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48 KiB

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require_once 'AopEncrypt.php';
require_once 'AopCertification.php';
require_once 'EncryptParseItem.php';
require_once 'EncryptResponseData.php';
require_once 'SignData.php';
class AopCertClient
public $appCertSN;
public $alipayCertSN;
public $alipayRootCertSN;
public $alipayRootCertContent;
public $isCheckAlipayPublicCert;
public $appId;
public $rsaPrivateKeyFilePath;
public $rsaPrivateKey;
public $gatewayUrl = "";
public $format = "json";
public $apiVersion = "1.0";
// 表单提交字符集编码
public $postCharset = "UTF-8";
public $alipayPublicKey = null;
public $alipayrsaPublicKey;
public $debugInfo = false;
public $signType = "RSA";
public $encryptKey;
public $encryptType = "AES";
protected $alipaySdkVersion = "alipay-sdk-php-2020-04-15";
private $fileCharset = "UTF-8";
private $RESPONSE_SUFFIX = "_response";
private $ERROR_RESPONSE = "error_response";
private $SIGN_NODE_NAME = "sign";
private $ALIPAY_CERT_SN = "alipay_cert_sn";
private $ENCRYPT_XML_NODE_NAME = "response_encrypted";
private $needEncrypt = false;
private $targetServiceUrl = "";
* 从证书中提取序列号
* @param $cert
* @return string
public function getCertSN($certPath)
$cert = file_get_contents($certPath);
$ssl = openssl_x509_parse($cert);
$SN = md5(array2string(array_reverse($ssl['issuer'])) . $ssl['serialNumber']);
return $SN;
* 提取根证书序列号
* @param $cert 根证书
* @return string|null
public function getRootCertSN($certPath)
$cert = file_get_contents($certPath);
$this->alipayRootCertContent = $cert;
$array = explode("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", $cert);
$SN = null;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($array) - 1; $i++) {
$ssl[$i] = openssl_x509_parse($array[$i] . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----");
if(strpos($ssl[$i]['serialNumber'],'0x') === 0){
$ssl[$i]['serialNumber'] = $this->hex2dec($ssl[$i]['serialNumber']);
if ($ssl[$i]['signatureTypeLN'] == "sha1WithRSAEncryption" || $ssl[$i]['signatureTypeLN'] == "sha256WithRSAEncryption") {
if ($SN == null) {
$SN = md5(array2string(array_reverse($ssl[$i]['issuer'])) . $ssl[$i]['serialNumber']);
} else {
$SN = $SN . "_" . md5(array2string(array_reverse($ssl[$i]['issuer'])) . $ssl[$i]['serialNumber']);
return $SN;
* 0x转高精度数字
* @param $hex
* @return int|string
function hex2dec($hex)
$dec = 0;
$len = strlen($hex);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $len; $i++) {
$dec = bcadd($dec, bcmul(strval(hexdec($hex[$i - 1])), bcpow('16', strval($len - $i))));
return $dec; // php > 7.2 by zgc
// return round($dec,0);
* 从证书中提取公钥
* @param $cert
* @return mixed
public function getPublicKey($certPath)
$cert = file_get_contents($certPath);
$pkey = openssl_pkey_get_public($cert);
$keyData = openssl_pkey_get_details($pkey);
$public_key = str_replace('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----', '', $keyData['key']);
$public_key = trim(str_replace('-----END PUBLIC KEY-----', '', $public_key));
return $public_key;
* 验证签名
* 在使用本方法前必须初始化AopCertClient且传入公钥参数。
* 公钥是否是读取字符串还是读取文件,是根据初始化传入的值判断的。
* @param $params
* @param $rsaPublicKeyFilePath
* @param string $signType
* @return bool
public function rsaCheckV1($params, $rsaPublicKeyFilePath,$signType='RSA') {
$sign = $params['sign'];
return $this->verify($this->getCheckSignContent($params), $sign, $rsaPublicKeyFilePath,$signType);
* 验证签名
* 在使用本方法前必须初始化AopCertClient且传入公钥参数。
* 公钥是否是读取字符串还是读取文件,是根据初始化传入的值判断的。
* @param $params
* @param $rsaPublicKeyFilePath
* @param string $signType
* @return bool
public function rsaCheckV2($params, $rsaPublicKeyFilePath, $signType='RSA') {
$sign = $params['sign'];
return $this->verify($this->getCheckSignContent($params), $sign, $rsaPublicKeyFilePath, $signType);
function getCheckSignContent($params)
$stringToBeSigned = "";
$i = 0;
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
// 转换成目标字符集
$v = $this->characet($v, $this->postCharset);
if ($i == 0) {
$stringToBeSigned .= "$k" . "=" . "$v";
} else {
$stringToBeSigned .= "&" . "$k" . "=" . "$v";
unset ($k, $v);
return $stringToBeSigned;
* 在使用本方法前必须初始化AopCertClient且传入公私钥参数。
* 公钥是否是读取字符串还是读取文件,是根据初始化传入的值判断的。
public function checkSignAndDecrypt($params, $rsaPublicKeyPem, $rsaPrivateKeyPem, $isCheckSign, $isDecrypt, $signType='RSA') {
$charset = $params['charset'];
$bizContent = $params['biz_content'];
if ($isCheckSign) {
if (!$this->rsaCheckV2($params, $rsaPublicKeyPem, $signType)) {
echo "<br/>checkSign failure<br/>";
if ($isDecrypt) {
return $this->rsaDecrypt($bizContent, $rsaPrivateKeyPem, $charset);
return $bizContent;
* 在使用本方法前必须初始化AopCertClient且传入公私钥参数。
* 公钥是否是读取字符串还是读取文件,是根据初始化传入的值判断的。
public function encryptAndSign($bizContent, $rsaPublicKeyPem, $rsaPrivateKeyPem, $charset, $isEncrypt, $isSign, $signType='RSA') {
// 加密,并签名
if ($isEncrypt && $isSign) {
$encrypted = $this->rsaEncrypt($bizContent, $rsaPublicKeyPem, $charset);
$sign = $this->sign($encrypted, $signType);
$response = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?><alipay><response>$encrypted</response><encryption_type>RSA</encryption_type><sign>$sign</sign><sign_type>$signType</sign_type></alipay>";
return $response;
// 加密,不签名
if ($isEncrypt && (!$isSign)) {
$encrypted = $this->rsaEncrypt($bizContent, $rsaPublicKeyPem, $charset);
$response = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?><alipay><response>$encrypted</response><encryption_type>$signType</encryption_type></alipay>";
return $response;
// 不加密,但签名
if ((!$isEncrypt) && $isSign) {
$sign = $this->sign($bizContent, $signType);
$response = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?><alipay><response>$bizContent</response><sign>$sign</sign><sign_type>$signType</sign_type></alipay>";
return $response;
// 不加密,不签名
$response = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>$bizContent";
return $response;
* 在使用本方法前必须初始化AopCertClient且传入公私钥参数。
public function rsaEncrypt($data, $rsaPublicKeyFilePath, $charset) {
$pubKey= $this->alipayrsaPublicKey;
$res = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" .
wordwrap($pubKey, 64, "\n", true) .
"\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
}else {
$pubKey = file_get_contents($rsaPublicKeyFilePath);
$res = openssl_get_publickey($pubKey);
($res) or die('支付宝RSA公钥错误。请检查公钥文件格式是否正确');
$blocks = $this->splitCN($data, 0, 30, $charset);
$chrtext  = null;
$encodes  = array();
foreach ($blocks as $n => $block) {
if (!openssl_public_encrypt($block, $chrtext , $res)) {
echo "<br/>" . openssl_error_string() . "<br/>";
$encodes[] = $chrtext ;
$chrtext = implode(",", $encodes);
return base64_encode($chrtext);
* 在使用本方法前必须初始化AopCertClient且传入公私钥参数。
* 公钥是否是读取字符串还是读取文件,是根据初始化传入的值判断的。
public function rsaDecrypt($data, $rsaPrivateKeyPem, $charset) {
$res = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" .
wordwrap($priKey, 64, "\n", true) .
"\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
}else {
$priKey = file_get_contents($this->rsaPrivateKeyFilePath);
$res = openssl_get_privatekey($priKey);
($res) or die('您使用的私钥格式错误请检查RSA私钥配置');
$decodes = explode(',', $data);
$strnull = "";
$dcyCont = "";
foreach ($decodes as $n => $decode) {
if (!openssl_private_decrypt($decode, $dcyCont, $res)) {
echo "<br/>" . openssl_error_string() . "<br/>";
$strnull .= $dcyCont;
return $strnull;
function splitCN($cont, $n = 0, $subnum, $charset) {
//$len = strlen($cont) / 3;
$arrr = array();
for ($i = $n; $i < strlen($cont); $i += $subnum) {
$res = $this->subCNchar($cont, $i, $subnum, $charset);
if (!empty ($res)) {
$arrr[] = $res;
return $arrr;
function subCNchar($str, $start = 0, $length, $charset = "gbk") {
if (strlen($str) <= $length) {
return $str;
$re['utf-8'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]{3}/";
$re['gb2312'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xb0-\xf7][\xa0-\xfe]/";
$re['gbk'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe][\x40-\xfe]/";
$re['big5'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe]([\x40-\x7e]|\xa1-\xfe])/";
preg_match_all($re[$charset], $str, $match);
$slice = join("", array_slice($match[0], $start, $length));
return $slice;
* 生成用于调用收银台SDK的字符串
* @param $request SDK接口的请求参数对象
* @param $appAuthToken 三方应用授权token
* @return string
public function sdkExecute($request, $appAuthToken = null) {
$params['app_id'] = $this->appId;
$params['method'] = $request->getApiMethodName();
$params['format'] = $this->format;
$params['sign_type'] = $this->signType;
$params['timestamp'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$params['alipay_sdk'] = $this->alipaySdkVersion;
$params['charset'] = $this->postCharset;
$version = $request->getApiVersion();
$params['version'] = $this->checkEmpty($version) ? $this->apiVersion : $version;
$params["app_cert_sn"] = $this->appCertSN;
$params["alipay_root_cert_sn"] = $this->alipayRootCertSN;
if ($notify_url = $request->getNotifyUrl()) {
$params['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
$params['app_auth_token'] = $appAuthToken;
$dict = $request->getApiParas();
$params['biz_content'] = $dict['biz_content'];
$params['sign'] = $this->generateSign($params, $this->signType);
foreach ($params as &$value) {
$value = $this->characet($value, $params['charset']);
return http_build_query($params);
* 页面提交执行方法
* @param $request 跳转类接口的request
* @param string $httpmethod 提交方式,两个值可选post、get;
* @param null $appAuthToken 三方应用授权token
* @return 构建好的、签名后的最终跳转URLGET或String形式的formPOST
* @throws Exception
public function pageExecute($request, $httpmethod = "POST", $appAuthToken = null) {
if (strcasecmp($this->fileCharset, $this->postCharset)) {
throw new Exception("文件编码:[" . $this->fileCharset . "] 与表单提交编码:[" . $this->postCharset . "]两者不一致!");
$sysParams["app_id"] = $this->appId;
$sysParams["version"] = $iv;
$sysParams["format"] = $this->format;
$sysParams["sign_type"] = $this->signType;
$sysParams["method"] = $request->getApiMethodName();
$sysParams["timestamp"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sysParams["alipay_sdk"] = $this->alipaySdkVersion;
$sysParams["terminal_type"] = $request->getTerminalType();
$sysParams["terminal_info"] = $request->getTerminalInfo();
$sysParams["prod_code"] = $request->getProdCode();
$sysParams["notify_url"] = $request->getNotifyUrl();
$sysParams["return_url"] = $request->getReturnUrl();
$sysParams["charset"] = $this->postCharset;
$sysParams["app_auth_token"] = $appAuthToken;
$sysParams["app_cert_sn"] = $this->appCertSN;
$sysParams["alipay_root_cert_sn"] = $this->alipayRootCertSN;
$apiParams = $request->getApiParas();
if (method_exists($request,"getNeedEncrypt") &&$request->getNeedEncrypt()){
$sysParams["encrypt_type"] = $this->encryptType;
if ($this->checkEmpty($apiParams['biz_content'])) {
throw new Exception(" api request Fail! The reason : encrypt request is not supperted!");
if ($this->checkEmpty($this->encryptKey) || $this->checkEmpty($this->encryptType)) {
throw new Exception(" encryptType and encryptKey must not null! ");
if ("AES" != $this->encryptType) {
throw new Exception("加密类型只支持AES");
// 执行加密
$enCryptContent = encrypt($apiParams['biz_content'], $this->encryptKey);
$apiParams['biz_content'] = $enCryptContent;
$totalParams = array_merge($apiParams, $sysParams);
$preSignStr = $this->getSignContent($totalParams);
$totalParams["sign"] = $this->generateSign($totalParams, $this->signType);
if ("GET" == strtoupper($httpmethod)) {
$requestUrl = $this->gatewayUrl."?".$preString;
return $requestUrl;
} else {
return $this->buildRequestForm($totalParams);
public function getSignContentUrlencode($params) {
$stringToBeSigned = "";
$i = 0;
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
if (false === $this->checkEmpty($v) && "@" != substr($v, 0, 1)) {
// 转换成目标字符集
$v = $this->characet($v, $this->postCharset);
if ($i == 0) {
$stringToBeSigned .= "$k" . "=" . urlencode($v);
} else {
$stringToBeSigned .= "&" . "$k" . "=" . urlencode($v);
unset ($k, $v);
return $stringToBeSigned;
* 建立请求以表单HTML形式构造默认
* @param $para_temp 请求参数数组
* @return 提交表单HTML文本
protected function buildRequestForm($para_temp) {
$sHtml = "<form id='alipaysubmit' name='alipaysubmit' action='".$this->gatewayUrl."?charset=".trim($this->postCharset)."' method='POST'>";
while (list ($key, $val) = $this->fun_adm_each($para_temp)) {
if (false === $this->checkEmpty($val)) {
//$val = $this->characet($val, $this->postCharset);
$val = str_replace("'","&apos;",$val);
//$val = str_replace("\"","&quot;",$val);
$sHtml.= "<input type='hidden' name='".$key."' value='".$val."'/>";
$sHtml = $sHtml."<input type='submit' value='ok' style='display:none;''></form>";
$sHtml = $sHtml."<script>document.forms['alipaysubmit'].submit();</script>";
return $sHtml;
protected function fun_adm_each(&$array)
$res = array();
$key = key($array);
if ($key !== null) {
$res[1] = $res['value'] = $array[$key];
$res[0] = $res['key'] = $key;
} else {
$res = false;
return $res;
public function execute($request, $authToken = null, $appInfoAuthtoken = null,$targetAppId = null) {
if (strcasecmp($this->fileCharset, $this->postCharset)) {
throw new Exception("文件编码:[" . $this->fileCharset . "] 与表单提交编码:[" . $this->postCharset . "]两者不一致!");
$iv = null;
if (!$this->checkEmpty($request->getApiVersion())) {
$iv = $request->getApiVersion();
} else {
$iv = $this->apiVersion;
$sysParams["app_id"] = $this->appId;
$sysParams["version"] = $iv;
$sysParams["format"] = $this->format;
$sysParams["sign_type"] = $this->signType;
$sysParams["method"] = $request->getApiMethodName();
$sysParams["timestamp"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sysParams["auth_token"] = $authToken;
$sysParams["alipay_sdk"] = $this->alipaySdkVersion;
$sysParams["terminal_type"] = $request->getTerminalType();
$sysParams["terminal_info"] = $request->getTerminalInfo();
$sysParams["prod_code"] = $request->getProdCode();
$sysParams["notify_url"] = $request->getNotifyUrl();
$sysParams["charset"] = $this->postCharset;
$sysParams["app_auth_token"] = $appInfoAuthtoken;
$sysParams["app_cert_sn"] = $this->appCertSN;
$sysParams["alipay_root_cert_sn"] = $this->alipayRootCertSN;
$sysParams["target_app_id"] = $targetAppId;
$sysParams["ws_service_url"] = $this->targetServiceUrl;
// pp($sysParams);
$apiParams = $request->getApiParas();
if (method_exists($request,"getNeedEncrypt") && $request->getNeedEncrypt()){
$sysParams["encrypt_type"] = $this->encryptType;
if ($this->checkEmpty($apiParams['biz_content'])) {
throw new Exception(" api request Fail! The reason : encrypt request is not supperted!");
if ($this->checkEmpty($this->encryptKey) || $this->checkEmpty($this->encryptType)) {
throw new Exception(" encryptType and encryptKey must not null! ");
if ("AES" != $this->encryptType) {
throw new Exception("加密类型只支持AES");
// 执行加密
$enCryptContent = encrypt($apiParams['biz_content'], $this->encryptKey);
$apiParams['biz_content'] = $enCryptContent;
$sysParams["sign"] = $this->generateSign(array_merge($apiParams, $sysParams), $this->signType);
$requestUrl = $this->gatewayUrl . "?";
foreach ($sysParams as $sysParamKey => $sysParamValue) {
$requestUrl .= "$sysParamKey=" . urlencode($this->characet($sysParamValue, $this->postCharset)) . "&";
$requestUrl = substr($requestUrl, 0, -1);
try {
$resp = $this->curl($requestUrl, $apiParams);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logCommunicationError($sysParams["method"], $requestUrl, "HTTP_ERROR_" . $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
return false;
$respWellFormed = false;
// 将返回结果转换本地文件编码
$r = iconv($this->postCharset, $this->fileCharset . "//IGNORE", $resp);
$signData = null;
if ("json" == $this->format) {
$respObject = json_decode($r);
if (null !== $respObject) {
$respWellFormed = true;
$signData = $this->parserJSONSignData($request, $resp, $respObject);
} else if ("xml" == $this->format) {
$disableLibxmlEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$respObject = @ simplexml_load_string($resp);
if (false !== $respObject) {
$respWellFormed = true;
$signData = $this->parserXMLSignData($request, $resp);
if (false === $respWellFormed) {
$this->logCommunicationError($sysParams["method"], $requestUrl, "HTTP_RESPONSE_NOT_WELL_FORMED", $resp);
return false;
// 验签
$this->checkResponseSign($request, $signData, $resp, $respObject);
// 解密
if (method_exists($request,"getNeedEncrypt") &&$request->getNeedEncrypt()){
if ("json" == $this->format) {
$resp = $this->encryptJSONSignSource($request, $resp);
// 将返回结果转换本地文件编码
$r = iconv($this->postCharset, $this->fileCharset . "//IGNORE", $resp);
$respObject = json_decode($r);
$resp = $this->encryptXMLSignSource($request, $resp);
$r = iconv($this->postCharset, $this->fileCharset . "//IGNORE", $resp);
$disableLibxmlEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$respObject = @ simplexml_load_string($r);
return $respObject;
* 设置编码格式
* @param $request
private function setupCharsets($request) {
if ($this->checkEmpty($this->postCharset)) {
$this->postCharset = 'UTF-8';
$str = preg_match('/[\x80-\xff]/', $this->appId) ? $this->appId : print_r($request, true);
$this->fileCharset = mb_detect_encoding($str, "UTF-8, GBK") == 'UTF-8' ? 'UTF-8' : 'GBK';
* 校验$value是否非空
* if not set ,return true;
* if is null , return true;
protected function checkEmpty($value) {
if (!isset($value))
return true;
if ($value === null)
return true;
if (trim($value) === "")
return true;
return false;
* 加签
* @param $params
* @param string $signType
* @return mixed
public function generateSign($params, $signType = "RSA") {
return $this->sign($this->getSignContent($params), $signType);
public function rsaSign($params, $signType = "RSA") {
return $this->sign($this->getSignContent($params), $signType);
protected function sign($data, $signType = "RSA") {
$res = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" .
wordwrap($priKey, 64, "\n", true) .
"\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
}else {
$priKey = file_get_contents($this->rsaPrivateKeyFilePath);
$res = openssl_get_privatekey($priKey);
($res) or die('您使用的私钥格式错误请检查RSA私钥配置');
if ("RSA2" == $signType) {
openssl_sign($data, $sign, $res, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256);
} else {
openssl_sign($data, $sign, $res);
$sign = base64_encode($sign);
return $sign;
public function getSignContent($params) {
$stringToBeSigned = "";
$i = 0;
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
if (false === $this->checkEmpty($v) && "@" != substr($v, 0, 1)) {
// 转换成目标字符集
$v = $this->characet($v, $this->postCharset);
if ($i == 0) {
$stringToBeSigned .= "$k" . "=" . "$v";
} else {
$stringToBeSigned .= "&" . "$k" . "=" . "$v";
unset ($k, $v);
return $stringToBeSigned;
* RSA单独签名方法未做字符串处理,字符串处理见getSignContent()
* @param $data 待签名字符串
* @param $privatekey 商户私钥根据keyfromfile来判断是读取字符串还是读取文件false:填写私钥字符串去回车和空格 true:填写私钥文件路径
* @param $signType 签名方式RSA:SHA1 RSA2:SHA256
* @param $keyfromfile 私钥获取方式,读取字符串还是读文件
* @return string
public function alonersaSign($data,$privatekey,$signType = "RSA",$keyfromfile=false) {
$res = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" .
wordwrap($priKey, 64, "\n", true) .
"\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
$priKey = file_get_contents($privatekey);
$res = openssl_get_privatekey($priKey);
($res) or die('您使用的私钥格式错误请检查RSA私钥配置');
if ("RSA2" == $signType) {
openssl_sign($data, $sign, $res, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256);
} else {
openssl_sign($data, $sign, $res);
$sign = base64_encode($sign);
return $sign;
* 转换字符集编码
* @param $data
* @param $targetCharset
* @return string
function characet($data, $targetCharset) {
if (!empty($data)) {
$fileType = $this->fileCharset;
if (strcasecmp($fileType, $targetCharset) != 0) {
$data = mb_convert_encoding($data, $targetCharset, $fileType);
return $data;
* 发送curl请求
* @param $url
* @param null $postFields
* @return bool|string
* @throws Exception
protected function curl($url, $postFields = null) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
$postBodyString = "";
$encodeArray = Array();
$postMultipart = false;
if (is_array($postFields) && 0 < count($postFields)) {
foreach ($postFields as $k => $v) {
if ("@" != substr($v, 0, 1)) //判断是不是文件上传
$postBodyString .= "$k=" . urlencode($this->characet($v, $this->postCharset)) . "&";
$encodeArray[$k] = $this->characet($v, $this->postCharset);
} else //文件上传用multipart/form-data否则用www-form-urlencoded
$postMultipart = true;
$encodeArray[$k] = new \CURLFile(substr($v, 1));
unset ($k, $v);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
if ($postMultipart) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $encodeArray);
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, substr($postBodyString, 0, -1));
if (!$postMultipart) {
$headers = array('content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=' . $this->postCharset);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
$reponse = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), 0);
} else {
$httpStatusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if (200 !== $httpStatusCode) {
throw new Exception($reponse, $httpStatusCode);
return $reponse;
protected function getMillisecond() {
list($s1, $s2) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float)sprintf('%.0f', (floatval($s1) + floatval($s2)) * 1000);
* 打印日志信息
* @param $apiName
* @param $requestUrl
* @param $errorCode
* @param $responseTxt
protected function logCommunicationError($apiName, $requestUrl, $errorCode, $responseTxt) {
$logData = array(
date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
str_replace("\n", "", $responseTxt)
echo json_encode($logData);
* Json格式签名内容
* @param $request
* @param $responseContent
* @param $responseJSON
* @return SignData
function parserJSONSignData($request, $responseContent, $responseJSON) {
$signData = new SignData();
$signData->sign = $this->parserJSONSign($responseJSON);
$signData->signSourceData = $this->parserJSONSignSource($request, $responseContent);
return $signData;
function parserJSONSign($responseJSon) {
return $responseJSon->sign;
function parserJSONSignSource($request, $responseContent) {
$apiName = $request->getApiMethodName();
$rootNodeName = str_replace(".", "_", $apiName) . $this->RESPONSE_SUFFIX;
$rootIndex = strpos($responseContent, $rootNodeName);
$errorIndex = strpos($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE);
if ($rootIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserJSONSource($responseContent, $rootNodeName, $rootIndex);
} else if ($errorIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserJSONSource($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE, $errorIndex);
} else {
return null;
function parserJSONSource($responseContent, $nodeName, $nodeIndex) {
$signDataStartIndex = $nodeIndex + strlen($nodeName) + 2;
if(strrpos($responseContent, $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN)){
$signIndex = strrpos($responseContent, "\"" . $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN . "\"");
$signIndex = strrpos($responseContent, "\"" . $this->SIGN_NODE_NAME . "\"");
// 签名前-逗号
$signDataEndIndex = $signIndex - 1;
$indexLen = $signDataEndIndex - $signDataStartIndex;
if ($indexLen < 0) {
return null;
return substr($responseContent, $signDataStartIndex, $indexLen);
* XML格式签名内容
* @param $request
* @param $responseContent
* @return SignData
function parserXMLSignData($request, $responseContent) {
$signData = new SignData();
$signData->sign = $this->parserXMLSign($responseContent);
$signData->signSourceData = $this->parserXMLSignSource($request, $responseContent);
return $signData;
function parserXMLSign($responseContent) {
if(strrpos($responseContent, $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN)){
$signNodeName = "<" . $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN . ">";
$signEndNodeName = "</" . $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN . ">";
$signNodeName = "<" . $this->SIGN_NODE_NAME . ">";
$signEndNodeName = "</" . $this->SIGN_NODE_NAME . ">";
$indexOfSignNode = strpos($responseContent, $signNodeName);
$indexOfSignEndNode = strpos($responseContent, $signEndNodeName);
if ($indexOfSignNode < 0 || $indexOfSignEndNode < 0) {
return null;
$nodeIndex = ($indexOfSignNode + strlen($signNodeName));
$indexLen = $indexOfSignEndNode - $nodeIndex;
if ($indexLen < 0) {
return null;
// 签名
return substr($responseContent, $nodeIndex, $indexLen);
function parserXMLSignSource($request, $responseContent) {
$apiName = $request->getApiMethodName();
$rootNodeName = str_replace(".", "_", $apiName) . $this->RESPONSE_SUFFIX;
$rootIndex = strpos($responseContent, $rootNodeName);
$errorIndex = strpos($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE);
if ($rootIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserXMLSource($responseContent, $rootNodeName, $rootIndex);
} else if ($errorIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserXMLSource($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE, $errorIndex);
} else {
return null;
function parserXMLSource($responseContent, $nodeName, $nodeIndex) {
$signDataStartIndex = $nodeIndex + strlen($nodeName) + 1;
if(strrpos($responseContent, $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN)){
$signIndex = strrpos($responseContent, "<" . $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN . ">");
$signIndex = strrpos($responseContent, "<" . $this->SIGN_NODE_NAME . ">");
// 签名前-逗号
$signDataEndIndex = $signIndex - 1;
$indexLen = $signDataEndIndex - $signDataStartIndex + 1;
if ($indexLen < 0) {
return null;
return substr($responseContent, $signDataStartIndex, $indexLen);
* 验签
* @param $request
* @param $signData
* @param $resp
* @param $respObject
* @throws Exception
public function checkResponseSign($request, $signData, $resp, $respObject) {
if (!$this->checkEmpty($this->alipayPublicKey) || !$this->checkEmpty($this->alipayrsaPublicKey)) {
if ($signData == null || $this->checkEmpty($signData->sign) || $this->checkEmpty($signData->signSourceData)) {
throw new Exception(" check sign Fail! The reason : signData is Empty");
// 获取结果sub_code
$responseSubCode = $this->parserResponseSubCode($request, $resp, $respObject, $this->format);
if (!$this->checkEmpty($responseSubCode) || ($this->checkEmpty($responseSubCode) && !$this->checkEmpty($signData->sign))) {
$checkResult = $this->verify($signData->signSourceData, $signData->sign, $this->alipayPublicKey, $this->signType);
if (!$checkResult) {
if(!$respObject->alipay_cert_sn && ($request->getApiMethodName()=="")){
throw new Exception(" check sign Fail! The reason : alipay_cert_sn is Empty");
$sysParams["app_id"] = $this->appId;
$sysParams["format"] = $this->format;
$sysParams["sign_type"] = $this->signType;
$sysParams["method"] = "";
$sysParams["timestamp"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sysParams["alipay_sdk"] = $this->alipaySdkVersion;
$sysParams["terminal_type"] = $request->getTerminalType();
$sysParams["terminal_info"] = $request->getTerminalInfo();
$sysParams["prod_code"] = $request->getProdCode();
$sysParams["notify_url"] = $request->getNotifyUrl();
$sysParams["charset"] = $this->postCharset;
$sysParams["app_cert_sn"] = $this->appCertSN;
$sysParams["alipay_root_cert_sn"] = $this->alipayRootCertSN;
$apiParas = array();
$apiParas["biz_content"] = "{\"alipay_cert_sn\":\"".$respObject->alipay_cert_sn."\"}";
$apiParams = $apiParas;
$sysParams["sign"] = $this->generateSign(array_merge($apiParams, $sysParams), $this->signType);
$requestUrl = $this->gatewayUrl . "?";
foreach ($sysParams as $sysParamKey => $sysParamValue) {
$requestUrl .= "$sysParamKey=" . urlencode($this->characet($sysParamValue, $this->postCharset)) . "&";
$requestUrl = substr($requestUrl, 0, -1);
try {
$resp = $this->curl($requestUrl, $apiParams);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logCommunicationError($sysParams["method"], $requestUrl, "HTTP_ERROR_" . $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
return false;
// 将返回结果转换本地文件编码
$r = iconv($this->postCharset, $this->fileCharset . "//IGNORE", $resp);
$respObject = json_decode($r);
$resultCode = $respObject->alipay_open_app_alipaycert_download_response->code;
$certContent = $respObject->alipay_open_app_alipaycert_download_response->alipay_cert_content;
if (!empty($resultCode) && $resultCode == 10000 && !empty($certContent)) {
$cert = base64_decode($certContent);
$certCheck = true;
if(!empty($this->alipayRootCertContent) && $this->isCheckAlipayPublicCert){
$certCheck = isTrusted($cert,$this->alipayRootCertContent);
$pkey = openssl_pkey_get_public($cert);
$keyData = openssl_pkey_get_details($pkey);
$public_key = str_replace('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----', '', $keyData['key']);
$public_key = trim(str_replace('-----END PUBLIC KEY-----', '', $public_key));
$this->alipayrsaPublicKey = $public_key;
$checkResult = $this->verify($signData->signSourceData, $signData->sign, $this->alipayrsaPublicKey, $this->signType);
throw new Exception("check sign Fail! [sign=" . $signData->sign . ", signSourceData=" . $signData->signSourceData . "]");
if (strpos($signData->signSourceData, "\\/") > 0) {
$signData->signSourceData = str_replace("\\/", "/", $signData->signSourceData);
$checkResult = $this->verify($signData->signSourceData, $signData->sign, $this->alipayPublicKey, $this->signType);
if (!$checkResult) {
throw new Exception("check sign Fail! [sign=" . $signData->sign . ", signSourceData=" . $signData->signSourceData . "]");
} else {
throw new Exception("check sign Fail! [sign=" . $signData->sign . ", signSourceData=" . $signData->signSourceData . "]");
function parserResponseSubCode($request, $responseContent, $respObject, $format) {
if ("json" == $format) {
$apiName = $request->getApiMethodName();
$rootNodeName = str_replace(".", "_", $apiName) . $this->RESPONSE_SUFFIX;
$errorNodeName = $this->ERROR_RESPONSE;
$rootIndex = strpos($responseContent, $rootNodeName);
$errorIndex = strpos($responseContent, $errorNodeName);
if ($rootIndex > 0) {
// 内部节点对象
$rInnerObject = $respObject->$rootNodeName;
} elseif ($errorIndex > 0) {
$rInnerObject = $respObject->$errorNodeName;
} else {
return null;
// 存在属性则返回对应值
if (isset($rInnerObject->sub_code)) {
return $rInnerObject->sub_code;
} else {
return null;
} elseif ("xml" == $format) {
// xml格式sub_code在同一层级
return $respObject->sub_code;
function verify($data, $sign, $rsaPublicKeyFilePath, $signType = 'RSA') {
$pubKey= $this->alipayrsaPublicKey;
$res = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" .
wordwrap($pubKey, 64, "\n", true) .
"\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
}else {
$pubKey = file_get_contents($rsaPublicKeyFilePath);
$res = openssl_get_publickey($pubKey);
($res) or die('支付宝RSA公钥错误。请检查公钥文件格式是否正确');
$result = FALSE;
if ("RSA2" == $signType) {
$result = (openssl_verify($data, base64_decode($sign), $res, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256)===1);
} else {
$result = (openssl_verify($data, base64_decode($sign), $res)===1);
if(!$this->checkEmpty($this->alipayPublicKey)) {
return $result;
// 获取加密内容
private function encryptJSONSignSource($request, $responseContent) {
$parsetItem = $this->parserEncryptJSONSignSource($request, $responseContent);
$bodyIndexContent = substr($responseContent, 0, $parsetItem->startIndex);
$bodyEndContent = substr($responseContent, $parsetItem->endIndex, strlen($responseContent) + 1 - $parsetItem->endIndex);
$bizContent = decrypt($parsetItem->encryptContent, $this->encryptKey);
return $bodyIndexContent . $bizContent . $bodyEndContent;
private function parserEncryptJSONSignSource($request, $responseContent) {
$apiName = $request->getApiMethodName();
$rootNodeName = str_replace(".", "_", $apiName) . $this->RESPONSE_SUFFIX;
$rootIndex = strpos($responseContent, $rootNodeName);
$errorIndex = strpos($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE);
if ($rootIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserEncryptJSONItem($responseContent, $rootNodeName, $rootIndex);
} else if ($errorIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserEncryptJSONItem($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE, $errorIndex);
} else {
return null;
private function parserEncryptJSONItem($responseContent, $nodeName, $nodeIndex) {
$signDataStartIndex = $nodeIndex + strlen($nodeName) + 2;
if(strrpos($responseContent, $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN)){
$signIndex = strpos($responseContent, "\"" . $this->ALIPAY_CERT_SN . "\"");
$signIndex = strpos($responseContent, "\"" . $this->SIGN_NODE_NAME . "\"");
// 签名前-逗号
$signDataEndIndex = $signIndex - 1;
if ($signDataEndIndex < 0) {
$signDataEndIndex = strlen($responseContent)-1 ;
$indexLen = $signDataEndIndex - $signDataStartIndex;
$encContent = substr($responseContent, $signDataStartIndex+1, $indexLen-2);
$encryptParseItem = new EncryptParseItem();
$encryptParseItem->encryptContent = $encContent;
$encryptParseItem->startIndex = $signDataStartIndex;
$encryptParseItem->endIndex = $signDataEndIndex;
return $encryptParseItem;
// 获取加密内容
private function encryptXMLSignSource($request, $responseContent) {
$parsetItem = $this->parserEncryptXMLSignSource($request, $responseContent);
$bodyIndexContent = substr($responseContent, 0, $parsetItem->startIndex);
$bodyEndContent = substr($responseContent, $parsetItem->endIndex, strlen($responseContent) + 1 - $parsetItem->endIndex);
$bizContent = decrypt($parsetItem->encryptContent, $this->encryptKey);
return $bodyIndexContent . $bizContent . $bodyEndContent;
private function parserEncryptXMLSignSource($request, $responseContent) {
$apiName = $request->getApiMethodName();
$rootNodeName = str_replace(".", "_", $apiName) . $this->RESPONSE_SUFFIX;
$rootIndex = strpos($responseContent, $rootNodeName);
$errorIndex = strpos($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE);
if ($rootIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserEncryptXMLItem($responseContent, $rootNodeName, $rootIndex);
} else if ($errorIndex > 0) {
return $this->parserEncryptXMLItem($responseContent, $this->ERROR_RESPONSE, $errorIndex);
} else {
return null;
private function parserEncryptXMLItem($responseContent, $nodeName, $nodeIndex) {
$signDataStartIndex = $nodeIndex + strlen($nodeName) + 1;
$item = new EncryptParseItem();
$item->encryptContent = null;
$item->startIndex = 0;
$item->endIndex = 0;
return $item;
$encryptParseItem = new EncryptParseItem();
$encryptParseItem->encryptContent = $bizContent;
$encryptParseItem->startIndex = $signDataStartIndex;
$encryptParseItem->endIndex = $indexOfXmlNode+strlen($xmlEndNode);
return $encryptParseItem;
function echoDebug($content) {
if ($this->debugInfo) {
echo "<br/>" . $content;