
656 lines
24 KiB

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namespace Home\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
use Base\Repository\PromoteRepository;
use Base\Tool\TaskClient;
* 扩展控制器
* 用于调度各个扩展的URL访问需求
class SafeController extends BaseController{
public function setSafeIndex() {
$id = get_pid();
$safePwd = M('promote','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->field('second_pwd, level, login_phone')->find();
if(!empty($safePwd['login_phone'])) {
$this->assign('login_phone', $safePwd['login_phone']);
if ($safePwd['level'] != 1) {
return $this->error('非会长无法更改');
return $this->display();
// if(empty($safePwd['second_pwd'])) {
// return $this->display();
// }else {
// return $this->display("verifySafePwd");
// }
public function setSafePwd() {
public function setSafePassword() {
$password = $_REQUEST['password'];
$confirmpassword = $_REQUEST['confirm_password'];
if($password == "") {
if($confirmpassword == "") {
if($password !== $confirmpassword) {
$data['second_pwd'] = $this->think_ucenter_md5($confirmpassword, UC_AUTH_KEY);
$id = get_pid();
$updateRs = M("promote","tab_")->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data);
if($updateRs) {
public function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter')
return '' === $str ? '' : md5(sha1($str) . $key);
public function checkPaswwordFormat($confirmpwd) {
if(strlen($confirmpwd) < 6 || strlen($confirmpwd) > 24) {
public function modifyPwdIndex() {
$id = get_pid();
$promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if(!empty($promote['login_phone'])) {
$this->assign('login_phone', $promote['login_phone']);
if($_POST) {
if ($promote['level'] != 1) {
return $this->error('修改失败,非会长无法修改!');
//$oldpwd = $_POST['oldpwd'];
$safepwd = $_POST['safepwd'];
// if(empty($oldpwd)) {
// $this->error("旧密码不能为空");
// }
if(empty($safepwd)) {
if (!$this->checksafecode($promote['login_phone'], $_POST['code'])) {
return $this->error('验证码错误');
$id = get_pid();
$data['second_pwd'] = $this->think_ucenter_md5($safepwd, UC_AUTH_KEY);
$updateRs = M("promote","tab_")->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data);
if($updateRs) {
}else {
public function verifySafePwd() {
if($_POST) {
$password = $_POST['safepwd'];
if($password == "" || $password == NULL) {
$id = get_pid();
$safePwd = M('promote','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->field('second_pwd')->find();
if($safePwd['second_pwd'] == $this->think_ucenter_md5($password, UC_AUTH_KEY)){
else {
public function modifyLoginPassword() {
if($_POST) {
$oldpwd = $_POST['oldpwd'];
$newpwd = $_POST['newpwd'];
$id = get_pid();
$pwd = M('promote','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->field('password')->find();
$password = $pwd["password"];
if($oldpwd != "0" && empty($oldpwd)) {
return false;
if($newpwd != "0" && empty($newpwd)) {
return false;
if($this->think_ucenter_md5($oldpwd, UC_AUTH_KEY) !== $password) {
return false;
$data['password'] = $this->think_ucenter_md5($newpwd, UC_AUTH_KEY);
$updateRs = M('promote','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data);
if($updateRs) {
}else {
return false;
public function modifyBaseInfo() {
$id = get_pid();
$safePwd = M('promote','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->field('second_pwd')->find();
if(empty($safePwd['second_pwd'])) {
$metaTitle = '基础信息';
$modelList = ['基础信息', $metaTitle];
$ver_status = M('promote','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->getField('ver_status',true);
if($ver_status[0] == 1) {
//return $this->display('editModify');
if($_POST) {
$username = $_REQUEST['username']; //真实姓名
$id_card = $_REQUEST["id_card"]; //身份证号码
$tel = $_REQUEST['tel'];
$address = $_REQUEST['s_province'].$_REQUEST['s_city'].$_REQUEST['s_county']; //省市县
$contactAddress = $_REQUEST['address']; //具体地址
// $userAddress = $address.'('.$contactAddress.')';
$userAddress[0] = $_REQUEST['s_province'].','.$_REQUEST['s_city'].','.$_REQUEST['s_county'];
$userAddress[1] = $contactAddress;
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$account_type = $_REQUEST['account_type']; //账户类型
$bank_name = $_REQUEST["bank_name"]; //开户银行
$bank_account = $_REQUEST['bank_account']; //银行账户名
$bank_card = $_REQUEST['bank_card']; //银行账号
$idcarpic = $_REQUEST['idcarpic'];
$businesspic = $_REQUEST['businesspic'];
$agreementpic = $_REQUEST['agreementpic'];
if(empty($_REQUEST['agree'])) {
return false;
if(empty($username)) {
return false;
if(empty($tel)) {
return false;
$pattern = "/^1[3|5|7|8]\\d{9}$/i";
if(!preg_match($pattern, $tel)) {
return false;
$telInfo = M('promote','tab_')->field('id')->where(['mobile_phone'=>$tel])->find();
if(!empty($telInfo)) {
return false;
if(empty($id_card)) {
return false;
if(empty($idcarpic)) {
return false;
if(!is_idcard($id_card)) {
return false;
if(empty($address)) {
return false;
if(empty($contactAddress)) {
if(empty($email)) {
return false;
$patternemail = "/^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_\\.]+)@([0-9a-z]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i";
if (!preg_match($patternemail, $email)) {
return false;
if(empty($account_type)) {
return false;
if(empty($bank_name)) {
return false;
if(empty($bank_account)) {
return false;
$bank_account_pattern = "/^[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]{2,}$/u";
if (!preg_match($bank_account_pattern, $bank_account)) {
return false;
if(empty($bank_card)) {
return false;
$bank_card_pattern = "/^\d{10,19}$/u";
if (!preg_match($bank_card_pattern, $bank_card)) {
return false;
$data["real_name"] = $username;
$data['mobile_phone'] = $tel;
$data['idcard'] = $id_card;
$data['address'] = json_encode($userAddress,FALSE);
$data['email'] = $email;
$data['account_type'] = $account_type;
$data['bank_name'] = $bank_name;
$data['bank_account'] = $bank_account;
$data['bank_card'] = $bank_card;
$data['idcarpic'] = $idcarpic;
$data['businesspic'] = $businesspic;
$data['agreementpic'] = $agreementpic;
$data['ver_status'] = 3;
if($account_type == "公司") {
$data['account_type'] = 1;
}else {
$data['account_type'] = 2;
$updateRs = M("promote","tab_")->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data);
if($updateRs) {
}else {
}else {
$id = get_PID();
$result = M("promote","tab_")->where(['id'=>$id])->select();
$promoteInfo = $result[0];
$idcarpic = $promoteInfo['idcarpic'];
$businesspic = $promoteInfo['businesspic'];
$agreementpic = $promoteInfo['agreementpic'];
$account_type = $promoteInfo['account_type'];
$address = $promoteInfo["address"];
if(!empty($idcarpic)) {
$idcarpicArr = explode(',', $idcarpic);
$str = '';
foreach ($idcarpicArr as $key => $value) {
$promoteInfo['valuedata'][$key] =$value;
if(!empty($businesspic)) {
$businesspicArr = explode(',', $businesspic);
$str = '';
foreach ($businesspicArr as $key1 => $value1) {
$promoteInfo['valuedata1'][$key1] =$value1;
if(!empty($agreementpic)) {
$agreementpicArr = explode(',', $agreementpic);
$str = '';
foreach ($agreementpicArr as $key2 => $value2) {
$promoteInfo['valuedata2'][$key2] =$value2;
if($account_type == 1) {
$promoteInfo['complanystatus'] = true;
$promoteInfo['personalstatus'] = false;
}else {
$promoteInfo['personalstatus'] = true;
$promoteInfo['complanystatus'] = false;
if(!empty(json_decode($address)) && count(json_decode($address)) >= 2) {
$addressArr = explode(',', json_decode($address)[0]);
$promoteInfo['addressdata'] = $addressArr;
$promoteInfo['address'] = json_decode($address);
$this->assign('promoteinfo', $promoteInfo);
public function editModify() {
$id = get_pid();
$rs = M("promote","tab_")->field('anothpic,ver_status,real_name,bank_card,mobile_phone,email,address,idcard')->where(['id'=>$id])->find();
$anothpic = $rs['anothpic'];
$promoteInfo = "";
$address = json_decode($rs['address'],false)[1];
$realname = mb_strlen($rs['real_name'],'utf-8') == 2 ? mb_substr($rs['real_name'],0,1,'utf-8').'*':mb_substr($rs['real_name'],0,1,'utf-8').'**';
public function edit() {
$id = get_pid();
$tel = $_REQUEST["tel"];
$address1 = $_REQUEST["address"];
$email = $_REQUEST["email"];
$account_type = $_REQUEST["account_type"];
$bank = $_REQUEST["bank"];
$agreementpic = $_REQUEST["agreementpic"];
if(empty($tel)) {
return false;
$pattern = "/^1[3|5|7|8]\\d{9}$/i";
if(!preg_match($pattern, $tel)) {
return false;
$telInfo = M('promote','tab_')->field('id')->where(['mobile_phone'=>$tel])->find();
if(!empty($telInfo)) {
return false;
if(empty($address1)) {
return false;
if(empty($email)) {
return false;
$patternemail = "/^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_\\.]+)@([0-9a-z]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i";
if (!preg_match($patternemail, $email)) {
return false;
if(empty($bank)) {
return false;
$bank_card_pattern = "/^\d{10,19}$/u";
if (!preg_match($bank_card_pattern, $bank)) {
return false;
if(empty($agreementpic)) {
return false;
$Res = M("promote","tab_")->field('address')->where(['id'=>$id])->find();
$address = json_decode($Res['address'],false);
$address[1] = $address1;
$data['mobile_phone'] = $tel;
$data['address'] = json_encode($address,TRUE);
$data['email'] = $email;
$data['account_type'] = $account_type;
$data['bank_card'] = $bank;
$data['ver_status'] = 4;
// $data['agreementpic'] = $
$data['anothpic'] = $agreementpic;
$id = get_pid();
$updateRs = M("promote","tab_")->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data);
if($updateRs) {
}else {
public function ajaxEdit() {
$id = get_pid();
$rs = M("promote","tab_")->field('mobile_phone,address,email,account_type,bank_card,anothpic')->where(['id'=>$id])->find();
$res = [
'tel'=> $rs['mobile_phone'],
'address'=> json_decode($rs['address'],false)[1],
'email'=> $rs['email'],
'account_type'=> $rs['account_type'],
'bank_card'=> $rs['bank_card'],
'idcarpic' => $rs['idcarpic'],
'anothpic' => $rs['anothpic'],
if($rs['account_type'] == 1) {
$res['complanystatus'] = true;
$res['personalstatus'] = false;
}else {
$res['personalstatus'] = true;
$res['complanystatus'] = false;
public function safeDocument() {
$realname = $_REQUEST['realname'];
$phone = $_REQUEST['phone'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$address = $_REQUEST['address'];
if (empty($realname)) {
$realname = '您未填写真实姓名';
if (empty($email)) {
$email = '您未填写联系邮箱';
if (empty($address)) {
$address = '您未填写注册地址';
if (empty($phone)) {
$phone = '您未填写联系号码';
$time = time();
$loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
$sn = date('Ymd') . '-' . strtoupper(substr(md5($loginPromote['id']), 8, 16));
$endTime = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('+1 year'));
public function promoteLogs() {
$page = intval(I('p', 1));
$row = intval(I('row', 10));
$user_account = I('user_account');
$action_type = I('action_type');
$begTime = strtotime(I('begtime'));
$endTime = strtotime(I('endtime'));
$id = get_pid();
$loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
$map1['chain'] = ['like', $loginPromote['chain'] . $loginPromote['id'] . '/%'];
$ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map1)->getField('id', true);
$ids[] = $loginPromote['id'];
$map = [];
$map['promote_id'] = ['in', $ids];
if (!empty($user_account)) {
$map['promote'] = ['like','%'.$user_account.'%'];
if (!empty($action_type)) {
$map['action_type'] = ['like','%'.$action_type.'%'];
if (!empty($begTime) && !empty($endTime)) {
$map['create_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime + 24*3600 - 1]];
}else if (empty($begTime) && !empty($endTime)) {
$map['create_time'] = ['elt',$endTime + 24*3600];
}else if (!empty($begTime) && empty($endTime)) {
$map['create_time'] = ['EGT',$begTime + 24*3600];
$page = intval(I('get.p', 1));
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据arraypage
$rs = M('promote_action_logs','tab_')->where($map)->order('create_time DESC')
->page($page, $row)->select();
foreach($rs as $key => $v) {
$rs[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$v['create_time']);
$count = M('promote_action_logs', 'tab_')
$count = count($count);
$parameter['p'] = $page;
$parameter['row'] = $row;
$parameter['begtime'] = I('begtime');
$parameter['endtime'] = I('endtime');
$parameter['user_account'] = $user_account;
$parameter['action_type'] = $action_type;
$page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$this->assign('initBegTime', I('begtime'));
$this->assign('initEndTime', I('endtime'));
public function deletePromoteLogs() {
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$rs = M('promote_action_logs','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->delete();
if($rs) {
public function bindTel() {
$id = get_pid();
$promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if(!empty($promote['login_phone'])) {
$this->assign('login_phone', $promote['login_phone']);
return $this->display();
* 发动手机验证码
public function telsafecode($phone = '', $exceptExists=1, $delay = 10, $flag = true)
$exists = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['login_phone'=>$phone])->find();
if (!$exceptExists) {
if ($exists) {
return $this->ajaxReturn(['status'=>0,'msg'=>'手机号已被绑定']);
} else {
echo 222;
if (!$exists) {
return $this->ajaxReturn(['status'=>0,'msg'=>'手机号未被绑定']);
$taskClient = new TaskClient();
$result = $taskClient->sendSmsCode($phone, get_client_ip());
$data = [];
if ($result['code'] == TaskClient::SUCCESS) {
$data['status'] = 1;
} else {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = $result['message'];
echo json_encode($data);
* 手机安全码验证
public function checksafecode($phone, $code)
$taskClient = new TaskClient();
$result = $taskClient->checkSms($phone, $code);
$data = [];
if ($result && $result['code'] == TaskClient::SUCCESS) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function addLoginMobile() {
if (IS_POST) {
/* 检测验证码 TODO: */
$mobile = $_POST['login_phone'];
$verify = $_POST['code'];
if (!$this->checksafecode($mobile, $verify)) {
$id = get_pid();
$promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where([
'id' => $id
if ($promote) {
$promote['login_phone'] = $mobile;
$updateRs = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->save($promote);
if($updateRs) {
}else {
}else {