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namespace Admin\Controller;
use User\Api\UserApi;
use Com\Wechat;
use Com\WechatAuth;
use Base\Tool\TaskClient;
* 后台首页控制器
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
class PublicController extends \Think\Controller
* 后台用户登录
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null)
if (IS_POST) {
/* 检测验证码 TODO: */
if (!check_verify($verify)) {
/* 调用UC登录接口登录 */
$User = new UserApi;
$uid = $User->login($username, $password);
if (0 < $uid) { //UC登录成功
/* 登录用户 */
$Member = D('Member');
if ($Member->login($uid)) { //登录用户
$this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index'));
} else {
} else { //登录失败
switch ($uid) {
case -1:
$error = '账户或密码错误!';
break; //系统级别禁用
case -2:
$error = '账户或密码错误!';
$error = '未知错误!';
break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用)
} else {
if (is_login()) {
} else {
/* 读取数据库中的配置 */
$config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
if (!$config) {
$config = D('Config')->lists();
S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
C($config); //添加配置
* 后台用户登录
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
public function phone_login($mobile = null, $verify = null)
if (IS_POST) {
if (!$this->checksafecode($mobile, $verify)) {
$member = M('ucenter_member ucenter')
->join("left join sys_member member on")
->where(['mobile' => $mobile])->find();
if(!$member || 1 != $member['status']) {
$error = '用户不存在或已被禁用!'; //应用级别禁用
return false;
if ($member) {
$Member = D('Member');
/* 更新登录信息 */
$data = array(
'uid' => $member['uid'],
'login' => array('exp', '`login`+1'),
'last_login_time' => NOW_TIME,
'last_login_ip' => get_client_ip(1),
$adminData = getAdminData($member['uid']);
$groupId = getGameGroup($member['uid']);
$auth = array(
'uid' => $member['uid'],
'username' => $member['nickname'],
'last_login_time' => $member['last_login_time'],
$expireTime = 3600;
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $expireTime);
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $expireTime);
session('user_auth', $auth);
session('user_auth_sign', data_auth_sign($auth));
session('user_auth_expire', time());
} else {
// else {
// $partner = M('partner', 'tab_')->where(['link_phone' => $mobile,])->find();
// if ($partner) {
// /* 记录登录SESSION和COOKIES */
// $cp_auth = array(
// 'link_man'=>$partner['link_man'],
// 'mobile_phone' => $partner['link_phone'],
// 'company_name' => $partner['partner'],
// 'company_type'=>"cp",
// 'company_id' => $partner['id'],
// );
// $session_name = 'cp_user_auth';
// if (I('auto_login')) {
// $expireTime = 60*60*24*30;//自动登录一个月
// ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $expireTime);
// ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $expireTime);
// session($session_name, $cp_auth);
// session($session_name.'_sign', data_auth_sign($cp_auth));
// session($session_name.'_expire', time());
// } else {
// session($session_name, $cp_auth);
// session($session_name.'_sign', data_auth_sign($cp_auth));
// }
// $uid = $partner['id'];
// }
// }
/* 登录用户 */
$this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index'));
} else {
if (is_login()) {
} else {
/* 读取数据库中的配置 */
$config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
if (!$config) {
$config = D('Config')->lists();
S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
C($config); //添加配置
* 后台用户登录
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
public function cp_login($mobile = null, $verify = null)
if (IS_POST) {
if (!$this->checksafecode($mobile, $verify)) {
$islogon = false;
$promote = M('promote_company', 'tab_')->where(['contact_phone' => $mobile])->select();
$partner = M('partner', 'tab_')->where(['link_phone' => $mobile,])->select();
$cp_auth = [
if ($promote) {
$cp_auth['promote_company_id'] = implode(",",array_column($promote,"id"));
$cp_auth['link_man'] = $promote[0]["settlement_contact"];
$islogon = true;
if ($partner) {
$cp_auth['partner_id'] = implode(",",array_column($partner,"id"));
$cp_auth['link_man'] = $partner[0]["settlement_contact"];
$islogon = true;
$session_name = 'cp_user_auth';
if (I('auto_login')) {
$expireTime = 60*60*24*30;//自动登录一个月
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $expireTime);
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $expireTime);
session($session_name, $cp_auth);
session($session_name.'_sign', data_auth_sign($cp_auth));
session($session_name.'_expire', time());
} else {
session($session_name, $cp_auth);
session($session_name.'_sign', data_auth_sign($cp_auth));
if ($islogon) { //UC登录成功
/* 登录用户 */
$this->success('登录成功!', U('VerifyBill/index'));
} else { //登录失败
} else {
if (session('cp_user_auth')) {
} else {
/* 读取数据库中的配置 */
$config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA');
if (!$config) {
$config = D('Config')->lists();
S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config);
C($config); //添加配置
public function cp_logout()
session('cp_user_auth', null);
session('cp_user_auth_sign', null);
/* 退出登录 */
public function logout()
if (is_login()) {
session('user_auth', null);
session('user_auth_sign', null);
session('user_auth_promote_ids', null);
cookie('think_language', Null);
// $this->success('退出成功!', U('login'));
$this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 1, 'msg' => '退出成功!'));
} else {
public function checkVerify()
$verify = $_POST['verify'];
if (!check_verify($verify)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '验证码输入错误!'));
public function verify()
$config = array(
'seKey' => 'ThinkPHP.CN', //验证码加密密钥
'fontSize' => 22, // 验证码字体大小(px)
'imageH' => 50, // 验证码图片高度
'imageW' => 180, // 验证码图片宽度
'length' => 4, // 验证码位数
'fontttf' => '4.ttf', // 验证码字体,不设置随机获取
$verify = new \Think\Verify($config);
$verify->codeSet = '0123456789';
public function get_openid()
$appid = C('wechat.appid');
$appsecret = C('wechat.appsecret');
$result = auto_get_access_token(RUNTIME_PATH . '/access_token_validity.txt');
if ($result['is_validity']) {
session('token', $result['access_token']);
$auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret, $result['access_token']);
} else {
$auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret);
$token = $auth->getAccessToken();
$token['expires_in_validity'] = time() + $token['expires_in'];
wite_text(json_encode($token), RUNTIME_PATH . '/access_token_validity.txt');
session('token', $token['access_token']);
$scene_id = sp_random_num(4) . '0';
$ticket = $auth->qrcodeCreate($scene_id, 120);//10分钟
if ($ticket['errcode']) {
$return = array('status' => 0, 'data' => '获取ticket失败');
} else {
$qrcode = $auth->showqrcode($ticket['ticket']);
$return = array('status' => 1, 'data' => $qrcode, 'token' => $scene_id);
public function wite_token()
$appid = C('wechat.appid');
$appsecret = C('wechat.appsecret');
$auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret);
$token = $auth->getAccessToken();
$token['expires_in_validity'] = time() + $token['expires_in'];
wite_text(json_encode($token), RUNTIME_PATH . '/access_token_validity.txt');
session('token', $token['access_token']);
/** * 第三方微信扫码登陆 * */
public function wechat_qrcode_login($state = 1)
if (empty(session("user_auth.user_id")) && !is_weixin()) {
$appid = C('weixin_login.appid');
$appsecret = C('weixin_login.appsecret');
$auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret);
$result = auto_get_access_token(RUNTIME_PATH . '/qr_access_token_validity.txt');
if ($result['is_validity']) {
session('token', $result['access_token']);
} else {
$token = $auth->getAccessToken();
$token['expires_in_validity'] = time() + $token['expires_in'];
wite_text(json_encode($token), RUNTIME_PATH . '/qr_access_token_validity.txt');
session('token', $token['access_token']);
$redirect_uri = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/admin.php/Public/wechat_login_callback";
redirect($auth->getQrconnectURL($redirect_uri, $state));
public function wechat_login_callback()
if ($host && $_GET['state'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
$url = 'http://' . $_GET['state'] . '/admin.php/Public/wechat_login_callback?' . http_build_query($_GET);
Header("Location: $url");
if (is_weixin()) {
$appid = C('wechat.appid');
$appsecret = C('wechat.appsecret');
} else {
$appid = C('weixin_login.appid');
$appsecret = C('weixin_login.appsecret');
$auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret);
$token = $auth->getAccessToken("code", $_GET['code']);
if (isset($_GET['auto_get_openid'])) {
if (base64_decode($_GET['auto_get_openid']) != 'auto_get_openid') {
} else {
session('admin_wechat_token', array('openid' => $token['openid']));
session('admin_openid', $token['openid']);
$Member = D('UcenterMember');
$admin = $Member->where(array('admin_openid' => $token['openid']))->find();
if ($admin == '') {
} else {
$User = new UserApi;
$uid = $User->login($admin['username'], $admin['password']);
if (0 < $uid) { //UC登录成功
/* 登录用户 */
$Member = D('Member');
if ($Member->login($uid)) { //登录用户
$this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index'));
} else {
} else { //登录失败
switch ($uid) {
case -1:
$error = '用户不存在或被禁用!';
break; //系统级别禁用
case -2:
$error = '密码错误!';
$error = '未知错误!';
break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用)
public function zh_cn()
cookie('think_language', 'zh-cn');
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1]);
public function en_us()
cookie('think_language', 'en-us');
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1]);
* 发动手机验证码
public function telsafecode($phone = '', $delay = 10, $flag = true)
$taskClient = new TaskClient();
$result = $taskClient->sendSmsCode($phone, get_client_ip());
$data = [];
if ($result['code'] == TaskClient::SUCCESS) {
$data['status'] = 1;
} else {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = $result['message'];
echo json_encode($data);
* 手机安全码验证
public function checksafecode($phone, $code)
// if($code == "txsb0601"){
// return true;
// }
$taskClient = new TaskClient();
$result = $taskClient->checkSms($phone, $code);
$data = [];
if ($result && $result['code'] == TaskClient::SUCCESS) {
return true;
} else {
return false;