@ -22,21 +22,22 @@
keyword, jump_type, url, is_hot, is_default, sort_order, create_time, update_time, del_flag
from shop_keyword
<select id="selectKeywordListPage" resultType="com.wayn.common.core.domain.shop.Keyword">
<include refid="selectKeywordVo"/>
del_flag = 0
<if test="keyword != null and keyword != ''">
AND keyword like concat('%', #{keyword}, '%')
<if test="keyword.keyword != null and keyword.keyword != ''">
AND keyword like concat('%', #{keyword.keyword}, '%')
<if test="is_hot != null">
AND is_hot = #{isHot}
<if test="keyword.isHot != null">
AND is_hot = #{keyword.isHot}
<if test="is_default != null">
AND is_default = #{isDefault}
<if test="keyword.isDefault != null">
AND is_default = #{keyword.isDefault}
order by sort_order desc, create_time desc
order by sort_order, create_time desc