You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1496 lines
43 KiB

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | OneThink [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2013 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 麦当苗儿 <> <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// OneThink常量定义
const ONETHINK_VERSION = '3.0版本';
const ONETHINK_ADDON_PATH = './Addons/';
* 系统公共库文件
* 主要定义系统公共函数库
* 检测用户是否登录
* @return integer 0-未登录大于0-当前登录用户ID
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function is_login()
// 判断是否过期 过期时间一个小时
$expire = 3600;
$user = session('user_auth');
if (empty($user)) {
return 0;
} else {
if (time() - intval(session('user_auth_expire')) > $expire) { // 过期正则直接去除掉session 并且返回false
session('user_auth', null);
session('user_auth_sign', null);
session('user_group_id', null);
return 0;
} else {
$expiredTime = time() + $expire;
session('user_auth_expire', $expiredTime);
return session('user_auth_sign') == data_auth_sign($user) ? $user['uid'] : 0;
* 检测当前用户是否为管理员
* @return boolean true-管理员false-非管理员
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function is_administrator($uid = null)
$uid = is_null($uid) ? is_login() : $uid;
return $uid && (session('user_group_id') == 1)||(intval($uid) === C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR'));
// (intval($uid) === C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR'));
* 字符串转换为数组,主要用于把分隔符调整到第二个参数
* @param string $str 要分割的字符串
* @param string $glue 分割符
* @return array
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function str2arr($str, $glue = ',')
return explode($glue, $str);
* 数组转换为字符串,主要用于把分隔符调整到第二个参数
* @param array $arr 要连接的数组
* @param string $glue 分割符
* @return string
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function arr2str($arr = [], $glue = ',')
return implode($glue, $arr);
* 字符串截取,支持中文和其他编码
* @static
* @access public
* @param string $str 需要转换的字符串
* @param string $start 开始位置
* @param string $length 截取长度
* @param string $charset 编码格式
* @param string $suffix 截断显示字符
* @return string
function msubstr($str, $start = 0, $length, $charset = "utf-8", $suffix = true)
if (function_exists("mb_substr"))
$slice = mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset);
elseif (function_exists('iconv_substr')) {
$slice = iconv_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset);
if (false === $slice) {
$slice = '';
} else {
$re['utf-8'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]{3}/";
$re['gb2312'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xb0-\xf7][\xa0-\xfe]/";
$re['gbk'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe][\x40-\xfe]/";
$re['big5'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe]([\x40-\x7e]|\xa1-\xfe])/";
preg_match_all($re[$charset], $str, $match);
$slice = join("", array_slice($match[0], $start, $length));
return $suffix ? $slice . '...' : $slice;
//如果字符长度没有超过限制 则不加上。。。
function msubstr2($str, $start = 0, $length, $charset = "utf-8", $suffix = true)
$slice = mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset);
if (mb_strlen($str, $charset) > $length) {
return $suffix ? $slice . '...' : $slice;
} else {
return $slice;
//如果字符长度没有超过限制 则不加上。。。
function msubstr3($str, $start = 0, $length, $charset = "utf-8", $suffix = true)
$slice = mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset);
if (mb_strlen($str) > $length) {
return $suffix ? $slice . '...' : $slice;
} else {
return $slice;
* 系统加密方法
* @param string $data 要加密的字符串
* @param string $key 加密密钥
* @param int $expire 过期时间 单位 秒
* @return string
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function think_encrypt($data, $key = '', $expire = 0)
$key = md5(empty($key) ? C('DATA_AUTH_KEY') : $key);
$data = base64_encode($data);
$x = 0;
$len = strlen($data);
$l = strlen($key);
$char = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if ($x == $l) $x = 0;
$char .= substr($key, $x, 1);
$str = sprintf('%010d', $expire ? $expire + time() : 0);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$str .= chr(ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) + (ord(substr($char, $i, 1))) % 256);
return str_replace(array('+', '/', '='), array('-', '_', ''), base64_encode($str));
* 系统解密方法
* @param string $data 要解密的字符串 必须是think_encrypt方法加密的字符串
* @param string $key 加密密钥
* @return string
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function think_decrypt($data, $key = '')
$key = md5(empty($key) ? C('DATA_AUTH_KEY') : $key);
$data = str_replace(array('-', '_'), array('+', '/'), $data);
$mod4 = strlen($data) % 4;
if ($mod4) {
$data .= substr('====', $mod4);
$data = base64_decode($data);
$expire = substr($data, 0, 10);
$data = substr($data, 10);
if ($expire > 0 && $expire < time()) {
return '';
$x = 0;
$len = strlen($data);
$l = strlen($key);
$char = $str = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if ($x == $l) $x = 0;
$char .= substr($key, $x, 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if (ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) < ord(substr($char, $i, 1))) {
$str .= chr((ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) + 256) - ord(substr($char, $i, 1)));
} else {
$str .= chr(ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) - ord(substr($char, $i, 1)));
return base64_decode($str);
* 数据签名认证
* @param array $data 被认证的数据
* @return string 签名
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function data_auth_sign($data)
if (!is_array($data)) {
$data = (array)$data;
ksort($data); //排序
$code = http_build_query($data); //url编码并生成query字符串
$sign = sha1($code); //生成签名
return $sign;
* 对查询结果集进行排序
* @access public
* @param array $list 查询结果
* @param string $field 排序的字段名
* @param array $sortby 排序类型
* asc正向排序 desc逆向排序 nat自然排序
* @return array
function list_sort_by($list, $field, $sortby = 'asc')
if (is_array($list)) {
$refer = $resultSet = array();
foreach ($list as $i => $data)
$refer[$i] = &$data[$field];
switch ($sortby) {
case 'asc': // 正向排序
case 'desc':// 逆向排序
case 'nat': // 自然排序
foreach ($refer as $key => $val)
$resultSet[] = &$list[$key];
return $resultSet;
return false;
* 把返回的数据集转换成Tree
* @param array $list 要转换的数据集
* @param string $pid parent标记字段
* @param string $level level标记字段
* @return array
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function list_to_tree($list, $pk = 'id', $pid = 'pid', $child = '_child', $root = 0)
// 创建Tree
$tree = array();
if (is_array($list)) {
// 创建基于主键的数组引用
$refer = array();
foreach ($list as $key => $data) {
$refer[$data[$pk]] =& $list[$key];
foreach ($list as $key => $data) {
// 判断是否存在parent
$parentId = $data[$pid];
if ($root == $parentId) {
$tree[] =& $list[$key];
} else {
if (isset($refer[$parentId])) {
$parent =& $refer[$parentId];
$parent[$child][] =& $list[$key];
return $tree;
* 将list_to_tree的树还原成列表
* @param array $tree 原来的树
* @param string $child 孩子节点的键
* @param string $order 排序显示的键,一般是主键 升序排列
* @param array $list 过渡用的中间数组,
* @return array 返回排过序的列表数组
* @author yangweijie <>
function tree_to_list($tree, $child = '_child', $order = 'id', &$list = array())
if (is_array($tree)) {
foreach ($tree as $key => $value) {
$reffer = $value;
if (isset($reffer[$child])) {
tree_to_list($value[$child], $child, $order, $list);
$list[] = $reffer;
$list = list_sort_by($list, $order, $sortby = 'asc');
return $list;
* 格式化字节大小
* @param number $size 字节数
* @param string $delimiter 数字和单位分隔符
* @return string 格式化后的带单位的大小
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function format_bytes($size, $delimiter = '')
$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB');
for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 5; $i++) $size /= 1024;
return round($size, 2) . $delimiter . $units[$i];
* 设置跳转页面URL
* 使用函数再次封装方便以后选择不同的存储方式目前使用cookie存储
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function set_redirect_url($url)
cookie('redirect_url', $url);
* 获取跳转页面URL
* @return string 跳转页URL
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function get_redirect_url()
$url = cookie('redirect_url');
return empty($url) ? __APP__ : $url;
* 处理插件钩子
* @param string $hook 钩子名称
* @param mixed $params 传入参数
* @return void
function hook($hook, $params = array())
\Think\Hook::listen($hook, $params);
* 获取插件类的类名
* @param strng $name 插件名
function get_addon_class($name)
$class = "Addons\\{$name}\\{$name}Addon";
return $class;
* 获取插件类的配置文件数组
* @param string $name 插件名
function get_addon_config($name)
$class = get_addon_class($name);
if (class_exists($class)) {
$addon = new $class();
return $addon->getConfig();
} else {
return array();
* 插件显示内容里生成访问插件的url
* @param string $url url
* @param array $param 参数
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function addons_url($url, $param = array())
$url = parse_url($url);
$addons = $case ? parse_name($url['scheme']) : $url['scheme'];
$controller = $case ? parse_name($url['host']) : $url['host'];
$action = trim($case ? strtolower($url['path']) : $url['path'], '/');
/* 解析URL带的参数 */
if (isset($url['query'])) {
parse_str($url['query'], $query);
$param = array_merge($query, $param);
/* 基础参数 */
$params = array(
'_addons' => $addons,
'_controller' => $controller,
'_action' => $action,
$params = array_merge($params, $param); //添加额外参数
return U('Addons/execute', $params);
* 时间戳格式化
* @param int $time
* @return string 完整的时间显示
* @author huajie <>
function time_format($time = NULL, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i')
$time = $time === NULL ? NOW_TIME : intval($time);
return date($format, $time);
* 时间戳格式化
* @param int $time
* @return string 完整的时间显示
* @author huajie <>
function time_format0($time = NULL, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i')
$time = $time === NULL ? NOW_TIME : intval($time);
if ($time) {
return date($format, $time);
} else {
return "暂无登录";
* 根据用户ID获取用户名
* @param integer $uid 用户ID
* @return string 用户名
function get_username($uid = 0)
static $list;
if (!($uid && is_numeric($uid))) { //获取当前登录用户名
return session('user_auth.username');
/* 获取缓存数据 */
if (empty($list)) {
$list = S('sys_active_user_list');
/* 查找用户信息 */
$key = "u{$uid}";
if (isset($list[$key])) { //已缓存,直接使用
$name = $list[$key];
} else { //调用接口获取用户信息
$User = new User\Api\UserApi();
$info = $User->info($uid);
if ($info && isset($info[1])) {
$name = $list[$key] = $info[1];
/* 缓存用户 */
$count = count($list);
$max = C('USER_MAX_CACHE');
while ($count-- > $max) {
S('sys_active_user_list', $list);
} else {
$name = '';
return $name;
* 根据用户ID获取用户昵称
* @param integer $uid 用户ID
* @return string 用户昵称
function get_nickname($uid = 0)
static $list;
if (!($uid && is_numeric($uid))) { //获取当前登录用户名
return session('user_auth.username');
/* 获取缓存数据 */
if (empty($list)) {
$list = S('sys_user_nickname_list');
/* 查找用户信息 */
$key = "u{$uid}";
if (isset($list[$key])) { //已缓存,直接使用
$name = $list[$key];
} else { //调用接口获取用户信息
$info = M('Member')->field('nickname')->find($uid);
if ($info !== false && $info['nickname']) {
$nickname = $info['nickname'];
$name = $list[$key] = $nickname;
/* 缓存用户 */
$count = count($list);
$max = C('USER_MAX_CACHE');
while ($count-- > $max) {
S('sys_user_nickname_list', $list);
} else {
$name = '';
return $name;
* 获取分类信息并缓存分类
* @param integer $id 分类ID
* @param string $field 要获取的字段名
* @return string 分类信息
function get_category($id, $field = null)
static $list;
/* 非法分类ID */
if (empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)) {
return '';
/* 读取缓存数据 */
if (empty($list)) {
$list = S('sys_category_list');
/* 获取分类名称 */
if (!isset($list[$id])) {
$cate = M('Category')->find($id);
if (!$cate || 1 != $cate['status']) { //不存在分类,或分类被禁用
return '';
$list[$id] = $cate;
S('sys_category_list', $list); //更新缓存
return is_null($field) ? $list[$id] : $list[$id][$field];
/* 根据ID获取分类标识 */
function get_category_name($id)
return get_category($id, 'name');
/* 根据ID获取分类名称 */
function get_category_title($id)
return get_category($id, 'title');
* 获取顶级模型信息
function get_top_model($model_id = null)
$map = array('status' => 1, 'extend' => 0);
if (!is_null($model_id)) {
$map['id'] = array('neq', $model_id);
$model = M('Model')->where($map)->field(true)->select();
foreach ($model as $value) {
$list[$value['id']] = $value;
return $list;
* 获取文档模型信息
* @param integer $id 模型ID
* @param string $field 模型字段
* @return array
function get_document_model($id = null, $field = null)
static $list;
/* 非法分类ID */
if (!(is_numeric($id) || is_null($id))) {
return '';
/* 读取缓存数据 */
if (empty($list)) {
/* 获取模型名称 */
if (empty($list)) {
$map = array('status' => 1, 'extend' => 1);
$model = M('Model')->where($map)->field(true)->select();
foreach ($model as $value) {
$list[$value['id']] = $value;
S('DOCUMENT_MODEL_LIST', $list); //更新缓存
/* 根据条件返回数据 */
if (is_null($id)) {
return $list;
} elseif (is_null($field)) {
return $list[$id];
} else {
return $list[$id][$field];
* 解析UBB数据
* @param string $data UBB字符串
* @return string 解析为HTML的数据
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function ubb($data)
//TODO: 待完善,目前返回原始数据
return $data;
* 记录行为日志,并执行该行为的规则
* @param string $action 行为标识
* @param string $model 触发行为的模型名
* @param int $record_id 触发行为的记录id
* @param int $user_id 执行行为的用户id
* @return boolean
* @author huajie <>
function action_log($action = null, $model = null, $record_id = null, $user_id = null)
if (empty($action) || empty($model) || empty($record_id)) {
return '参数不能为空';
if (empty($user_id)) {
$user_id = is_login();
$action_info = M('Action')->getByName($action);
if ($action_info['status'] != 1) {
return '该行为被禁用或删除';
$data['action_id'] = $action_info['id'];
$data['user_id'] = $user_id;
$data['action_ip'] = ip2long(get_client_ip());
$data['model'] = $model;
$data['record_id'] = $record_id;
$data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME;
if (!empty($action_info['log'])) {
if (preg_match_all('/\[(\S+?)\]/', $action_info['log'], $match)) {
$log['user'] = $user_id;
$log['record'] = $record_id;
$log['model'] = $model;
$log['time'] = NOW_TIME;
$log['data'] = array('user' => $user_id, 'model' => $model, 'record' => $record_id, 'time' => NOW_TIME);
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$param = explode('|', $value);
if (isset($param[1])) {
$replace[] = call_user_func($param[1], $log[$param[0]]);
} else {
$replace[] = $log[$param[0]];
$data['remark'] = str_replace($match[0], $replace, $action_info['log']);
} else {
$data['remark'] = $action_info['log'];
} else {
$data['remark'] = '操作url' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (!empty($action_info['rule'])) {
$rules = parse_action($action, $user_id);
$res = execute_action($rules, $action_info['id'], $user_id);
* 解析行为规则
* 规则定义 table:$table|field:$field|condition:$condition|rule:$rule[|cycle:$cycle|max:$max][;......]
* 规则字段解释table->要操作的数据表,不需要加表前缀;
* field->要操作的字段;
* condition->操作的条件,目前支持字符串,默认变量{$self}为执行行为的用户
* rule->对字段进行的具体操作目前支持四则混合运算1+score*2/2-3
* cycle->执行周期,单位(小时),表示$cycle小时内最多执行$max次
* max->单个周期内的最大执行次数($cycle和$max必须同时定义否则无效
* 单个行为后可加 连接其他规则
* @param string $action 行为id或者name
* @param int $self 替换规则里的变量为执行用户的id
* @return boolean|array: false解析出错 成功返回规则数组
* @author huajie <>
function parse_action($action = null, $self)
if (empty($action)) {
return false;
if (is_numeric($action)) {
$map = array('id' => $action);
} else {
$map = array('name' => $action);
$info = M('Action')->where($map)->find();
if (!$info || $info['status'] != 1) {
return false;
$rules = $info['rule'];
$rules = str_replace('{$self}', $self, $rules);
$rules = explode(';', $rules);
$return = array();
foreach ($rules as $key => &$rule) {
$rule = explode('|', $rule);
foreach ($rule as $k => $fields) {
$field = empty($fields) ? array() : explode(':', $fields);
if (!empty($field)) {
$return[$key][$field[0]] = $field[1];
if (!array_key_exists('cycle', $return[$key]) || !array_key_exists('max', $return[$key])) {
unset($return[$key]['cycle'], $return[$key]['max']);
return $return;
* 执行行为
* @param array $rules 解析后的规则数组
* @param int $action_id 行为id
* @param array $user_id 执行的用户id
* @return boolean false 失败 true 成功
* @author huajie <>
function execute_action($rules = false, $action_id = null, $user_id = null)
if (!$rules || empty($action_id) || empty($user_id)) {
return false;
$return = true;
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$map = array('action_id' => $action_id, 'user_id' => $user_id);
$map['create_time'] = array('gt', NOW_TIME - intval($rule['cycle']) * 3600);
$exec_count = M('ActionLog')->where($map)->count();
if ($exec_count > $rule['max']) {
$Model = M(ucfirst($rule['table']));
$field = $rule['field'];
$res = $Model->where($rule['condition'])->setField($field, array('exp', $rule['rule']));
if (!$res) {
$return = false;
return $return;
function create_dir_or_files($files)
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
if (substr($value, -1) == '/') {
} else {
@file_put_contents($value, '');
if (!function_exists('array_column')) {
function array_column(array $input, $columnKey, $indexKey = null)
$result = array();
if (null === $indexKey) {
if (null === $columnKey) {
$result = array_values($input);
} else {
foreach ($input as $row) {
$result[] = $row[$columnKey];
} else {
if (null === $columnKey) {
foreach ($input as $row) {
$result[$row[$indexKey]] = $row;
} else {
foreach ($input as $row) {
$result[$row[$indexKey]] = $row[$columnKey];
return $result;
* 获取表名(不含表前缀)
* @param string $model_id
* @return string 表名
* @author huajie <>
function get_table_name($model_id = null)
if (empty($model_id)) {
return false;
$Model = M('Model');
$name = '';
$info = $Model->getById($model_id);
if ($info['extend'] != 0) {
$name = $Model->getFieldById($info['extend'], 'name') . '_';
$name .= $info['name'];
return $name;
* 获取属性信息并缓存
* @param integer $id 属性ID
* @param string $field 要获取的字段名
* @return string 属性信息
function get_model_attribute($model_id, $group = true, $fields = true)
static $list;
/* 非法ID */
if (empty($model_id) || !is_numeric($model_id)) {
return '';
/* 获取属性 */
if (!isset($list[$model_id])) {
$map = array('model_id' => $model_id);
$extend = M('Model')->getFieldById($model_id, 'extend');
if ($extend) {
$map = array('model_id' => array("in", array($model_id, $extend)));
$info = M('Attribute')->where($map)->field($fields)->select();
$list[$model_id] = $info;
$attr = array();
if ($group) {
foreach ($list[$model_id] as $value) {
$attr[$value['id']] = $value;
$model = M("Model")->field("field_sort,attribute_list,attribute_alias")->find($model_id);
$attribute = explode(",", $model['attribute_list']);
if (empty($model['field_sort'])) { //未排序
$group = array(1 => array_merge($attr));
} else {
$group = json_decode($model['field_sort'], true);
$keys = array_keys($group);
foreach ($group as &$value) {
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
$value[$key] = $attr[$val];
if (!empty($attr)) {
foreach ($attr as $key => $val) {
if (!in_array($val['id'], $attribute)) {
$group[$keys[0]] = array_merge($group[$keys[0]], $attr);
if (!empty($model['attribute_alias'])) {
$alias = preg_split('/[;\r\n]+/s', $model['attribute_alias']);
$fields = array();
foreach ($alias as &$value) {
$val = explode(':', $value);
$fields[$val[0]] = $val[1];
foreach ($group as &$value) {
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
if (!empty($fields[$val['name']])) {
$value[$key]['title'] = $fields[$val['name']];
$attr = $group;
} else {
foreach ($list[$model_id] as $value) {
$attr[$value['name']] = $value;
return $attr;
* 调用系统的API接口方法静态方法
* api('User/getName','id=5'); 调用公共模块的User接口的getName方法
* api('Admin/User/getName','id=5'); 调用Admin模块的User接口
* @param string $name 格式 [模块名]/接口名/方法名
* @param array|string $vars 参数
function api($name, $vars = array())
$array = explode('/', $name);
$method = array_pop($array);
$classname = array_pop($array);
$module = $array ? array_pop($array) : 'Common';
$callback = $module . '\\Api\\' . $classname . 'Api::' . $method;
if (is_string($vars)) {
parse_str($vars, $vars);
return call_user_func_array($callback, $vars);
* 根据条件字段获取指定表的数据
* @param mixed $value 条件,可用常量或者数组
* @param string $condition 条件字段
* @param string $field 需要返回的字段,不传则返回整个数据
* @param string $table 需要查询的表
* @author huajie <>
function get_table_field($value = null, $condition = 'id', $field = null, $table = null)
if (empty($value) || empty($table)) {
return false;
$map[$condition] = $value;
$info = M(ucfirst($table))->where($map);
if (empty($field)) {
$info = $info->field(true)->find();
} else {
$info = $info->getField($field);
return $info;
* 获取链接信息
* @param int $link_id
* @param string $field
* @return 完整的链接信息或者某一字段
* @author huajie <>
function get_link($link_id = null, $field = 'url')
$link = '';
if (empty($link_id)) {
return $link;
$link = M('Url')->getById($link_id);
if (empty($field)) {
return $link;
} else {
return $link[$field];
* 获取文档封面图片
* @param int $cover_id
* @param string $field
* @return 完整的数据 或者 指定的$field字段值
* @author huajie <>
function get_cover($cover_id, $field = null, $root = 1, $flag = true)
if (empty($cover_id)) {
return "";
$picture = M('Picture')->where(array('status' => 1))->getById($cover_id);
if (C('OSS_STATUS')) {
if (!empty($picture['oss_url'])) {
return str_replace('http:', 'https:', $picture['oss_url']);
} else {
return 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__ . $picture['path'];
} else {
if ($field == 'path') {
if (!empty($picture['url']) && get_tool_status('qiniu_storage') == 1) {
$picture['path'] = $picture['url'];
} else {
if ($picture['water'] && MODULE_NAME != 'Admin' && $flag && (C('watermark.status') == 1)) {
$rp = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../');
if (is_file($rp . $picture['water'])) {
$field = 'water';
} else {
if ($root == 1) {
$picture['path'] = __ROOT__ . $picture['path'];
return empty($field) ? $picture : $picture[$field];
function get_file($cover_id, $field = null)
if (empty($cover_id)) {
return "";
$file = M('File')->where(array('status' => 1))->getById($cover_id);
if ($file) {
$file['path'] = __ROOT__ . substr(C('DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD.rootPath'), 1) . '' . $file['savepath'] . '' . $file['savename'];
return empty($field) ? $file : $file[$field];
} else {
return '';
* 检查$pos(推荐位的值)是否包含指定推荐位$contain
* @param number $pos 推荐位的值
* @param number $contain 指定推荐位
* @return boolean true 包含 false 不包含
* @author huajie <>
function check_document_position($pos = 0, $contain = 0)
if (empty($pos) || empty($contain)) {
return false;
$res = $pos & $contain;
if ($res !== 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* 获取数据的所有子孙数据的id值
* @author 朱亚杰 <>
function get_stemma($pids, Model &$model, $field = 'id')
$collection = array();
if (empty($pids)) {
return $collection;
if (is_array($pids)) {
$pids = trim(implode(',', $pids), ',');
$result = $model->field($field)->where(array('pid' => array('IN', (string)$pids)))->select();
$child_ids = array_column((array)$result, 'id');
while (!empty($child_ids)) {
$collection = array_merge($collection, $result);
$result = $model->field($field)->where(array('pid' => array('IN', $child_ids)))->select();
$child_ids = array_column((array)$result, 'id');
return $collection;
* 验证分类是否允许发布内容
* @param integer $id 分类ID
* @return boolean true-允许发布内容false-不允许发布内容
function check_category($id)
if (is_array($id)) {
$id['type'] = !empty($id['type']) ? $id['type'] : 2;
$type = get_category($id['category_id'], 'type');
$type = explode(",", $type);
return in_array($id['type'], $type);
} else {
$publish = get_category($id, 'allow_publish');
return $publish ? true : false;
* 检测分类是否绑定了指定模型
* @param array $info 模型ID和分类ID数组
* @return boolean true-绑定了模型false-未绑定模型
function check_category_model($info)
$cate = get_category($info['category_id']);
$array = explode(',', $info['pid'] ? $cate['model_sub'] : $cate['model']);
return in_array($info['model_id'], $array);
* 系统非常规MD5加密方法
* @param string $str 要加密的字符串
* @return string
function think_psw_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter')
return '' === $str ? '' : md5(sha1($str) . $key);
function age_verify($cardno, $name)
$date = age($cardno, $name);
if ($date['status'] == "01") {
$age = floor((time() - strtotime($date['data']['birthday'])) / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365));
if ($age > 17) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
} elseif (isset($date['status']) && $date['status'] != '01') {
return $date['status'];
} else {
return $date;
function age($cardno, $name)
$host = "";
$path = "/idCardCert";
$method = "GET";
// $appcode = C('tool_age.appcode');
$appcode = "244181f0846541a19e24df409736d3b9";
$headers = array();
array_push($headers, "Authorization:APPCODE " . $appcode);
$querys ="idCard={$cardno}&name={$name}";
$bodys = "";
$url = $host . $path . "?" . $querys;
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
if (1 == strpos("$" . $host, "https://")) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
$output = curl_exec($curl);
if (empty($output)) {
return -1;//用完
$r = json_decode($output, true);
if ($r['status'] == "02") return 0;
return $r;
/*短信发送验证限制条件 */
function checksendcode($phone, $limit)
$number = M('Short_message')->where(array('pid' => 0, 'create_ip' => get_client_ip(), 'send_status' => '000000', 'send_time' => array(array('egt', strtotime('today')), array('elt', strtotime('tomorrow')))))->count();
if (!empty($limit) && $number >= $limit) {
$return['status'] = '0';
$return['msg'] = '每天发送数量不能超过' . $limit . '条';
echo json_encode($return);
$request_time = time();
$map = array('phone' => $phone);
$map['create_time'] = array(array('egt', ($request_time - 60)), array('elt', $request_time));
$number = $time = M('Short_message')->where($map)->count();
if ($number > 0) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '请一分钟后再次尝试'));
function sdkchecksendcode($phone, $limit, $type = 1)
$number = M('Short_message')->where(array('pid' => 0, 'create_ip' => get_client_ip(), 'send_status' => '000000', 'send_time' => array(array('egt', strtotime('today')), array('elt', strtotime('tomorrow')))))->count();
if (!empty($limit) && $number >= $limit) {
$return['status'] = '0';
$return['msg'] = '每天发送数量不能超过' . $limit . '条';
echo base64_encode(json_encode($return));
$request_time = time();
$map = array('phone' => $phone);
$map['create_time'] = array(array('egt', ($request_time - 60)), array('elt', $request_time));
$number = $time = M('Short_message')->where($map)->count();
if ($number > 0) {
echo base64_encode(json_encode(array('status' => $type == 1 ? 0 : 1024, $type == 1 ? "msg" : "return_msg" => '请一分钟后再次尝试')));
function sdk2checksendcode($phone, $limit)
$number = M('Short_message')->where(array('pid' => 0, 'create_ip' => get_client_ip(), 'send_status' => '000000', 'send_time' => array(array('egt', strtotime('today')), array('elt', strtotime('tomorrow')))))->count();
if (!empty($limit) && $number >= $limit) {
$return['status'] = '0';
$return['return_msg'] = '每天发送数量不能超过' . $limit . '条';
echo base64_encode(json_encode($return));
$request_time = time();
$map = array('phone' => $phone);
$map['create_time'] = array(array('egt', ($request_time - 60)), array('elt', $request_time));
$number = $time = M('Short_message')->where($map)->count();
if ($number > 0) {
echo base64_encode(json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'return_msg' => '请一分钟后再次尝试')));
function appchecksendcode($phone, $limit, $code = 1)
$number = M('Short_message')->where(array('pid' => 0, 'create_ip' => get_client_ip(), 'send_status' => '000000', 'send_time' => array(array('egt', strtotime('today')), array('elt', strtotime('tomorrow')))))->count();
if (!empty($limit) && $number >= $limit) {
$msg = array(
"status" => -1,
"return_code" => "每天发送数量不能超过" . $limit . "",
"data" => []
echo json_encode($msg);
$request_time = time();
$map = array('phone' => $phone);
$map['create_time'] = array(array('egt', ($request_time - 60)), array('elt', $request_time));
$number = $time = M('Short_message')->where($map)->count();
if ($number > 0) {
$msg = array(
"status" => -1,
"return_code" => "请一分钟后再次尝试",
"data" => []
if ($code == 2) {
$msg['code'] = 1024;
$msg['msg'] = '验证码发送过于频繁,请稍后再试';
echo json_encode($msg);
function footer_news($type)
if (empty($type)) {
return 0;
$name = 'media_' . $type;
$news = M("Document")->field("")->table("__DOCUMENT__ as d")
->join("__CATEGORY__ as c on( and'$name')", 'right')
->where("d.status>0 and d.display=1 and c.title=d.title")->find();
if ($news) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
@author cb
function get_game_wxlogin_param($game_id)
$map['game_id'] = ['in', [$game_id, 0]];
$map['type'] = 2;
$map['status'] = 1;
$res = M('param', 'tab_')->field('wx_appid,appsecret')->where($map)->find();
if (empty($res)) {
return '';
} else {
return $res;
function pp($val = '', $isdie = true)
if ($isdie) die();
function curl_post($url = '', $post_data = array())
if (empty($url) || empty($post_data)) {
return false;
$requestString = http_build_query($post_data);
$postUrl = $url;
$curl = curl_init();//初始化curl
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $postUrl); // 要访问的地址
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // 对认证证书来源的检查
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); // 从证书中检查SSL加密算法是否存在
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // 模拟用户使用的浏览器
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // 使用自动跳转
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1); // 自动设置Referer
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // 发送一个常规的Post请求
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $requestString); // Post提交的数据包
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // 设置超时限制防止死循环
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // 显示返回的Header区域内容
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // 获取的信息以文件流的形式返回
$data = curl_exec($curl);//运行curl
return $data;
if (!function_exists('dd')) {
function dd($var)
if (func_num_args() > 1) {
$var = func_get_args();
$debug = debug_backtrace();
echo '<pre class="yun-debug" style="background:#EAEAEA;padding:10px;">';
echo '<div class="file" style="color:#f00;">', $debug[0]['file'], ' ', $debug[0]['line'], PHP_EOL, '</div>';
if (is_object($var) || is_array($var)) {
$mode = 0;
} else {
$mode = 1;
switch ($mode) {
case 0:
case 1:
echo '</pre>';
function promoteWithdrawStatus($status = null)
$statusData = [
-2 => '已撤销',
-1 => '审核未通过',
0 => '待审核',
1 => '汇款中',
2 => '已汇款',
if (isset($statusData[$status])) {
return $statusData[$status];
return $statusData;
function getPromoteWithdrawOpType($opType = null)
if ($opType) {
return Admin\Model\WithdrawModel::$opTypeList[$opType] ?? '未知';
} else {
return Admin\Model\WithdrawModel::$opTypeList;
function getAdminNickname($adminId)
$adminId = intval($adminId);
if ($adminId) {
return M('member')->where(array('id' => $adminId))->getField('nickname');
return '未知';
function getPromoteWithdrawSettlementType($type = null)
if ($type) {
return Admin\Model\WithdrawModel::$settlementTypeList[$type] ?? '未知';
} else {
return Admin\Model\WithdrawModel::$settlementTypeList;
function getPromoteCompanys()
return M('promote_company', 'tab_')->field('id, company_name')->where(['status' => 1])->select();
function getPromoteCompanyName($companyId)
$companyName = M('promote_company', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $companyId])->getField('company_name');
return $companyName ?? '未知';
function getGameTypes()
return M('game_type', 'tab_')->field('id, type_name')->where(['status' => 1])->select();
function getGameGroup($uid) {
$groupId = M('auth_group_access')->field('group_id')->where(['uid'=>$uid])->find();
return $groupId['group_id']?$groupId['group_id']:0;
function addValueDetail($data) {
$user_id = $data['user_id'];
$detailInfo = M('value_detail_log', 'tab_')->field('id')->where(['user_id'=>$user_id, 'pay_type'=>0])->find();
if(!empty($detailInfo)) {
M('value_detail_log', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>$detailInfo['id']])->delete();
return M('value_detail_log', 'tab_')->add($data);