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namespace Admin\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
class PromoteGameRatioController extends ThinkController
const MODEL_NAME = 'promote_game_ratio';
const STATUS_REFUSE = -1;
const STATUS_WAIT = 0;
const STATUS_PASS = 1;
public static $statusList = [
self::STATUS_REFUSE => '审核未通过',
self::STATUS_WAIT => '待审核',
self::STATUS_PASS => '已审核',
public function lists()
$params = I('get.');
$promoteId = $params['promote_id'] ?? 0;
$gameId = $params['game_id'] ?? 0;
$status = $params['status'] ?? '';
$page = $params['p'] ? intval($params['p']) : 1;
$row = $params['row'] ? intval($params['row']) : 10;
$map['_string'] = '1 = 1';
if ($promoteId) {
$map['promote_id'] = intval($promoteId);
if ($gameId) {
$map['game_id'] = intval($gameId);
if ($status !== '') {
$map['status'] = intval($status);
$field = 'create_time, update_time';
$promoteGameRatios = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->field($field, true)
->page($page, $row)
->order('update_time desc, id desc')
$count = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->where($map)->count();
$records = [];
if ($promoteGameRatios) {
$promoteIds = array_column($promoteGameRatios, 'promote_id');
$gameIds = array_column($promoteGameRatios, 'game_id');
$promoteFiled = 'id, account, mobile_phone, create_time, status, ver_status';
$gameFiled = 'id, game_name, ratio';
$promotes = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => ['in', $promoteIds]))->getField($promoteFiled, true);
$games = M('game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => ['in', $gameIds]))->getField($gameFiled, true);
foreach ($promoteGameRatios as $promoteGameRatio) {
$thisPromoteId = $promoteGameRatio['promote_id'];
$thisGameId = $promoteGameRatio['game_id'];
$issetPromote = isset($promotes[$thisPromoteId]);
$issetGame = isset($games[$thisGameId]);
$thisPromoteAccount = '未知';
$thisPromoteMobilePhone = '未知';
$thisPromoteCreateTime = '未知';
$thisPromoteStatus = '未知';
$thisPromoteVerStatus = '未知';
$thisGameName = '未知';
$thisGameRatio = '0.00';
$thisLastRatio = $promoteGameRatio['last_ratio'];
$thisLastRatioStatus = $promoteGameRatio['last_ratio_status'];
$thisStatusText = self::$statusList[$promoteGameRatio['status']];
$thisStatusText = ($promoteGameRatio['status'] == -1) ? '<span style="color: red;">' . $thisStatusText . '</span>' : $thisStatusText;
$thisApplicant = getPromoteAccount($promoteGameRatio['applicant_id']);
$thisReviewer = $promoteGameRatio['reviewer_id'] ? getPromoteAccount($promoteGameRatio['reviewer_id']) : '待确认';
$thisBeninTime = date('Y/m/d', $promoteGameRatio['begin_time']);
$thisEndTime = $promoteGameRatio['end_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $promoteGameRatio['end_time']) : '永久';
$validDate = $thisBeninTime . ' - ' . $thisEndTime;
if ($issetPromote) {
$thisPromoteAccount = $promotes[$thisPromoteId]['account'];
$thisPromoteMobilePhone = $promotes[$thisPromoteId]['mobile_phone'];
$thisPromoteCreateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $promotes[$thisPromoteId]['create_time']);
$thisPromoteStatus = get_status_title($promotes[$thisPromoteId]['status']);
$thisPromoteStatus = $thisPromoteStatus ?? '未知';
$thisPromoteVerStatus = getPromoteVerStatus($promotes[$thisPromoteId]['status'], 2);
if ($issetGame) {
$thisGameName = $games[$thisGameId]['game_name'];
$thisGameRatio = $games[$thisGameId]['ratio'];
$thisGameRatio = $thisGameRatio ?? '0.00';
$records[] = [
'id' => $promoteGameRatio['id'],
'promote_id' => $promoteGameRatio['promote_id'],
'promote_account' => $thisPromoteAccount,
'promote_mobile_phone' => $thisPromoteMobilePhone,
'promote_create_time' => $thisPromoteCreateTime,
'promote_status_text' => $thisPromoteStatus,
'promote_ver_status_text' => $thisPromoteVerStatus,
'game_name' => $thisGameName,
'last_ratio' => (($thisLastRatioStatus == 1) ? $thisLastRatio : $thisGameRatio) . '%',
'ratio' => $promoteGameRatio['ratio'] . '%',
'valid_date' => $validDate,
'remark' => $promoteGameRatio['remark'],
'status' => $promoteGameRatio['status'],
'status_text' => $thisStatusText,
'applicant' => $thisApplicant ?? '未知',
'reviewer' => $thisReviewer ?? '未知',
$reviewRule = $this->getReviewRule();
$this->assign('records', $records);
$this->assign('count', $count);
$this->assign('gameList', getAllGameList());
$this->assign('promoteList', getPromoteByLevel(1));
$this->assign('statusList', self::$statusList);
$this->assign('reviewRule', $reviewRule);
$this->meta_title = '公会分成管理';
public function applyRatio()
if ($_POST) {
$params = I('post.');
$time = time();
if (empty($params['begin_time'])) {
if (!empty($params['end_time'])) {
if (strtotime($params['end_time']) < strtotime($params['begin_time'])) {
$save['ratio'] = $params['ratio'] ?? 0;
$save['begin_time'] = strtotime($params['begin_time']);
$save['end_time'] = $params['end_time'] ? strtotime($params['end_time']) : 0;
$save['remark'] = $params['remark'] ?? '';
$save['status'] = 0;
$save['update_time'] = $time;
if (!empty($params['id'])) {//修改
$promoteGameRatio = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->find($params['id']);
if (empty($promoteGameRatio)) {
if ($promoteGameRatio['status'] == 1) {
$save['last_ratio'] = $promoteGameRatio['ratio'];
$save['last_ratio_status'] = 1;
$save['id'] = intval($params['id']);
$result = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->save($save);
} else {//新增
if (empty($params['promote_id'])) {
if (empty($params['game_id'])) {
$promoteId = intval($params['promote_id']);
$gameId = intval($params['game_id']);
$promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->find($promoteId);
if (empty($promote) || $promote['level'] != 1) {
$map['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$map['game_id'] = $gameId;
$promoteGameRatio = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->where($map)->find();
if ($promoteGameRatio) {
$save['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$save['game_id'] = $gameId;
$save['applicant_id'] = is_login();
$save['create_time'] = $time;
$result = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->add($save);
if ($result === false) {
} else {
$this->success('保存成功', U('lists'));
} else {
$params = I('get.');
$id = $params['id'] ?? 0;
$id = intval($id);
$metaTitle = '游戏分成比例申请';
if ($id) {
$metaTitle .= '--修改';
$map['id'] = $id;
$promoteGameRatio = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->where($map)->find();
if (empty($promoteGameRatio)) {
$promoteGameRatio['begin_time'] = $promoteGameRatio['begin_time'] ? date('Y-m-d', $promoteGameRatio['begin_time']) : '';
$promoteGameRatio['end_time'] = $promoteGameRatio['end_time'] ? date('Y-m-d', $promoteGameRatio['end_time']) : '';
if ($promoteGameRatio['last_ratio_status'] == 1) {
$lastRatio = $promoteGameRatio['last_ratio'];
} else {
$gameRatio = M('game', 'tab_')->where(array(['id' => $promoteGameRatio['game_id']]))->getField('ratio');
$lastRatio = ($gameRatio ?? '0.00') . '%';
$this->assign('record', $promoteGameRatio);
$this->assign('lastRatio', $lastRatio);
$this->assign('gameList', getAllGameList());
$this->assign('promoteList', getPromoteByLevel(1));
$this->meta_title = $metaTitle;
public function setStatus($status)
$params = I('post.');
$ids = $params['ids'] ?? [];
$remark = $params['remark'] ?? '';
if (empty($ids)) {
if (empty($status) || !in_array($status, [-1, 1])) {
$time = time();
$map['id'] = ['in', $ids];
$map['status'] = 0;
$save['status'] = $status;
$save['reviewer_id'] = is_login();
$save['review_time'] = $time;
$save['update_time'] = $time;
if ($remark) {
$save['remark'] = $remark;
$result = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->where($map)->save($save);
if ($result) {
} else {
private function getPromoteApplyCreateTime($promoteId, $gameId)
$map['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$map['game_id'] = $gameId;
$createTime = $apply = M('apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('apply_time');
return $createTime;
private function getReviewRule()
$rules = getAdminRules(is_login());
$rulesName = BIND_MODULE . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/setStatus';
$ruleId = getRule($rulesName, 'admin');
$reviewRule = in_array($ruleId, $rules) ? true : false;
$reviewRule = (is_login() == 1) ? true : $reviewRule;
return $reviewRule;
public function getPromoteGameRatio()
$promoteId = I('post.promote_id', 0);
$promoteId = intval($promoteId);
$gameId = I('post.game_id', 0);
$gameId = intval($gameId);
$record['last_ratio'] = '';
$status = 0;
if ($promoteId || $gameId) {
if ($promoteId && $gameId) {
$map['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
$map['game_id'] = $gameId;
$record = D(self::MODEL_NAME)->where($map)->find();
if ($record) {
$status = 2;
$record['begin_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $record['begin_time']);
$record['end_time'] = empty($record['end_time']) ? '' : date('Y-m-d', $record['end_time']);
if ($record['last_ratio_status'] == 0) {
$record['last_ratio'] = $this->getGameRatio($gameId);
} else {
$status = 1;
$record['last_ratio'] = $this->getGameRatio($gameId);
} elseif ($gameId) {
$status = 1;
$record['last_ratio'] = $this->getGameRatio($gameId);
$data = [
'status' => $status,
'record' => $record,
public function getGameRatio($gameId)
$gameId = intval($gameId);
$gameRatio = '0.00';
if ($gameId) {
$map['id'] = $gameId;
$gameRatio = M('game', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('ratio');
$gameRatio = ($gameRatio ?? '0.00') . '%';
return $gameRatio;