<?php namespace Base\Repository; use Base\Tool\Registry; class GameRepository { public function getBaseGames($isRefresh = false) { $baseGames = Registry::get('base_games'); if ($isRefresh || is_null($baseGames)) { $baseGames = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where('1=1')->select(); Registry::set('base_games', $baseGames); } return $baseGames; } public function getBaseGameByGameId($gameId, array $baseGames = null) { if (is_null($baseGames)) { return M('base_game', 'tab_')->where('android_game_id=' . $gameId . ' or ios_game_id=' . $gameId)->find(); } foreach ($baseGames as $baseGame) { if ($baseGame['android_game_id'] == $gameId || $baseGame['ios_game_id'] == $gameId) { return $baseGame; } } return null; } public function getChoiceGames(array $visibleGameIds = null, $fields = ['id', 'game_name']) { $map = []; $map['_string'] = '1=1'; if (is_null($visibleGameIds)) { } elseif (count($visibleGameIds) > 0) { $map['_string'] = ' and id in (' . implode(',', $visibleGameIds) . ')'; } else { $map['_string'] = ' and 1=0'; } return M('game', 'tab_')->field($fields)->where($map)->select(); } public function getServersByGameId($gameId, $fields = ['id', 'server_name', 'server_id']) { $map = []; $map['game_id'] = $gameId; return M('server', 'tab_') ->field($fields) ->where($map) ->order('server_id asc') ->select(); } public function getGameIdsByBaseGame($baseGame, $deviceType = 0) { $gameIds = []; if ($deviceType == 1) { $gameIds[] = $baseGame['android_game_id']; } elseif ($deviceType == 2) { $gameIds[] = $baseGame['ios_game_id']; } else { $gameIds[] = $baseGame['android_game_id']; $gameIds[] = $baseGame['ios_game_id']; } return $gameIds; } public function getUserRegisterCount($baseGame, $date, $deviceType = 0) { $gameIds = $this->getGameIdsByBaseGame($baseGame, $deviceType); $timeBegin = strtotime($date . ' 00:00:00'); $timeEnd = strtotime($date . ' 23:59:59'); $subCondition = [ 'game_id' => ['in', $gameIds], '_string' => 'tab_user.id=tab_user_play_info.user_id' ]; $subSql = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field('1')->where($subCondition)->select(false); return M('user', 'tab_')->where([ 'register_time' => ['between', [$timeBegin, $timeEnd]], '_string' => 'exists (' . $subSql . ')' ])->count(); } public function getUserRetentionCount($baseGame, $date, $day, $deviceType = 0) { $gameIds = $this->getGameIdsByBaseGame($baseGame, $deviceType); $timeBegin = strtotime($date . ' 00:00:00'); $timeEnd = strtotime($date . ' 23:59:59'); $retentionTime = $timeBegin + ($day * 24 * 3600); $subCondition = [ 'game_id' => ['in', $gameIds], '_string' => 'tab_user.id=tab_user_play_info.user_id', 'play_time' => ['egt', $retentionTime], ]; $subSql = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field('1')->where($subCondition)->select(false); return M('user', 'tab_')->where([ 'register_time' => ['between', [$timeBegin, $timeEnd]], '_string' => 'exists (' . $subSql . ')' ])->count(); } }