You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

349 lines
12 KiB

3 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | OneThink [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2013 All rights reserved.
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// | Author: 麦当苗儿 <> <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Home\Model;
use Think\Model;
use Think\Page;
* 文档基础模型
class DocumentModel extends Model{
/* 自动验证规则 */
protected $_validate = array(
array('name', '/^[a-zA-Z]\w{0,30}$/', '文档标识不合法', self::VALUE_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('name', '', '标识已经存在', self::VALUE_VALIDATE, 'unique', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('title', 'require', '标题不能为空', self::VALUE_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('category_id', 'require', '分类不能为空', self::MUST_VALIDATE , 'regex', self::MODEL_INSERT),
array('category_id', 'require', '分类不能为空', self::EXISTS_VALIDATE , 'regex', self::MODEL_UPDATE),
array('category_id,type', 'check_category', '内容类型不正确', self::MUST_VALIDATE , 'function', self::MODEL_INSERT),
array('category_id', 'check_category', '该分类不允许发布内容', self::EXISTS_VALIDATE , 'function', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('model_id,category_id,pid', 'check_category_model', '该分类没有绑定当前模型', self::MUST_VALIDATE , 'function', self::MODEL_INSERT),
/* 自动完成规则 */
protected $_auto = array(
array('uid', 'session', self::MODEL_INSERT, 'function', 'user_auth.uid'),
array('title', 'htmlspecialchars', self::MODEL_BOTH, 'function'),
array('description', 'htmlspecialchars', self::MODEL_BOTH, 'function'),
array('root', 'getRoot', self::MODEL_BOTH, 'callback'),
array('attach', 0, self::MODEL_INSERT),
array('view', 0, self::MODEL_INSERT),
array('comment', 0, self::MODEL_INSERT),
array('extend', 0, self::MODEL_INSERT),
array('create_time', NOW_TIME, self::MODEL_INSERT),
//array('reply_time', NOW_TIME, self::MODEL_INSERT),
array('update_time', NOW_TIME, self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('status', 'getStatus', self::MODEL_BOTH, 'callback'),
public $page = '';
* 获取文档列表
* @param integer $category 分类ID
* @param string $order 排序规则
* @param integer $status 状态
* @param boolean $count 是否返回总数
* @param string $field 字段 true-所有字段
* @return array 文档列表
public function lists($category, $order = '`id` DESC', $status = 1, $field = true){
$map = $this->listMap($category, $status);
return $this->field($field)->where($map)->order($order)->select();
* 获取文档列表
* @param integer $category 分类ID
* @param string $order 排序规则
* @param integer $status 状态
* @param boolean $count 是否返回总数
* @param string $field 字段 true-所有字段
* @return array 文档列表
public function lists_limit($category, $order = '`id` DESC', $status = 1, $field = true,$limit=10){
$map = $this->listMap($category, $status);
return $this->field($field)->where($map)->order($order)->limit($limit)->select();
* 计算列表总数
* @param number $category 分类ID
* @param integer $status 状态
* @return integer 总数
public function listCount($category, $status = 1){
$map = $this->listMap($category, $status);
return $this->where($map)->count('id');
* 获取详情页数据
* @param integer $id 文档ID
* @return array 详细数据
public function detail($id){
/* 获取基础数据 */
$info = $this->field(true)->find($id);
if ( !$info ) {
$this->error = '文档不存在';
return false;
}elseif(!(is_array($info)) || 1 != $info['status']){
$this->error = '文档被禁用或已删除!';
return false;
/* 获取模型数据 */
$logic = $this->logic($info['model_id']);
$detail = $logic->detail($id); //获取指定ID的数据
$this->error = $logic->getError();
return false;
return array_merge($info, $detail);
* 返回前一篇文档信息
* @param array $info 当前文档信息
* @return array
public function prev($info){
$map = array(
'id' => array('lt', $info['id']),
'pid' => 0,
'category_id' => $info['category_id'],
'status' => 1,
'create_time' => array('lt', NOW_TIME),
'_string' => 'deadline = 0 OR deadline > ' . NOW_TIME,
/* 返回前一条数据 */
return $this->field(true)->where($map)->order('id desc')->find();//level desc,
* 获取下一篇文档基本信息
* @param array $info 当前文档信息
* @return array
public function next($info){
$map = array(
'id' => array('gt', $info['id']),
'pid' => 0,
'category_id' => $info['category_id'],
'status' => 1,
'create_time' => array('lt', NOW_TIME),
'_string' => 'deadline = 0 OR deadline > ' . NOW_TIME,
/* 返回下一条数据 */
return $this->field(true)->where($map)->order('id desc')->find();//level desc,
public function update(){
/* 检查文档类型是否符合要求 */
$Model = new \Admin\Model\DocumentModel();
$res = $Model->checkDocumentType( I('type'), I('pid') );
$this->error = $res['info'];
return false;
/* 获取数据对象 */
$data = $this->field('pos,display', true)->create();
return false;
/* 添加或新增基础内容 */
if(empty($data['id'])){ //新增数据
$id = $this->add(); //添加基础内容
$this->error = '添加基础内容出错!';
return false;
$data['id'] = $id;
} else { //更新数据
$status = $this->save(); //更新基础内容
if(false === $status){
$this->error = '更新基础内容出错!';
return false;
/* 添加或新增扩展内容 */
$logic = $this->logic($data['model_id']);
if(isset($id)){ //新增失败,删除基础数据
$this->error = $logic->getError();
return false;
return $data;
* 获取段落列表
* @param integer $id 文档ID
* @param integer $page 显示页码
* @param boolean $field 查询字段
* @param boolean $logic 是否查询模型数据
* @return array
public function part($id, $page = 1, $field = true, $logic = true){
$map = array('status' => 1, 'pid' => $id, 'type' => 3);
$info = $this->field($field)->where($map)->page($page, 10)->order('id')->select();
if(!$info) {
$this->error = '该文档没有段落!';
return false;
/* 不获取内容详情 */
return $info;
/* 获取内容详情 */
$model = $logic = array();
foreach ($info as $value) {
$model[$value['model_id']][] = $value['id'];
foreach ($model as $model_id => $ids) {
$data = $this->logic($model_id)->lists($ids);
$logic += $data;
/* 合并数据 */
foreach ($info as &$value) {
$value = array_merge($value, $logic[$value['id']]);
return $info;
* 获取指定文档的段落总数
* @param number $id 段落ID
* @return number 总数
public function partCount($id){
$map = array('status' => 1, 'pid' => $id, 'type' => 3);
return $this->where($map)->count('id');
* 获取推荐位数据列表
* @param number $pos 推荐位 1-列表推荐2-频道页推荐4-首页推荐
* @param number $category 分类ID
* @param number $limit 列表行数
* @param boolean $filed 查询字段
* @return array 数据列表
public function position($pos, $category = null, $limit = null, $field = true){
$map = $this->listMap($category, 1, $pos);
/* 设置列表数量 */
is_numeric($limit) && $this->limit($limit);
/* 读取数据 */
return $this->field($field)->where($map)->select();
* 获取数据状态
* @return integer 数据状态
* @author huajie <>
protected function getStatus(){
$cate = I('post.category_id');
$check = M('Category')->getFieldById($cate, 'check');
$status = 2;
$status = 1;
return $status;
* 获取根节点id
* @return integer 数据id
* @author huajie <>
protected function getRoot(){
$pid = I('');
if($pid == 0){
return 0;
$p_root = $this->getFieldById($pid, 'root');
return $p_root == 0 ? $pid : $p_root;
* 获取扩展模型对象
* @param integer $model 模型编号
* @return object 模型对象
private function logic($model){
$name = parse_name(get_document_model($model, 'name'), 1);
$class = is_file(MODULE_PATH . 'Logic/' . $name . 'Logic' . EXT) ? $name : 'Base';
$class = MODULE_NAME . '\\Logic\\' . $class . 'Logic';
return new $class($name);
* 设置where查询条件
* @param number $category 分类ID
* @param number $pos 推荐位
* @param integer $status 状态
* @return array 查询条件
private function listMap($category, $status = 1, $pos = null){
/* 设置状态 */
$map = array('status' => $status, 'pid' => 0);
$map['display'] = 1;
/* 设置分类 */
$map['category_id'] = $category;
} else {
$map['category_id'] = array('in', str2arr($category));
$map['create_time'] = array('lt', NOW_TIME);
$map['_string'] = 'deadline = 0 OR deadline > ' . NOW_TIME;
/* 设置推荐位 */
$map[] = "position & {$pos} = {$pos}";
return $map;
public function listspage($category,$p=1,$row=10, $order = '`id` DESC', $status = 1, $field = true){
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$map = $this->listMap($category, $status);
return $this->field($field)->where($map)->order($order)->page($page,$row)->select();