You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
422 lines
11 KiB
422 lines
11 KiB
3 years ago
* @name jQuery.touchSlider
* @version 201209_2
* @since 201106
* @param Object settings 환경변수 오브젝트
* roll - 순환 (default true)
* flexible - 유동 레이아웃 (default false)
* view - 다중 컬럼 (default 1)
* speed - 애니메이션 속도 (default 75)
* range - 넘김 판정 범위 (default 0.15)
* page - 초기 페이지 (default 1)
* transition - CSS3 transition 사용 (default false)
* btn_prev - prev 버튼 (jQuery Object, default null)
* btn_next - next 버튼 (jQuery Object, default null)
* paging - page 버튼 (jQuery Object, default null)
* initComplete - 초기화 콜백
* counter - 슬라이드 콜백, 카운터
* @example
flexible : true
(function ($) {
$.fn.touchSlider = function (settings) {
settings.supportsCssTransitions = (function (style) {
var prefixes = ['Webkit','Moz','Ms'];
for(var i=0, l=prefixes.length; i < l; i++ ) {
if( typeof style[prefixes[i] + 'Transition'] !== 'undefined') {
return true;
return false;
settings = jQuery.extend({
roll : true,
flexible : false,
btn_prev : null,
btn_next : null,
paging : null,
speed : 75,
view : 1,
range : 0.15,
page : 1,
transition : false,
initComplete : null,
counter : null,
multi : false
}, settings);
var opts = [];
opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.touchSlider.defaults, settings);
return this.each(function () {
$.fn.extend(this, touchSlider);
var _this = this;
this.opts = opts;
this._view = this.opts.view;
this._speed = this.opts.speed;
this._tg = $(this);
this._list = this._tg.children().children();
this._width = parseInt(this._tg.css("width"));
this._item_w = parseInt(this._list.css("width"));
this._len = this._list.length;
this._range = this.opts.range * this._width;
this._pos = [];
this._start = [];
this._startX = 0;
this._startY = 0;
this._left = 0;
this._top = 0;
this._drag = false;
this._scroll = false;
.bind("touchstart", this.touchstart)
.bind("touchmove", this.touchmove)
.bind("touchend", this.touchend)
.bind("dragstart", this.touchstart)
.bind("drag", this.touchmove)
.bind("dragend", this.touchend)
$(window).bind("orientationchange resize", function () {
var touchSlider = {
init : function () {
var _this = this;
"width":this._width + "px",
if(this.opts.flexible) this._item_w = this._width / this._view;
if(this.opts.roll) this._len = Math.ceil(this._len / this._view) * this._view;
var page_gap = ( > 1 && <= this._len) ? ( - 1) * this._item_w : 0;
for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {
this._pos[i] = this._item_w * i - page_gap;
this._start[i] = this._pos[i];
"float" : "none",
"display" : "block",
"position" : "absolute",
"top" : "0",
"left" : this._pos[i] + "px",
"width" : this._item_w + "px"
if(this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && this.opts.transition) {
"-moz-transition" : "0ms",
"-moz-transform" : "",
"-ms-transition" : "0ms",
"-ms-transform" : "",
"-webkit-transition" : "0ms",
"-webkit-transform" : "",
"transition" : "0ms",
"transform" : ""
if(this.opts.btn_prev && this.opts.btn_next) {
this.opts.btn_prev.bind("click", function() {
_this.animate(1, true);
return false;
this.opts.btn_next.bind("click", function() {
_this.animate(-1, true);
return false;
if(this.opts.paging) {
$(this._list).each(function (i, el) {
//var btn_page = _this.opts.paging.eq(0).clone();
var btn_page = _this.opts.paging.eq(i);
btn_page.bind("click", function(e) {
_this.go_page(i, e);
return false;
initComplete : function () {
if(typeof(this.opts.initComplete) == "function") {
resize : function (e) {
if(e.opts.flexible) {
var tmp_w = e._item_w;
e._width = parseInt(e._tg.css("width"));
e._item_w = e._width / e._view;
e._range = e.opts.range * e._width;
for(var i=0; i<e._len; ++i) {
e._pos[i] = e._pos[i] / tmp_w * e._item_w;
e._start[i] = e._start[i] / tmp_w * e._item_w;
"left" : e._pos[i] + "px",
"width" : e._item_w + "px"
if(this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && this.opts.transition) {
"-moz-transition" : "0ms",
"-moz-transform" : "",
"-ms-transition" : "0ms",
"-ms-transform" : "",
"-webkit-transition" : "0ms",
"-webkit-transform" : "",
"transition" : "0ms",
"transform" : ""
touchstart : function (e) {
if((e.type == "touchstart" && e.originalEvent.touches.length <= 1) || e.type == "dragstart") {
this._startX = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
this._startY = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
this._scroll = false;
this._start = [];
for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {
this._start[i] = this._pos[i];
touchmove : function (e) {
if((e.type == "touchmove" && e.originalEvent.touches.length <= 1) || e.type == "drag") {
this._left = (e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX) - this._startX;
this._top = (e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) - this._startY;
var w = this._left < 0 ? this._left * -1 : this._left;
var h = this._top < 0 ? this._top * -1 : this._top;
if (w < h || this._scroll) {
this._left = 0;
this._drag = false;
this._scroll = true;
} else {
this._drag = true;
this._scroll = false;
for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {
var tmp = this._start[i] + this._left;
if(this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && this.opts.transition) {
var trans = "translate3d(" + tmp + "px,0,0)";
"left" : "",
"-moz-transition" : "0ms",
"-moz-transform" : trans,
"-ms-transition" : "0ms",
"-ms-transform" : trans,
"-webkit-transition" : "0ms",
"-webkit-transform" : trans,
"transition" : "0ms",
"transform" : trans
} else {
this._list.eq(i).css("left", tmp + "px");
this._pos[i] = tmp;
touchend : function (e) {
if((e.type == "touchend" && e.originalEvent.touches.length <= 1) || e.type == "dragend") {
if(this._scroll) {
this._drag = false;
this._scroll = false;
return false;
this._drag = false;
this._scroll = false;
position : function (d) {
var gap = this._view * this._item_w;
if(d == -1 || d == 1) {
this._startX = 0;
this._start = [];
for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {
this._start[i] = this._pos[i];
this._left = d * gap;
} else {
if(this._left > gap) this._left = gap;
if(this._left < - gap) this._left = - gap;
if(this.opts.roll) {
var tmp_pos = [];
for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {
tmp_pos[i] = this._pos[i];
tmp_pos.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});
var max_chk = tmp_pos[this._len-this._view];
var p_min = $.inArray(tmp_pos[0], this._pos);
var p_max = $.inArray(max_chk, this._pos);
if(this._view <= 1) max_chk = this._len - 1;
if(this.opts.multi) {
if((d == 1 && tmp_pos[0] >= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[0] >= 100)) {
for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {
this._start[p_max] = this._start[p_min] - gap;
this._list.eq(p_max).css("left", this._start[p_max] + "px");
} else if((d == -1 && tmp_pos[0] <= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[0] <= -100)) {
for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {
this._start[p_min] = this._start[p_max] + gap;
this._list.eq(p_min).css("left", this._start[p_min] + "px");
} else {
if((d == 1 && tmp_pos[0] >= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[0] > 0)) {
for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {
this._start[p_max] = this._start[p_min] - gap;
this._list.eq(p_max).css("left", this._start[p_max] + "px");
} else if((d == -1 && tmp_pos[max_chk] <= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[max_chk] <= 0)) {
for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {
this._start[p_min] = this._start[p_max] + gap;
this._list.eq(p_min).css("left", this._start[p_min] + "px");
} else {
if(this.limit_chk()) this._left = this._left / 2;
animate : function (d, btn_click) {
if(this._drag || !this._scroll || btn_click) {
var _this = this;
var speed = this._speed;
if(btn_click) this.position(d);
var gap = d * (this._item_w * this._view);
if(this._left == 0 || (!this.opts.roll && this.limit_chk()) ) gap = 0;
this._list.each(function (i, el) {
_this._pos[i] = _this._start[i] + gap;
if(_this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && _this.opts.transition) {
var transition = speed + "ms";
var transform = "translate3d(" + _this._pos[i] + "px,0,0)";
if(btn_click) transition = "0ms";
"left" : "",
"-moz-transition" : transition,
"-moz-transform" : transform,
"-ms-transition" : transition,
"-ms-transform" : transform,
"-webkit-transition" : transition,
"-webkit-transform" : transform,
"transition" : transition,
"transform" : transform
} else {
$(this).animate({"left": _this._pos[i] + "px"}, speed);
direction : function () {
var r = 0;
if(this._left < -(this._range)) r = -1;
else if(this._left > this._range) r = 1;
if(!this._drag || this._scroll) r = 0;
return r;
limit_chk : function () {
var last_p = parseInt((this._len - 1) / this._view) * this._view;
return ( (this._start[0] == 0 && this._left > 0) || (this._start[last_p] == 0 && this._left < 0) );
go_page : function (i, e) {
var crt = ($.inArray(0, this._pos) / this._view) + 1;
var cal = crt - (i + 1);
while(cal != 0) {
if(cal < 0) {
this.animate(-1, true);
} else if(cal > 0) {
this.animate(1, true);
counter : function () {
if(typeof(this.opts.counter) == "function") {
var param = {
total : Math.ceil(this._len / this._view),
current : ($.inArray(0, this._pos) / this._view) + 1