地区 * @param $ip * @return bool */ function ip_is_country($ip, $country_id=['US'], $country=['美国']) { $url = "http://sp0.baidu.com/8aQDcjqpAAV3otqbppnN2DJv/api.php?query={$ip}&co=&resource_id=6006"; $url2 = "http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo.php?ip=".$ip; $res = file_get_contents($url); if (!$res) { // 走淘宝 $res = file_get_contents($url2); Log::write("taobao:".serialize($res)); if (!empty($res)) { $ipData = json_decode($res,true); if ($ipData['code']==0 && in_array($ipData['data']['country_id'],$country_id)) { return true; } if ($ipData['code']==0 && in_array($ipData['data']['country'],$country)) { return true; } } } else { $res= iconv('GB2312', 'UTF-8', $res); $ipData = json_decode($res, true); Log::write("sina:".serialize($res)); if ($ipData['status']==0 && substr($ipData['data'][0]['location'], 0, strlen($country[0])) == $country[0]) { return true; } } return false; } /* * 记录行为日志 * @param [type] $log [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function log_action($log) { if(!empty($log['uid'])) { $log['account'] = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $log['uid']])->getField('account'); } if(!empty($log['game_id'])) { $log['game_name'] = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $log['game_id']])->getField('game_name'); } $log['ip'] = get_client_ip(); $log['create_time'] = time(); M('user_action_log', 'tab_')->data($log)->add(); } /** * 是否开启苹果内购通知 * @return bool */ function getAppleInteriorBuyStatus() { $appleInteriorBuyStatus = M('tool','tab_')->where(['name'=>'apple_interior_buy'])->getField('status'); return $appleInteriorBuyStatus?true:false; } /** * 记录行为日志 * @param $user_id * @return bool */ function getIpForbitWhiteList($user_id) { $is_white_list = M('forbit_ip', 'tab_')->where(['user_id'=>$user_id,'status'=>1])->find(); return $is_white_list?true:false; } /** * 聚合数据短信接口 * @param $phone 电话号码 * @param $tpl_id 模板id * @param $key 模板密钥 * @param $code 验证码 * @return array */ function juheSmsCode($phone,$tpl_id,$key,$code) { $post['mobile'] = $phone; $post['tpl_id'] = $tpl_id; $tpl_value=urlencode("#code#={$code}&#m#=10"); $post['tpl_value'] = $tpl_value; $post['key'] = $key; $return = json_decode(curl_post(C("JUHE_SMSURL"),$post),true); return $return; } /** * 获取用户折扣 * @param $game_id 游戏ID * @param $promote_id 渠道ID * @param $user_id 用户ID * @return mixed */ function get_discount($gameId, $userId) { //获取折扣 $res = [ 'discount' => 10, 'discount_type' => 0, ]; $baseGame = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where([ 'android_game_id|ios_game_id' => $gameId ])->find(); if (!$baseGame) { return $res; } $time = time(); $discount = M('game_discount','tab_')->where([ 'base_game_id' => $baseGame['id'], 'start_time' => ['elt', $time], 'end_time' => ['gt', $time], 'status' => 1, ])->find(); if (!$discount) { return $res; } $exists = M('spend','tab_')->where([ 'user_id' => $userId, 'pay_status' => 1 ])->where("(game_id={$baseGame['android_game_id']} or game_id={$baseGame['ios_game_id']})")->find(); if ($exists) { $res = [ 'discount' => $discount['second_rate'], 'discount_type' => 1, ]; } else { $res = [ 'discount' => $discount['first_rate'], 'discount_type' => 0, ]; } return $res; } // 未成年强制下线处理 function forceOffline($userId) { $user = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $userId])->find(); if ($user['age_status'] == 3) { echo base64_encode (json_encode(array( "code" => 9999, "msg" => "您已下线,请重新登入", "data" => "" ))); exit (); } }