274 lines
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274 lines
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namespace Mobile\Model;
use Think\Model;
* 文档基础模型
class GiftbagModel extends Model{
/* 自动验证规则 */
protected $_validate = array(
array('giftbag_name', 'require', '礼包名称不能为空', self::MUST_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('giftbag_name', '1,30', '礼包名称不能超过30个字符', self::VALUE_VALIDATE, 'length', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('giftbag_type', 'require', '请选择礼包类型', self::MUST_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('start_time', 'require', '开始时间不能为空', self::MUST_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('end_time', 'require', '结束时间不能为空', self::MUST_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),
/* 自动完成规则 */
protected $_auto = array(
array('create_time', 'getCreateTime', self::MODEL_BOTH,'callback'),
array('area_num', 0, self::MODEL_BOTH),
array('start_time', 'strtotime', self::MODEL_BOTH, 'function'),
array('end_time', 'strtotime', self::MODEL_BOTH, 'function'),
* 构造函数
* @param string $name 模型名称
* @param string $tablePrefix 表前缀
* @param mixed $connection 数据库连接信息
public function __construct($name = '', $tablePrefix = '', $connection = '') {
/* 设置默认的表前缀 */
$this->tablePrefix ='tab_';
/* 执行构造方法 */
parent::__construct($name, $tablePrefix, $connection);
* 创建时间不写则取当前时间
* @return int 时间戳
* @author huajie <banhuajie@163.com>
protected function getCreateTime(){
$create_time = I('post.create_time');
return $create_time?strtotime($create_time):NOW_TIME;
public function detail($id) {
$time = time();
$data = $this->table("__GIFTBAG__ as gb")
->join("__GAME__ as g on(g.id=gb.game_id )","left")
->where("gb.id = $id and gb.status=1 and (gb.end_time>$time) ")
if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {
return "";
$count = D("GiftRecord")->where("gift_id=$id")->count();
$number = $data['number'] = count(explode(',',$data['novice']));
$data['novicepercent'] = round($number/($count+$number)*100,1);
return $data;
public function index($giftbag_type="",$page=1,$sort="tab_giftbag.id desc",$limit=10,$field=true,$isrecord=false) {
$map = array();
if (!empty($giftbag_type)) {
$map['tab_giftbag.giftbag_type'] = array('in',explode(',',$giftbag_type));
$map['tab_giftbag.status'] = 1;
/* $map['tab_giftbag.start_time'] = array('elt',time()); */
$map['tab_giftbag.end_time'] = array('egt',time());
$field = $field?"tab_giftbag.*,tab_game.icon,tab_game.cover,tab_game.game_name":$field;
$data = $this->field($field)
->join("tab_game on tab_game.id=tab_giftbag.game_id","left")
if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {
return '';
if ($isrecord) {
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$record = D("GiftRecord")->where(array('game_id'=>$v['game_id'],'gift_id'=>$v['id']))->count();
$number = $data[$k]['number'] = count(explode(',',$v['novice']));
$data[$k]['total']=$record + $number;
return $data;
public function record($giftbag_type="",$limit=10) {
$map = array();
if (!empty($giftbag_type) ) {
$map['tab_giftbag.giftbag_type'] = array('in',explode(',',$giftbag_type));
$map['tab_giftbag.status'] = 1;
/* $map['tab_giftbag.start_time'] = array('elt',time()); */
$map['tab_giftbag.end_time'] = array('egt',time());
$record = D("GiftRecord")
->field("count(tab_gift_record.id) as record,tab_giftbag.*,tab_game.icon,tab_game.cover,tab_game.game_name")
->join("tab_giftbag on tab_giftbag.id = tab_gift_record.gift_id","left")
->join("tab_game on tab_game.id = tab_gift_record.game_id","left")
->order("record desc")
if (!empty($record) && is_array($record)) {
$fieldarray = array();
foreach ($record as $k => $v) {
$number = $record[$k]['number'] = count(explode(',',$v['novice']));
$fieldarray[] = $record[$k]['total'] = $v['record'] + $number;
return $record;
public function multiple($model,$num=10,$flag = false) {
if ($flag) {
$join = "__GAME__ as g on(g.id=gb.game_id) ";
$dire = "left";
$gf = ",g.icon,g.cover,g.game_name";
$field = isset($model['field'])?$model['field']:"gb.* ".$gf;
$order = isset($model['order'])?$model['order']:" gb.id DESC ";
$where = isset($model['where'])?$model['where']:"";
$data = $this->field($field)->table("__GIFTBAG__ as gb ")
return $data;
* 生成不重复的name标识
* @author huajie <banhuajie@163.com>
private function generateName(){
$str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; //源字符串
$min = 10;
$max = 39;
$name = false;
while (true){
$length = rand($min, $max); //生成的标识长度
$name = substr(str_shuffle(substr($str,0,26)), 0, 1); //第一个字母
$name .= substr(str_shuffle($str), 0, $length);
$res = $this->getFieldByName($name, 'id');
return $name;
* 我的礼包记录
* @param $account
* @param int $p
* @return mixed
* author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
public function getMyGiftRecord($account,$p=1){
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$row = 5;
$map['user_account'] = $account;
//$map['status'] = 0;
$data = $this
->table("tab_gift_record as r")
->join("left join tab_game g on g.id = r.game_id and g.game_status = 1 ")
->join("left join tab_giftbag b on b.id = r.gift_id ")
foreach ($data as $key => $val){
$data[$key]['icon'] = get_img_url($val['icon']);
$data[$key]['gift_name'] = "《{$val['game_name']}》".$val['gift_name'];
return $data;
* 领取激活码
* @param $user_id
* @param $gift_id
* author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
public function getNovice($user_id,$account,$gift_id){
$data = $this->find($gift_id);
$novice_str = $data['novice'];
$novice_arr = str2arr($novice_str,",");
if (empty($novice_arr)){
return "";
$novice_arr = array_filter($novice_arr);
$novice = array_pop($novice_arr);
$data['novice_num'] = count($novice_arr);
$data['novice'] = arr2str($novice_arr,",");
$novice_result = $this->save($data);
$record['game_id'] = $data['game_id'];
$record['game_name'] = $data['game_name'];//get_game_name($data['game_id']);
$record['gift_id'] = $gift_id;
$record['gift_name'] = $data['giftbag_name'];
$record['status'] = 0;
$record['novice'] = $novice;
$record['user_id'] = $user_id;
$record['user_account'] = $account;
$record['create_time'] = time();
$record['start_time'] = $data['start_time'];
$record['end_time'] = $data['end_time'];
$record_result = M("gift_record",'tab_')->add($record);
$novice_result = false;
if($novice_result === false || $record_result === false){
return "";
return $novice;
* 检查是否已经领取
* @param $account
* @param $gift_id
* @return bool
* author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
public function checkAccountGiftExist($user_id,$gift_id){
$map['user_id'] = $user_id;
$map['gift_id'] = $gift_id;
return M("gift_record",'tab_')->field('status as use_status,novice,start_time,end_time')->where($map)->find();