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3 years ago
* ALIPAY API: request
* @author auto create
* @since 1.0, 2017-04-07 17:13:40
class AlipayEbppBillSearchRequest
* 账单流水
private $billKey;
* 出账机构
private $chargeInst;
* 销账机构
private $chargeoffInst;
* 销账机构给出账机构分配的id
private $companyId;
* 必须以key value形式定义转为json为格式{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3","key4":"value4"}
private $extend;
* 业务类型
private $orderType;
* 子业务类型
private $subOrderType;
private $apiParas = array();
private $terminalType;
private $terminalInfo;
private $prodCode;
private $apiVersion="1.0";
private $notifyUrl;
private $returnUrl;
private $needEncrypt=false;
public function setBillKey($billKey)
$this->billKey = $billKey;
$this->apiParas["bill_key"] = $billKey;
public function getBillKey()
return $this->billKey;
public function setChargeInst($chargeInst)
$this->chargeInst = $chargeInst;
$this->apiParas["charge_inst"] = $chargeInst;
public function getChargeInst()
return $this->chargeInst;
public function setChargeoffInst($chargeoffInst)
$this->chargeoffInst = $chargeoffInst;
$this->apiParas["chargeoff_inst"] = $chargeoffInst;
public function getChargeoffInst()
return $this->chargeoffInst;
public function setCompanyId($companyId)
$this->companyId = $companyId;
$this->apiParas["company_id"] = $companyId;
public function getCompanyId()
return $this->companyId;
public function setExtend($extend)
$this->extend = $extend;
$this->apiParas["extend"] = $extend;
public function getExtend()
return $this->extend;
public function setOrderType($orderType)
$this->orderType = $orderType;
$this->apiParas["order_type"] = $orderType;
public function getOrderType()
return $this->orderType;
public function setSubOrderType($subOrderType)
$this->subOrderType = $subOrderType;
$this->apiParas["sub_order_type"] = $subOrderType;
public function getSubOrderType()
return $this->subOrderType;
public function getApiMethodName()
return "";
public function setNotifyUrl($notifyUrl)
public function getNotifyUrl()
return $this->notifyUrl;
public function setReturnUrl($returnUrl)
public function getReturnUrl()
return $this->returnUrl;
public function getApiParas()
return $this->apiParas;
public function getTerminalType()
return $this->terminalType;
public function setTerminalType($terminalType)
$this->terminalType = $terminalType;
public function getTerminalInfo()
return $this->terminalInfo;
public function setTerminalInfo($terminalInfo)
$this->terminalInfo = $terminalInfo;
public function getProdCode()
return $this->prodCode;
public function setProdCode($prodCode)
$this->prodCode = $prodCode;
public function setApiVersion($apiVersion)
public function getApiVersion()
return $this->apiVersion;
public function setNeedEncrypt($needEncrypt)
public function getNeedEncrypt()
return $this->needEncrypt;