namespace Mobile\Model;
use Think\Model;
use Mobile\Logic\SetLogic;

 * 文档基础模型
class GameModel extends Model{


    /* 自动验证规则 */
    protected $_validate = array(
        array('game_name', 'require', '游戏名称不能为空', self::MUST_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),
        array('game_name', '1,30', '游戏名称不能超过30个字符', self::VALUE_VALIDATE, 'length', self::MODEL_BOTH),
        array('game_appid', 'require', '游戏APPID不能为空', self::MUST_VALIDATE, 'regex', self::MODEL_BOTH),

    /* 自动完成规则 */
    protected $_auto = array(
        array('create_time', 'getCreateTime', self::MODEL_BOTH,'callback'),
        array('recommend_level', 0, self::MODEL_BOTH),
        array('game_score', 0, self::MODEL_BOTH),

     * 构造函数
     * @param string $name 模型名称
     * @param string $tablePrefix 表前缀
     * @param mixed $connection 数据库连接信息
    public function __construct($name = '', $tablePrefix = '', $connection = '') {
        /* 设置默认的表前缀 */
        $this->tablePrefix ='tab_';
        /* 执行构造方法 */
        parent::__construct($name, $tablePrefix, $connection);
		 * 游戏列表
		public function lists($p=1,$map=array()) {
     * 游戏信息
     * @param 	integer  	$game_id
     * @author 	鹿文学 
		public function get_info($game_id=0) {
			if(is_numeric($game_id) && $game_id > 0) {
				$data = $this->field('id as game_id,icon,game_name,sdk_version')->where(['id'=>$game_id])->find();
				$icon = get_cover($data['icon'],'path');
				$data['icon_url'] = is_file(MROOT.substr($icon,1))?$icon:'';	
				return $data;
			} else {
				return '';
     * 充值游戏列表
     * @param 	integer  	$p  		页码
     * @param 	array  		$map  	条件数组
		 * @param 	string  	$fields 字段列表
		 * @param 	integer  	$row  	每页数量
     * @return 	array    	结果数据集
     * @author 	鹿文学 
		public function lists_by_spend($p=1,$map=array(),$fields=true,$row=10) {
			$page = intval($p);
      $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据

			$map['g.game_status'] = 1;
			$user = D('User')->getLoginInfo();
			if(is_array($user)) {
				$map1 = $map;	
				$sql = $this->alias('g')->field($fields)
					->join('tab_merchandise as m on (g.id=m.game_id and m.status=1) ')
					->join('tab_user as u on (u.id=m.small_id and u.lock_status=1 and source_puid>0 and source_time>0 and u.puid='.$user['user_id'].') ')
				$map2 = $map;
				$lists = $this->alias('g')->field($fields)
					->join('tab_spend as s on(g.id = s.game_id and s.pay_status=1 and s.small_id>0) ')
					->join('tab_user as u on (u.id=s.small_id and u.lock_status=1 and source_puid=0 and source_time=0 and u.puid='.$user['user_id'].') ')
				$lists = $this->table(' ('.$lists.') as a ')->field('a.*')->group('a.id')->page($page,$row)->select();
			if(is_array($lists)) {
				$data['lists'] = $lists;$data['status']=1;
				if($count > $row){
				$data['total'] = ceil($count/$row);
				} else {
			} else {
				$data['lists']='';$data['total'] = 1;$data['status'] = 0;
			$data['current'] = $page;
			return $data;
		public function lists_by_spend2($p=1,$map=array(),$fields=true,$row=10) {
			$page = intval($p);
      $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
			$map['s.pay_status'] = 1;
			$map['g.game_status'] = 1;
			$user = D('User')->getLoginInfo();
			if(is_array($user)) {
			$map['s.user_id'] = $user['user_id'];
			$lists = $this->alias('g')->field($fields)
					->join('tab_spend as s on(g.id = s.game_id and s.small_id>0) ')
					->join('tab_user as u on (u.id=s.small_id and u.puid='.$user['user_id'].') ')
					->where($map)->page($page,$row)->group('g.id')->order('sort desc')->select();
			$fcount = $this->field('count(DISTINCT g.id) as count')->alias('g')
					->join('tab_spend as s on(g.id = s.game_id and s.small_id>0) ')
					->join('tab_user as u on (u.id=s.small_id and u.puid='.$user['user_id'].') ')
			$count = $fcount['count'];
			if(is_array($lists)) {
				$data['lists'] = $lists;$data['status']=1;
				if($count > $row){
				$data['total'] = ceil($count/$row);
				} else {
			} else {
				$data['lists']='';$data['total'] = 1;$data['status'] = 0;
			$data['current'] = $page;
			return $data;
		 * 获取热门游戏列表或不推荐游戏列表
		 * @param  integer   $devices    游戏类型(1安卓2苹果)
		 * @return array  
		 * @author  鹿文学
		public function listsByRecommend($devices=0) {
			$map['recommend_status'] = 2;
			$map['game_status'] = 1;
			$devices<1 || $map['sdk_version'] = $devices;
			$result = $this->field('id,game_name,icon')->where($map)->order('sort desc')->select();
			if(count($result)<5) {
				$map['recommend_status'] =0;
				$result = $this->field('id,game_name,icon')->where($map)->order('sort desc')->select();
			return $result;
		 * 获取游戏列表
		 * @param  integer   $p    			 页码
		 * @param  string    $game_name  游戏名称
		 * @param  integer   $devices    游戏类型(1安卓2苹果)
		 * @return array  
		 * @author  鹿文学
		public function listsByName($p=1,$game_name='',$devices=0,$row=10) {
			$page = intval($p);
      $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
			$map['game_status'] = 1;
			$devices<1 || $map['sdk_version'] = $devices;
			$map['game_name'] = array('like','%'.$game_name.'%');
			$lists = $this->field('id,game_name,bind_recharge_discount')->where($map)->page($page,$row)->select();
			$count = $this->where($map)->count();
			if(is_array($lists)) {
				$data['lists'] = $lists;$data['status']=1;
				if($count > $row){
				$data['total'] = ceil($count/$row);
				} else {
			} else {
				$data['lists']='';$data['total'] = 1;$data['status'] = 0;
			$data['current'] = $page;
			return $data;

     * 获取详情页数据
     * @param  integer $id 文档ID
     * @return array       详细数据
    public function detail($id){
        /* 获取基础数据 */$map['relation_game_id']=$id;
        $info = $this->field(true)->where($map)->group('relation_game_id')->select();
        $info= game_merge($info,$map);
        if(!(is_array($info) || 1 !== $info['status'])){
            $this->error = '游戏被禁用或已删除!';
            return false;
        /* 获取模型数据 */
        $logic  = new SetLogic();
        $detail = $logic->detail($id); //获取指定ID的数据
            $this->error = $logic->getError();
            return false;
        $info = array_merge($info, $detail);
        return $info;
    public function getinfo($id) {
        $info = $this->field(true)->find($id);
        if(!(is_array($info) || 1 !== $info['status'])){
            $this->error = '游戏被禁用或已删除!';
            return false;
        return $info;
    public function giftbygame($p=1,$limit=10,$order="g.id desc") {
        $start = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'));
        $end = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')+1,date('Y'))-1;
        $time= time();
        $map['_string'] = "g.game_status=1 and gb.status=1 and (gb.end_time>=$time)";
        $lists = $this->table("__GAME__ as g")
            ->field("g.id,g.game_name,g.icon,count(gb.id) as count")
            ->join("__GIFTBAG__ as gb on (gb.game_id = g.id)","left")
        if (empty($lists) || !is_array($lists)) {return '';}
        foreach ($lists as $k=>$v) {
            $ids[] = $v['id'];

        $map['gb.create_time'] = array('between',array($start,$end));
        $map['g.id'] = array('in',$ids);       
        $lists2 = $this->table("__GAME__ as g")
            ->field("g.id,count(gb.id) as tcount")
            ->join("__GIFTBAG__ as gb on (gb.game_id = g.id)","left")
        if (!empty($lists2) && is_array($lists2)) 
            foreach ($lists as $k => $v) {
                foreach ($lists2 as $v2) {
                    if ($v2['id'] == $v['id']) {
                        $lists[$k]['tcount'] = $v2['tcount'];
                $lists[$k]['picurl'] = get_cover($v['icon'],'path');
        return $lists;

     * 新增或更新一个游戏
     * @param array  $data 手动传入的数据
     * @return boolean fasle 失败 , int  成功 返回完整的数据
     * @author 王贺 
    public function update($data = null){
        /* 获取数据对象 */
        $data = $this->token(false)->create($data);
            return false;

        /* 添加或新增基础内容 */
        if(empty($data['id'])){ //新增数据
            $id = $this->add(); //添加基础内容
                $this->error = '新增基础内容出错!';
                return false;
        } else { //更新数据
            $status = $this->save(); //更新基础内容
            if(false === $status){
                $this->error = '更新基础内容出错!';
                return false;

        /* 添加或新增扩展内容 */
        $logic = $this->logic('Info');
            if(isset($id)){ //新增失败,删除基础数据
            $this->error = $logic->getError();
            return false;
        return $data;

     * 创建时间不写则取当前时间
     * @return int 时间戳
     * @author huajie <banhuajie@163.com>
    protected function getCreateTime(){
        $create_time    =   I('post.create_time');
        return $create_time?strtotime($create_time):NOW_TIME;

     * 获取扩展模型对象
     * @param  integer $model 模型编号
     * @return object         模型对象
    private function logic($model){
        $name  = $model;//parse_name(get_document_model($model, 'name'), 1);
        $class = is_file(MODULE_PATH . 'Logic/' . $name . 'Logic' . EXT) ? $name : 'Base';
        $class = MODULE_NAME . '\\Logic\\' . $class . 'Logic';
        return new $class($name);
    public function index($show_status='',$page=1,$order='id desc',$limit=20,$field=true,$where='') {
        $map = array();
        if (!empty($show_status))
            $map['show_status'] = array('in',explode(',',$show_status));
        if ($where) {
            $w = explode(',',$where);
            foreach ($w as $v) {
                if (strstr($v,'!=')) {
                    $map[$k[0]] = array('neq',$k[1]);
                $map[$k[0]] = $k[1];
        $data = $this->field($field)->where($map)->group('relation_game_id')->order($order)->page($page,$limit)->select();
        return $data;
    public function type($type='',$gamenumber=false,$isall=false) {
        $result = array();
        if (empty($type)) {return '';}
        switch($type) {
            case 'open_type':              
                $data = $this->field("gt.id,gt.open_name,count(DISTINCT tab_game.relation_game_id) as count")
                    ->join("tab_opentype as gt on (tab_game.category=gt.id and tab_game.game_status=1)","right")
                    ->where("gt.status=1 ")
                if ($gamenumber) {
                    $arr = ['id'=>0,'open_name'=>'公测','count'=>$this->where('category = 0')->count()];
                    $data[] = $arr;
                    foreach ($data as $k=> $v) {
                        $id = $v['id'];
                        $result[$id]['id'] = $id;
                        $result[$id]['type_name'] = $v['open_name'];
                        $sum += $result[$id]['count'] = $v['count'];
                } else {
                    foreach ($data as $k=> $v) {
                        $id = $v['id'];
                        $result[$id] = $v['open_name'];
            case 'game_type': 
                $data = M()
                    ->table('tab_game_type as gt')
                    ->field("gt.id,gt.type_name,count(DISTINCT tab_game.relation_game_id) as count,gt.icon")
                    ->join("tab_game on (tab_game.game_type_id=gt.id and tab_game.game_status=1)","left")

                if ($gamenumber) {
                    foreach ($data as $k=> $v) {
                        $id = $v['id'];
                        $result[$id]['id'] = $id;
                        $result[$id]['type_name'] = $v['type_name'];
                        $sum += $result[$id]['count'] = $v['count'];
                        $result[$id]['icon'] = $v['icon'];
                } else {
                    foreach ($data as $k=> $v) {
                        $id = $v['id'];
                        $result[$id] = $v['type_name'];
        if ($isall)
            if ($gamenumber) {
            } else {
        return $result;
    public function server($show_status='',$page=1,$order='id desc',$limit=10,$field=true) {
        $map = array();
        if (!empty($show_status))
            $map['show_status'] = array('in',explode(',',$show_status));
        $field = $field?"s.*,g.game_name,g.icon,g.cover,g.relation_game_id":$field;
        $data = M('Server','tab_')->table("__SERVER__ as s")
            ->join("__GAME__ as g on (g.id=s.game_id) ","left")
        return $data;
    public function multiple($model,$num=10) {
        $field = isset($model['field'])?$model['field']:true;
		$order = isset($model['order'])?$model['order']:" id DESC ";
		$where = isset($model['where'])?$model['where']:"";
        $data = $this->field($field)
        return $data;   

     * 检查标识是否已存在(只需在同一根节点下不重复)
     * @param string $name
     * @return true无重复,false已存在
     * @author huajie <banhuajie@163.com>
    protected function checkName(){
        $name        = I('post.name');
        $category_id = I('post.category_id', 0);
        $id          = I('post.id', 0);

        $map = array('name' => $name, 'id' => array('neq', $id), 'status' => array('neq', -1));

        $category = get_category($category_id);
        if ($category['pid'] == 0) {
            $map['category_id'] = $category_id;
        } else {
            $parent             = get_parent_category($category['id']);
            $root               = array_shift($parent);
            $map['category_id'] = array('in', D("Category")->getChildrenId($root['id']));

        $res = $this->where($map)->getField('id');
        if ($res) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * 生成不重复的name标识
     * @author huajie <banhuajie@163.com>
    private function generateName(){
        $str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';	//源字符串
        $min = 10;
        $max = 39;
        $name = false;
        while (true){
            $length = rand($min, $max);	//生成的标识长度
            $name = substr(str_shuffle(substr($str,0,26)), 0, 1);	//第一个字母
            $name .= substr(str_shuffle($str), 0, $length);
            $res = $this->getFieldByName($name, 'id');
        return $name;

     * 生成游戏下载链接
     * @param $game_id
     * @return string
     * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
    public static function generateDownUrl($game_id){
        $url = U('AjaxDown/down_file?',['game_id'=>$game_id,'promote_id'=>PROMOTE_ID],'',true);
        return $url;

     * 游戏列表
     * @param string $map
     * @param string $order
     * @param int $p
     * @return mixed
     * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
    public function getGameLists($map="",$order="sort desc",$p=0){
        $page = intval($p);
        $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
        $row = 10;
        $map['g.game_status'] = 1;
        $map['g.apply_status'] = 1;
        $promote_id = empty(PROMOTE_ID) ? 0 : PROMOTE_ID;
        $rebate_join = "and (r.promote_id = {$promote_id} or r.promote_id = -1)";
        $time = NOW_TIME;
        $data = $this->table('tab_game as g')
            ->field('g.id,g.game_name,g.icon,g.dow_num,g.marking,g.game_size,g.game_score,g.dow_status,g.features,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
            ->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
            ->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id  {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time}")
            ->page($page, $row)
        foreach ($data as $key => $val){
            $data[$key]['icon'] = get_img_url($val['icon']);
            $data[$key]['game_score'] = round($val['game_score'] / 2);
            if($val['dow_status'] == 0){
                $data[$key]['down_url'] = "";
                $data[$key]['down_url'] = $this::generateDownUrl($val['id']);
        return $data;

     * 我的游戏收藏
     * @param $account
     * @param $p
     * @return mixed
     * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
    public function getMyCollectGame($account,$p){
        $map['account'] = $account;
        $map['status']  = 1;
				$devices = get_devices_type();	
        $collect = M("collect_game",'tab_')->field("game_id")->where($map)->select();
            return $collect;
        $game_map['g.id'] = ['in',array_column($collect,"game_id")];
				$game_map['g.sdk_version'] = array('like','%'.$devices.'%');
        $data = $this->getGameLists($game_map,'',$p);
        return $data;

     * 游戏收藏
     * @param $game_id
     * @param $account
     * @param $status   1 收藏 2 取消收藏
     * @return mixed
     * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
    public function collectGame($game_id,$account,$status){
        $data['game_id'] = $game_id;
        $data['account'] = $account;
        $collect = M("collect_game",'tab_')->where($data)->find();
            $data['create_time'] = time();
            $data['status'] = $status;
            $result = M("collect_game",'tab_')->add($data);
            $result = M("collect_game",'tab_')->where($data)->setField(['status'=>$status]);
        return $result;