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namespace Sdk\Model;
use Think\Model;
class PayLimitConfModel extends Model {
const PAY_TYPE_ALIPAY = "alipay";
const PAY_TYPE_WXPAY = "wxpay";
const PAY_TYPE_YEEPAY = "yeepay";
const PAY_TYPE_SQPAY = "sqpay";
protected $_validate = array(
/* 自动完成规则 */
protected $_auto = array(
* 构造函数
* @param string $name 模型名称
* @param string $tablePrefix 表前缀
* @param mixed $connection 数据库连接信息
public function __construct($name = '', $tablePrefix = '', $connection = '') {
/* 设置默认的表前缀 */
$this->tablePrefix ='tab_';
/* 执行构造方法 */
parent::__construct($name, $tablePrefix, $connection);
// 获取平台总流水
public function allTotal() {
$total = M('game_data', 'tab_')->sum('pay_amount');
// var_dump("total:".$total);
return $total ? $total : 0;
// 获取游戏总流水
public function gameTotal($gameId) {
if (!$gameId) return 0;
$gameTotal = M('game_data', 'tab_')->where(array('game_id' => $gameId))->sum('pay_amount');
// var_dump("game:".$gameTotal);
return $gameTotal ? $gameTotal : 0;
// 获取玩家总流水
public function userTotal($userId) {
if (!$userId) return 0;
$userTotal = M('user_data', 'tab_')->where(array('user_id' => $userId))->getField('pay_amount');
// var_dump("userTotal:".$userTotal);
return $userTotal ? $userTotal : 0;
/* // 累加充值金额
public function sum($userId, $price, $payType) {
$now = date("His");
$nowDate = date('Ymd');
// 找出所有匹配的规则 时间范围满足的所有总流水限额
$limits = $this->where(array(
'start_time' => array('egt', $now),
'end_time' => array('lt', $now),
'pay_type' => $payType
foreach ($limits as $k => $v) {
$this->updateClearTime($v, $userId); // 清零 时间、限额
if ($v['limit_type'] == 'all_total' // 总流水
|| ($v['limit_type'] == 'user_total' && $v['user_id'] == $userId) // 单玩家总流水
) {
'id' => $v['id']
'now_value' => $v['now_value'] + $price,
'update_time' => time(),
if ($v['limit_type'] == 'user_one' && $v['user_id'] == $userId) { // 单玩家单笔
if ($v['limit_type'] == 'user_total' && $v['user_id'] == $userId) { // 单玩家总流水
// 检查限额 如果超出返回false
public function check($userId, $price, $payType) {
$now = date("His");
$nowDate = date('Ymd');
// 找出所有匹配的规则 时间范围满足的所有总流水限额
$limits = $this->where(array(
'start_time' => array('egt', $now),
'end_time' => array('lt', $now),
'pay_type' => $payType
foreach ($limits as $k => $v) {
$this->updateClearTIme($v, $userId);
if ($v['limit_type'] == 'all_total') { // 总流水
// 每日 每周 每月
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == "day" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "week" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "month") {
if ($v['now_value'] + $price > $v['limit_value']) {
return false;
// 固定日期
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == 'fix') {
if ($v['fix_date'] == $nowDate) {
if ($v['now_value'] + $price > $v['limit_value']) {
return false;
if ($v['limit_type'] == 'user_one' && $v['user_id'] == $userId) { // 单玩家单笔
// 每日 每周 每月
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == "day" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "week" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "month") {
if ($price > $v['limit_value']) {
return false;
// 固定日期
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == 'fix') {
if ($v['fix_date'] == $nowDate) {
if ($price > $v['limit_value']) {
return false;
if ($v['limit_type'] == 'user_total' && $v['user_id'] == $userId) { // 单玩家总流水
// 每日 每周 每月
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == "day" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "week" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "month") {
if ($v['now_value'] + $price > $v['limit_value']) {
return false;
// 固定日期
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == 'fix') {
if ($v['fix_date'] == $nowDate) {
if ($v['now_value'] + $price > $v['limit_value']) {
return false;
// 更新清零时间
private function updateClearTIme($conf, $userId) {
if (!$conf) return;
$data = array();
$startTime = substr($conf['start_time'], 0, 2) * 3600;
$startTime += substr($conf['start_time'], 2, 2) * 60;
$startTime += substr($conf['start_time'], 4, 2);
$isClear = false;
if ($conf['limit_time_type'] == 'day') {
$startTime += strtotime(date('Ymd'));
// 清零时间小于开始时间 需要清零
if ($conf['clear_time'] < $startTime) {
$isClear = true;
if ($conf['limit_time_type'] == 'week') {
$week_now = date("w")-1;
$week_start= strtotime("-{$week_now} days",time());
$startTime += $week_start;
// 清零时间小于开始时间 需要清零
if ($conf['clear_time'] < $startTime) {
$isClear = true;
if ($conf['limit_time_type'] == 'month') {
$startTime += strtotime(date('Ym'));
// 清零时间小于开始时间 需要清零
if ($conf['clear_time'] < $startTime) {
$isClear = true;
if ($isClear) {
'id' => $conf['id']
'now_value' => 0,
'clear_time' => time(),
} */
* return 0 通过 1障碍 2限制 3参数有误
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Think\Model::check()
public function check($userId, $price, $payType, $orderId, $gameId=0) {
if (!$userId || !$price || !$payType || !$orderId) {
return 3;
// 如果是白名单的用户 不走限制
$userPayWhitelist = new UserPayWhitelistModel();
if ($userPayWhitelist->verify($userId)) {
return 0;
$now = date("His");
$nowDate = date('Ymd');
$nowWeekNum = date('w');
$nowDateNum = (int)substr($nowDate, -2);
// 找出所有匹配的规则 时间范围满足的所有总流水限额
$limits = $this->where(array(
'start_time' => array('elt', $now),
'end_time' => array('gt', $now),
'pay_type' => $payType
if (!$limits) return 0;
$result = 0;
// 处理在这个时间段内的限制
foreach ($limits as $k => $v) {
// 每日 每周 每月 固定时间
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == "day" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "week" || $v['limit_time_type'] == "month"
|| ($v['limit_time_type'] == 'fix' && $v['fix_date'] == $nowDate)) {
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == "week" && $nowWeekNum != $v['limit_time_type_remark']) {
if ($v['limit_time_type'] == "month" && $nowDateNum != $v['limit_time_type_remark']) {
// 总流水
if ($v['total_limit'] > 0 && $this->allTotal() > $v['total_limit']) {
if ($v['limit_type'] == "force") return 2;
if ($v['limit_type'] == "obstacles") {
// 障碍 第二次就可以支付
if (/* $this->enterCount($payType, $orderId) >= 2 && */$this->paySubmitCount($payType, $orderId) >= 1) {
$result = 0;
} else {
return 1;
// 单玩家总流水
if ($v['user_total_limit'] > 0 && $this->userTotal($userId) > $v['user_total_limit']) {
if ($v['limit_type'] == "force") return 2;
if ($v['limit_type'] == "obstacles") {
// 障碍 第二次就可以支付
if (/* $this->enterCount($payType, $orderId) >= 2 && */$this->paySubmitCount($payType, $orderId) >= 1) {
$result = 0;
} else {
return 1; // 障碍
// 单笔限额
if ($v['user_one_limit'] > 0 && $price >= $v['user_one_limit']) {
if ($v['limit_type'] == "force") return 2;
if ($v['limit_type'] == "obstacles") {
// 障碍 第二次就可以支付
if (/* $this->enterCount($payType, $orderId) >= 2 && */$this->paySubmitCount($payType, $orderId) >= 1) {
$result = 0;
} else {
return 1; // 障碍
return $result;
// 支付方式 进入次数
private function enterCount($payType, $orderId) {
$cnt = M('pay_channel_intention', 'tab_')->where(array(
'pay_way' => $payType,
'pay_order_number' => $orderId,
return $cnt ? $cnt : 0;
// 提交支付次数
private function paySubmitCount($payType, $orderId) {
$cnt = M('pay_channel_intention', 'tab_')->where(array(
'pay_way' => $payType,
'pay_order_number' => $orderId,
'is_submit' => 1
return $cnt ? $cnt : 0;