204 lines
5.9 KiB
204 lines
5.9 KiB
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function game_category() {
window.location.href = "{:U('Category/index')}";
<!--end 搜索框-->
<!-- start推荐产品 -->
<div class="hot-game-box">
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<a href="{:U('Rank/index',array('rank'=>'hot'))}">+更多</a>
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<a href="{:U('Game/detail?id='.$rec['id'])}" data-param=""><img src="{:get_cover($rec['cover'],'path')}">
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<p class="rec-p">{:msubstr2($rec['features'],0,10)}</p></div>
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// 点击底部悬浮条关闭按钮关闭底部悬浮条
var game_id = "{$wap_index_gift['game_id']}";
var url = "{:U('Gift/index')}";
var url = "{:U('Gift/gamegift',array('id'=>$wap_index_gift['game_id']))}"
window.location.href = url;