You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
1.8 KiB

3 years ago
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".btn-select").each(function (e) {
var value = $(this).find("ul li.selected").html();
if (value != undefined) {
$(document).on('click', '.btn-select', function (e) {
var ul = $(this).find("ul");
if ($(this).hasClass("active")) {
if (ul.find("li").is( {
var target = $(;
var value = target.html();
else {
$('.btn-select').not(this).each(function () {
$(document).on('click', function (e) {
var target = $(".btn-select");
if (!target.length) {
function tick() {
var years, months, days;
var intYears, intMonths, intDays;
today = new Date(); //系统当前时间
intYears = today.getFullYear(); //得到年份,getFullYear()比getYear()更普适
intMonths = today.getMonth() + 1; //得到月份要加1
intDays = today.getDate(); //得到日期
years = intYears + "-";
if(intMonths < 10) {
months = "0" + intMonths + "-";
} else {
months = intMonths + "-";
if(intDays < 10) {
days = "0" + intDays + " ";
} else {
days = intDays + " ";
timeString = years + months + days;
Clock.innerHTML = timeString;
window.setTimeout("tick();", 1000);
window.onload = tick;