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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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<h3 class="page_title">{$meta_title}</h3>
<!-- <p class="description_text">说明:此功是创建推广员时所需填写信息</p>-->
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<div id="tab1" class="tab-pane in tab1">
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<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>公司类型:</td>
<td class="r">
<select name="company_belong" id="company-belong-select" class="select_gallery">
<option value="-1">所有公司类型</option>
<?php foreach($companyBelongs as $key => $name):?>
<option value="<?=$key?>"><?=$name?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>推广公司:</td>
<td class="r">
<select name="company_id[]" id="company-select" class="select_gallery" multiple="multiple" style="width: 500px;">
<option value="0">所有公司</option>
<?php foreach($companies as $company):?>
<option value="<?=$company['id']?>"><?=$company['company_name']?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>游戏类型:</td>
<td class="r">
<select name="game_type_id" id="game-type-select" class="select_gallery">
<option value="0">所有游戏类型</option>
<?php foreach($gameTypes as $gameType):?>
<option value="<?=$gameType['id']?>"><?=$gameType['type_name']?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>游戏:</td>
<td class="r">
<select name="game_id" id="game-select" class="select_gallery" multiple="multiple" style="width: 500px;">
<option value="0">所有游戏</option>
<?php foreach($games as $game):?>
<option value="<?=$game['id']?>"><?=$game['name']?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>支付宝支付配置:</td>
<td class="r">
<select name="alipay_merchant_id" id="alipay-merchant-select" class="select_gallery" style="width: 350px;">
<option value="0">跟随系统默认商户</option>
<?php foreach($aliMerchants as $merchant):?>
<option value="<?=$merchant['id']?>"><?=$merchant['name']?>(<?=$merchant['account']?>)</option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>微信支付配置:</td>
<td class="r">
<select name="weixin_merchant_id" id="weixin-merchant-select" class="select_gallery" style="width: 350px;">
<option value="0">跟随系统默认商户</option>
<?php foreach($weixinMerchants as $merchant):?>
<option value="<?=$merchant['id']?>"><?=$merchant['name']?>(<?=$merchant['account']?>)</option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>快捷支付配置:</td>
<td class="r">
<select name="express_merchant_id" id="express-merchant-select" class="select_gallery" style="width: 350px;">
<option value="0">跟随系统默认商户</option>
<?php foreach($expressMerchants as $merchant):?>
<option value="<?=$merchant['id']?>"><?=$merchant['name']?>(<?=$merchant['account']?>)</option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<td class="l"><i class="mustmark">*</i>生效时间(开始):</td>
<td class="r">
<input type="text" id="start_time" name="start_time" class="time" value="" autocomplete="off" placeholder="请选择生效时间(开始)" style="width: 200px"/>
<td class="l">生效时间(结束):</td>
<td class="r">
<input type="text" id="end_time" name="end_time" class="time" value="" autocomplete="off" placeholder="请选择生效时间(开始)" style="width: 200px"/>
<div class="form-item cf">
<button class="submit_btn mlspacing" id="add-item" type="button" target-form="form-horizontal" style="margin-top: 10px;">
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<div class="">
<table id="record-table">
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<span class="plus_icon"><span><img src="__IMG__/zwmimages/icon_jia.png"></span></span>
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format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
language: "zh-CN",
autoclose: true,
scrollMonth: false,
scrollTime: false,
scrollInput: false,
startView: 'month',
change: function() {
var companyBelong = $(this).val()
getCompaniesByBelong(companyBelong, function(companies) {
var html = '<option value="0">所有推广公司</option>'
for (var key in companies) {
html += '<option value="' +
companies[key].id +
'">' + companies[key].company_name + '</option>'
change: function() {
var gameTypeId = $(this).val()
getGamesByType(gameTypeId, function(games) {
var html = '<option value="0">所有游戏</option>'
for (var key in games) {
html += '<option value="' +
games[key].id +
'">' + games[key].name + '</option>'
function getCompaniesByBelong(companyBelong, callback) {
url: '{:U("getCompaniesByBelong")}',
type: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
data: {company_belong: companyBelong},
success: function(result) {
if (result.status == 1) {
} else {
function getGamesByType(gameTypeId, callback) {
url: '{:U("getGamesByType")}',
type: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
data: {game_type_id: gameTypeId},
success: function(result) {
if (result.status == 1) {
} else {
function descartes(list) {
var point = {};
var result = [];
var pIndex = null;
var tempCount = 0;
var temp = [];
for(var index in list) {
if(typeof list[index] == 'object') {
point[index] = {'parent':pIndex,'count':0}
pIndex = index;
if(pIndex == null) {
return list;
while(true) {
for(var index in list) {
tempCount = point[index]['count'];
temp = [];
while(true) {
if(point[index]['count']+1 >= list[index].length) {
point[index]['count'] = 0;
pIndex = point[index]['parent'];
if(pIndex == null) {
return result;
index = pIndex;
} else {
function getRangeTimeDisplay(startTime, endTime)
if (startTime === '' && endTime === '') {
return '永久';
if (startTime !== '' && endTime !== '') {
return startTime + ' 至 ' + endTime;
if (startTime === '' && endTime !== '') {
return '从前 至 ' + endTime;
if (startTime !== '' && endTime === '') {
return startTime + ' 至 永久';
function getCompanyName(id) {
return $("#company-select option[value=" + id + "]").html();
function getGameName(id) {
return $("#game-select option[value=" + id + "]").html();
function isUniqueKeyExists(uniqueKey) {
return ($("#record-table tr[data-key=" + uniqueKey + "]").length == 0 ? false : true);
function getUniqueKey(data) {
var startTime = data.start_time == '' ? '0' : data.start_time.replace(/-/g, "")
var endTime = data.end_time == '' ? '0' : data.end_time.replace(/-/g, "")
return data.company_belong + '_' + data.company_id + '_' + data.game_id + '_' + data.game_type_id + '_' + startTime + '_' + endTime
function getTodayValue() {
var now = new Date()
var year = now.getFullYear().toString()
var month = now.getMonth() + 1
var date = now.getDate()
if (month < 10) {
month = "0" + month;
if (date < 10) {
date = "0" + date;
return parseInt(year + month + date);
click: function () {
var companySelect = $("#company-select");
var companyIds = companySelect.val()
var companyBelongOption = $("#company-belong-select option:selected");
var companyBelongId = companyBelongOption.val()
var companyBelongName = companyBelongOption.text()
var gameTypeOption = $("#game-type-select option:selected");
var gameTypeId = gameTypeOption.val()
var gameTypeName = gameTypeOption.text()
var gameSelect = $("#game-select");
var gameIds = gameSelect.val()
var alipayOption = $("#alipay-merchant-select option:selected");
var alipayId = alipayOption.val()
var alipayName = alipayOption.text()
var weixinOption = $("#weixin-merchant-select option:selected");
var weixinId = weixinOption.val()
var weixinName = weixinOption.text()
var expressOption = $("#express-merchant-select option:selected");
var expressId = expressOption.val()
var expressName = expressOption.text()
var startTime = $("#start_time").val();
var endTime = $("#end_time").val();
if (companyIds == null || companyIds.length == 0) {
return layer.msg('请选择推广公司')
if (gameIds == null || gameIds.length == 0) {
return layer.msg('请选择游戏')
if (startTime == '') {
return layer.msg('开始生效时间必填')
var notValue = getTodayValue()
var startValue = parseInt(startTime.replace(/-/g, ""))
var endValue = parseInt(endTime.replace(/-/g, ""))
if (notValue >= startValue) {
return layer.msg('开始生效时间必须在今天之后')
if (endTime != '') {
var endValue = parseInt(endTime.replace(/-/g, ""))
if (notValue >= endValue) {
return layer.msg('最终生效时间必须在今天之后')
if (startValue > endValue) {
return layer.msg('开始生效时间不能大于最终生效时间')
var items = descartes([
[companyBelongId], companyIds, [gameTypeId], gameIds
var uniqueKeys = []
var records = []
for (var i in items) {
var data = {
company_belong: items[i][0],
company_id: items[i][1],
game_type_id: items[i][2],
game_id: items[i][3],
alipay_merchant_id: alipayId,
weixin_merchant_id: weixinId,
express_merchant_id: expressId,
start_time: startTime,
end_time: endTime,
var uniqueKey = getUniqueKey(data)
if (isUniqueKeyExists(uniqueKey)) {
return layer.msg('已经添加相同配置,请检查')
data.unique_key = uniqueKey
for (var i in records) {
var data = records[i]
var html = '<tr data-post=' + JSON.stringify(data) + ' data-key="' + data.unique_key + '"><td>' + companyBelongName + '</td>' +
'<td>' + getCompanyName(data.company_id) + '</td>' +
'<td>' + gameTypeName + '</td>' +
'<td>' + getGameName(data.game_id) + '</td>' +
'<td>' + alipayName + '</td>' +
'<td>' + weixinName + '</td>' +
'<td>' + expressName + '</td>' +
'<td>' + getRangeTimeDisplay(startTime, endTime) + '</td>' +
'<td><a class="delete-btn">删除</a></td>' +
$('#record-table').on('click', '.delete-btn', function() {
var tr = $(this).parents('tr').eq(0)
$('#submit').click(function (e) {
var records = []
$('#record-table').find('tbody').children('tr').each(function() {
if (records.length == 0) {
return layer.msg('请添加配置数据')
var accessStatus = true
var checkStatus = true
url: '{:U("checkRules")}',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
data: {records: records},
success: function(result) {
if (result.status == 1) {
if ( {
checkStatus = false
} else {
accessStatus = false
if (!accessStatus) {
return layer.msg('验证异常')
if (!checkStatus) {
layer.confirm('该时间段已有相同条件设置,是否设置?', {
title: "是否设置",
btn: ['确定', '取消']
}, function () {
} else {
function saveRules(records) {
url: '{:U("saveRule")}',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
data: {records: records},
success: function(result) {
if (result.status == 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
window.location.href = '{:U("rules")}'
}, 200)
} else {
</block> |