
766 lines
28 KiB

namespace Admin\Controller;
use User\Api\UserApi as UserApi;
use Base\Service\PaymentMerchantService;
use Base\Service\PaymentRuleService;
use Base\Service\PromoteCompanyService;
use Base\Service\GameService;
use Think\Model;
* 支付/付款商户
class PaymentMerchantController extends ThinkController
public function list()
$page = I('p', 1);
$row = I('row', 10);
$name = I('name', '');
$mainName = I('main_name', '');
$adminId = I('admin_id', 0);
$channel = I('channel', 0);
$account = I('account', '');
$way = I('way', 0);
$status = I('status', -1);
$startedAt = I('started_at', '1970-01-01');
$endedAt = I('ended_at', '9999-01-01');
$conditions = [];
if ($name != '') {
$conditions['name'] = ['like', '%' . $name . '%'];
if ($mainName != '') {
$conditions['main_name'] = ['like', '%' . $mainName . '%'];
if ($account != '') {
$conditions['account'] = ['like', '%' . $account . '%'];
if ($adminId != 0) {
$conditions['admin_id'] = $adminId;
if ($channel != 0) {
$conditions['channel'] = $channel;
if ($way != 0) {
$conditions['_string'] = 'ways & ' . $way . '=' . $way;
if ($status != -1) {
$conditions['status'] = $status;
$conditions['update_time'] = ['between', [strtotime($startedAt . ' 00:00:00'), strtotime($endedAt . ' 23:59:59')]];
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$query = M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where($conditions);
$countQuery = clone $query;
$items = $query->order('id desc')->page($page, $row)->select();
$count = $countQuery->count();
$admins = M('ucenter_member', 'sys_')->field(['id', 'username'])->select();
$admins = index_by_column('id', $admins);
$records = [];
foreach ($items as $item) {
$records[] = [
'id' => $item['id'],
'name' => $item['name'],
'main_name' => $item['main_name'],
'account' => $item['account'],
'status' => $item['status'],
'channel' => $item['channel'],
'wayNames' => implode('、', $paymentMerchantService->getWaysName($item['ways'])),
'status_text' => $paymentMerchantService->getStatusText($item['status']),
'channel_text' => $paymentMerchantService->getChannelText($item['channel']),
'admin_username' => $admins[$item['admin_id']]['username'],
'update_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['update_time']),
$page = set_pagination($count, $row);
if($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$aliDefaultMerchant = $paymentMerchantService->getDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_ALIPAY);
$weixinDefaultMerchant = $paymentMerchantService->getDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_WEIXIN);
$expressDefaultMerchant = $paymentMerchantService->getDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_EXPRESS);
$this->assign('aliDefaultMerchant', $aliDefaultMerchant);
$this->assign('weixinDefaultMerchant', $weixinDefaultMerchant);
$this->assign('expressDefaultMerchant', $expressDefaultMerchant);
$this->assign('records', $records);
$this->assign('admins', $admins);
$this->assign('ways', PaymentMerchantService::$ways);
$this->assign('statusList', PaymentMerchantService::$statusList);
$this->assign('channels', PaymentMerchantService::$channels);
public function add()
$this->meta_title = '添加收款商户';
$this->assign('channels', PaymentMerchantService::$channels);
public function changeStatus()
$id = I('id', 0);
$status = I('status', 0);
$merchant = M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if (is_null($merchant)) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '记录不存在',
if (!in_array($status, [0, 1])) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '状态值错误',
$statusText = $status == 0 ? '禁用' : '启用';
M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->save(['status' => $status]);
'op_type' => 1,
'key' => $id,
'op_name' => '修改商户状态',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/changeStatus'),
'menu' => '系统-扩展工具-支付收款商户-修改商户状态',
'content' => json_encode(['status' => $status]),
'status' => 1,
'message' => $statusText . '成功',
public function edit()
$this->meta_title = '编辑收款商户';
$id = I('id', 0);
$merchant = M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if ($merchant == null) {
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$config = $merchant['config'] ? json_decode($merchant['config'], true) : null;
$ways = $paymentMerchantService->getWaysRow($merchant['ways']);
$this->assign('channels', PaymentMerchantService::$channels);
$this->assign('record', $merchant);
$this->assign('config', $config);
$this->assign('ways', $ways);
public function save()
$id = I('id', 0);
$name = I('name', '');
$identifier = I('identifier', '');
$channel = I('channel', 0);
$status = I('status', 0);
$account = I('account', '');
$config = I('config', []);
$ways = I('ways', []);
$mainName = I('main_name', '');
if ($name == '') {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '请输入支付配置名称',
if ($mainName == '') {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '请输入商户商户主体',
if ($account == '') {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '请输入商户账号',
$merchant = null;
if ($id > 0) {
$merchant = M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if ($merchant == null) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '支付商户不存在',
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$waysValue = $paymentMerchantService->getWaysValue($ways);
$userAuth = session('user_auth');
$data = [];
$data['name'] = $name;
$data['account'] = $account;
$data['type'] = 1;
$data['status'] = $status;
$data['ways'] = $waysValue;
$data['admin_id'] = $userAuth['uid'];
$data['config'] = json_encode($config);
$data['update_time'] = time();
$data['main_name'] = $mainName;
if ($id == 0) {
$data['create_time'] = time();
$data['channel'] = $channel;
$data['identifier'] = $paymentMerchantService->getIdentifierByConfig($config, $channel);
M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->add($data);
'op_type' => 0,
'key' => $id,
'op_name' => '添加商户',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/save'),
'menu' => '系统-扩展工具-支付收款商户-添加商户',
'content' => json_encode($data),
} else {
$data['identifier'] = $paymentMerchantService->getIdentifierByConfig($config, $merchant['channel']);
M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->save($data);
'op_type' => 1,
'key' => $id,
'op_name' => '修改商户',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/save'),
'menu' => '系统-扩展工具-支付收款商户-修改商户',
'content' => json_encode($data),
'status' => 1,
'message' => '保存成功'
public function delete()
$id = I('id', 0);
$merchant = M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if ($merchant === null) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '记录不存在'
M('payment_merchant', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->delete();
'op_type' => 2,
'key' => $id,
'op_name' => '删除商户',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/delete'),
'menu' => '系统-扩展工具-支付收款商户-删除商户',
'content' => json_encode($merchant),
'status' => 1,
'message' => '删除成功'
public function editDefault()
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$aliMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_ALIPAY);
$weixinMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_WEIXIN);
$expressMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_EXPRESS);
$aliDefaultMerchant = $paymentMerchantService->getDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_ALIPAY);
$weixinDefaultMerchant = $paymentMerchantService->getDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_WEIXIN);
$expressDefaultMerchant = $paymentMerchantService->getDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_EXPRESS);
$this->assign('aliDefaultMerchant', $aliDefaultMerchant);
$this->assign('weixinDefaultMerchant', $weixinDefaultMerchant);
$this->assign('expressDefaultMerchant', $expressDefaultMerchant);
$this->assign('aliMerchants', $aliMerchants);
$this->assign('weixinMerchants', $weixinMerchants);
$this->assign('expressMerchants', $expressMerchants);
public function saveDefault()
$setting = I('setting', []);
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$model = new Model();
try {
foreach ($setting as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'alipay') {
$paymentMerchantService->setDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_ALIPAY, $value);
} elseif ($key == 'weixin') {
$paymentMerchantService->setDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_WEIXIN, $value);
} elseif ($key == 'express') {
$paymentMerchantService->setDefault(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_EXPRESS, $value);
'op_type' => 1,
'key' => implode(',', array_values($setting)),
'op_name' => '设置默认商户',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/saveDefault'),
'menu' => '系统-扩展工具-支付收款商户-设置默认商户',
'content' => json_encode($setting),
'status' => 1,
'message' => '设置成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '设置失败,请联系管理员'
private function getEffectiveTimeRange($startedAt, $endedAt)
$start = 0;
$end = PaymentRuleService::FOREVER_TIME;
if ($startedAt != '') {
$start = strtotime($startedAt . ' 00:00:00');
if ($endedAt != '') {
$end = strtotime($startedAt . ' 23:59:59');
return [$start, $end];
public function rules()
$page = I('p', 1);
$row = I('row', 10);
$companyBelong = I('company_belong', -1);
$companyId = I('company_id', 0);
$gameTypeId = I('game_type_id', 0);
$gameId = I('game_id', 0);
$startedAt = I('started_at', '');
$endedAt = I('ended_at', '');
$alipayId = I('alipay_merchant_id', 0);
$weixinId = I('weixin_merchant_id', 0);
$expressId = I('express_merchant_id', 0);
$conditions = [];
if ($companyBelong != -1) {
$conditions['company_belong'] = $companyBelong;
if ($companyId != 0) {
$conditions['company_id'] = $companyId;
if ($gameTypeId != 0) {
$conditions['game_type_id'] = $gameTypeId;
if ($gameId != 0) {
$conditions['game_id'] = $gameId;
if ($alipayId != 0) {
$conditions['alipay_merchant_id'] = $alipayId;
if ($weixinId != 0) {
$conditions['weixin_merchant_id'] = $weixinId;
if ($expressId != 0) {
$conditions['express_merchant_id'] = $expressId;
[$start, $end] = $this->getEffectiveTimeRange($startedAt, $endedAt);
// var_dump($start, $end);die();
$timeCondition = ' ((start_time >= ' . $start . ' AND start_time <= ' . $end . ') OR (start_time <= ' . $start . ' AND end_time >= ' . $end
. ') OR (end_time >= ' . $start . ' AND end_time <= ' . $end . '))';
if (isset($conditions['_string'])) {
$conditions['_string'] .= $timeCondition;
} else {
$conditions['_string'] = $timeCondition;
$paymentRuleService = new PaymentRuleService();
$gameService = new GameService();
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$companyService = new PromoteCompanyService();
$query = M('payment_rule', 'tab_')->where($conditions);
$countQuery = clone $query;
$items = $query->order('start_time desc')->page($page, $row)->select();
$count = $countQuery->count();
$gameTypes = $gameService->getGameTypes(null, 'id,type_name');
$games = $gameService->getBaseGames(null, 'id,name');
$companies = $companyService->getCompanies(null, 'id,company_name');
$companyTypes = PromoteCompanyService::$belongs;
$merchantIds = array_merge(
array_column($items, 'alipay_merchant_id'),
array_column($items, 'weixin_merchant_id'),
array_column($items, 'express_merchant_id')
$merchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByIds($merchantIds, 'id,channel,name,account');
$records = [];
foreach ($items as $item) {
$records[] = [
'id' => $item['id'],
'company_type_name' => $companyTypes[$item['company_belong']] ?? '--',
'company_name' => isset($companies[$item['company_id']]) ? $companies[$item['company_id']]['company_name'] : '--',
'game_name' => isset($games[$item['game_id']]) ? $games[$item['game_id']]['name'] : '--',
'game_type_name' => isset($gameTypes[$item['game_type_id']]) ? $gameTypes[$item['game_type_id']]['type_name'] : '--',
'alipay_merchant_name' => isset($merchants[$item['alipay_merchant_id']]) ? $merchants[$item['alipay_merchant_id']]['name'] : '系统默认商户',
'alipay_merchant_account' => isset($merchants[$item['alipay_merchant_id']]) ? $merchants[$item['alipay_merchant_id']]['account'] : '系统默认商户',
'weixin_merchant_name' => isset($merchants[$item['weixin_merchant_id']]) ? $merchants[$item['weixin_merchant_id']]['name'] : '系统默认商户',
'weixin_merchant_account' => isset($merchants[$item['weixin_merchant_id']]) ? $merchants[$item['weixin_merchant_id']]['account'] : '系统默认商户',
'express_merchant_name' => isset($merchants[$item['express_merchant_id']]) ? $merchants[$item['express_merchant_id']]['name'] : '系统默认商户',
'express_merchant_account' => isset($merchants[$item['express_merchant_id']]) ? $merchants[$item['express_merchant_id']]['account'] : '系统默认商户',
'effective_time_display' => $paymentRuleService->getEffectiveTimeDisplay($item)
$page = set_pagination($count, $row);
if($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$aliMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_ALIPAY);
$weixinMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_WEIXIN);
$expressMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_EXPRESS);
$this->assign('aliMerchants', $aliMerchants);
$this->assign('weixinMerchants', $weixinMerchants);
$this->assign('expressMerchants', $expressMerchants);
$this->assign('records', $records);
$this->assign('games', $games);
$this->assign('gameTypes', $gameTypes);
$this->assign('companyTypes', $companyTypes);
$this->assign('companies', $companies);
public function addRule()
$this->meta_title = '新增支付商户配置';
$gameService = new GameService();
$gameTypes = $gameService->getGameTypes(null, 'id,type_name');
$games = $gameService->getBaseGames(null, 'id,name');
$companyBelongs = PromoteCompanyService::$belongs;
$companyService = new PromoteCompanyService();
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$aliMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_ALIPAY);
$weixinMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_WEIXIN);
$expressMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_EXPRESS);
$companies = $companyService->getCompanies(null, 'id,company_name');
$this->assign('aliMerchants', $aliMerchants);
$this->assign('weixinMerchants', $weixinMerchants);
$this->assign('expressMerchants', $expressMerchants);
$this->assign('games', $games);
$this->assign('gameTypes', $gameTypes);
$this->assign('companyBelongs', $companyBelongs);
$this->assign('companies', $companies);
public function saveRule()
$records = I('records', []);
if (count($records) == 0) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '未提交换绑数据'
$status = true;
$message = '';
if (!$status) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $message
$paymentRuleService = new PaymentRuleService();
$records = $paymentRuleService->filterRecords($records);
$ids = [];
foreach ($records as $record) {
$startTime = $record['start_time'] == '' ? 0 : strtotime($record['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
$endTime = $record['end_time'] == '' ? PaymentRuleService::FOREVER_TIME : strtotime($record['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59');
$repeatRules = $paymentRuleService->getTimeRepeatRules($record);
if (count($repeatRules)) {
$paymentRuleService->resetTimeRules($repeatRules, $startTime, $endTime);
$item = [
'company_belong' => $record['company_id'] > 0 ? -1 : $record['company_belong'],
'company_id' => $record['company_id'],
'game_type_id' => $record['game_id'] > 0 ? 0 :$record['game_type_id'],
'game_id' => $record['game_id'],
'alipay_merchant_id' => $record['alipay_merchant_id'],
'weixin_merchant_id' => $record['weixin_merchant_id'],
'express_merchant_id' => $record['express_merchant_id'],
'start_time' => $startTime,
'end_time' => $endTime,
'create_time' => time(),
'update_time' => time()
$id = M('payment_rule', 'tab_')->add($item);
$ids[] = $id;
'op_type' => 0,
'key' => implode(',', $ids),
'op_name' => '新增支付商户配置',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/saveRule'),
'menu' => '推广员-推广员管理-支付商户配置-新增支付商户配置',
'content' => json_encode($records)
'status' => 1,
'message' => '添加成功'
public function editRule()
$this->meta_title = '修改支付商户配置';
$id = I('id', 0);
$rule = M('payment_rule', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if ($rule === null) {
$gameService = new GameService();
$gameTypes = $gameService->getGameTypes(null, 'id,type_name');
$games = $gameService->getBaseGames(null, 'id,name');
$companyBelongs = PromoteCompanyService::$belongs;
$companyService = new PromoteCompanyService();
$paymentMerchantService = new PaymentMerchantService();
$aliMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_ALIPAY);
$weixinMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_WEIXIN);
$expressMerchants = $paymentMerchantService->getMerchantsByWay(PaymentMerchantService::WAY_EXPRESS);
$companies = $companyService->getCompanies(null, 'id,company_name');
$rule ['start_time'] = $rule ['start_time'] == 0 ? '' : date('Y-m-d', $rule ['start_time']);
$rule ['end_time'] = $rule ['end_time'] == PaymentRuleService::FOREVER_TIME ? '' : date('Y-m-d', $rule ['end_time']);
$this->assign('aliMerchants', $aliMerchants);
$this->assign('weixinMerchants', $weixinMerchants);
$this->assign('expressMerchants', $expressMerchants);
$this->assign('record', $rule);
$this->assign('games', $games);
$this->assign('gameTypes', $gameTypes);
$this->assign('companyBelongs', $companyBelongs);
$this->assign('companies', $companies);
public function modifyRule()
$params = I('post.');
$id = $params['id'] ?? 0;
if ($id == 0) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '提交数据异常'
$rule = M('payment_rule', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if ($rule === null) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '记录不存在'
/* $startTime = $params['start_time'] == '' ? 0 : strtotime($params['start_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
$endTime = $params['end_time'] == '' ? PaymentRuleService::FOREVER_TIME : strtotime($params['end_time'] . ' 23:59:59');
if (date('Ymd', $rule['start_time']) <= date('Ymd') && $startTime != $rule['start_time']) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '原开始生效时间在今日之前,不可修改'
if (date('Ymd', $startTime) <= date('Ymd') && $startTime != $rule['start_time']) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '开始生效时间在今日之前,不可修改'
if (date('Ymd', $rule['end_time']) <= date('Ymd') && $endTime != $rule['end_time']) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '原最后生效时间在今日之前,不可修改'
if (date('Ymd', $endTime) <= date('Ymd') && $endTime != $rule['end_time']) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '最后生效时间在今日之前,不可修改'
} */
$item = [
'alipay_merchant_id' => $params['alipay_merchant_id'],
'weixin_merchant_id' => $params['weixin_merchant_id'],
'express_merchant_id' => $params['express_merchant_id'],
// 'start_time' => $startTime,
// 'end_time' => $endTime,
'update_time' => time()
M('payment_rule', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->save($item);
'op_type' => 1,
'key' => $id,
'op_name' => '修改支付商户配置',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/modifyRule', ['id' => $id]),
'menu' => '推广员-推广员管理-支付商户配置-修改支付商户配置',
'content' => json_encode(['rule' => $rule, 'modify' => $item]),
'status' => 1,
'message' => '修改成功'
public function deleteRule()
$id = I('id', 0);
$rule = M('payment_rule', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if (!$rule) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '记录不存在'
if ($rule['start_time'] < strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', time()))) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '该记录不可删除,规则开始时间包含今天或今天之前的时间。'
M('payment_rule', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->delete();
'op_type' => 2,
'key' => $id,
'op_name' => '删除支付商户配置',
'url' => U('PaymentMerchant/deleteRule', ['id' => $id]),
'menu' => '推广员-推广员管理-支付商户配置-删除支付商户配置',
'content' => json_encode($rule),
'status' => 1,
'message' => '删除成功'
public function getCompaniesByBelong()
$belong = I('company_belong', '');
if ($belong === '') {
$belong = null;
$promoteCompanyService = new PromoteCompanyService();
$companies = $promoteCompanyService->getCompaniesByBelong($belong, 'id,company_name');
'status' => 1,
'message' => '获取成功',
'data' => [
'companies' => $companies
public function getGamesByType()
$gameTypeId = I('game_type_id', 0);
$gameService = new GameService();
$games = $gameService->getBaseGamesByType($gameTypeId, 'id,name');
'status' => 1,
'message' => '获取成功',
'data' => [
'games' => $games
public function checkRules()
$records = I('records', []);
if (count($records) == 0) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => '未提交换绑数据'
$isRepat = false;
$paymentRuleService = new PaymentRuleService();
$records = $paymentRuleService->filterRecords($records);
foreach ($records as $record) {
$rules = $paymentRuleService->getTimeRepeatRules($record);
if (count($rules)) {
$isRepat = true;
'status' => 1,
'message' => '成功',
'data' => [
'is_repeat' => $isRepat