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namespace Home\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
use Think\Think;
* @author elf<>
class PackageController extends Controller
protected function _initialize()
public function downloadError($message)
$this->assign('message', $message);
public function download()
$code = I('code', '');
$gameId = I('game_id', 0);
$promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
if ($code == '' && ($gameId == 0 || $promoteId == 0)) {
$this->redirect("download/downloadError", ['message' => '访问错误']);
$blackList = [];
if (in_array($code, $blackList) || in_array('game_id/' . $gameId . '/promote_id/' . $promoteId, $blackList)) {
$this->redirect("download/downloadError", ['message' => '该链接已被禁']);
if ($code != '') {
$applyService = new ApplyService();
$data = $applyService->decodeApplyCode($code);
$result = $applyService->checkApplyCode($data, ApplyService::ENCRYPT_TYPE_DOWNLOAD);
if (!$result['status']) {
$gameId = $data['game_id'];
$promoteId = $data['promote_id'];
$map = [];
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['enable_status'] = 1;
$map['game_id'] = $gameId;
$map['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$columns = ['game_id', 'promote_id', 'promote_account', 'pack_url', 'plist_url', 'status', 'enable_status'];
$apply = M('apply','tab_')->field($columns)->where($map)->find();
$game = M('game','tab_')->field(['id', 'game_name', 'sdk_version'])->where(['id' => $apply['game_id']])->find();
if (Request::isMobile()) {
if (!Request::isAndroid() && $game['sdk_version'] == 1) {
$this->redirect("download/downloadError", ['message' => '请使用安卓浏览器下载']);
if (!Request::isIOS() && $game['sdk_version'] == 2) {
$this->redirect("download/downloadError", ['message' => '请使用ios浏览器下载']);
$packageUrl = $game['sdk_version'] == 1 ? $apply['pack_url'] : $apply['plist_url'];
M('game','tab_')->where(['id' => $game['id']])->setInc('dow_num');
if (Request::isAndroid()) {
} else if (Request::isIOS()) {
$plistUrl = substr($packageUrl, 1, strlen($packageUrl));
header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
header("Location: "."itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=" . Request::getHost() . "/" . $plistUrl);
} else {
private function gotoPkgUrl($packageUrl)
if (preg_match("/oss/", $packageUrl)) {
$url = str_replace('-internal', '', $packageUrl);
echo "<script>window.location.href='$url';</script>";
} elseif (preg_match("/clouddn/", $packageUrl)) {
$url = "http://".$packageUrl;
} elseif (preg_match("/myqcloud/", $packageUrl)) {
} elseif(preg_match("/bcebos/", $packageUrl)) {
} else {
if (!file_exists($packageUrl)) {
redirect(Request::getHost() . ltrim($packageUrl, '.'));