*/ class DownloadController extends BaseController { public $payWay = [ -1 => '绑币', 0 => '平台币', 1 => '支付宝', 3 => '微信', 5 => '聚宝云', 6 => '竣付通', 7 => '苹果支付', 8 => '金猪支付', 9 => '双乾支付', ]; //提现状态 public static $withdrawStatus = [ -1 => '审核未通过', 0 => '待审核', 1 => '汇款中', 2 => '已汇款', ]; /** * excel */ public function exportExcel($expTitle, $expCellName, $expTableData,$id) { $xlsTitle = iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $expTitle);//文件名称 // $fileName = session('user_auth.username').date('_YmdHis');//or $xlsTitle 文件名称可根据自己情况设定 $fileName = $expTitle.'_'.date('YmdHis'); $cellNum = count($expCellName); $dataNum = count($expTableData); Vendor("PHPExcel.PHPExcel"); $objPHPExcel = new \PHPExcel(); $cellName = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AH', 'AI', 'AJ', 'AK', 'AL', 'AM', 'AN', 'AO', 'AP', 'AQ', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU', 'AV', 'AW', 'AX', 'AY', 'AZ'); $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet(0)->mergeCells('A1:' . $cellName[$cellNum - 1] . '1');//合并单元格 $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A1', $expTitle); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getStyle('A1')->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(\PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER); for ($i = 0; $i < $cellNum; $i++) { $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue($cellName[$i] . '2', $expCellName[$i][1]); } for ($i = 0; $i < $dataNum; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $cellNum; $j++) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet(0)->setCellValue($cellName[$j] . ($i + 3), $expTableData[$i][$expCellName[$j][0]]); } } ob_end_clean();//清除缓冲区,避免乱码 header('pragma:public'); header('Content-type:application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8;name="' . $xlsTitle . '.xls"'); header("Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=$fileName.xls");//attachment新窗口打印inline本窗口打印 $objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5'); $objWriter->save('php://output'); $this->backSuccessExport($id); exit; } public function listsIndex($p = 0) { $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? '' : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? '' : I('endtime'); $this->assign('begtime',$initBegTime); $this->assign('endtime',$initEndTime); $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $res = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($res)) { $map['tab_downloadlog.admin_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($res as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['tab_downloadlog.admin_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $map2[] = [ '_logic' => 'or', 'id' => $queryPromote['id'], 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%'] ]; $childPromoteIds = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); $map = []; if (count($childPromoteIds) > 0) { $map = ['admin_id' => ['in', $childPromoteIds]]; } else { $map['_string'] = '1<>1'; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['dataname'])) { $map['dataname'] = ['like','%'.$_REQUEST['dataname'].'%']; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['logid'])) { $map['logid'] = $_REQUEST['logid']; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['begtime']) && !empty($_REQUEST['endtime'])) { if(strtotime($_REQUEST['begtime']) == strtotime($_REQUEST['endtime'])) { $endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['endtime']) + 24*60*60; }else { $endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['endtime']); } $map['addtime'] = array('BETWEEN',array(strtotime($_REQUEST['begtime']),$endtime)); } $page = intval(I('get.p', 1)); $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据arraypage $row=10; $rs = M('downloadlog','tab_')->where($map)->order('tab_downloadlog.addtime desc') ->page($page, $row)->select(); foreach ($rs as $key => $value) { $pid = intval($value['admin_id']); $getNameRs = M('promote','tab_')->field("real_name")->where(['id' => $pid])->find(); $rs[$key]['actor'] = $getNameRs['real_name']; } $promoteArr = explode(',', $childPromoteIds); $promoteNameArr = []; foreach ($promoteArr as $key1 => $value1) { $promoteName = M('promote','tab_')->field("real_name")->where(['id' => intval($value1)])->find(); $promoteNameArr[$key1]['name'] = $promoteName['real_name']; $promoteNameArr[$key1]['promote_id'] = $value1; } /* 查询记录总数 */ $count = M("downloadlog", "tab_") ->field('tab_downloadlog.id') ->where($map) ->select(); $count = count($count); //分页 $parameter['p'] = I('get.p', 1); $parameter['row'] = I('get.row'); $parameter['dataname'] = $_REQUEST['dataname']; $parameter['logid'] = $_REQUEST['logid']; $parameter['begtime'] = I('begtime'); $parameter['endtime'] = I('endtime'); $parameter['level_promote_2'] = $levelPromote[0]; $parameter['level_promote_3'] = $levelPromote[1]; $parameter['level_promote_4'] = $levelPromote[2]; $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter); if ($page) { $this->assign('_page', $page); } $this->assign('data',$rs); $this->assign('promoteNameArr',$promoteNameArr); return $this->display(); } /** * 每日概况 * @author sunke */ public function dailysummary_data_export() { $relationGameId = intval(I('relation_game_id', 0)); $sdkVersion = intval(I('sdk_version', 0)); $serverId = intval(I('server_id'), 0); $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime'); $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $endTime += +3600 * 24; $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote(); $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['tab_test_resource.promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $ownId = intval(I('own_id'), 0);//本账号 if ($ownId) { $map['promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id']; } else { $map2['chain'] = ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%']; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); $ids[] = $queryPromote['id']; $ids = implode(',', $ids); $map['promote_id'] = $ids; } if ($serverId > 0) { $map['server_id'] = $serverId; } if ($relationGameId > 0 || $sdkVersion > 0) { if ($sdkVersion > 0) { $map['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } if ($relationGameId > 0) { $map['relation_game_id'] = $relationGameId; } $gameIds = M('Game', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true); $map['gameIds'] = $gameIds; } $map['begin_time'] = $begTime; $map['end_time'] = $endTime; $dayList = $this->getDayList($begTime, $endTime); $map['dayList'] = $dayList; $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'dy_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/dailySummary', 'dataname' => '每日概况', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 提现记录 * @author sunke */ public function withdrawRecord_data_export() { $withdrawNumber = I('widthdraw_number', ''); $initBegTime = I('begtime', ''); $initEndTime = I('endtime', ''); $begTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($initBegTime))); $endTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($initEndTime))) + 3600 * 24; $status = ''; $map['promote_id'] = $this->loginPromote['id']; if (!empty($withdrawNumber)) { $map['widthdraw_number'] = $withdrawNumber; } if (!empty($initBegTime) && empty($initEndTime)) { $map['create_time'] = ['egt', $begTime]; } elseif (empty($initBegTime) && !empty($initEndTime)) { $map['create_time'] = ['lt', $endTime]; } elseif (!empty($initBegTime) && !empty($initEndTime)) { $map['create_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime - 1]]; } if (isset($_GET['status']) && $_GET['status'] !== '') { $status = intval($_GET['status']); if (!isset(FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$status])) { $this->error('参数异常'); } $map['status'] = $status; } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'withdrawRecord'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Finance/withdrawRecord', 'dataname' => '提现记录', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 提现明细 * @author sunke */ public function withdrawDtl_data_export() { $withdrawId = intval(I('get.id', 0)); if ($withdrawId == 0) { $this->error('参数异常'); } $withdraw = M('withdraw', 'tab_')->field('promote_id,status')->where(array('id' => $withdrawId))->find(); if (empty($withdraw) || $withdraw['promote_id'] != $this->loginPromote['id']) { $this->error('参数异常'); } $gameId = intval(I('game_id', 0)); $userAccount = I('user_account', ''); $payOrderNumber = I('pay_order_number', ''); $map['withdraw_id'] = $withdrawId; if (!empty($gameId)) { $map['game_id'] = $gameId; } if (!empty($userAccount)) { $map['user_account'] = $userAccount; } if (!empty($payOrderNumber)) { $map['pay_order_number'] = $payOrderNumber; } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'withdrawDtl_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Finance/withdrawDtl', 'dataname' => '提现明细', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 结算中心 * @author sunke */ public function financeindex_data_export() { $thisDay = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $thisMonth = strtotime(date('Y-m')); $yesterday = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day', time()))); $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime'); $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $endTime = $endTime + 3600 * 24; $map['chain'] = ['like', $this->loginPromote['chain'] . $this->loginPromote['id'] . '/%']; $promoteIds = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true); $promoteIds[] = $this->loginPromote['id']; $promoteIds = implode(',', $promoteIds); $map = []; $map['pay_status'] = 1; $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $promoteIds]; $map['pay_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime]]; $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'finance_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Finance/index', 'dataname' => '结算中心', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 结算明细 * @author sunke */ public function settlementDtl_data_export() { $payOrderNumber = I('pay_order_number', ''); $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime'); $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $gameId = intval(I('game_id', 0)); $status = intval(I('status', 0)); $map['chain'] = ['like', $this->loginPromote['chain'] . $this->loginPromote['id'] . '/%']; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true); $ids[] = $this->loginPromote['id']; $ids = implode(',', $ids); $map = []; $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $ids]; $map['pay_status'] = 1; if (!empty($payOrderNumber)) { $map['pay_order_number'] = $payOrderNumber; } if (!empty($gameId)) { $map['game_id'] = $gameId; } if (!empty($begTime) && empty($endTime)) { $map['pay_time'] = ['egt', $begTime]; } elseif (empty($begTime) && !empty($endTime)) { $map['pay_time'] = ['elt', $endTime + 86399]; } elseif (!empty($begTime) && !empty($endTime)) { $map['pay_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime + 86399]]; } if (isset($_GET['status'])) { if ($status == -2) { $map['selle_status'] = 0; } else { $withdrawMap['promote_id'] = $this->loginPromote['id']; $withdrawMap['status'] = $status; $withdrawIds = M('withdraw', 'tab_')->where($withdrawMap)->getField('id', true); if (empty($withdrawIds)) { $map = '1 = 2'; } else { $map['withdraw_id'] = ['in', $withdrawIds]; } } } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'settlementDtl_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Finance/settlementDtl', 'dataname' => '结算明细', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 测试资源 * @author sunke */ public function testresource_data_export() { $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; $map['tab_test_resource.promote_id'] = PID; if(!empty(I('role_name'))){ $map['role_name']=['like','%'.I('role_name').'%']; } if(!empty(I('server_name'))){ $map['server_name']=I('server_name'); } if(!empty(I('game_name'))){ $map['game_name']=I('game_name'); } if(!empty(I('user_account'))){ $map['user_account']=['like','%'.I('user_account').'%']; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['start'])&&empty($_REQUEST['end'])){ $map['create_time'] = array('GT',strtotime($_REQUEST['start'])); unset($_REQUEST['start']); } if(empty($_REQUEST['start'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['end'])){ $map['create_time'] = array('LT',strtotime($_REQUEST['end'])+24*60*60-1); unset($_REQUEST['end']); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['start'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['end'])){ $map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN',array(strtotime($_REQUEST['start']),strtotime($_REQUEST['end'])+24*60*60-1)); unset($_REQUEST['start']);unset($_REQUEST['end']); } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'test_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/TestResource/index', 'dataname' => '申请测试资源', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 测试资源申请记录 * @author sunke */ public function testresourcelists_data_export() { $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; $map['tab_test_resource.promote_id'] = PID; if(!empty(I('type'))||I('type')==='0'){ $map['apply_status']=I('type'); } if(!empty(I('role_name'))){ $map['role_name']=['like','%'.I('role_name').'%']; } if(!empty(I('server_name'))){ $map['server_name']=I('server_name'); } if(!empty(I('game_name'))){ $map['game_name']=I('game_name'); } if(!empty(I('user_account'))){ $map['user_account']=['like','%'.I('user_account').'%']; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['start'])&&empty($_REQUEST['end'])){ $map['create_time'] = array('GT',strtotime($_REQUEST['start'])); unset($_REQUEST['start']); } if(empty($_REQUEST['start'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['end'])){ $map['create_time'] = array('LT',strtotime($_REQUEST['end'])+24*60*60-1); unset($_REQUEST['end']); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['start'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['end'])){ $map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN',array(strtotime($_REQUEST['start']),strtotime($_REQUEST['end'])+24*60*60-1)); unset($_REQUEST['start']);unset($_REQUEST['end']); } //$data=M('test_resource','tab_')->where($map)->order('id desc')->select(); $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'test_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/TestResource/lists', 'dataname' => '申请测试资源记录', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 扶持号管理 * @author sunke */ public function supportNumberList_data_export() { $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; $map['tab_test_resource.promote_id'] = PID; if(!empty(I('server_name'))){ $map['tab_test_resource.server_name']=I('server_name'); } if(!empty(I('game_name'))){ $map['tab_test_resource.game_name']=I('game_name'); } if(!empty(I('role_name'))){ $map['tab_test_resource.role_name']=['like','%'.I('role_name').'%']; } if(!empty(I('user_account'))){ $map['tab_test_resource.user_account']=['like','%'.I('user_account').'%']; } if(!empty(I('promote_id'))){ $map['tab_test_resource.promote_id']=I('promote_id'); } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'test_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/TestResource/supportNumberList', 'dataname' => '扶持号管理', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 平台币充值 * @author sunke */ public function orderlist_data_export() { $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['tab_coin_pay_order.promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['tab_coin_pay_order.promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $map['is_del'] = 0; $start_time = strtotime(I('time_start')); $end_time = strtotime(I('time_end')); $order_number = I("order_number"); $order_status = I("order_status"); $pay_type = I("pay_type"); if (!empty($start_time) && !empty($end_time)) { $map['create_time'] = ['BETWEEN', [$start_time, $end_time + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1]]; } else if (!empty($start_time)) { $map['create_time'] = array('gt', $start_time); } else if (!empty($end_time)) { $map['create_time'] = array('lt', $end_time + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1); } if(!empty($order_number)){ $map['order_number'] = $order_number; } if(!empty($order_status) || $order_status=='0'){ $map['order_status'] = $order_status; } if(!empty($pay_type)){ $map['pay_type'] = $pay_type; } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'orderlist_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/CoinOrder/order_list', 'dataname' => '平台币充值', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * arpu统计 * @author sunke */ public function arpu_data_export() { $defaultTime = date('Y-m-d', time() - 6 * 24 * 3600) . ' 至 ' . date('Y-m-d'); $time = I('time', ''); $time = $time == '' ? $defaultTime : $time; $sdkVersion = I('sdk_version', 0); $gameId = I('game_id', 0); $serverId = I('server_id', 0); $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $map2[] = [ '_logic' => 'or', 'id' => $queryPromote['id'], 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%'] ]; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); if(empty($ids)) { $ids = array(); } if(empty($levelPromote)) { array_push($ids,PID); } array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']); if (!empty($ids)) { $pro = ""; foreach ($ids as $value1) { $pid = $value1; $pro .= $pid.','; } $pro = rtrim($pro,','); $map['promote_id'] = ['in',$pro]; }else { $map['_string'] = '1<>1'; } $searchGameName = ''; $searchServerName = ''; if ($gameId > 0) { $map['game_id'] = $gameId; $searchGameName = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $gameId])->getField('game_name'); } if ($serverId > 0) { $map['server_id'] = $serverId; $searchServerName = M('server', 'tab_')->where(['server_id' => $serverId])->getField('server_name'); } if ($sdkVersion > 0) { $map['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } list($beginTime, $endTime) = $this->getBetweenTime($time); $map['begin_time'] = $beginTime; $map['end_time'] = $endTime; $dayList = $this->getDayList($beginTime, $endTime); $map['dayList'] = $dayList; $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'zc_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/arpu', 'dataname' => 'ARPU统计', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 注册数据添加下载 * @author sunke */ public function regist_data_export() { if (empty(I('begtime')) || empty(I('endtime'))) { $this->error('请选择起止时间'); } $beginTime = strtotime(I('begtime') . ' 00:00:00'); $endtime = strtotime(I('endtime') . ' 23:59:59'); if (($endtime - $beginTime) > 31 * 24 * 3600) { $this->error('时间范围不能超过31天'); } $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $map2[] = [ '_logic' => 'or', 'id' => $queryPromote['id'], 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%'] ]; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); if(empty($ids)) { $ids = array(); } if(empty($levelPromote)) { array_push($ids,PID); } array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']); if (!empty($ids)) { $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = ['in',$ids]; }else { $map['_string'] = '1<>1'; } if (!empty(I('own_id'))) { $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];//本账号 } if (!empty(I('begtime')) && empty(I('endtime'))) { $map['tab_user.register_time'] = ['egt', strtotime(I('begtime'))]; } elseif (empty(I('begtime')) && !empty(I('endtime'))) { $map['tab_user.register_time'] = ['elt', strtotime(I('endtime')) + 86399]; } elseif (!empty(I('begtime')) && !empty(I('endtime'))) { $map['tab_user.register_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(I('begtime')), strtotime(I('endtime')) + 86399]]; } empty(I('account')) || $map['tab_user.account'] = ['like', '%' . I('account') . '%']; empty(I('id')) || $map['tab_user.id'] = intval(I('id')); $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'zc_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/registe', 'dataname' => '注册明细数据', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } //渠道管理 public function children_data_export() { $promoteType = intval(I('promote_type', 0)); $loginer = $this->getLoginPromote(); $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } if ($promoteType == 0) { $map['level'] = 2; } elseif ($promoteType == 1) { $map['level'] = 3; } elseif ($promoteType == 2) { $map['level'] = 4; } if(I('account', '')) { $map['account'] = ['like', '%' . I('account', '') . '%']; } if (I('mobile', '')) { $map['mobile_phone'] = ['like', '%' . I('mobile', '') . '%']; } if (I('idcard', '')) { $map['idcard'] = ['like', '%' . I('idcard', '') . '%']; } if (I('real_name', '')) { $map['real_name'] = ['like', '%' . I('real_name', '') . '%']; } if (I('status', 'all') != 'all') { $map['status'] = ['eq', I('status', 'all')]; } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $type = "/Home/Promote/children/promote_type/".$promoteType; $data = [ 'logid' => 'promote_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => $type, 'dataname' => '渠道管理', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 平台币转移 * @author sunke */ public function coinrecord_data_export() { $gameId = I('game_id', -1); $account = I('account', ''); $sn = I('sn', ''); $startTime = I('time_end', ''); $endTime = I('time_start', ''); $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote(); $map = ['promote_id' => $loginPromote['id']]; if ($startTime != '' || $endTime != '') { if ($startTime != '') { $map['create_time'] = ['egt', strtotime($startTime. ' 00:00:00')]; } if ($endTime != '') { $map['create_time'] = ['elt', strtotime($endTime. ' 23:59:59')]; } } if($sn) { $map['sn'] = $sn; } if($account) { $map1['account'] = ['like','%'.$account.'%']; $promotesRs = M('promote','tab_')->field('id')->where($map1)->select(); $idArr = ""; foreach ($promotesRs as $key => $value) { $idArr .= intval($value['id']).','; } $idArr1 = rtrim($idArr,','); $map['target_id'] = ['in',$idArr1]; } if($gameId !== -1) { $map['game_id'] = $gameId; } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $type = "/Home/PromoteCoin/transferLogs"; $data = [ 'logid' => 'cr_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => $type, 'dataname' => '平台币转移', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 我的平台币明细 * @author sunke */ public function mycoinrecord_data_export() { $type = I('type', 0); $subType = I('sub_type', 0); $targetType = I('target_type', ''); $startTime = I('start_time', ''); $endTime = I('end_time', ''); $gameId = I('game_id', 0); $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote(); $map = []; $map['game_id'] = $gameId; $map['promote_id'] = $loginPromote['id']; if ($type != 0) { $map['type'] = $type; } if ($subType != 0) { $map['sub_type'] = $subType; } if ($targetType != '') { $targetTypeRow = explode('_', $targetType); $map['target_type'] = $targetTypeRow[0]; if (count($targetTypeRow) == 2) { $map['target_level'] = $targetTypeRow[1]; } } if ($startTime != '' || $endTime != '') { if ($startTime != '') { $map['create_time'] = ['egt', strtotime($startTime. ' 00:00:00')]; } if ($endTime != '') { $map['create_time'] = ['elt', strtotime($endTime. ' 23:59:59')]; } } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'pt_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => "/Home/PromoteCoin/coinRecord", 'dataname' => '我的平台币明细', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 我的平台币 * @author sunke */ public function mycoin_data_export() { $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } // var_dump($map); $game_id = I('game_id'); if(!empty($game_id)) { $map['game_id'] = $game_id; } $status = I("status"); if(!empty($status)) { $map['status'] = $status; } $coin_type = I('coin_type'); if(!empty($coin_type)) { switch ($coin_type) { case 1: $map['game_id'] = 0; break; case 2: $map['game_id'] = ["gt",0]; break; } } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $type = "/Home/PromoteCoin/myCoin"; $data = [ 'logid' => 'pt_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => $type, 'dataname' => '我的平台币', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 充值明细添加下载 * @author sunke */ public function recharge_data_export() { $beginTime = strtotime(I('begtime') . ' 00:00:00'); $endtime = strtotime(I('endtime') . ' 23:59:59'); if (($endtime - $beginTime) > 31 * 24 * 3600) { $this->error('时间范围不能超过31天'); } $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['tab_spend.promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['tab_spend.promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $map2[] = [ '_logic' => 'or', 'id' => $queryPromote['id'], 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%'] ]; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); if(empty($ids)) { $ids = array(); } if(empty($levelPromote)) { array_push($ids,PID); } array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']); if (!empty($ids)) { $map['tab_spend.promote_id'] = ['in',$ids]; }else { $map['_string'] = '1<>1'; } if (!empty(I('own_id'))) { $map['tab_spend.promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];//本账号 } if (!empty(I('begtime')) && empty(I('endtime'))) { $map['tab_spend.pay_time'] = ['egt', strtotime(I('begtime'))]; } elseif (empty(I('begtime')) && !empty(I('endtime'))) { $map['tab_spend.pay_time'] = ['elt', strtotime(I('endtime')) + 86399]; } elseif (!empty(I('begtime')) && !empty(I('endtime'))) { $map['tab_spend.pay_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(I('begtime')), strtotime(I('endtime')) + 86399]]; }else { $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initEndTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $initEndTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $map['tab_spend.pay_time'] = ['between',[$initBegTime,$initEndTime]]; } empty(I('relation_game_id')) || $map['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = I('relation_game_id'); empty(I('sdk_version')) || $map['tab_game.sdk_version'] = I('sdk_version'); empty(I('server_id')) || $map['tab_spend.server_id'] = I('server_id'); empty(I('game_player_name')) || $map['tab_spend.game_player_name'] = ['like', '%' . I('game_player_name') . '%']; empty(I('user_account')) || $map['tab_spend.user_account'] = ['like', '%' . I('user_account') . '%']; empty(I('pay_order_number')) || $map['tab_spend.pay_order_number'] = I('pay_order_number'); $map['tab_spend.pay_status'] = 1; $map['tab_spend.is_check'] = ['neq', 2]; $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'cz_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/recharge', 'dataname' => '充值明细数据', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功,导出数据不包含当天',U('listsIndex')); } public function userRecharge_data_export() { $gameId = I('relation_game_id', 0); $serverId = I('server_id', 0); $isSelf = I('is_self', 0); $roleName = I('role_name', ''); $userAccount = I('user_account', ''); $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0); $sdkVersion = I('sdk_version', 0); $headmanPromoteId = I('headman_promote_id', 0); $costBegin = I('cost_begin', ''); //充值总额范围 $costEnd = I('cost_end', ''); $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-7 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime'); $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $endTime += 3600 * 24; $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $map2['chain'] = ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%']; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); $ids[] = $queryPromote['id']; $map = ['promote_id' => ['in', $ids]]; $subMap = ['promote_id' => ['in', $ids]]; if ($gameId != 0 || $sdkVersion != 0) { if ($gameId != 0) { $gameMap['relation_game_id'] = $gameId; } if ($sdkVersion != 0) { $gameMap['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } $gameId1 = M('game', 'tab_')->where($gameMap)->getField('id', true); $map['game_id'] = ['in', $gameId1]; $subMap['game_id'] = ['in', $gameId1]; } if ($serverId != 0) { $map['server_id'] = $serverId; } if ($roleName != '') { $map['role_name'] = ['like', '%' . $roleName . '%']; } if ($userAccount != '') { $map['user_account'] = ['like', '%' . $userAccount . '%']; } if ($sdkVersion != 0) { $map['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } if ($isSelf) { $map['promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];//本账号 } else { if ($headmanPromoteId != 0) { $map['promote_id'] = $headmanPromoteId; } if ($promoteId != 0) { $map['promote_id'] = $promoteId; } } if($costBegin) { $map['costbegin'] = $costBegin; }else { $map['costbegin'] = ""; } if($costEnd) { $map['costend'] = $costEnd; }else { $map['costend'] = ""; } $map['begintime'] = $begTime; $map['endtime'] = $endTime; $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'wj_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/userRecharges', 'dataname' => '充值玩家数据', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } public function achievement_data_export() { $time = I('time', date('Y-m-d')); $sdkVersion = I('sdk_version', 0); $gameId = I('relation_game_id', 0); $serverId = I('server_id', 0); $parentId = I('parent_id', 0); $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0); $status = I('status', 0); $searchLevel = 0; $searchLevelName = ''; $currentDisplay = ''; $prevParentId = 0; $promoteService = new PromoteService(); $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote(); $parent = null; if ($parentId > 0) { $parent = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $parentId])->find(); $currentDisplay = $promoteService->getLevelName($parent['level']) . '推广'; $prevParentId = $parent['parent_id'] == $loginPromote['parent_id'] ? 0 : $parent['parent_id']; } else { $parent = $loginPromote; $currentDisplay = '自己'; } $map = ['parent_id' => $parent['id']]; if ($promoteId > 0) { $map['id'] = $promoteId; } $data = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'account', 'real_name', 'level'])->where($map)->select(); $ids = array_column($data, 'id'); $rows = []; if (count($ids) > 0) { $rows = M('promote', 'tab_') ->field(['id', 'chain']) ->where(['chain' => ['like', [$parent['chain'] . $parent['id'] . '/%']], 'level' => ['gt', $parent['level'] + 1]]) ->select(); } $basicPromotes = []; $basicPromotes = []; foreach ($ids as $id) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $needChain = $parent['chain'] . $parent['id'] . '/' . $id . '/'; if (strpos($row['chain'], $needChain) !== false) { $basicPromotes[$row['id']] = $id; } } } $map = [ 'isContainSubs' => true, 'basicPromotes' => json_encode($basicPromotes,FALSE), ]; $map['promotes'] = json_encode($data,FALSE); $map['parentsinfo'] = json_encode($parent,FALSE);; $map['currentDisplay'] = $currentDisplay; $map['ids'] = $ids; if ($gameId != 0 || $sdkVersion != 0) { if ($gameId != 0) { $gameMap['relation_game_id'] = $gameId; } if ($sdkVersion != 0) { $gameMap['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } $gameId1 = M('game', 'tab_')->where($gameMap)->getField('id', true); $map['game_id'] = ['in', $gameId1]; } if ($serverId > 0) { $map['server_id'] = $serverId; } if ($sdkVersion > 0) { $map['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } if ($status > 0) { $map['lock_status'] = $status; } list($beginTime, $endTime) = $this->getBetweenTime($time); $map['begin_time'] = $beginTime; $map['end_time'] = $endTime; $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data1 = [ 'logid' => 'tg_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/achievement', 'dataname' => '推广员业绩', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data1); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } //玩家角色 public function userRoles_data_export() { $gameId = I('relation_game_id', 0); $serverId = I('server_id', 0); $isSelf = I('is_self', 0); $roleName = I('role_name', ''); $userAccount = I('user_account', ''); $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0); $sdkVersion = I('sdk_version', 0); $roleLevelBegin = intval(I('role_level_begin', 0)); $roleLevelEnd = intval(I('role_level_end', 0)); $headmanPromoteId = I('headman_promote_id', 0); $playTime = I('create_time', ''); $promote = $this->getLoginPromote(); if (empty($playTime)) { $this->error('请选择创建时间'); } $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $map2[] = [ '_logic' => 'or', 'id' => $queryPromote['id'], 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%'] ]; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); if(empty($ids)) { $ids = array(); } if(empty($levelPromote)) { array_push($ids,PID); } //array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']); if (!empty($ids)) { $map['promote_id'] = ['in',$ids]; }else { $map['_string'] = '1<>1'; } if ($gameId != 0 || $sdkVersion != 0) { if ($gameId != 0) { $gameMap['relation_game_id'] = $gameId; } if ($sdkVersion != 0) { $gameMap['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } $gameId1 = M('game', 'tab_')->where($gameMap)->getField('id', true); $map['game_id'] = ['in', $gameId1]; } if ($serverId != 0) { $map['serverId'] = $serverId; } if ($roleName != '') { $map['role_name'] = ['like', '%' . $roleName . '%']; } if ($userAccount != '') { $map['user_account'] = ['like', '%' . $userAccount . '%']; } if ($sdkVersion != 0) { $map['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion; } if ($roleLevelBegin != 0 && $roleLevelEnd == 0) { $map['role_level'] = ['egt', $roleLevelBegin]; } elseif ($roleLevelEnd != 0 && $roleLevelBegin == 0) { $map['role_level'] = ['elt', $roleLevelEnd]; } elseif ($roleLevelEnd != 0 && $roleLevelBegin != 0) { $map['role_level'] = ['between', [$roleLevelBegin, $roleLevelEnd]]; } if ($playTime != '') { $playTimeRow = explode(' 至 ', $playTime); $playTimeBegin = 0; $playTimeEnd = 0; if (count($playTimeRow) == 2) { $playTimeBegin = strtotime($playTimeRow[0] . ' 00:00:00'); $playTimeEnd = strtotime($playTimeRow[1] . ' 23:59:59'); } else { $playTimeBegin = strtotime($playTimeRow[0] . ' 00:00:00'); $playTimeEnd = strtotime($playTimeRow[0] . ' 23:59:59'); } if (($playTimeEnd - $playTimeBegin) > 31 * 24 * 3600) { $this->error('时间范围不能超过31天'); } $map['create_time'] = ['between', [$playTimeBegin, $playTimeEnd]]; } if ($isSelf) { $map['promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id']; } else { if ($headmanPromoteId != 0) { $map['promote_id'] = $headmanPromoteId; } if ($promoteId != 0) { $map['promote_id'] = $promoteId; } } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'js_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/userRoles', 'dataname' => '角色查询数据', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /** * 数据汇总添加下载 * @author sunke */ public function summary_data_export() { $promoteId = I('promote_id',0); $teamLeaderId = I('team_leader_id',0); $own_id = I('own_id',0); $relation_game_id = I('relation_game_id',0); $sdk_version = I('sdk_version',0); $begtime = I('begtime',''); $endtime = I('endtime',''); // $childPromoteIds = getAllChildPromoteList(3); $map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%']; $rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select(); $childPromoteIds = ''; if(empty($rs)) { $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = PID; }else { foreach ($rs as $rsKey => $rsValue) { $id = $rsValue['id']; $childPromoteIds .= $id.','; } $childPromoteIds = rtrim($childPromoteIds, ','); $childPromoteIds .= ',' . PID; $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = ['in', $childPromoteIds]; } $levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote(); $queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote); $map2[] = [ '_logic' => 'or', 'id' => $queryPromote['id'], 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%'] ]; $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map2)->getField('id', true); if(empty($ids)) { $ids = array(); } if(empty($levelPromote)) { array_push($ids,PID); } // array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']); if (!empty($ids)) { $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = ['in',$ids]; }else { $map['_string'] = '1<>1'; } if (!empty($own_id)) { if (!empty($map['_string'])) { unset($map['_string']); } $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];//本账号 } empty($relation_game_id) || $map['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = $relation_game_id; empty($sdk_version) || $map['tab_game.sdk_version'] = $sdk_version; if(empty($begtime) && empty($endtime)) { $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $begtime1 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $endtime1 = $nowTime; $map["apply_time"] = ["between",[strtotime($begtime1),strtotime($endtime1)]]; } if(!empty($begtime) && !empty($endtime)) { $map["apply_time"] = ["between",[strtotime($begtime),strtotime($endtime) + 3600 * 24 -1]]; } $serverField = ''; $serverJoin = ''; if (!empty(I('server_id'))) { $map['tab_server.id'] = I('server_id'); } $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $addtime = time(); $data = [ 'logid' => 'hz_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Query/summary', 'dataname' => '数据汇总数据', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions ]; $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$res) { // $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加导出日志失败", 'ret' => $res)); $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } /* * 开始导出数据 */ public function export() { //开始导出 $id = $_REQUEST['lid']; $dataname = $_REQUEST['dname']; $downloadStatus = M('downloadlog','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->field('status')->select(); if($downloadStatus[0]['status'] == 1) { $this->error("该数据已下载请重新添加",U('listsIndex')); } $conditions = $_REQUEST['conditions']; $map = array(); foreach (json_decode($conditions,FALSE) as $key => $value) { if($value !== 0 && $value !== "" ) { $map[$key] = $value; } } // var_dump($dataname);die(); switch ($dataname) { case "注册明细数据": $this->registerExcelInfo($id,$map); //注册明细 break; case "角色查询数据": $this->userRolesExcelInfo($id,$map); //角色查询 break; case "数据汇总数据": $this->summaryExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "充值明细数据": $this->rechargeExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "充值玩家数据": $this->userRechargeExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "推广员业绩": $this->achievementExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "渠道管理": $this->childrenExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "我的平台币": $this->mycoinExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "我的平台币明细"; $this->mycoinRecordExcelInfo($id, $map); break; case "平台币转移": $this->coinrecordExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "申请测试资源": $this->testresourceExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "申请测试资源记录": $this->testresourcelistExcelInfo($id, $map); break; case "扶持号管理": $this->supportNumberListExcelInfo($id, $map); break; case "ARPU统计": $this->arpuExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "每日概况": $this->dailysummaryExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "结算中心": $this->financeindexExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "结算明细": $this->settlementExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "提现记录": $this->withdrawRecordExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "提现明细": $this->withdrawDtlExcelInfo($id,$map); break; case "汇款证明": $this->remitCerDownLoad($id,$map); break; case "平台币充值": $this->orderlistExcelInfo($id,$map); break; default: break; } } //注册明细excel信息 public function registerExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "注册明细"; $xlsCell = array( array('account','玩家账号'), array('promote_account','推广账号'), array('device_number','设备IMIE/IDFA'), array('register_time','注册时间'), array('register_ip','注册ip'), array('login_time','登陆时间'), array('login_ip','登陆ip') ); $model = M('user','tab_'); $data = $model->field('account,device_number,promote_account,register_time,register_ip,login_time,login_ip')->where($map)->order('tab_user.id desc')->select(); $xlsData = []; foreach ($data as $key1 => $value1) { $value1['register_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$value1['register_time']); $value1['login_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$value1['login_time']); $value1['account'] = $this->encryption($value1['account']); $value1['device_number'] = $this->encryption($value1['device_number']); $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } //玩家角色excel信息 public function userRolesExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "角色查询"; $xlsCell = array( array('user_account','玩家账号'), array('promote_account','推广账号'), array('game_name','游戏名称'), array('server_name','区服'), array('role_name','游戏昵称'), array('role_level','等级'), array('create_time','创建时间'), ); $model = M('user_play_info','tab_'); $data = $model->field('user_account,promote_account,game_name,server_name,role_name,role_level,create_time')->where($map)->order('create_time desc')->select(); $xlsData = []; foreach ($data as $key1 => $value1) { $value1['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value1['user_account']); $value1['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value1['create_time']); $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } //数据汇总excel信息 public function summaryExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "数据汇总"; $xlsCell = array( array('game_name','游戏名称'), array('sdk_version','平台'), array('role_num','创角数'), array('user_num','创建用户'), array('new_user_num','新创角用户'), array('new_device_num','新创角设备'), array('new_ip_num','新增创角ip'), array('login_user_num','登陆用户数'), array('spend_user_num','充值人数'), array('spend_num','充值次数'), array('spend_all_amount','充值总额'), array('spend_cash','现金充值'), array('spend_generic','通用币充值'), array('spend_binding','绑定币充值'), array('spend_discount','折扣币充值'), array('spend_voucher','代金券使用'), ); if(!empty($map['tab_apply.promote_id'][1])) { $params['promote_ids'] = $map['tab_apply.promote_id'][1]; } $serverJoin = ''; $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime'); $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $params['begin_time'] = $begTime; $params['end_time'] = $endTime +3600 * 24 -1; if(!empty($map['apply_time'][1])) { $begTime = $map['apply_time'][1][0]; $endTime = $map['apply_time'][1][1]; $params['begin_time'] = $begTime; $params['end_time'] = $endTime + 3600 * 24 -1; unset($map['apply_time']); } if(!empty($map['tab_server.server_id'])) { $serverJoin = 'tab_server on tab_server.game_id = tab_apply.game_id'; $params['server_id'] = $map['tab_server.server_id']; } $data = M('Apply', 'tab_') ->field('tab_apply.game_id,tab_apply.game_name,tab_apply.sdk_version') ->join('tab_game as g on g.id = tab_apply.game_id') ->join($serverJoin)//关联区服表 ->where($map) ->group('tab_apply.game_id') ->order('g.sort desc,g.id desc') ->select(); $allGameIs = M('Apply', 'tab_') ->field('distinct tab_apply.game_id') ->join('tab_game as g on g.id = tab_apply.game_id') ->join($serverJoin) ->where($map) ->select(); $allGameIs = array_column($allGameIs, 'game_id'); $records = []; if (!empty($data)) { if (intval($endTime - $begTime) / (24 * 3600) <= 30) { $gameIds = []; foreach ($data as $list) { $gameIds[] = $list['game_id']; } $params['game_ids'] = $gameIds; $userRepository = new UserRepository(); $spendRepository = new SpendRepository(); $roleNumList = $userRepository->getCreateRoleCountByGame($params);//创角数 $userNumList = $userRepository->getCreateRoleUserCountByGame($params);//创角用户 $newUserNumList = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleUserCountByGame($params);//新创角用户 $newDeviceNumList = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleDeviceCountByGame($params);//新创角设备 $newIpNumList = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleIpCountByGame($params);//新创角IP $loginUserNumList = $userRepository->getLoginCountGroupByGame($params);//登录用户数 $spendUserNumList = $spendRepository->getPayUserCountGroupByGame($params);//充值人数 $spendNumList = $spendRepository->getPayCountGroupByGame($params);//充值次数 $spendAllAmountList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByGameAndType($params);//充值总额 $params['pay_way'] = ['in', '1,2,3,4,5,6']; $spendCashList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByGameAndType($params);//现金充值 $params['pay_way'] = 0; $spendGenericList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByGameAndType($params);//通用币充值 $params['pay_way'] = -1; $spendBindingList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByGameAndType($params);//绑定币充值 foreach ($data as &$list) { $gameId = $list['game_id']; $records[] = [ 'game_id' => $gameId, 'game_name' => $list['game_name'], 'sdk_version' => $list['sdk_version'], 'role_num' => $roleNumList[$gameId], 'user_num' => $userNumList[$gameId], 'new_user_num' => $newUserNumList[$gameId], 'new_device_num' => $newDeviceNumList[$gameId], 'new_ip_num' => $newIpNumList[$gameId], 'login_user_num' => $loginUserNumList[$gameId], 'spend_user_num' => $spendUserNumList[$gameId], 'spend_num' => $spendNumList[$gameId], 'spend_all_amount' => $spendAllAmountList[$gameId], 'spend_cash' => $spendCashList[$gameId], 'spend_generic' => $spendGenericList[$gameId], 'spend_binding' => $spendBindingList[$gameId], 'spend_discount' => 0, 'spend_voucher' => 0, ]; } $params['all_data'] = 1; $params['game_ids'] = $allGameIs; $allData['game_name'] = "合计"; $allData['sdk_version'] = '--'; $allData['role_num'] = $userRepository->getCreateRoleCountByGame($params);//创角数 $allData['user_num'] = $userRepository->getCreateRoleUserCountByGame($params);//创角用户 $allData['new_user_num'] = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleUserCountByGame($params);//新创角用户 $allData['new_device_num'] = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleDeviceCountByGame($params);//新创角设备 $allData['new_ip_num'] = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleIpCountByGame($params);//新创角IP $allData['login_user_num'] = $userRepository->getLoginCountGroupByGame($params);//登录用户数 $allData['spend_user_num'] = $spendRepository->getPayUserCountByGame($params);//充值人数 $allData['spend_num'] = $spendRepository->getPayCountByGame($params);//充值次数 unset($params['pay_way']); $allData['spend_all_amount'] = null_to_0($spendRepository->getPayAmountByGameAndType($params));//充值总额 $params['pay_way'] = ['in', '1,2,3,4,5,6']; $allData['spend_cash'] = null_to_0($spendRepository->getPayAmountByGameAndType($params));//现金充值 $params['pay_way'] = 0; $allData['spend_generic'] = null_to_0($spendRepository->getPayAmountByGameAndType($params));//通用币充值 $params['pay_way'] = -1; $allData['spend_binding'] = null_to_0($spendRepository->getPayAmountByGameAndType($params));//绑定币充值 $allData['spend_discount'] = '0.00'; $allData['spend_voucher'] = '0.00'; $records[] = $allData; } } $xlsData = []; foreach ($records as $key1 => $value1) { if($value1["sdk_version"] == 1) { $value1["sdk_version"] = "安卓"; } if($value1["sdk_version"] == 2) { $value1["sdk_version"] = "苹果"; } $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } /* *渠道管理 */ public function childrenExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "渠道管理"; $xlsCell = array( array('id','ID'), array('account','账号'), array('real_name','真实姓名'), array('idcard','身份证'), array('mobile_phone','手机号'), array('parent_name','上级渠道'), array('nickname','昵称'), array('promotestatus','帐号状态'), array('create_time','创建时间'), ); $model = M('promote','tab_'); $data = $model->where($map)->select(); $xlsData = []; foreach ($data as $key1 => $value1) { // $value1['status'] = $this->payWay[$value1['pay_way']]; $value1['promotestatus'] = "未知状态"; if($value1['status'] == 0) { $value1['promotestatus'] = "审核中"; } if($value1['status'] == 1) { $value1['promotestatus'] = "启用"; } if($value1['status'] == 2) { $value1['promotestatus'] = "冻结中"; } $value1['account'] = substr_replace($value1['account'],'****',2); $value1['idcard'] = substr_replace($value1['idcard'],'************',3,12); $value1['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value1['create_time']); $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function mycoinExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "我的平台币"; $xlsCell = array( array('cointype','平台币类型'), array('game_name','游戏名称'), array('num','平台币余额'), array('status','资产状态'), ); $data = M('PromoteBalanceCoin', 'tab_') ->field('tab_promote_balance_coin.*,tab_game.game_name') ->join('left join tab_game on tab_promote_balance_coin.game_id = tab_game.id') ->where($map) ->select(); foreach($data as $key => $value) { if($value['game_id'] == 0) { $value['cointype'] = "通用币"; $value['game_name'] = "通用"; }else { $value['cointype'] = "绑定币"; $value['game_name'] = $value['game_name']; } if($value['status'] == 1) { $value['status'] = "正常"; }elseif($value['status'] == 2) { $value['status'] = "锁定"; }else { $value['status'] = "验证失败"; } $xlsData[] = $value; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function mycoinRecordExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "我的平台币明细"; $xlsCell = array( array('sn','流水号'), array('type_text','操作类型'), array('sub_type_text','操作方式'), array('target_type_text','对手操作类型'), array('coin','平台币数量'), array('balance_coin','平台币余额'), array('description','交易说明'), array('create_time','交易时间'), ); $service = new PromoteCoinRecordService(); $data = M('promote_coin_record','tab_')->where($map)->select(); $records = []; foreach ($data as $item) { $records[] = [ 'id' => $item['id'], 'sn' => $this->encryption($item['sn']), 'type_text' => $service->getTypeText($item['type']), 'sub_type_text' => $service->getSubTypeText($item['sub_type']), 'target_type_text' => $service->getTargetTypeText($item['target_type'], $item['target_level']), 'coin' => $item['coin'], 'balance_coin' => $item['balance_coin'], 'remark' => $item['remark'], 'description' => $item['description'], 'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['create_time']), ]; } $xlsData = $records; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } // 我的平台币的交易明细 public function coinrecordExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "平台币转移"; $xlsCell = array( array("sn","订单号"), array("target_account","收款方账号"), array("game_name","适用游戏"), array("handle_type","账号类型"), array("num","转账数量"), array('description',"交易说明"), array('create_time',"交易时间"), array('status',"交易状态"), ); $model = M('promote_coin_transfer_log', 'tab_'); $logs = $model->where($map)->select(); $service = new PromoteCoinTransferLogService(); $gameIds = []; $promoteIds = []; $uesrIds = []; foreach ($logs as $log) { $gameIds[] = $log['game_id']; if ($log['target_type'] == 1) { $promoteIds[] = $log['target_id']; } if ($log['target_type'] == 2) { $uesrIds[] = $log['target_id']; } } $games = []; $promotes = []; $users = []; if (count($gameIds) > 0) { $games = M('game', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'game_name'])->where(['id' => ['in', $gameIds]])->select(); } if (count($promoteIds) > 0) { $promotes = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'account'])->where(['id' => ['in', $promoteIds]])->select(); } if (count($uesrIds) > 0) { $users = M('user', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'account'])->where(['id' => ['in', $uesrIds]])->select(); } $users = index_by_column('id', $users); $promotes = index_by_column('id', $promotes); $games = index_by_column('id', $games); $records = []; foreach ($logs as $log) { $targetAccount = ''; if ($log['target_type'] == 1) { $targetAccount = isset($promotes[$log['target_id']]) ? $promotes[$log['target_id']]['account'] : '未知推广账号'; } if ($log['target_type'] == 2) { $targetAccount = isset($promotes[$log['target_id']]) ? $promotes[$log['target_id']]['account'] : '未知玩家'; } $records[] = [ 'id' => $log['id'], 'sn' => $this->encryption($log['sn']), 'target_account' => $this->encryption($targetAccount), 'game_name' => isset($games[$log['game_id']]) ? $games[$log['game_id']]['game_name'] : '所有游戏', 'target_type_text' => $service->getTargetTypeText($log['target_type'], $log['target_level']), 'num' => $log['num'], 'description' => $log['description'], 'status_text' => '成功', 'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $log['create_time']) ]; } $xlsData = $records; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function testresourceExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "测试资源"; $xlsCell = array( array('game_name',"产品名称"), array('server_name',"区服"), array('user_account',"测试账号"), array('promote_account',"所属推广员"), array('role_name',"角色名称"), array('verify_resource_count',"累计发放资源"), array('verify_count',"累计发放次数"), array('apply_resource_count',"申请数量"), array('check_status',"状态"), array('create_time',"创建时间"), ); $data = M('test_resource','tab_') ->field("tab_test_resource.*,user.check_status") ->join('tab_user user on tab_test_resource.user_id=user.id','left') ->order("create_time desc") ->where($map) ->group("user_id,game_id,server_id") ->select(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $value['create_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $value['create_time']); $value['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value['user_account']); if($value['check_status'] == 1) { $value['check_status'] = "正常"; }else { $value['check_status'] = "拉黑"; } //获取累计发放 $where = array( "user_id"=>$value['user_id'], "game_id"=>$value['game_id'], "server_id"=>$value['server_id'] ); $where1 = array( "apply_status"=>2, ); //获取累计 $verify_resource = M('test_resource','tab_')->field("IFNULL(sum(verify_resource),0) verify_resource_count,count(*) verify_count")->where(array_merge($where,$where1))->find(); //获取申请 $where2 = array( "apply_status"=>0, ); $apply_resource = M('test_resource','tab_')->field("IFNULL(sum(apply_resource),0) apply_resource_count")->where(array_merge($where,$where2))->find(); $data[$key] = array_merge($value,$verify_resource,$apply_resource); } $xlsData = $data; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function testresourcelistExcelInfo($id,$map){ $xlsName = "测试资源申请记录"; $xlsCell = array( array('game_name',"游戏名称"), array('server_name',"区服"), array('user_account',"测试账号"), array('phone',"手机号"), array('role_name',"角色名称"), array('apply_resource',"申请数量"), array('verify_resource',"实际发放"), array('apply_remark',"备注"), array('apply_status',"审核状态"), array('verify_remark',"审核意见"), array('promote_account',"申请人"), array('create_time',"申请时间"), array('verify_time',"审核时间"), ); $data=M('test_resource','tab_')->where($map)->order('id desc')->select(); foreach($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value['user_account']); if($value['apply_status'] == 1) { $data[$key]['apply_status'] = "审核未通过"; } elseif($value['apply_status'] == 2) { $data[$key]['apply_status'] = "审核通过"; } else { $data[$key]['apply_status'] = "待审核"; } $data[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value['create_time']); $data[$key]['verify_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value['verify_time']); } $xlsData = $data; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function supportNumberListExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "扶持号管理"; $xlsCell = array( array('game_name',"产品名称"), array('server_name',"区服"), array('user_account',"测试账号"), array('promote_account',"所属推广员"), array('role_name',"角色名称"), array('device_number',"设备信息"), array('check_status',"状态"), array('create_time',"创建时间"), ); $data = M('test_resource','tab_') ->field('tab_test_resource.id,tab_test_resource.user_id,tab_test_resource.game_name,tab_test_resource.server_name,tab_test_resource.user_account,tab_test_resource.promote_account,tab_test_resource.role_name,tab_test_resource.create_time,device_number,lock_status as check_status') ->join('left join tab_user as user on tab_test_resource.user_id = user.id') ->where($map) ->order('tab_test_resource.create_time DESC') ->select(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:m:i',$value['create_time']); $data[$key]['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value['user_account']); if($value['check_status'] == 1) { $data[$key]['check_status'] = "启用"; }else { $data[$key]['check_status'] = "冻结"; } } $xlsData = $data; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function arpuExcelInfo($id,$params) { $xlsName = "ARPU统计"; $xlsCell = array( array('day','日期'), array('payGameCount','付费游戏数'), array('loginCount','活跃用户'), array('registerCount','新增用户'), array('payUserCount','付费用户'), array('newPayUserCount','新增付费用户'), array('payAmount','付费总额'), array('payRate','付费率'), array('newPayAmount','新增付费额'), array('historyPayCount','累计付费用户'), array('arpu','ARPU'), array('arppu','ARPPU'), ); $dayList = $params["dayList"]; $arr = explode(',', $params['promote_id'][1]); $params['promote_id'] = $arr; $records = []; $userRepository = new UserRepository(); $spendRepository = new SpendRepository(); $payGameCountList = $spendRepository->getPayGameCountGroupByDay($params); $payUserCountList = $spendRepository->getPayUserCountGroupByDay($params); $newPayUserCountList = $spendRepository->getNewPayUserCountGroupByDay($params); $payAmountList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByDay($params); $newPayAmountList = $spendRepository->getNewPayAmountGroupByDay($params); $historyPayCountList = $spendRepository->getHistoryPayCountGroupByDay($params); $loginCountList = $userRepository->getLoginCountGroupByDay($params); $registerCountList = $userRepository->getRegisterCountGroupByDay($params); foreach ($dayList as $day) { $records[] = [ 'day' => $day, 'payGameCount' => $payGameCountList[$day], 'payUserCount' => $payUserCountList[$day], 'newPayUserCount' => $newPayUserCountList[$day], 'payAmount' => number_format($payAmountList[$day], 2), 'newPayAmount' => number_format($newPayAmountList[$day], 2), 'historyPayCount' => $historyPayCountList[$day], 'loginCount' => $loginCountList[$day], 'registerCount' => $registerCountList[$day], 'payRate' => $loginCountList[$day] == 0 ? '--' : round($payUserCountList[$day] / $loginCountList[$day] * 100, 2) . '%', 'ratentionOneDay' => '--', 'arpu' => $loginCountList[$day] == 0 ? '0.00' : number_format(round($payAmountList[$day] / $loginCountList[$day], 2), 2), 'arppu' => $payUserCountList[$day] == 0 ? '0.00' : number_format(round($payAmountList[$day] / $payUserCountList[$day], 2), 2), ]; } $xlsData = []; foreach ($records as $key1 => $value1) { $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function orderlistExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "平台币充值"; $xlsCell = array( array('order_number','充值订单号'), array('pay_amount','充值金额'), array('discount','优惠值'), array('coin_num','平台币数量'), array('pay_type','转账类型'), array('order_status1','订单状态'), array('time','申请时间'), ); $model = M('coin_pay_order','tab_'); $data = $model->where($map)->order('id DESC')->select(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if($value['pay_type'] == 1) { $data[$key]['pay_type'] = "线上充值"; } else { $data[$key]['pay_type'] = "线下充值"; } if($value['order_status'] == 0) { $data[$key]['order_status1'] = "待付款"; } if($value['order_status'] == 1) { $data[$key]['order_status1'] = "付款成功"; } if($value['order_status'] == 2) { $data[$key]['order_status1'] = "待审核"; } if($value['order_status'] == 3) { $data[$key]['order_status1'] = "待发币"; } if($value['order_status'] == 4) { $data[$key]['order_status1'] = "已发币"; } if($value['order_status'] == 5) { $data[$key]['order_status1'] = "审核不通过"; } $data[$key]['time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s' ,$value['create_time']); } $xlsData = $data; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function remitCerDownLoad($id,$map) { $proof_id = $map['id']; $file = new FileController(); $file->download($proof_id); $this->backSuccessExport($id); } public function withdrawDtlExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "提现记录"; $xlsCell = array( '充值订单号', '游戏', '平台', '玩家账号', '订单总额', '充值时间', '收益', '现金支付通道', '现金分成基数', '现金分成比例', '平台币分成基数', '平台币分成比例', '绑定币分成基数', '绑定币分成比例', '订单状态', ); $spendModel = M('spend', 'tab_'); $withdrawId = $map['withdraw_id']; $withdraw = M('withdraw', 'tab_')->field('promote_id,status')->where(array('id' => $withdrawId))->find(); $data = $spendModel ->field('pay_order_number,game_name,sdk_version,user_account,pay_amount,pay_way,selle_ratio,pay_time') ->where($map) ->order('id desc') ->select(); if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => &$list) { $list['income'] = bcmul($list['pay_amount'], bcdiv($list['selle_ratio'], 100, 2), 2); $list['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['pay_time']); switch ($list['pay_way']) { case 2: case 3: case 4: $list['pay_way_name'] = QueryController::$payWay[2]; break; default: $list['pay_way_name'] = QueryController::$payWay[$list['pay_way']]; break; } if($list['pay_way'] !== -1 && $list['pay_way'] !== 0) { $list['cash_base'] = $list['pay_amount']; }else { $list['cash_base'] = 0; } $list['cash_selle_ratio'] = $list['selle_ratio']; if($list['pay_way'] == 0) { $list['platform_base'] = $list['pay_amount']; }else { $list['platform_base'] = 0; } $list['platform_selle_ratio'] = $list['selle_ratio']; if($list['pay_way'] == -1) { $list['bind_base'] = $list['pay_amount']; }else { $list['bind_base'] = 0; } $list['bind_selle_ratio'] = $list['selle_ratio']; $list['status'] = FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$withdraw['status']]; unset($list['pay_way']); unset($list['selle_ratio']); } } $csvFileName = $xlsName.'.csv'; //设置好告诉浏览器要下载excel文件的headers header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $csvFileName .'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'a');//打开output流 mb_convert_variables('gb2312', 'UTF-8', $xlsCell); fputcsv($fp, $xlsCell);//将数据格式化为CSV格式并写入到output流中 $accessNum = '100000';//从数据库获取总量,假设是十万 $accessNum = count($data)?:0 ; $perSize = 5000;//每次查询的条数 $pages = ceil($accessNum / $perSize); for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { foreach($data as $value) { mb_convert_variables('GBK', 'UTF-8', $value); fputcsv($fp, $value); } unset($data); ob_flush(); flush(); } fclose($fp); $this->backSuccessExport($id); } public function withdrawRecordExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "提现记录"; $xlsCell = array( array('widthdraw_number','提现订单'), array('create_time','提现日期'), array('settlement_end_time','结算截止日期'), array('sum_money','收益金额'), array('sum_money','实际提现金额'), array('status','提现状态'), array('respond','说明'), ); $model = M('withdraw', 'tab_'); $data = $model->field('id,widthdraw_number,create_time,settlement_end_time,sum_money,status,respond') ->where($map) ->order('id desc') ->select(); if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as &$list) { $list['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['create_time']); $list['settlement_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['settlement_end_time']); $list['status'] = FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$list['status']]; } } $xlsData = $data; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function settlementExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "结算明细"; $xlsCell = array( '游戏订单号', '游戏', '玩家账号', '推广员账号', '订单总额', '直充', '内充', '分成比例(直充)', '分成比例(内充)', '收益', '充值时间', '订单状态', ); $model = M('spend', 'tab_'); $data = $model->field('pay_order_number,game_name,user_account,promote_account,pay_amount,pay_way,if(selle_ratio >= 0,selle_ratio,0) as selle_ratio,pay_time,selle_status,pay_status,withdraw_id') ->where($map) ->order('id desc') ->select(); $total = []; $total = $model->field('sum(pay_amount) as pay_amount,sum(if(pay_way > -1,pay_amount,0)) as direct_pay_amount,sum(if(pay_way = -1,pay_amount,0)) as inner_pay_amount,sum(if(selle_ratio >= 0,selle_ratio * pay_amount,0)) as income') ->where($map) ->find(); $total['direct_pay_amount'] = empty($total['direct_pay_amount']) ? '0.00' : $total['direct_pay_amount']; $total['inner_pay_amount'] = empty($total['inner_pay_amount']) ? '0.00' : $total['inner_pay_amount']; $total['income'] = empty($total['income']) ? 0 : $total['income']; $total['income'] = bcdiv($total['income'], 100, 2); //提现状态 $csvFileName = $xlsName.'.csv'; //设置好告诉浏览器要下载excel文件的headers header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $csvFileName .'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'a');//打开output流 mb_convert_variables('gb2312', 'UTF-8', $xlsCell); fputcsv($fp, $xlsCell);//将数据格式化为CSV格式并写入到output流中 $accessNum = count($data)?:0 ; $perSize = 5000;//每次查询的条数 $pages = ceil($accessNum / $perSize); for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { $data = $model->field('pay_order_number,game_name,user_account,promote_account,pay_amount,pay_way,if(selle_ratio >= 0,selle_ratio,0) as selle_ratio,pay_time,selle_status,pay_status,withdraw_id') ->where($map) ->order('id desc') ->limit(($i-1)*$perSize ,$perSize) ->select(); $withdrawIds = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($value['withdraw_id'] > 0 && !in_array($value['withdraw_id'], $withdrawIds)) { $withdrawIds[] = $value['withdraw_id']; } } if(empty($withdrawIds)) { $withdrawIds = "-10000"; } $withdrawStatus = M('withdraw', 'tab_') ->where(array('id' => ['in',$withdrawIds])) ->getField('id,status'); foreach ($data as &$list) { //提现状态 $list['pay_order_number'] = $this->encryption($list['pay_order_number']); $list['user_account'] = $this->encryption($list['user_account']); if ($list['pay_status'] == 1) { switch ($list['selle_status']) { case 0: $list['selle_status'] = '未提现'; break; default: if ($list['withdraw_id'] > 0) { $list['selle_status'] = FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$withdrawStatus[$list['withdraw_id']]]; } else { $list['selle_status'] = ''; } break; } } else { $list['selle_status'] = '支付失败'; } $list['income'] = bcmul($list['pay_amount'], bcdiv($list['selle_ratio'], 100, 2), 2); $list['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['pay_time']); if($list['pay_way'] == -1) { $list['pay_amount_zhi'] = 0; $list['pay_amount_nei'] = $list['pay_amount']; }else { $list['pay_amount_zhi'] = $list['pay_amount']; $list['pay_amount_nei'] = 0; } $csvData["pay_order_number"] = $list["pay_order_number"]; $csvData["game_name"] = $list["game_name"]; $csvData["user_account"] = $list["user_account"]; $csvData["promote_account"] = $list["promote_account"]; $csvData["pay_amount"] = $list["pay_amount"]; $csvData["pay_amount_zhi"] = $list["pay_amount_zhi"]; $csvData["pay_amount_nei"] = $list["pay_amount_nei"]; $csvData["selle_ratio"] = $list["selle_ratio"]; $csvData["selle_ratio1"] = $list["selle_ratio"]; $csvData["income"] = $list["income"]; $csvData["pay_time"] = $list["pay_time"]; $csvData["selle_status"] = $list["selle_status"]; mb_convert_variables('GBK', 'UTF-8', $csvData); fputcsv($fp, $csvData); $xlsData[] = $csvData; } unset($xlsData); ob_flush(); flush(); } $allData['pay_order_number'] = '合计'; $allData['game_name'] = '--'; $allData['user_account'] = '--'; $allData['promote_account'] = '--'; $allData['pay_amount'] = $total['pay_amount']; $allData['pay_amount_zhi'] = $total['direct_pay_amount']; $allData['pay_amount_nei'] = $total['inner_pay_amount']; $allData['selle_ratio'] = '--'; $allData['selle_ratio1'] = '--'; $allData['income'] = $total['income']; $allData['pay_time'] = '--'; $allData['selle_status'] = '--'; mb_convert_variables('GBK', 'UTF-8', $allData); fputcsv($fp, $allData); $xlsData[] = $allData; fclose($fp); $this->backSuccessExport($id); // $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function financeindexExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "结算中心"; $xlsCell = array( array('day','时间'), array('income','收益') ); if(!empty($map['pay_time'])) { $begTime = $map['pay_time'][1][0]; $endTime = $map['pay_time'][1][1]; }else { $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime'); $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $endTime = $endTime + 3600 * 24; } $model = M('spend', 'tab_'); $dayList = $this->getDayList($begTime, $endTime); $data = $model->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day, sum(if(selle_ratio > 0, pay_amount * selle_ratio, 0)) as income') ->where($map) ->group('day') ->select(); $data = $this->assembleRecords($data, $dayList, 'income'); foreach ($dayList as $day) { $date = date('Ymd', strtotime($day)); $records[] = [ 'day' => $date, 'income' => bcdiv($data[$day], 100, 2), ]; } $xlsData = []; foreach ($records as $key1 => $value1) { $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function dailysummaryExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "每日概况"; $xlsCell = array( array('day','日期'), array('role_num','创角数'), array('user_num','创角用户'), array('new_user_num','新创角用户'), array('new_device_num','新创角设备'), array('new_ip_num','新增创角IP'), array('login_user_num','登陆用户数'), array('spend_user_num','充值人数'), array('spend_num','充值次数'), array('spend_all_amount','充值总额'), array('spend_cash','现金充值'), array('spend_generic','通用币充值'), array('spend_binding','绑定币充值'), array('spend_discount','折扣币充值'), array('spend_voucher','代金劵使用'), ); $nowTime = date('Y-m-d'); $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime))); $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime'); $initEndTime = $nowTime; $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime'); $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime); $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime); $params['promote_id'] = $map['promote_id']; if(!empty($map['sdk_version']) || !empty($map['relation_game_id'])) { if(!empty($map['gameIds'])) { $params['game_id'] = ['in',$map['gameIds']]; }else { $params['_string'] = '1=2'; } } if(!empty($map['begin_time'])) { $params['begin_time'] = $map['begin_time']; }else { $params['begin_time'] = $begTime; } if(!empty($map['end_time'])) { $params['end_time'] = $map['end_time']; }else { $params['begin_time'] = $endTime - 1; } $params['dayList'] = $map["dayList"]; $summaryData = []; $records = []; if (intval($endTime - $begTime) / (24 * 3600) <= 30) { $userRepository = new UserRepository(); $spendRepository = new SpendRepository(); $roleNumList = $userRepository->getCreateRoleCountByDay($params);//创角数 $userNumList = $userRepository->getCreateRoleUserCountByDay($params);//创角用户 $newUserNumList = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleUserCountByDay($params);//新创角用户 $newDeviceNumList = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleDeviceCountByDay($params);//新创角设备 $newIpNumList = $userRepository->getNewCreateRoleIpCountByDay($params);//新创角IP $loginUserNumList = $userRepository->getLoginCountGroupByDayNew($params);//登录用户数 $spendUserNumList = $spendRepository->getPayUserCountGroupByDayNew($params);//充值人数 $spendNumList = $spendRepository->getPayCountGroupByDay($params);//充值次数 $spendAllAmountList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByDayAndType($params);//充值总额 $params['pay_way'] = ['in', '1,2,3,4,5,6']; $spendCashList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByDayAndType($params);//现金充值 $params['pay_way'] = 0; $spendGenericList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByDayAndType($params);//通用币充值 $params['pay_way'] = -1; $spendBindingList = $spendRepository->getPayAmountGroupByDayAndType($params);//绑定币充值 foreach ($params['dayList'] as $day) { $date = date('Ymd', strtotime($day)); $records[] = [ 'day' => $date, 'role_num' => $roleNumList[$day], 'user_num' => $userNumList[$day], 'new_user_num' => $newUserNumList[$day], 'new_device_num' => $newDeviceNumList[$day], 'new_ip_num' => $newIpNumList[$day], 'login_user_num' => $loginUserNumList[$day], 'spend_user_num' => $spendUserNumList[$day], 'spend_num' => $spendNumList[$day], 'spend_all_amount' => $spendAllAmountList[$day], 'spend_cash' => $spendCashList[$day], 'spend_generic' => $spendGenericList[$day], 'spend_binding' => $spendBindingList[$day], 'spend_discount' => 0, 'spend_voucher' => 0, ]; } $xlsData = []; foreach ($records as $key1 => $value1) { $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } } public function achievementExcelInfo($tid,$map) { $xlsName = "推广员业绩"; $xlsCell = array( array('account','账号'), array('real_name','姓名'), array('create_role_count','创角数'), array('create_role_user_count','创角用户'), array('new_create_role_user_count','新创角用户'), array('new_create_role_ip_count','新创角ip'), array('login_user_count','登陆用户数'), array('recharge_user_count','充值人数'), array('recharge_count','充值次数'), array('recharge_amount','充值总额'), array('recharge_by_ban_coin','绑定币充值'), array('recharge_by_coin','通用币充值'), array('recharge_by_cash','现金充值'), ); $params['isContainSubs'] = $map['isContainSubs']; $params['basicPromotes'] = json_decode($map['basicPromotes'],TRUE); $ids = $map['ids']; $promotes = json_decode($map["promotes"],TRUE); if(!empty($map['game_id'])) { $params['game_id'] = $map["game_id"]; } if(!empty($map['server_id'])) { $params['server_id'] = $map["server_id"]; } if(!empty($map['sdk_version'])) { $params['sdk_version'] = $map["sdk_version"]; } if(!empty($map['lock_status'])) { $params['lock_status'] = $map["lock_status"]; } if(!empty($map['parentsinfo'])) { $parent = json_decode($map['parentsinfo'],TRUE); unset($map['parentsinfo']); } if(!empty($map['currentDisplay'])) { $currentDisplay = $map['currentDisplay']; unset($map['currentDisplay']); } $params['begin_time'] = $map['begin_time']; $params['end_time'] = $map['end_time']; $promoteRepository = new PromoteRepository(); $createRoleCountList = $promoteRepository->getCreateRoleCountByIds($ids, $params); $createRoleUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getCreateRoleUserCountByIds($ids, $params); $newCreateRoleUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getNewCreateRoleUserCountByIds($ids, $params); $newCreateRoleDeviceCountList = $promoteRepository->getNewCreateRoleDeviceCountByIds($ids, $params); $newCreateRoleIpCountList = $promoteRepository->getNewCreateRoleIpCountByIds($ids, $params); $loginUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getLoginUserCountByIds($ids, $params); $rechargeCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeCountByIds($ids, $params); $rechargeUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeUserCountByIds($ids, $params); $rechargeAmountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeAmountByIds($ids, $params); $records = []; if (I('p', 1) == 1) { $selfParams = $params; $selfParams['isContainSubs'] = false; $selfCreateRoleCountList = $promoteRepository->getCreateRoleCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $selfCreateRoleUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getCreateRoleUserCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $selfNewCreateRoleUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getNewCreateRoleUserCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); // $selfNewCreateRoleDeviceCountList = $promoteRepository->getNewCreateRoleDeviceCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $selfNewCreateRoleIpCountList = $promoteRepository->getNewCreateRoleIpCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $selfLoginUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getLoginUserCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $selfRechargeCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $selfRechargeUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeUserCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $selfRechargeAmountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeAmountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams); $records[] = [ 'id' => $parent['id'], 'account' => $parent['account'], 'real_name' => $parent['real_name'], 'level' => $parent['level'], 'create_role_count' => $selfCreateRoleCountList[$parent['id']], 'create_role_user_count' => $selfCreateRoleUserCountList[$parent['id']], 'new_create_role_user_count' => $selfNewCreateRoleUserCountList[$parent['id']], // 'new_create_role_device_count' => $selfNewCreateRoleDeviceCountList[$parent['id']], 'new_create_role_ip_count' => $selfNewCreateRoleIpCountList[$parent['id']], 'login_user_count' => $selfLoginUserCountList[$parent['id']], 'recharge_count' => $selfRechargeCountList[$parent['id']], 'recharge_user_count' => $selfRechargeUserCountList[$parent['id']], 'recharge_amount' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['ban_coin'] + $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['coin'] + $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['cash'], 'recharge_by_ban_coin' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['ban_coin'], 'recharge_by_coin' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['coin'], 'recharge_by_cash' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['cash'], 'current_display' => $currentDisplay, ]; } foreach ($promotes as $promote) { $id = $promote['id']; $records[] = [ 'id' => $id, 'account' => $promote['account'], 'real_name' => $promote['real_name'], 'level' => $promote['level'], 'create_role_count' => $createRoleCountList[$id], 'create_role_user_count' => $createRoleUserCountList[$id], 'new_create_role_user_count' => $newCreateRoleUserCountList[$id], 'new_create_role_device_count' => $newCreateRoleDeviceCountList[$id], 'new_create_role_ip_count' => $newCreateRoleIpCountList[$id], 'login_user_count' => $loginUserCountList[$id], 'recharge_count' => $rechargeCountList[$id], 'recharge_user_count' => $rechargeUserCountList[$id], 'recharge_amount' => $rechargeAmountList[$id]['ban_coin'] + $rechargeAmountList[$id]['coin'] + $rechargeAmountList[$id]['cash'], 'recharge_by_ban_coin' => $rechargeAmountList[$id]['ban_coin'], 'recharge_by_coin' => $rechargeAmountList[$id]['coin'], 'recharge_by_cash' => $rechargeAmountList[$id]['cash'], 'current_display' => '', ]; } $xlsData = []; foreach ($records as $key1 => $value1) { $value1['account'] = $this->encryption($value1['account']); $xlsData[] = $value1; } $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$tid); } public function userRechargeExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "充值玩家"; $xlsCell = array( array('user_account','玩家账号'), array('game_name','游戏名称'), array('server_name','游戏区服'), array('sdk_version','平台'), array('role_name','角色名'), array('role_level','等级'), array('recharge_cost','充值总额'), array('recharge_count','充值次数'), array('recharge_cost_today','昨日充值'), array('unlogin_day','未登录天数'), array('play_time','最后登录时间'), array('promote_account','推广员账号'), ); $subMap = []; if(!empty($map['game_id'])) { $subMap['game_id'] = $map['game_id']; $map['uc.game_id'] = $map['game_id']; unset($map['game_id']); } if(!empty($map['server_id'])) { $subMap['server_id'] = $map['server_id']; $map['ui.server_id'] = $map['server_id']; unset($map['server_id']); } if(!empty($map['role_name'])) { $map['ui.role_name'] = $map['role_name']; unset($map['role_name']); } if(!empty($map['user_account'])) { $map['ui.user_account'] = $map['user_account']; unset($map['user_account']); } if(!empty($map['promote_id'])) { $map['uc.promote_id'] = $map['promote_id']; unset($map['promote_id']); } $costBegin = $map['costbegin']; $costEnd = $map['costend']; unset($map['costbegin']); unset($map['costend']); $nowTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time())); $subMap['create_time'] = ['between', [$map['begintime'], $map['endtime'] - 1]]; if ($costBegin != '' || $costEnd != '') { $having = ''; if ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd != '') { $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) between ' . $costBegin . ' and ' . $costEnd; } elseif ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd == '') { $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) >= ' . $costBegin; } elseif ($costBegin == '' && $costEnd != '') { $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) <= ' . $costEnd; } $subQuery = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->field('role_id') ->where($subMap) ->group('game_id,server_id,role_id') ->having($having) ->buildSql(); $map['_string'] = 'ui.role_id in (' . $subQuery . ')'; } $secondDay = 24*3600 + 1; $map['uc.create_time'] = ['between', [$map['begintime'], $map['endtime'] - $secondDay]]; unset($map['begintime']); unset($map['endtime']); //$spendMap['_string'] = 'uc.game_id = tab_user_play_info.game_id and uc.server_id = tab_user_play_info.server_id and uc.role_id = tab_user_play_info.role_id'; $fieldUC = "sum(uc.recharge_cost) recharge_cost,sum(uc.recharge_count) recharge_count,sum(if(uc.create_time = {$nowTime},uc.recharge_cost,0)) as recharge_cost_today"; $fieldUI = "ui.user_account,ui.game_name,ui.role_name,ui.role_level,ui.server_name,ui.play_time,ui.play_ip,ui.promote_account,ui.sdk_version"; $field = $fieldUC . ',' . $fieldUI; $subQuery = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc') ->field($field) ->join('left join tab_user_play_info as ui on ui.game_id = uc.game_id and ui.server_id = uc.server_id and ui.role_id = uc.role_id') ->where($map) ->group('uc.role_id,uc.server_id,uc.game_id') ->buildSql(); $roles = M()->alias('record') ->table($subQuery) ->select(); $total = []; $total = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc') ->field($fieldUC) ->join('left join tab_user_play_info as ui on ui.game_id = uc.game_id and ui.server_id = uc.server_id and ui.role_id = uc.role_id') ->where($map) ->find(); foreach ($roles as $role) { $records[] = [ 'user_account' => empty($role['user_account']) ? '--' : encryption($role['user_account']), 'game_name' => empty($role['game_name']) ? '--' : $role['game_name'], 'role_name' => empty($role['role_name']) ? '--' : $role['role_name'], 'role_id' => empty($role['role_id']) ? '--' : $role['role_id'], 'role_level' => empty($role['role_level']) ? '--' : $role['role_level'], 'server_id' => empty($role['server_id']) ? '--' : $role['server_id'], 'server_name' => empty($role['server_name']) ? '--' : $role['server_name'], 'recharge_cost' => empty($role['recharge_cost']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_cost'], 'recharge_count' => empty($role['recharge_count']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_count'], 'recharge_cost_today' => empty($role['recharge_cost_today']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_cost_today'], 'play_time' => empty($role['play_time']) ? '--' : $role['play_time'], 'play_ip' => empty($role['play_ip']) ? '--' : $role['play_ip'], 'promote_id' => empty($role['promote_id']) ? '--' : $role['promote_id'], 'promote_account' => empty($role['promote_account']) ? '--' : $role['promote_account'], 'sdk_version' => empty($role['sdk_version']) ? '--' : $role['sdk_version'], 'unlogin_day' => empty($role['play_time']) ? '--' : intval((strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $role['play_time']))) / (24 * 3600)) ]; } $allData['user_account'] = '合计'; $allData['game_name'] = '--'; $allData['role_name'] = '--'; $allData['role_id'] = '--'; $allData['role_level'] = '--'; $allData['server_id'] = '--'; $allData['server_name'] = '--'; $allData['recharge_cost'] = $total['recharge_cost']; $allData['recharge_count'] = $total['recharge_count']; $allData['recharge_cost_today'] = $total['recharge_cost_today']; $allData['play_time'] = '--'; $allData['play_ip'] = '--'; $allData['promote_id'] = '--'; $allData['promote_account'] = '--'; $allData['sdk_version'] = '--'; $allData['unlogin_day'] = '--'; $xlsData = []; foreach ($records as $key1 => $value1) { $value1['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value1['user_account']); $value1['play_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value1['play_time']); if($value1['sdk_version'] == 1) { $value1['sdk_version'] = "Android"; }else { $value1['sdk_version'] = "ios"; } $xlsData[] = $value1; } $xlsData[] = $allData; $this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id); } public function rechargeExcelInfo($id,$map) { $xlsName = "订单查询"; $xlsCell = array( '玩家账号', '游戏订单', '订单金额', '支付方式', '游戏名称', '区服', '角色名', '部门长', '组长', '推广员', '付款时间', ); $model = M('spend','tab_'); $data1 = $model ->field('tab_spend.id') ->join('tab_game on tab_spend.game_id = tab_game.id') ->join('left join tab_promote on tab_spend.promote_id = tab_promote.id') ->where($map) ->order('tab_spend.id desc') ->select(); $csvFileName = $xlsName.'.csv'; //设置好告诉浏览器要下载excel文件的headers header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $csvFileName .'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'a');//打开output流 mb_convert_variables('gb2312', 'UTF-8', $xlsCell); fputcsv($fp, $xlsCell);//将数据格式化为CSV格式并写入到output流中 $accessNum = count($data1)?:0 ; $perSize = 5000;//每次查询的条数 $pages = ceil($accessNum / $perSize); $promoteIdData = []; $promoteData = []; for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { $model = M('spend','tab_'); $data = $model ->field('tab_spend.*,tab_promote.account as pro_account,tab_promote.real_name as pro_real_name,tab_promote.chain as chain,tab_promote.level,tab_promote.parent_id') ->join('tab_game on tab_spend.game_id = tab_game.id') ->join('left join tab_promote on tab_spend.promote_id = tab_promote.id') ->where($map) ->limit(($i-1)*$perSize ,$perSize) ->order('tab_spend.id desc') ->select(); foreach ($data as $list) { switch ($list['level']) { case 3: $promoteIdData[] = $list['parent_id']; break; case 4: $promoteIdData[] = $list['parent_id']; $chain = trim($list['chain'], '/'); $chainArr = explode('/', $chain); $promoteIdData[] = $chainArr[1]; break; } } if (!empty($promoteIdData)) { $promoteIdData = array_unique($promoteIdData); $promoteData = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => ['in',$promoteIdData]))->getField('id,account,real_name'); } foreach ($data as $key1 => $value1) { $value1['pay_way'] = $this->payWay[$value1['pay_way']]; $value1['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value1['pay_time']); $value1['p_p_proinfo'] = $value1['pro_account'].'('.$value1['pro_real_name'].')'; $value1['p_proinfo'] = $value1['pro_account'].'('.$value1['pro_real_name'].')'; $value1['proinfo'] = $value1['pro_account'].'('.$value1['pro_real_name'].')'; // $value1['user_account'] = substr_replace($value1['user_account'],'************',3,12); $value1['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value1['user_account']); $value1['pay_order_number'] = $this->encryption($value1['pay_order_number']); switch ($value1['level']) { case 3: $value1['p_p_pro_account'] = $promoteData[$value1['parent_id']]['account']; $value1['p_p_pro_real_name'] = $promoteData[$value1['parent_id']]['real_name']; $value1['p_pro_account'] = $value1['pro_account']; $value1['p_pro_real_name'] = $value1['pro_real_name']; break; case 4: $promoteIdData[] = $value1['parent_id']; $chain = trim($value1['chain'], '/'); $chainArr = explode('/', $chain); $value1['p_p_pro_account'] = $promoteData[$chainArr[1]]['account']; $value1['p_p_pro_real_name'] = $promoteData[$chainArr[1]]['real_name']; $value1['p_pro_account'] = $promoteData[$value1['parent_id']]['account']; $value1['p_pro_real_name'] = $promoteData[$value1['parent_id']]['real_name']; break; } $value1['p_p_proinfo'] = $value1['p_p_pro_account'].'('.$value1['p_p_pro_real_name'].')'; //部门长 $value1['p_proinfo'] = $value1['p_pro_account'].'('.$value1['p_pro_real_name'].')'; //组长 unset($value1['p_p_pro_account']); unset($value1['p_p_pro_real_name']); unset($value1['p_pro_account']); unset($value1['p_pro_real_name']); $csvData["user_account"] = $value1["user_account"]; $csvData["pay_order_number"] = $value1["pay_order_number"]; $csvData["pay_amount"] = $value1["pay_amount"]; $csvData["pay_way"] = $value1["pay_way"]; $csvData["game_name"] = $value1["game_name"]; $csvData["server_name"] = $value1["server_name"]; $csvData["game_player_name"] = $value1["game_player_name"]; $csvData["p_p_proinfo"] = $value1["p_p_proinfo"]; $csvData["p_proinfo"] = $value1["p_proinfo"]; $csvData["proinfo"] = $value1["proinfo"]; $csvData["pay_time"] = $value1["pay_time"]; mb_convert_variables('GBK', 'UTF-8', $csvData); fputcsv($fp, $csvData); $xlsData[] = $csvData; } unset($xlsData); ob_flush(); flush(); } $income = '0.00'; $income = M('Spend', 'tab_') ->field('sum(tab_spend.pay_amount) as income') ->join('tab_game on tab_spend.game_id = tab_game.id') ->join('left join tab_promote on tab_spend.promote_id = tab_promote.id') ->where($map) ->order('tab_spend.id desc') ->find()['income']; $csvData1["user_account"] = "合计"; $csvData1["pay_order_number"] = "--"; $csvData1["pay_amount"] = $income; $csvData1["pay_way"] = "--"; $csvData1["game_name"] = "--"; $csvData1["server_name"] = "--"; $csvData1["game_player_name"] = "--"; $csvData1["p_p_proinfo"] = "--"; $csvData1["p_proinfo"] = "--"; $csvData1["proinfo"] = "--"; $csvData1["pay_time"] = "--"; mb_convert_variables('GBK', 'UTF-8', $csvData1); fputcsv($fp, $csvData1); $xlsData[] = $csvData1; fclose($fp); $this->backSuccessExport($id); } public function backSuccessExport($id) { //导出成功后 if(!$id) { }else { $res = M('downloadlog','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->select(); $data = $res[0]; $data['status'] = 1; $data['begintime'] = time(); $updateRs = M('downloadlog','tab_')->where(['id'=>$id])->save($data); } } /* * 汇款证明 * */ public function Remittancecer() { $id = $_REQUEST["id"]; $model = M("withdraw","tab_"); $res = $model->where(['id'=>$id])->field('transfer_proof,status')->find(); $transfer_proof = intval($res["transfer_proof"]); $map = ['id'=>$transfer_proof]; $addtime = time(); $conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE); $data = [ 'logid' => 'remitrecord_'.time(), 'admin_id' => PID, 'type' => '/Home/Finance/withdrawRecord', 'dataname' => '汇款证明', 'status' => 0, 'addtime' => $addtime, 'begintime' => 0, 'content' => '', 'conditions' =>$conditions, ]; $log = M('downloadlog','tab_')->add($data); if (!$log) { $this->error('添加下载失败'); } $this->success('添加下载成功',U('listsIndex')); } public function encryptDecrypt($key, $string, $decrypt){ if($decrypt){ $decrypted = rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key), base64_decode($string), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key))), "12"); return $decrypted; }else{ $encrypted = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key), $string, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key)))); return $encrypted; } } // public function getLoginPromote() // { // $promoteId = session('promote_auth.pid'); // return M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find(); // } private function getGroupPromotes($promote) { $promotes = []; if ($promote['parent_id'] == 0) { $promotes = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'account', 'real_name'])->where(['parent_id' => $promote['id']])->select(); } return $promotes; } public function paginate($query, $defaultPageSize = 10, $defaultPage = 1) { $page = I('get.p', $defaultPage); $pageSize = I('get.row', $defaultPageSize); $countQuery = clone $query; $count = $countQuery->count(); $records = $query->page($page, $pageSize)->select(); $params = [ 'p' => $page, 'row' => $pageSize ]; $pagination = set_pagination($count, $pageSize); return [$records, $pagination, $count]; } private function getGamesByPromote($promote) { return M('apply', 'tab_')->field(['game_id', 'game_name'])->where(['promote_id' => $promote['id']])->select(); } private function getBetweenTime($time, $defaultBegin = 0, $defaultEnd = 0) { $delimiter = ' 至 '; $begin = $defaultBegin; $end = $defaultEnd; if ($time != '') { if (strpos($time, $delimiter) == -1) { $begin = strtotime($time . ' 00:00:00'); $end = strtotime($time . ' 23:59:59'); } else { $timeRow = explode($delimiter, $time); $begin = strtotime($timeRow[0] . ' 00:00:00'); $end = strtotime($timeRow[1] . ' 23:59:59'); } } return [$begin, $end]; } private function getQueryPromote($levelPromote) { $queryPromote = null; $promote = $this->getLoginPromote(); $queryPromoteId = 0; foreach($levelPromote as $item) { if ($item != 0) { $queryPromoteId = $item; } } if ($queryPromoteId == 0) { $queryPromote = $this->getLoginPromote(); } else { $queryPromote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $queryPromoteId])->find(); } return $queryPromote; } public function getHandleType($promoteCoin, $promote) { if ($promoteCoin['source_type'] == 2) { return '玩家转账'; } else { if ($promote['parent_id'] == 1) { return '会长转账'; } elseif ($promote['parent_id'] > 0 && $promote['grand_id'] == 0) { return '组长转账'; } elseif ($promote['grand_id'] > 0) { return '推广员转账'; } } } private function getLevelPromote() { $levelPromote = []; $levelPromote[] = I('level_promote_2', 0); $levelPromote[] = I('level_promote_3', 0); $levelPromote[] = I('level_promote_4', 0); return $levelPromote; } private function getDayList($beginTime, $endTime) { $dayList = []; do { $dayList[] = date('Y-m-d', $beginTime); $beginTime += 24 * 60 * 60; } while ($beginTime < $endTime); return $dayList; } private function assembleRecords($items, $keys, $valueColumn, $keyColumn = 'day') { $records = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { $value = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item[$keyColumn] == $key) { $value = $item[$valueColumn]; } } $records[$key] = $value; } return $records; } public function encryption($string) { $orderLen = strlen($string); $strLen = 3; $hideChar = ''; if($orderLen <=8) { $strLen = 2; } for($i = 0;$i<$orderLen-$strLen*2;$i++) { $hideChar .='*'; } return substr($string, 0, $strLen) . $hideChar . substr($string, $orderLen-$strLen); } }