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namespace App\Command;
use App\Helper\Client\Lanhuo;
use Hyperf\Command\Command as HyperfCommand;
use Hyperf\Command\Annotation\Command;
use Hyperf\Contract\ContainerInterface;
* @Command
class JinlingCommand extends HyperfCommand
* @var ContainerInterface
protected $container;
protected $admin;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
public function configure()
public function handle()
/* Lanhuo::addUser([
'user_id' => 111,
'account' => 'bbbbbbbabc111',
'phone' => '18888888888',
'device_type' => 2, // 设备类型(1-andriod 2-ios)
'device_number' => 'ABCD',
'name' =>'哈哈哈',
'id_card' => '350824199911111111',
'is_real' => 1, // 是否实名(1-实名 0-未实名)
]); */
/* Lanhuo::addRole([
'user_id' => 111,
'server_id' => 1,
'server_name' => '测试',
'role_id' => '111',
'role_name' => '测试',
'role_level' => 23,
'profession_id' => '', // 职业ID
'profession_name' => '', // 职业名称
'power' => '', // 战力
]); */
/* Lanhuo::addLoginLog([
'user_id' => 111,
'account' => 'bbbbbbbabc111',
'phone' => '18888888888',
'device_type' => 2, // 设备类型(1-andriod 2-ios)
'device_number' => 'ABCD',
]); */
/* Lanhuo::updateUser([
'user_id' => 111,
'phone' => '18888888888',
'device_type' => 2, // 设备类型(1-andriod 2-ios)
'device_number' => 'AsssBCD',
'name' =>'哈哈哈',
'id_card' => '350824199911111111',
'is_real' => 1, // 是否实名(1-实名 0-未实名)
]); */
'order_code' => 'sdflsdkflskdfsll',
'user_id' => 111,
'account' => 'bbbbbbbabc111',
// 'service_id' => 1,
// 'service_name' => '测试',
'server_id' => 1,
'server_name' => '测试',
'role_id' => '111',
'role_name' => '测试',
'game_name' => '测试',
'order_amount' => '6.00',
'pay_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'status' => 1, //支付状态(待支付 0 已支付 1 支付失败 2)