You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
4.3 KiB

3 years ago
(function () {
function u(a, c) {
var b = [],
for (f in c), f) && b.push(encodeURIComponent(f) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(c[f] || ""));
b.push("_=" + +new Date);
a += b.join("&");
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c.src = a;
a = e.body;
a.insertBefore(c, a.firstChild)
var i = !1,
w = !1,
x = !1,
e = window.document,
l = -1 !== window.location.href.indexOf("cf=u");
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var m = window.localStorage
} catch (E) {}
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return "anyFlashReady"
var y = function (a, c) {
var b = RegExp("(^| )" + a + "=([^;]*)(;|$)").exec(e.cookie);
return b ? c ? decodeURIComponent(b[2]) : b[2] : ""
z = function (a, c, b, f) {
var d = b.expires;
"number" === typeof d && (d = new Date, d.setTime(+d + b.expires));
e.cookie =
a + "=" + (f ? encodeURIComponent(c) : c) + (b.path ? "; path=" + b.path : "") + (d ? "; expires=" + d.toGMTString() : "") + (b.domain ? "; domain=" + b.domain : "")
j = function (a, c) {
c && 0 > c.indexOf(":FG=1") && (c += ":FG=1");
if (y(a) !== c) {
var b = new Date;
b.setTime(b.getTime() + 864E8);
z(a, c, {
path : "/",
expires : b
n = function (a, c) {
if (void 0 !== c)
z(a, c, {});
return y(a)
A = function (a, c) {
var b = -1 !== navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") ? e.getElementById("BAIDU_CLB_ac_o_flash") : e.getElementById("BAIDU_CLB_ac_o_flash_embed");
if (!b)
return "";
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b.anySetSO(a, c);
return b.anyGetSO(a)
B = function (a, c) {
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b.setAttribute("id", "cPersistDiv");
e.body.appendChild(b); = "url(#default#userData)";
if (void 0 !== c)
b.setAttribute(a, c),;
return b.load(a), b.getAttribute(a)
} catch (d) {}
C = function (a, c) {
try {
if (m)
if (void 0 !== c)
m.setItem(a, c);
return m.getItem(a) ||
void 0
} catch (b) {}
o = "",
p = n("CPROID") || n("BAIDUID") || "",
d = B("CPROID") || "",
g = C("CPROID") || "",
k = "",
h = p || d || g;
d && j("UDID", d);
g && j("LDID", g);
window.anyFlashReady = function () {
x = !0;
var a = k = A("CPROID");
a || (A("CPROID", h), k = a = h);
j("FCID", a);
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ci : h,
cn : p,
cu : d,
cl : g,
cf : k,
ce : o,
ff : q,
cuid : r,
cuid2 : s,
de : t,
bp : D,
nip : ""
}), i = !0)
d || B("CPROID", h);
g || C("CPROID", h);
var q = "c";
!0 === l && (q = "u");
window.setEtag = window.getEtag = function (a) {
w = !0;
a && (o = a, j("ETID", a))
var r = "",
t = "",
s = "",
D = n("BDUSS") || "";
window.getCuid = function (a) {
0 === a.error && a.cuid && (r = a.cuid)
window.getCuid2 = function (a) {
0 === a.error && a.cuid && (s = a.cuid)
l = "//";
0 <= navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") && (t = "an", v(l), v("//"));
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i || (u("//", {
ci : h,
cn : p,
cu : d,
cl : g,
cf : k,
ce : o,
ff : q,
cuid : r,
cuid2 : s,
de : t,
bp : D,
nip : ""
}), i = !0)
}, 800)