diff --git a/Application/Admin/Model/UserModel.class.php b/Application/Admin/Model/UserModel.class.php
index 54364aaa..12597eda 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Model/UserModel.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Model/UserModel.class.php
@@ -1097,9 +1097,31 @@ class UserModel extends Model{
$data["last_login_ip"] = $user['login_ip'];
$data["last_device_number"] = $user['device_number'];
$data["token"] = $this->generateToken($uid,$account,$password);
- if (!$user['user_token']) {
- $data["user_token"] = $this->generateToken($uid,$account,$password);
+ $userToken = $this->generateToken($uid,$account,$password);
+ $userTokens = M('user_token','tab_')->where([
+ 'user_id' => $uid,
+ 'game_id' => $game_id
+ ])->find();
+ if (!$userTokens) {
+ M('user_token', 'tab_')->add([
+ 'user_id' => $uid,
+ 'game_id' => $game_id,
+ 'user_token' => $userToken,
+ 'login_cnt' => 0,
+ 'create_time' => time(),
+ 'update_time' => time()
+ ]);
+ } else {
+ M('user_token', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'id' => $userTokens['id']
+ ])->save([
+ 'user_token' => $userToken,
+ 'login_cnt' => $userTokens['login_cnt'] + 1,
+ 'update_time' => time()
+ ]);
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/BaseController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/BaseController.class.php
index bffe1d66..3e03d0b6 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/Controller/BaseController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/BaseController.class.php
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ class BaseController extends RestController{
- 'Apple.apple_weixin_pay','Ipa365','User.user_login','platform_coin_deduction','get_user_money',
- 'file_pay','pay','GameGiftPage','UserH', 'PayH5','init_sdk','sign_contract', 'Apple'
-// 'test','Game.get_suspend',
+ 'Apple.apple_weixin_pay','Ipa365','User.user_login','user_register','platform_coin_deduction','get_user_money',
+ 'file_pay','pay','GameGiftPage','UserH', 'PayH5','init_sdk','sign_contract', 'Apple','Shortcut'
+// 'test','Game.get_suspend',
// 不需要验证TOKEN的接口
@@ -34,13 +34,24 @@ class BaseController extends RestController{
$data = json_decode ( base64_decode ( file_get_contents ( "php://input" ) ), true );
- if (!(in_array($c, $this->noNeedGame) || in_array($a, $this->noNeedGame) || in_array($c.".".$a, $this->noNeedGame))) {
- // 解决在游戏中未退出的用户 user_token 不存在问题
- $userToken = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $data['user_id']])->getField('user_token');
- if (!$userToken) {
- $str = $data['user_id'].NOW_TIME.sp_random_string(7);
- $userToken = MD5($str);
- M('user', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $data['user_id']])->save(['user_token' => $userToken]);
+ if (!(in_array($c, $this->noNeedGame)
+ || in_array($a, $this->noNeedGame)
+ || in_array($c.".".$a, $this->noNeedGame))) {
+ if ($data['api_ver'] == 2) {
+ $userToken = M('user_token', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'user_id' => $data['user_id'],
+ 'game_id' => $data['game_id']
+ ])->getField('user_token');
+ if (!$userToken || $userToken != $data['user_token']) {
+ echo base64_encode (json_encode(array(
+ "code" => 9999,
+ "msg" => $data['user_token']."您已下线,请重新登入".$userToken,
+ "return_msg" => $data['user_token']."您已下线,请重新登入".$userToken,
+ "data" => ""
+ )));
+ exit ();
+ // 退出
+ }
$this->userToken = $userToken;
@@ -49,11 +60,11 @@ class BaseController extends RestController{
// #判断数据是否为空
if (empty ( $data ) || empty ( $data ['game_id'] )) {
- echo base64_encode ( json_encode ( array (
- "status" => 10,
- "return_msg" => "操作数据或游戏ID不能为空"
- ) ) );
- exit ();
+ echo base64_encode (json_encode(array(
+ "status" => 10,
+ "return_msg" => "操作数据或游戏ID不能为空"
+ )));
+ exit();
/* if (!$data['timestamp'] || !$data['nonce']) {
@@ -82,21 +93,51 @@ class BaseController extends RestController{
- if (!(in_array($c, $this->noNeedToken) || in_array($a, $this->noNeedToken) || in_array($c.".".$a, $this->noNeedToken))) {
- $userToken = I("request.user_token");
- if (!$userToken) {
- re_msg(11, "参数有误,请重新登入获取!");
- }
- $this->userId = M("user", "tab_")->where(['user_token' => $userToken])->getField("id");
- $this->userToken = $userToken;
- if (!$this->userId) {
- re_msg(12, $userToken."Token失效");
- }
+ if (I('request.api_ver') == 2) {
+ if (!(in_array($c, $this->noNeedToken) || in_array($a, $this->noNeedToken) || in_array($c.".".$a, $this->noNeedToken))) {
+ $user = self::webH5Vetify();
+ $this->userId = $user['userId'];
+ $this->userToken = $user['userToken'];
+ }
+ public static function webH5Vetify() {
+ $userToken = I("request.user_token");
+ if (!$userToken) {
+ echo "token not found!!!";
+ die();
+ // re_msg(11, "参数有误,请重新登入获取!");
+ }
+ $where['user_token'] = $userToken;
+ if (I("request.game_id", 0)) {
+ $where['game_id'] = I("request.game_id");
+ }
+ if (I("request.user_id", 0)) {
+ $where['user_id'] = I("request.user_id");
+ }
+ $user = [];
+ $user['userId'] = M("user_token", "tab_")->where($where)->getField("user_id");
+ $user['userToken'] = $userToken;
+ if (!$user['userId']) {
+ if (IS_AJAX) {
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'url' => U('Spend/notice_logout',array('user_id'=>$user['userId'],'game_id'=>I("request.game_id", 0),'msg'=>'您已下线', 'user_token' => $userToken))
+ ]);
+ exit();
+ } else {
+ redirect(U('Spend/notice_logout',array('user_id'=>$user['userId'],'game_id'=>I("request.game_id", 0),'msg'=>'您已下线', 'user_token' => $userToken)));
+ exit;
+ }
+ // re_msg(12, $userToken."Token失效");
+ }
+ return $user;
+ }
* 获取数据库中的配置列表
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/ExchangeController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/ExchangeController.class.php
index f0836bf8..3c3f3ce9 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/Controller/ExchangeController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/ExchangeController.class.php
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class ExchangeController extends BaseController{
// 用户
- $userToken = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $request['user_id']])->getField('user_token');
+ $userToken = $request['user_token'];
+// M('user', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $request['user_id']])->getField('user_token');
if (!$userToken) {
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameController.class.php
index 65ae8574..29e2915b 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameController.class.php
@@ -157,10 +157,13 @@ class GameController extends BaseController{
if(empty($data['user_id'])) {
re_msg(1004, 'fail', '用户不存在');
$user = M('user','tab_')->field('user_token,balance')->where(['id' => $data['user_id']])->find();
+ $user['user_token'] = $data['user_token'];
if (!$user['user_token']) {
re_msg(1004, 'fail', '数据有误');
- }
+ }
$sdkMenus = M('tool','tab_')->where(['name' => 'sdk_menu'])->find();
$menus = json_decode($sdkMenus['config'],true);
foreach($menus as $k => $v) {
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameGiftPageController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameGiftPageController.class.php
index f2058cda..abbfaf37 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameGiftPageController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/GameGiftPageController.class.php
@@ -2,21 +2,15 @@
namespace Sdk\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
use Common\Api\GaemApi;
class GameGiftPageController extends Controller{
public $userId;
public function _initialize()
- $userToken = I("request.user_token");
- if (!$userToken) {
- re_msg(11, "参数有误,请重新登入获取!");
- }
- $this->userId = M("user", "tab_")->where(['user_token' => $userToken])->getField("id");
- $this->userToken = $userToken;
- if (!$this->userId) {
- re_msg(12, $userToken."Token失效");
- }
+// if (I("request.api_ver") == 2) {
+ BaseController::webH5Vetify();
+// }
public function gift_list(){
$gameId = I('game_id');
@@ -24,9 +18,9 @@ class GameGiftPageController extends Controller{
if (!$gameId || $sdkVersion == -1) {
- if (I("debug") == 1) {
+/* if (I("debug") == 1) {
$data['user_token'] = 'b9c9739f7e3dc0b338dc3f4a4f02cb29';
- }
+ } */
$gift = M("Giftbag","tab_");
$map['game_id'] = $gameId;
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/ShortcutController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/ShortcutController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d5a3c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/ShortcutController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+"; 发送短信
+ $rsign = $sqpay->sign_contract(array(
+ 'merNo' => C('sqpay.partner'),
+ 'custName' => $param['custName'],
+ 'phoneNo' => $param['phoneNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $param['cardNo'],
+ 'idNo' => $param['idNo'],
+ 'reqMsgId' => date('YmdHis').rand(0, 9999),
+ 'authMsg' => '',
+ 'custType' => '01', // 认证 发短信
+ 'secret' => C('sqpay.key'),
+ ));
+ //echo "调用认证 签约==》".time()."
+ if ($rsign['respCode'] == 'success') { // 认证成功发送短信
+ $this->success('签约短信发送成功', '', true);
+ } else {
+ if (strlen($rsign['respMessage']) > 100) {
+ $this->error('填写信息有误,请核对!', '', true);
+ } else {
+ $this->error($rsign['respMessage'], '', true);
+ }
+ }
+ // var_dump($rsign);
+ exit();
+ }
+ if (IS_POST && $param['signCode']) {
+ $rauth = $sqpay->sign_contract(array(
+ 'merNo' => C('sqpay.partner'),
+ 'custName' => $param['custName'],
+ 'phoneNo' => $param['phoneNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $param['cardNo'],
+ 'idNo' => $param['idNo'],
+ 'reqMsgId' => date('YmdHis').rand(0, 9999),
+ 'authMsg' => $param['signCode'],
+ 'custType' => '02', // 签约
+ 'secret' => C('sqpay.key'),
+ ));
+ if ($rauth['respCode'] == 'success') { // 签约成功
+ $this->success('签约成功', '', true);
+ $signContract = true;
+ } else {
+ $this->error($rauth['respMessage'], '', true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**\
+ * 快捷支付'merNo' => $data['merNo'],
+ 'merOrderNo' => $data['merOrderNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $data['cardNo'],
+ 'custName' => $data['custName'],
+ 'idType' => '0',
+ 'idNo' => $data['idNo'],
+ 'phone' => $data['phoneNo'],
+ 'purpose' => $data['purpose'],
+ 'payAmount' => $data['payAmount'],
+ 'bankCode' => $bankInfo['bank'],
+ 'payType' => 'XYPAY',
+ 'NotifyURL' => $data['NotifyURL'],
+ 'txnTime' => $data['txnTime'],
+ 'smsCode' => $data['smsCode'],
+ */
+ public function shortcut_pay() {
+ $sqpay = new Sqpay();
+ $param = I("request.");
+ $signContract = false; // 签约标记
+ if (!$param['user_id'] || !$param['game_id']) {
+ $this->error("参数有误", '', true);
+ }
+ // 支付验证 是否让支付
+ $payCheck = pay_check($param['user_id']);
+ if (!$payCheck['code']) {
+ $this->set_message(1088, "fail", $payCheck['msg']);
+ }
+ $payInfo = M('pay_info', 'tab_')->where(array(
+ 'user_id' => $param['user_id'],
+ 'game_id' => $param['game_id'],
+ 'extend' => $param['extend']
+ ))->order('id desc')->find();
+// $info = json_decode($payInfo['info'], true);
+ if ($payInfo['type'] == 'sq_shortcut') {
+ $spend = M('spend', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'pay_order_number' => $payInfo['order_id']
+ ])->find();
+ $orderPrice = $spend['pay_amount'];
+ } else {
+ $deposit = M('deposit', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'pay_order_number' => $payInfo['order_id']
+ ])->find();
+ $orderPrice = $deposit['pay_amount'];
+ }
+ if ($orderPrice != $payInfo['price']) {
+ $this->error($orderPrice."数据有误.".$payInfo['price'], '', true);
+ }
+ if ($payInfo['type'] == 'sq_shortcut_platform' && $payInfo['price'] < 1) {
+ $this->error("数据有误", '', true);
+ }
+ if ($payInfo['status'] == 'payed') {
+ $this->error("订单已支付");
+ }
+ // 发起支付
+ if (IS_POST && $param['smsCode']) {
+ //echo "发起支付==》".time()."
+ $rsp = $sqpay->shortcut_pay(array(
+ 'merNo' => C('sqpay.partner'),
+ 'merOrderNo' => $payInfo['order_id'],
+ 'custName' => $param['custName'],
+ 'phoneNo' => $param['phoneNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $param['cardNo'],
+ 'idNo' => $param['idNo'],
+ 'purpose' => 'purpose',
+ 'payAmount' => $payInfo['price'],
+ 'txnTime' => $payInfo['txnTime'],
+ 'smsCode' => $param['smsCode'],
+ 'secret' => C('sqpay.key'),
+ 'NotifyURL' => C('PAY_DOMAIN')."/callback.php/Notify/sq_callback",//通知
+ ));
+ //echo "发起支付==》".time()."
+ if ($rsp['responseCode'] == '88') {
+// sleep(5);
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'info' => '请求成功',
+ 'url' => U('Spend/shortcut_notice',array('status'=> 1, 'orderno' => $payInfo['order_id'], 'user_id'=>$param['user_id'],'game_id'=>$param['game_id'])),
+ ]);
+ exit();
+// redirect(U('Spend/shortcut_notice',array('status'=> 1, 'orderno' => $payInfo['order_id'], 'user_id'=>$param['user_id'],'game_id'=>$param['game_id'])));exit;
+ } else {
+ // 支付失败
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'info' => $rsp['resMess']
+ ]);
+ exit();
+// redirect(U('Spend/pay_success',array('status'=> 0, 'orderno' => $payInfo['order_id'], 'user_id'=>$param['user_id'],'game_id'=>$param['game_id'])));exit;
+ }
+ }
+ // 发送短信
+ if (IS_POST && !isset($param['smsCode'])) {
+ // 查看是否签约
+ //echo "查看是否签约==》".time()."
+ $rcs = $sqpay->contract_status(array(
+ 'merNo' => C('sqpay.partner'),
+ 'custName' => $param['custName'],
+ 'phoneNo' => $param['phoneNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $param['cardNo'],
+ 'idNo' => $param['idNo'],
+ 'payAmount' => $payInfo['price'],
+ 'secret' => C('sqpay.key'),
+ ));
+// pp($rcs);
+ //echo "查看是否签约==》".time()."
+ if ($rcs['respCode'] == 4) {
+ $this->error($rcs['respMessage'], '', true);
+ pp($rcs);
+ pp($rcs['respMessage']);
+ }
+ if ($rcs['respCode'] == 1 || $rcs['respCode'] == 2 || $rcs['respCode'] == 3) {
+ echo json_encode([
+ 'status' => 2, //
+ 'info' => '未签约'
+ ]);
+ exit();
+ }
+ /* // 调用认证 签约 6222031402001028203 500236199608024075
+ if ($rcs['respCode'] == 1 || $rcs['respCode'] == 2 || $rcs['respCode'] == 3) {
+ //echo "调用认证 签约==》".time()."
"; 发送短信
+ $rsign = $sqpay->sign_contract(array(
+ 'merNo' => C('sqpay.partner'),
+ 'custName' => $param['custName'],
+ 'phoneNo' => $param['phoneNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $param['cardNo'],
+ 'idNo' => $param['idNo'],
+ 'reqMsgId' => date('YmdHis').rand(0, 9999),
+ 'authMsg' => 'ok',
+ 'custType' => '01',
+ 'secret' => C('sqpay.key'),
+ ));
+ //echo "调用认证 签约==》".time()."
+ if ($rsign['respCode'] == 'success') { // 认证成功 接着签约
+ $rauth = $sqpay->sign_contract(array(
+ 'merNo' => C('sqpay.partner'),
+ 'custName' => $param['custName'],
+ 'phoneNo' => $param['phoneNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $param['cardNo'],
+ 'idNo' => $param['idNo'],
+ 'reqMsgId' => date('YmdHis').rand(0, 9999),
+ 'authMsg' => $rsign['authMsg'],
+ 'custType' => '02',
+ 'secret' => C('sqpay.key'),
+ ));
+ pp($rauth);
+ if ($rauth['respCode'] == 'success') {
+ $signContract = true;
+ } else {
+ $this->error($rauth['respMessage'], '', true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->error($r['respMessage'], '', true);
+ }
+ }*/
+ // 无需签约 发送短信
+ if ($rcs['respCode'] == 0 || $rcs['respCode'] == 10) {
+ //echo "发送短信==》".time()."
+ $ret = $sqpay->protocol_pay_send_sms(array(
+ 'merNo' => C('sqpay.partner'),
+ 'custName' => $param['custName'],
+ 'phoneNo' => $param['phoneNo'],
+ 'cardNo' => $param['cardNo'],//'6214855913999401',
+ 'idNo' => $param['idNo'],
+ 'payAmount' => $payInfo['price'],
+ 'secret' => C('sqpay.key'),
+ 'merOrderNo' => $payInfo['order_id'],
+ 'NotifyURL' => "http://api.wmtxkj.cn"."/callback.php?Notify/sq_callback",
+ 'purpose' => '游戏充值'
+ ));
+ //echo "发送短信==》".time()."
+ if ($ret['resFlag'] == 'success') {
+ M('pay_info', 'tab_')->where(array(
+ 'id' => $payInfo['id'],
+ ))->save(array(
+ 'txn_time' => $ret['txnTime']
+ ));
+ $this->success('发送成功', '', true);
+ } else {
+ $this->error($ret['resMess'], '', true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ /**
+ * android获取 支付url
+ */
+ public function android_shortcut_pay() {
+ $request = json_decode(base64_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")), true);
+ file_put_contents("./Application/Sdk/OrderNo/".$request['user_id']."-".$request['game_id'].".txt",think_encrypt(json_encode($request)));
+ // 支付验证 是否让支付
+ $payCheck = pay_check($request['user_id']);
+ if (!$payCheck['code']) {
+ $this->set_message(1088, "fail", $payCheck['msg']);
+ }
+ $user_id = $request['user_id'];
+ $game_id = $request['game_id'];
+ $data = array(
+ 'status' => 200,
+ "url" => 'http://' . $_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] ."/sdk.php/WapPay/wap_shortcut_pay/user_id/{$user_id}/game_id/{$game_id}",
+ "html" => '',
+ "return_msg" => '',
+ "paytype" => 'shortcut',
+ );
+ echo base64_encode(json_encode($data));
+ exit();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 快捷支付 用户点击
+ */
+ public function wap_shortcut_pay($user_id,$game_id)
+ {
+// $file=file_get_contents("./Application/Sdk/OrderNo/".$user_id."-".$game_id.".txt");
+// $request = json_decode(think_decrypt($file),true);
+// Log::write(serialize($request), Log::DEBUG);
+ $is_platform = 0;
+ if (I('request.code') == 0 && I('request.type') == 'platform') {
+ $is_platform = 1; // 平台币充值
+ }
+ $prefix = ($is_platform == 1) ? 'PF_' : 'SP_';
+ $request['pay_order_number'] = $prefix . date('Ymd') . date('His') . sp_random_string(4);
+ $request['game_id'] = I('request.game_id');
+ $game_id = $request['game_id'];
+ $request['user_id'] = I('request.user_id');
+ $user_id = $request['user_id'];
+ $request['code'] = I('request.code');
+ if ($is_platform) {
+ $request['price'] = I('request.price');
+ } else {
+ $payInfo = M('pay_info', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'user_id' => I('user_id'),
+ 'game_id' => I('game_id'),
+ 'extend' => I('extend'),
+ ])->order('id desc')->find();
+ $request['price'] = $payInfo['price'];
+ }
+ $userToken = I('request.user_token');
+ /* $request['user_id'] = 232;
+ $request['game_id'] = 78;
+ $request['price'] = 0.02;
+ $request['code'] = 1;
+ $request['extend'] = "SP_522992339581";
+ $request['pay_order_number'] = "SP_24522992339581"; */
+ if (empty($request)) {
+ redirect(U('Spend/notice',array('user_id'=>$user_id,'game_id'=>$game_id,'is_platform'=> $is_platform,'msg'=>'登录数据不能为空', 'user_token' => $userToken)));exit;
+ }
+ // 支付验证 是否让支付
+ $payCheck = pay_check($request['user_id']);
+ if (!$payCheck['code']) {
+ $this->set_message(1088, "fail", $payCheck['msg']);
+ }
+ $game = M('Game','tab_')->where(['id'=>$request['game_id']])->field('pay_status')->find();
+ if($game['pay_status'] == 0){
+ redirect(U('Spend/notice',array('user_id'=>$user_id,'game_id'=>$game_id,'is_platform'=> $is_platform,'msg'=>'该游戏暂时无法充值,请联系客服!', 'user_token' => $userToken)));exit;
+ }
+ if($request['price']*1<=0){
+ redirect(U('Spend/notice',array('user_id'=>$user_id,'game_id'=>$game_id,'is_platform'=> $is_platform,'msg'=>'充值金额有误', 'user_token' => $userToken)));exit;
+ }
+ C(api('Config/lists'));
+ if (!$is_platform) {
+ $request['extend'] = I('request.extend');
+ $extend_data = M('spend','tab_')->where(array('extend'=>$request['extend'],'game_id'=>$request['game_id'],'pay_status'=>1))->find();
+ if($extend_data){
+ redirect(U('Spend/notice',array('user_id'=>$user_id,'game_id'=>$game_id,'is_platform'=> $is_platform,'msg'=>$request['game_id'].'订单号重复,请关闭支付页面重新支付'.$request['extend'], 'user_token' => $userToken)));exit;
+ }
+ }
+ //折扣
+ $user = get_user_entity($request['user_id']);
+ $discount = $this->get_discount($request['game_id'],$user['promote_id'],$request['user_id']);
+ $discount = $discount['discount'];
+ $pay_amount = $discount * $request['price'] / 10;
+ if ($pay_amount < 0.01) {
+ redirect(U('Spend/notice',array('user_id'=>$user_id,'game_id'=>$game_id,'is_platform'=> $is_platform, 'msg'=>'充值金额有误.'.$pay_amount, 'user_token' => $userToken)));exit;
+ }
+ if (!$is_platform) {
+ $this->other_price($request, $request['price']-$pay_amount);
+ }
+ // 平台币充值
+ if ($is_platform) {
+ $request['code'] = 0;
+ $request['user_id'] = I('request.user_id');
+ $request['price'] = intval(I('request.price'));
+ $request['game_id'] = I('request.game_id');
+ $type = "platform";
+ $request['pay_way'] = C("PAY_WAY.SQ_SHORTCUT"); // 支付方式(-1绑币 0:平台币,1:支付宝,2:微信(扫码)3微信app 4 威富通 5聚宝云 6竣付通 7苹果支付8金猪支付 9双乾支付-支付宝 10双乾支付-银联 15双乾支付-快捷
+ $request['pay_status'] = 0;
+ $request['spend_ip'] = get_client_ip();
+ $out_trade_no = $request['pay_order_number'];
+ $ret = M('pay_info', 'tab_')->add(array(
+ 'user_id' => $request['user_id'],
+ 'game_id' => $request['game_id'],
+ 'order_id' => $request['pay_order_number'],
+ 'extend' => $request['pay_order_number'],
+ 'price' => $request['price'],
+ 'type' => 'sq_shortcut_platform', // 平台币充值
+ 'info' => json_encode($request),
+ 'status' => 'normal',
+ 'create_time' => time(),
+ ));
+ if (!$ret) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ } else { // 游戏充值
+ $request['code'] = 1;
+ $payInfo = M('pay_info', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'user_id' => I('user_id'),
+ 'game_id' => I('game_id'),
+ 'extend' => I('extend'),
+ ])->order('id desc')->find();
+ if ($payInfo) {
+ $info = json_decode($payInfo['info'], true);
+ $info['deduction_amount'] = $request['deduction_amount'];
+ $info['actual_amount'] = $request['actual_amount'];
+ $info['discount_amount'] = $request['discount_amount'];
+ $info['price'] = $request['price'];
+ $infosave = json_encode($info);
+ M('pay_info', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'id' => $payInfo['id']
+ ])->save([
+ 'type' => 'sq_shortcut', // 游戏充值
+ 'order_id' => $request['pay_order_number'],
+ 'price' => $request['actual_amount'] ? $request['actual_amount'] : $request['price'],
+ 'info' => $infosave
+ ]);
+ $info['code'] = $request['code'];
+ $info['pay_order_number'] = $request['pay_order_number'];
+ $request = $info;
+ $request['pay_way'] = C("PAY_WAY.SQ_SHORTCUT");
+ $request['pay_status'] = 0;
+ $request['spend_ip'] = get_client_ip();
+ }
+ }
+ //0 官方 1双乾
+ if (get_shortcut_pay_type() == 0) {
+ // 暂时只有双乾
+ }elseif(get_shortcut_pay_type() == 1){
+ if($request['code']==1){
+ $this->add_spend($request,1);
+ }else{
+ $this->add_deposit($request,1);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assign("pay_amount", $request['actual_amount']?$request['actual_amount']:$request['price']);
+ $this->assign("user_id", $request['user_id']);
+ $this->assign("game_id", $request['game_id']);
+ $this->assign("extend", $is_platform ? $request['pay_order_number'] : I('extend'));
+ $this->display();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/SpendController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/SpendController.class.php
index 1eac887d..71cb9e57 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/Controller/SpendController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/SpendController.class.php
@@ -51,9 +51,13 @@ class SpendController extends Controller {
echo "access deny!";
- $userId = M('user', 'tab_')->where(['user_token'=>$user_token])->getField('id');
- if ($userId != $user_id) {
- echo "请重新登入!";
+ $userId = M('user_token', 'tab_')->where([
+ 'user_token'=>$user_token,
+ 'user_id' => $user_id,
+ 'game_id' => $game_id
+ ])->getField('id');
+ if (!$userId) {
+ echo $user_token."请重新登入!".$user_id.$game_id;
@@ -392,6 +396,7 @@ ADD COLUMN `pay_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `check_sign`;
+ // 快捷支付通知
public function shortcut_notice() {
$status = $_GET['status'];
$orderno = $_GET ['orderno'] == "" ? $_GET ['out_trade_no'] : $_GET ['orderno'];
@@ -419,4 +424,9 @@ ADD COLUMN `pay_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `check_sign`;
+ // 通知下线
+ public function notice_logout() {
+ $this->display();
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserController.class.php
index e95ce83c..81a0e8ff 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserController.class.php
@@ -304,6 +304,11 @@ class UserController extends BaseController
$buddies_request = get_buddies_unagree_count($user['user_id']);
$unread_count += $buddies_request;
M('nearby', 'tab_') -> where(['user_id' => $user['user_id']]) -> setField(['game_status' => 1, 'update_time' => time(), 'user_nickname' => $user_res['nickname'], 'head_img' => $user_res['head_img']]);
+ $userToken = M('user_token', 'tab_') ->where([
+ 'user_id' => $user['user_id'],
+ 'game_id' => $user['game_id']
+ ])->getField('user_token');
$res_msg = array(
"status" => 200,
"return_code" => "success",
@@ -314,7 +319,7 @@ class UserController extends BaseController
"sex" => $user_res["sex"] ? $user_res["sex"] : 0,
"is_platform" => $platform,
"token" => $result['token'],
- "user_token" => $user_res['user_token'],
+ "user_token" => $userToken,
"OTP_token" => think_encrypt(json_encode(array('uid' => $user["user_id"], 'time' => time())), 1),
'is_uc' => 0,
"is_open_small_account" => C('IS_OPEN_SMALL_ACCOUNT'),
@@ -954,7 +959,7 @@ class UserController extends BaseController
$this -> new_set_message(1027, "密码必须6-15位字母和数字组合");
} */
if(!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{6,15}$/', $user['password'])){
- $this -> set_message(1027, "fail", "密码6-15位字母或数字");
+ $this -> new_set_message(1027, "fail", "密码6-15位字母或数字");
if ($user['old_password'] == $user['password']) {
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserHController.class.php b/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserHController.class.php
index d038ae9c..8239a029 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserHController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Sdk/Controller/UserHController.class.php
@@ -7,21 +7,13 @@ use Think\Log;
class UserHController extends Controller
public $userId;
+ public $userToken;
public function _initialize()
- $userToken = I("request.user_token");
- if (!$userToken) {
- re_msg(11, "参数有误,请重新登入获取!");
- }
- $this->userId = M("user", "tab_")->where(['user_token' => $userToken])->getField("id");
- $this->userToken = $userToken;
- if (!$this->userId) {
- re_msg(12, $userToken."Token失效");
- }
+ $user = BaseController::webH5Vetify();
+ $this->userId = $user['userId'];
+ $this->userToken = $user['userToken'];
@@ -33,7 +25,7 @@ class UserHController extends Controller
$data['user_token'] = I('user_token');
- $user_info = M('user','tab_')->where(['user_token' => $data['user_token']])->field('id,account,balance')->find();
+ $user_info = M('user','tab_')->where(['id' => $this->userId])->field('id,account,balance')->find();
$user_play = M('user_play','tab_')->alias('user')
->join('tab_game as game on user.game_id = game.id')
diff --git a/Application/Sdk/View/default/WapPay/wap_shortcut_pay.html b/Application/Sdk/View/default/Shortcut/wap_shortcut_pay.html
similarity index 98%
rename from Application/Sdk/View/default/WapPay/wap_shortcut_pay.html
rename to Application/Sdk/View/default/Shortcut/wap_shortcut_pay.html
index 0693de76..5ed3a182 100644
--- a/Application/Sdk/View/default/WapPay/wap_shortcut_pay.html
+++ b/Application/Sdk/View/default/Shortcut/wap_shortcut_pay.html
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@