
namespace Admin\Controller;
use Admin\Model\SpendModel;
use Open\Model\UserLoginRecordModel;
use Admin\Model\UserPlayModel;
use User\Api\UserApi as UserApi;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;

 * 后台首页控制器
 * @author 麦当苗儿 <zuojiazi@vip.qq.com>
class StatController extends ThinkController

		public function user($p=1) {

			$page = intval($p);
			$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据

			if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$row = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$row = 10;}

			if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['game_id']) && $_REQUEST['game_id']>0) {
				$game_id = I('game_id','');
				$gamesource = get_source_from_game($game_id);
			} else {
				$gamesource = '全部';

			if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
				$promote_id = I('promote_id',0);
				$promoteaccount = get_promote_name($promote_id);
			} else {
				$promoteaccount = '全部';
			$list = D('user')->user($promote_id,$game_id);
			$count = count($list);

			$data = array_slice($list,($page-1)*$row,$row,true);
			$page = set_pagination($count,$row);
			if($page) {$this->assign('_page', $page);}

			$this->meta_title = '用户统计';






		public function user1($p=1) {

			$page = intval($p);
			$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
			if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$row = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$row = 10;}//10;

			$start = $_GET['start']= I('start',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-2 day')));

			$end =  I('end',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-1 day')));

			$end = strtotime($end)>=strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))?date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-1 day')):$end;

			$_GET['end'] = $end;

			if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['game_id']) && $_REQUEST['game_id']>0) {
				$game_id = I('game_id','');
				$gamesource = get_source_from_game($game_id);
			} else {
				$gamesource = '全部';

			if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
				$promote_id = I('promote_id',0);
				$promoteaccount = get_promote_name($promote_id);
			} else {
				$promoteaccount = '全部';

			$list = D('user')->user1(strtotime($start),strtotime($end),$promote_id,$game_id);

			$count = count($list);

			$data = array_slice($list,($page-1)*$row,$row,true);


			if($count > $row){
				$page = new \Think\Page($count, $row);
				$page->setConfig('theme','%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
				$this->assign('_page', $page->show());

			$this->meta_title = '用户统计';





    public function multisort($records, $column, $type = 'asc')
        $length = count($records);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i ++) {
            for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $length; $j ++) {
                if ($type == 'asc') {
                    if ($records[$i][$column] > $records[$j][$column]) {
                        $temp = $records[$i];
                        $records[$i] = $records[$j];
                        $records[$j] = $temp;
                } else if ($type == 'desc') {
                    if ($records[$i][$column] < $records[$j][$column]) {
                        $temp = $records[$i];
                        $records[$i] = $records[$j];
                        $records[$j] = $temp;
        return $records;

    public function userretention()
        $this->meta_title = '留存统计';
        $start = I('start', date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-7 day')));
        $end = empty(I('end')) ? time_format(time(),'Y-m-d') : I('end');
        $dataOrder = I('data_order', '');
        $gameId = I('game_id', 0);
        $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);

        $orderType = 'asc';
        $orderColumn = 'date';
        if ($dataOrder != '')
            $dataOrder = explode(',', $dataOrder);
            $orderType = $dataOrder[1];
            $orderColumn = $dataOrder[0];
        $status = true;
        $data = false;
        $error = '';
        if ($gameId == 0) {
            $error = '请选择游戏!';
            $status = false;
        $startTime = strtotime($start . ' 00:00:00');
        $endTime = strtotime($end . ' 23:59:59') + 1;
        if ((($endTime - $startTime)/(24*3600)) > 31) {
            $error = '时间间隔不能超过31天';
            $status = false;
        if ($status) {
            $client = new Client([
                'base_uri' => C('TASK_URL'),
                'timeout'  => 10.0,
            $response = $client->post('/statistics/player-retention', [
                'verify' => false,
                'form_params' => [
                    'start_time' => $start,
                    'end_time' => $end,
                    'promote_id' => I('promote_id', 0),
                    'game_id' => $gameId,
            $result = (string)$response->getBody();
            $result = json_decode($result, true);
            if (!$result) {
                $this->assign('error', '数据请求异常!');
            $data = $result['data']['records'];
            $dayList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 30];
            $gameName = get_game_name($gameId);
            $promoteName = '全部';
            if ($promoteId) {
                $promoteName = get_promote_account($promoteId);
            foreach ($data as $key => $item) {
                $item['promote_name'] = $promoteName;
                $item['game_name'] = $gameName;
                foreach ($dayList as $day) {
                    if ($item['register_count'] > 0) {
                        $item['retention_day'. $day] = round($item['retention_day'. $day]/$item['register_count'], 4)*100;
                    } else {
                        $item['retention_day'. $day] = '--';
                $data[$key] = $item;
            if ($dataOrder) {
                $data = $this->multisort($data, $orderColumn, $orderType);
        } else {
            $this->assign('error', $error);

        $this->assign('data', $data);
        $this->assign('order_type', $orderType);
        $this->assign('order_column', $orderColumn);
        $this->assign('data', $data);
        $this->meta_title = '留存统计';

     * 留存统计
     * @param int $p
     * 06.12.3
     * xmy
    public function playerRetention($p = 0)
        echo "暂不开放";
        $page = intval($p);
        $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据

        if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$row = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$row = 10;}

        $start = I('start',date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-7 day')));
        $end = empty(I('end')) ? time_format(time(),'Y-m-d') : I('end');
            $game_id = I('game_id');
            $promote_id = I('promote_id');
            $map_list = array();
            if(I('game_id') !=0){
							$map['ur.game_id']=$map_list['tab_user.fgame_id'] = $game_id;
            if(I('promote_id') !=0){
            $data = $this->count_register($start,$end,$game_id,$promote_id,$page);

            $day = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,15,30,60);
            foreach ($data as $k=>$v) {
                $time = $v['time'];
                //$map["FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time,'%Y-%m-%d')"] = $time;
								if(intval($v['register_num'])==0) {$data[$k][$value]=0;continue;}
								$map['tab_user.id'] = array('in',explode(',',$v['register']));
                foreach ($day as $key => $value) {
                    $map["register_time"] = array('between',array(strtotime($time),strtotime($time)+24*60*60-1));
                    $login_time = strtotime("+{$value} day",strtotime($time));
                    $login_time_end = $login_time+86399;
                    $num = M('user','tab_')
                        ->field('count(DISTINCT tab_user.id) as num')
                        ->join("right join tab_user_login_record as ur on ur.user_id = tab_user.id and ur.login_time between $login_time and $login_time_end")
										$data[$k][$value] = $num['num'];

            $time_map['time'] = array('between',array($start,$end));
            $count = M('date_list')->where($time_map)->count();

						$page = set_pagination($count,$row);
						if($page) {$this->assign('_page', $page);}

        $pnum = ceil(count($data) / $size); //总页数,ceil()函数用于求大于数字的最小整数
        //用array_slice(array,offset,length) 函数在数组中根据条件取出一段值;array(数组),offset(元素的开始位置),length(组的长度)
        $data = array_slice($data, ($arraypage-1)*$size, $size);
        $this->meta_title = '留存统计';

     * 流失分析
    public function userloss(){
        foreach ($result['day'] as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($money_arr as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($times_arr as $key => $value) {
				$this->meta_title = '流失分析';

    public function loss_pic($para){
        if (!empty($para['time_start']) && !empty($para['time_end'])) {
            $days = prDates($para['time_start'],$para['time_end']);
            $day = $days;
        } else {
            $defTimeE = date("Y-m-d",time());
            $defTimeS = date("Y-m-d",time() - 24*60*60*6);
            $day = every_day(7);
            $days = prDates($defTimeS,$defTimeE);
        if (isset($para['game_id'])) {
        if (!empty($para['channel_id'])) {
            if ($para['channel_id'] == 2 ) {
                $continueDay = 7;
            } else {
                $continueDay = 3;
            $continueDay = 3;//3天不登录表示玩家已流失
        $usermodel = D('User');

        $start = $this->get_time(current($days), $continueDay);
        $end = $this->get_time(end($days), $continueDay) + 86399;;
        $map['register_time']=array('between',array($start, $end));
        if (isset($para['promote_id']) && $para['promote_id']!="") {
        $players = $usermodel->getUserList($map, "GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT id) as user_ids,
        FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time+{$continueDay}*86400, '%Y-%m-%d') as register_date", "register_date");

        $players = array_column($players, 'user_ids', 'register_date');

        $map1 = array();
        $map1['lpuid'] = 0;
        $map1['u.register_time'] = array('between',array($start, $end));
        if (isset($para['promote_id'])&&$para['promote_id']!="") {
        $map1['r.login_time'] = array('exp', 'BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP(
		u.register_time + 86400,
		u.register_time + 86400,
) + 86400 * ' . $continueDay);

        $keepPlayers = $usermodel->getKeepPlayers($map1, $continueDay, count($days) > 7);//  3或7天内有登录的玩家
        $keepPlayers = array_column($keepPlayers, 'user_ids', 'register_date');

        $loss_count = array();//流失玩家数量
        foreach ($days as $key => $date) {
            $dateUserCount = isset($players[$date]) ? count(explode(",", $players[$date])) : 0;
            $keepUserCount = isset($keepPlayers[$date]) ? count(explode(",", $keepPlayers[$date])) : 0;
            $loss_count[$key] = $dateUserCount - $keepUserCount;//流失数量

            if ($dateUserCount) {
                $loss_rate[] = sprintf("%.2f",($loss_count[$key]/$dateUserCount) * 100);//流失率
            } else {
                $loss_rate[] = 0;
        $losers = array_filter($players, function ($item) use ($keepPlayers) {
            return !in_array($item, $keepPlayers);
        $losers = array_values($losers);//流失玩家id集合
        $data2 = $this->loss_pic2($losers);
        $data3 = $this->loss_pic3($losers);
        $result['day'] = $day;//日期
        $result['loss_count'] = $loss_count;//流失数量
        $result['loss_rate'] = $loss_rate;//流失率
        $result['loss_money'] = $data2;//流失金额
        $result['loss_times'] = $data3;//流失次数
        return $result;

     * 流失用户消费金额分析,包括不同等级的人数和所占比例
     * @param  [type] $data [description]
     * @return [type]       [description]
    function loss_pic2($data){
        $Spend=new SpendModel();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
        return $result;
     * 流失用户消费次数分析,包括不同次数所占人数和比例
     * @param  [type] $data [description]
     * @return [type]       [description]
    public function loss_pic3($data){
        $Spend=new SpendModel();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
        return $result;

     * 统计注册数
     * @param $start    开始时间
     * @param $end      结束时间
     * @param string $game_name     游戏名称
     * @param string $promote_id    渠道ID
     * @param int $page
    public function count_register($start,$end,$game_id="",$promote_id="",$page=0,$row=10){
        $map["register_time"] = array('between',array(strtotime($start),strtotime($end)+86399));
        $maps["time"] = array('between',array($start,$end));
        if($game_id != ''){
            $map['fgame_id'] = $game_id;
        if($promote_id != ''){
            $map['promote_id'] = $promote_id;
        $user = M('user','tab_')->field("FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time, '%Y-%m-%d') as time,COUNT(id) AS register_num,GROUP_CONCAT(id) as register")
        $user2 = array_combine(array_column($user,'time'),array_column($user,'register'));
        $user = array_combine(array_column($user,'time'),array_column($user,'register_num'));
        //file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/usersql2.txt',json_encode(M('user','tab_')->getLastSql()));
        $data = M('date_list')
        foreach ($data as &$val){
            $val['register_num'] = $user[$val['time']]?$user[$val['time']]:0;
						$val['register'] = $user2[$val['time']]?$user2[$val['time']]:'';
        return $data;


     * [get_time 通过日期获得时间戳]
     * @param  [type] $date [description]
     * @return [type]       [int]
    private function get_time($date,$d){
        $date= explode("-",$date);
        return $start;

     * 根据时间计算注册人数
    public function getcount($day, $n = null)
        if (null !== $n) {
            $map['register_time'] = get_start_end_time($day, $n);
        } else {
            $map = get_last_day_time($day, "register_time");
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);

            } else {
                $map['tab_user.promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);

        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $map['tab_user.fgame_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
            $r_user_id = D('User')
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($r_user_id); $i++) {
                $sd[] = $r_user_id[$i]['user_id'];
            $pid = implode(",", $sd);
            $count = D("User")
        } else {
            $r_user_id = D("User")->where($map)->select();
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($r_user_id); $i++) {
                $sd[] = $r_user_id[$i]['id'];
            $pid = implode(",", $sd);
            $count = D("User")->where($map)->count();
        $r_count = array($pid, $count);
        return $r_count;

     * 计算留存率
    public function onelogincount($day, $count, $n = null)
        if (null !== $n) {
            $onetime['login_time'] = get_start_end_time($day, $n);
        } else {
            $onetime = get_last_day_time($day, "login_time");
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $onetime['promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);

            } else {
                $onetime['promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);

        } else {
            $onetime['promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $onetime['game_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);

        } else {
            $onetime['game_id'] = array('gt', 0);
        $onetime['user_id'] = array('in', (string)$count[0]);
        $onelogincount = M("user_login_record", "tab_")->where($onetime)->count('distinct user_id');

        if ($onelogincount != 0) {
            if ($count[1] == 0) {
                $baifen = "";
            } else {
                $lu = $onelogincount / $count[1];
                $baifen = $lu * 100;
                $baifen = $baifen > 100 ? '100%' : $baifen . '%';
        } else {

            if ($count[1] == 0) {
                $baifen = "";
            } elseif ($count[1] != 0) {
                $baifen = "0%";

        return round($baifen) . '%';


    public function userarpu($p=0)
        $page = intval($p);
        $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据arraypage
        $arraypage = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据

        if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$row = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$row = 10;}

        $start = I('start');
        $end = empty(I('end')) ? time_format(time(),'Y-m-d') : I('end');
        $game_id = I('game_id');
        $promote_id = I('promote_id');
        $map_list = array();

				if ($_REQUEST['hasbindcoins'] == 1) {
				} else {
					$hasbindcoins['pay_way'] = array('gt',-1);

        if(I('game_id') !=0){
        if(I('promote_id') !=0){
        if(I('game_id') != '') $map_list['game_id'] = I('game_id');
        if(I('promote_id') != '') $map_list['promote_id'] = I('promote_id');
        if(!empty($start)) {
            // $data = $this->count_register($start, $end, $game_id, $promote_id, $page);
            $data = $this->count_register($start, $end, $game_id, $promote_id);
            // var_dump($data);exit;
            foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                $time = $value['time'];
                $data[$key]['act_user'] = $this->count_act_user($time,$game_id,$promote_id);
                $map = $map_list;
                $map["FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time,'%Y-%m-%d')"] = $time;

                $login_time = strtotime("+1 day",strtotime($time));
                $login_time_end = $login_time+86399;
                $num = M('user','tab_')
                ->field('count(DISTINCT tab_user.id) as num')
                ->join("right join tab_user_login_record as ur on ur.user_id = tab_user.id
                    and ur.login_time between $login_time and $login_time_end")
                if (!empty($data[$key]['register_num'])) {
                    $data[$key]['keep_num'] = round($num['num']/$data[$key]['register_num'],4)*100;
                } else {
                    $data[$key]['keep_num'] = 0;
                $map = $map_list;
                empty($game_name ) || $map['game_name'] = array('like','%'.$game_name.'%');
                empty($promote_id) || $map['promote_id'] = $promote_id;
                $map['pay_status'] = 1;
                $map["pay_time"] = ['between',[strtotime($time),strtotime($time)+86399]];

								empty($hasbindcoins) || $map['pay_way'] = $hasbindcoins['pay_way'];

                $spend = M('spend','tab_')->field("IFNULL(sum(pay_amount),0) as money,IFNULL(count(distinct user_id),0) as people")
                $data[$key]['spend'] = $spend['money'];
                $data[$key]['spend_people'] = $spend['people'];
								$newmap = $map_list;
								empty($hasbindcoins) || $newmap['pay_way'] = $hasbindcoins['pay_way'];
								$newmap['pay_status'] = 1;
                $sql = M('spend','tab_')
                        ->field("user_id,min(pay_time) as time")
                        ->where(array_merge($newmap,['_string'=>'(small_id=0 or small_id=user_id)']))
                //$sql = "select IFNULL(count(user_id),0) as num from ({$sql}) as t WHERE  FROM_UNIXTIME(t.time,'%Y-%m-%d') = '{$time}'";
                $sql = M('spend','tab_')
                        ->table('('.$sql.') as t')
                        ->field('IFNULL(count(user_id),0) as num')
								$query = M()->query($sql);

                $data[$key]['new_pop'] = $query[0]['num'];
                if (!empty($data[$key]['act_user'])) {
                    $data[$key]['spend_rate'] = round($data[$key]['spend_people']/$data[$key]['act_user'],4)*100;
                } else {
                    $data[$key]['spend_rate'] = 0;
                if (!empty($data[$key]['act_user'])) {
                    $data[$key]['ARPU'] = round($data[$key]['spend']/$data[$key]['act_user'],2);
                } else {
                    $data[$key]['ARPU'] = 0;

                if (!empty($data[$key]['spend_people'])) {
                    $data[$key]['ARPPU'] = round($data[$key]['spend']/$data[$key]['spend_people'],2);
                } else {
                    $data[$key]['ARPPU'] = 0;
                $map = $map_list;
								empty($hasbindcoins) || $map['pay_way'] = $hasbindcoins['pay_way'];
                $map['pay_status'] = 1;
                $map["pay_time"] = array('elt',strtotime($time)+86399);
                $pop_num = M('spend','tab_')->field('count(distinct user_id) as num')->where($map)->select();
                $data[$key]['pop_num'] = $pop_num[0]['num'];
            $time_map['time'] = array('between',array($start,$end));
            $count = M('date_list')->where($time_map)->count();

						$page = set_pagination($count,$row);
						if($page) {$this->assign('_page', $page);}

        $pnum = ceil(count($data) / $size); //总页数,ceil()函数用于求大于数字的最小整数
        //用array_slice(array,offset,length) 函数在数组中根据条件取出一段值;array(数组),offset(元素的开始位置),length(组的长度)
        $data = array_slice($data, ($arraypage-1)*$size, $size);
        $this->meta_title = 'ARPU统计';

     * 获取活跃用户数
     * @param $time
    public function count_act_user($time,$game_id="",$promote_id=""){
        $map["login_time"] = ['between',[strtotime($time),strtotime($time)+86399]];
        empty($game_id) || $map['game_id'] = $game_id;
        empty($game_id) || $map1['fgame_id'] = $game_id;
                ->field('id as user_id')
        $data = M('user_login_record','tab_')
        return $data;

    public function getnewcount($time)
        $map = array();
        if (!empty($time)) {
            $map['register_time'] = get_start_end_time($_REQUEST['time-start']);
        } else {
            $map['register_time'] = -1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $map['promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);

            } else {
                $map['promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);

        } else {
            $map['promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $map['fgame_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
        } else {
            $map['fgame_id'] = array('gt', 0);
        $r_user_id = M("User", "tab_")
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($r_user_id); $i++) {
            $sd[] = $r_user_id[$i]['id'];
        $pid = implode(",", $sd);
        $count = M("User", "tab_")
        $count = array($pid, $count);
        return $count;


    public function getplaycount($day, $count, $n = null)
        if (null !== $n) {
            $onetime['login_time'] = get_start_end_time($day, $n);
        } else {
            $onetime = get_last_day_time($day, "login_time");
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $onetime['promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);
            } else {
                $onetime['promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);
        } else {
            $onetime['promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $onetime['game_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
        } else {
            $onetime['game_id'] = array('gt', 0);
        $onetime['user_id'] = array('in', (string)$count[0]);
        $onelogincount = M("user_login_record", "tab_")->where($onetime)->count('distinct user_id');
        return $onelogincount;

    function get_cilogin($newcount, $cicount)
        if ($cicount == 0) {
            return sprintf("%.2f", 0) . '%';
        } else {
            return round($cicount / $newcount * 100) . '%';

//计算指定游戏 用户总数 与时间无关
    public function getallcount()
        $map = array();
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
            $map['a.register_time'] = -1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $map['a.fgame_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
        } else {
            $map['a.fgame_id'] = array('gt', 0);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $map['a.promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);
            } else {
                $map['a.promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);
        } else {
            $map['a.promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
        $count = M("User as a", "tab_")
            ->field("count(*) as count")
        return $count;

    public function getpaycount()
        $count = 0;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
            $map['pay_time'] = array("lt", strtotime($_REQUEST['time-start']) + (60 * 60 * 24));
        } else {
            $map['pay_time'] = -1;
        $map['pay_status'] = 1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $map['game_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
        } else {
            $map['game_id'] = array('gt', 0);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $map['promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);
            } else {
                $map['promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);
        } else {
            $map['promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
        $count = M("spend", "tab_")
            ->count('distinct id');
        return $count;

    public function getnewpaycount()
        $count = 0;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
            $map['pay_time'] = array("lt", strtotime($_REQUEST['time-start']) + (60 * 60 * 24));
            $newuser = $this->getnewcount($_REQUEST['time-start']);
            $map['user_id'] = array('in', (string)$newuser[0]);
        } else {
            $map['pay_time'] = -1;
        $map['pay_status'] = 1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $map['a.fgame_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
        } else {
            $map['a.fgame_id'] = array('gt', 0);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $map['a.promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);
            } else {
                $map['a.promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);
        } else {
            $map['a.promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
        $list = M("User as a", "tab_")
            ->field("sum(pay_amount) as sum")
            ->join("tab_spend as c on c.game_id=a.fgame_id")
        if (!empty($list['sum'])) {
            $count = $list['sum'];
        return sprintf("%.2f", $count);

    public function getallpaycount()
        $count = 0;
        $map = array();
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
            $map['pay_time'] = -1;
        $map['pay_status'] = 1;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
            } else {
                $map['game_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
        } else {
            $map['game_id'] = array('gt', 0);
        if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_name'])) {
            if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '全部') {
            } else if ($_REQUEST['promote_name'] == '自然注册') {
                $map['promote_id'] = array("elt", 0);
            } else {
                $map['promote_id'] = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_name']);
        } else {
            $map['promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
        $list = M("spend", "tab_")
            ->field("sum(pay_amount) as sum")
        if (!empty($list['sum'])) {
            $count = $list['sum'];
        return sprintf("%.2f", $count);

    public function getrate()
        $pr = $this->getpaycount();//总付费人数
        $all = $this->getallcount();
        if ($all == 0) {
            $count = 0;
        } else {
            $count = $pr / $all;
            $count = $count > 1 ? 100 : $count * 100;
        return sprintf("%.2f", $count) . '%';

// 计算活跃用户数(当前日期所在一周的时间)
    public function gethuocount()
        $count = 0;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name']) || isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
                if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
                } else {
                    $map['game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
                    $time = date("Y-m-d", time());
                    $start = strtotime("$time - 6 days");
                    $end = strtotime("$time");
                    $map['login_time'] = array("between", array($start, $end));
            if (isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
                $time2 = $_REQUEST['time-start'];
                $start2 = strtotime("$time2 - 6 days");
                $end2 = strtotime("$time2");
                $map['login_time'] = array("between", array($start2, $end2));
            $data = M("user_login_record", "tab_")
                ->having('count(user_id) > 2')
            $count = count($data);
        return sprintf("%.2f", $count);

    public function getuserarpu()
        $new = $this->getnewpaycount();
        if (isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
            $newcount = end($this->getnewcount($_REQUEST['time-start']));
            if ($newcount == 0) {
                $count = 0;
            } else {
                $count = $new / $newcount;
        } else {
            $count = 0;
        return sprintf("%.2f", $count);


// 获取活跃ARPU
    public function gethuoarpu()
        if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name']) || isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
                if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
                } else {
                    $map['tab_user_login_record.game_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
                    $time = date("Y-m-d", time());
                    $start = strtotime("$time - 6 days");
                    $end = strtotime("$time");
                    $map['login_time'] = array("between", array($start, $end));
            if (isset($_REQUEST['time-start'])) {
                $time2 = $_REQUEST['time-start'];
                $start2 = strtotime("$time2 - 6 days");
                $end2 = strtotime("$time2");
                $map['login_time'] = array("between", array($start2, $end2));
            $data = M("user_login_record", "tab_")
                ->having('count(user_id) > 2')
            foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                $data1[] = $value['user_id'];
            foreach ($data1 as $value) {
                $user_account[] = get_user_account($value);
            $pid = implode(',', $user_account);
        $map['user_account'] = array('in', $pid);
        if ($pid != '') {
            $huosum = M("spend ", "tab_")
                ->join("tab_user_login_record on tab_spend.game_id = tab_user_login_record.game_id")
            foreach ($huosum as $value) {
                $huosum2[] = $value['pay_amount'];
            $sum = array_sum($huosum2);
            $count = count($data);
            $return = $sum / $count;
        } else {
            $return = 0;

        return $return;


    public function getpayarpu()
        $paysum = $this->getallpaycount();//所有用户付费
        $paycount = $this->getpaycount();//新用户付费
        if ($paycount != 0) {
            $count = $paysum / $paycount;
        } else {
            $count = 0;
        return sprintf("%.2f", $count);
    public function cha_userarpu($p=0){
        $page = intval($p);
        $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据arraypage
        $arraypage = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
        $row = 10;
        $time = $_REQUEST['time'];
        $promote_id = $_REQUEST['promote_id'];
        $join = "left join tab_user u on u.fgame_id = tab_game.id";
            $join .= " AND u.promote_id = {$promote_id}";

				if ($_REQUEST['hasbindcoins'] == 1) {
				} else {
					$hasbindcoins['pay_way'] = array('gt',-1);
        $data=M('Game','tab_')->field('id as game_id, game_name')->order('id desc')->select();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $game_id = $value['game_id'];
                    ->field('count(id) as register_num')
            $data[$key]['act_user'] = $this->count_act_user($time,$game_id,$promote_id);
            $mapl["register_time"] = ['between',[strtotime($time),strtotime($time)+86399]];
						if ($promote_id!='')
            $login_time = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 day",strtotime($time)));
            $num = $user
                ->field('count(DISTINCT tab_user.id) as num')
                ->join("right join tab_user_login_record as ur on ur.user_id = tab_user.id and FROM_UNIXTIME(ur.login_time,'%Y-%m-%d') = '{$login_time}'")
            if (!empty($data[$key]['register_num'])) {
                $data[$key]['keep_num'] = round($num['num']/$data[$key]['register_num'],4)*100;
            } else {
                $data[$key]['keep_num'] = 0;
            $mapl = $map_list;
            empty($game_name ) || $mapl['game_name'] = array('like','%'.$game_name.'%');
            empty($promote_id) || $mapl['promote_id'] = $promote_id;
						empty($hasbindcoins) || $mapl['pay_way'] = $hasbindcoins['pay_way'];
            $mapl['pay_status'] = 1;
            $mapl["pay_time"] = ['between',[strtotime($time),strtotime($time)+86399]];
            $spend = $spend->field("IFNULL(sum(pay_amount),0) as money,IFNULL(count(distinct user_id),0) as people")->where($mapl)->find();
            $data[$key]['spend'] = $spend['money'];
            $data[$key]['spend_people'] = $spend['people'];
            if (!empty($data[$key]['act_user'])) {
                $data[$key]['spend_rate'] = round($data[$key]['spend_people']/$data[$key]['act_user'],4)*100;
            } else {
                $data[$key]['spend_rate'] = 0;
            if (!empty($data[$key]['act_user'])) {
                $data[$key]['ARPU'] = round($data[$key]['spend']/$data[$key]['act_user'],2);
            } else {
                $data[$key]['ARPU'] = 0;
            if (!empty($data[$key]['spend_people'])) {
                $data[$key]['ARPPU'] = round($data[$key]['spend']/$data[$key]['spend_people'],2);
            } else {
                $data[$key]['ARPPU'] = 0;
//            if($data[$key]['register_num']==0&&$data[$key]['act_user']==0&&$data[$key]['keep_num']==0&&$data[$key]['spend']==0&&$data[$key]['spend_people']==0){
//                unset($data[$key]);
//            }
        if($count > $row){
                $page = new \Think\Page($count, $row);
                $page->setConfig('theme','%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
                $this->assign('_page', $page->show());
        $pnum = ceil(count($data) / $size); //总页数,ceil()函数用于求大于数字的最小整数
        //用array_slice(array,offset,length) 函数在数组中根据条件取出一段值;array(数组),offset(元素的开始位置),length(组的长度)
        $data = array_slice($data, ($arraypage-1)*$size, $size);

    function game_analysis(){
        $data=M('Game','tab_')->field('id as game_id, game_name')->order('id desc')->select();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            ->field('count(id) as register_num')

                ->field('ifnull(sum(pay_amount),0) as sum')
        $data = array_slice($data, 0, 12);
        // 前台显示
        // X轴游戏
            foreach ($data as $tk => $tv) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        $this->meta_title = '游戏分析';
    function promote_analysis(){
        $hStart = strtotime($start);
        $hEnd = strtotime($end)+24*60*60-1;
        $data=M('Promote','tab_')->field('id as promote_id,account as promote_name')->order('id desc')->select();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $echohavingUser = $havingUser.' and promote_id = '.$value['promote_id'];
            ->field('count(id) as register_num,register_time,fgame_id,promote_id')
                ->field('ifnull(sum(pay_amount),0) as sum')
        $data_order_type = '';
        $data = array_slice($data, 0, 12);
        // 前台显示
        // X轴游戏
            foreach ($data as $tk => $tv) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        $this->meta_title = '推广员分析';

		 * 应用概况
		 * @author 鹿文学
		public function device_survey() {
//			$device = D('DeviceRecord');
			// 统计
//			$total = $device->all_device();

//			$todaystart = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'));

//			$today = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart,$todaystart+86399])]);
//			$yesterday = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400,$todaystart-1])]);
//            $day7 = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*7,$todaystart-1])],1);
//            $day30 = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*30,$todaystart-1])],1);
//			$duration = $device->single_duration(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*7,$todaystart-1])]);

//			$this->assign('total',$total);
//			$this->assign('today',$today);
//			$this->assign('yesterday',$yesterday);
//			$this->assign('day7',$day7);
//			$this->assign('day30',$day30);
//			$this->assign('duration7',second_to_duration($duration/7));

			// 日历

			// 折线图



		public function getDevice() {
		    $type = I("type",0);

            $device = D('DeviceRecord');

            $todaystart = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'));

            $model = M('device_statistics','tab_');

		    if ($type == 0) {
		        $return = $model->where(array('time'=>array('neq',0)))->sum('new_device');
//                $return = $device->all_device();
            } else if($type == 1) {
                $return = $model->where(['time'=>array('between',[$todaystart,$todaystart+86399])])->sum('new_device');
//                $return = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart,$todaystart+86399])]);
            } else if($type == 2) {
                $return = $model->where(['time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400,$todaystart-1])])->sum('new_device');
//                $return = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400,$todaystart-1])]);
            } else if($type == 3) {
//                $return = $model->where(['time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*7,$todaystart-1])])->sum('active_device');

                $return = $this->getActiveDeviceNum(['time'=>['between',[$todaystart-86400*7,$todaystart-1]]]);

//                $return = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*7,$todaystart-1])],1);
            } else if($type == 4) {
//                $return = $model->where(['time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*30,$todaystart-1])])->sum('active_device');
                $return = $this->getActiveDeviceNum(['time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*30,$todaystart-1])]);
//                $return = $device->total_device(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*30,$todaystart-1])],1);
            } else if ($type == 5) {
                $return = second_to_duration(($model->where(['time'=>$todaystart])->sum('duration7')));
//                $return = second_to_duration($device->single_duration(['create_time'=>array('between',[$todaystart-86400*7,$todaystart-1])])/7);

		    $this->ajaxReturn($return?$return:0) ;

        public function getActiveDeviceNum($map) {

            $modelData = M('device_statistics','tab_')

            $modelNew = 0;
            $unique_code = [];
            foreach($modelData as $key => $value) {
                $resolveData = json_decode($value['model'],true);
//                    dump($resolveData);
                foreach($resolveData as $k => $v) {

//                        if (!isset($modelNew[$v['model']][$v['version']])) {
//                            $modelNew = 1;
//                            $unique_code[$v['unique_code']] = 1;
//                        }
//                        else
                        $unique_code[$v['unique_code']] = 1;
//                            array_push($unique_code,$v['unique_code']);

            return $modelNew;
		 * 折线图
		 * @param integer  $start  开始时间
		 * @param integer  $end  	 结束时间
		 * @param boolean  $flag   是否ajax返回
		 * @author 鹿文学
		public function foldLineDiagram($start='',$end='',$num='',$flag=false) {

			$starttime = $start?strtotime($start):mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-1,date('Y'));

			$endtime = $end?strtotime($end)+86399:$starttime+86399;

			$start = date('Y-m-d',$starttime);
			$end = date('Y-m-d',$endtime);

			$device = D('DeviceRecord');

			if ($start == $end) {
				$day_count = 1;
				if ($start == date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-1 day'))) {$num = 2;}

				$hours = ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23'];

				$data['date'] = [$start];

				$data['hours'] = 1;

				foreach($hours as $v) {
					$data['news']['ios'][$v] = 0;
					$data['news']['and'][$v] = 0;
					$data['active']['ios'][$v] = 0;
					$data['active']['and'][$v] = 0;

				$deviceDataAnd = M("device_statistics","tab_")->where(['time'=>strtotime($start),'version'=>1])->find();
                $deviceDataIos = M("device_statistics","tab_")->where(['time'=>strtotime($start),'version'=>2])->find();
				// 新增设备
//				$hoursnews = $device->news_on_time(['create_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'news',5,'time,version');
                $hoursnews = array_merge(json_decode($deviceDataAnd['today_new_device'],true),json_decode($deviceDataIos['today_new_device'],true));

				// 活跃设备
//				$hoursactive = $device->active_on_time(['create_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'active',5,'time,version');
                $hoursactive = array_merge(json_decode($deviceDataAnd['today_active_device'],true),json_decode($deviceDataIos['today_active_device'],true));

				// 启动机型
//				$hoursmodel = $device->model(['create_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]]);
                $hoursmodel = array_merge(json_decode($deviceDataAnd['today_model_device'],true),json_decode($deviceDataIos['today_model_device'],true));

				foreach($hours as $v) {
					foreach($hoursnews as $h) {
						$time = explode(' ',$h['time']);
						if ($time[1] == $v){
							$data['news'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][$v]+= (integer)$h['news'];

					foreach($hoursactive as $h) {
						$time = explode(' ',$h['time']);
						if ($time[1] == $v){
							$data['active'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][$v] += (integer)$h['active'];


				foreach($hoursmodel as $k=>$h) {
					$data['xmodel'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][] = "'".$h['model']."'";
					$data['model'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][$h['model']] = (integer)$h['count'];

			} else {

				$datelist = get_date_list($starttime,$endtime,$num==7?4:1);
				$day_count = count($datelist);
				$data['date'] = $datelist;

				$data['hours'] = 0;

				foreach($datelist as $k => $v) {
					$data['news']['ios'][$v] = 0;
					$data['news']['and'][$v] = 0;
					$data['active']['ios'][$v] = 0;
					$data['active']['and'][$v] = 0;
                $newData = M('device_statistics','tab_')
                    ->field("new_device as news,version,FROM_UNIXTIME(time,'%Y-%m-%d') as time")
				// 新增设备
//				$news = $device->news_on_time(['create_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'news',$num==7?2:1,'time,version');
				$news = $newData;

                $activeData = M('device_statistics','tab_')
                    ->field("active_device as active,version,FROM_UNIXTIME(time,'%Y-%m-%d') as time")
				// 活跃设备
//				$active = $device->active_on_time(['create_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]],'active',$num==7?2:1,'time,version');
                $active = $activeData;

				// 启动机型
                $modelData = M('device_statistics','tab_')
                $modelNew = [];
                $unique_code = [];
                foreach($modelData as $key => $value) {
                    $resolveData = json_decode($value['model'],true);
//                    dump($resolveData);
                    foreach($resolveData as $k => $v) {

                        if (!isset($modelNew[$v['model']][$v['version']])) {
                            $modelNew[$v['model']][$v['version']] = 1;
                            $unique_code[$v['unique_code']] = 1;
                        } else if(!$unique_code[$v['unique_code']]){
                            $unique_code[$v['unique_code']] = 1;
//                            array_push($unique_code,$v['unique_code']);


                $unique_code = [];
                $modelNewData = [];
                $modelKey = 0;
                foreach($modelNew as $key => $value) {

                    $modelNewData[$modelKey]['model'] = $key;
                    foreach($value as $k => $v) {
                        $modelNewData[$modelKey]['version'] = $k;
                        $modelNewData[$modelKey]['count'] = $v;

                $last_names = array_column($modelNewData,'count');
//                dump($modelNewData);
//                die();
//				$model = $device->model(['create_time'=>['between',[$starttime,$endtime]]]);
//				dump($model);die();
                $model = $modelNewData;

				foreach($datelist as $v) {
					foreach($news as $h) {
						if ($v == $h['time']) {
							$data['news'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][$v] += (integer)$h['news'];

					foreach($active as $h) {
						if ($v == $h['time']) {
							$data['active'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][$v] += (integer)$h['active'];


				foreach($model as $k=>$h) {
					$data['xmodel'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][] = "'".$h['model']."'";
					$data['model'][$h['version']==1?'and':'ios'][$h['model']] = (integer)$h['count'];


			foreach($data as $k => $v) {

				if (is_array($v)) {
					if ($k == 'date'){
						$data[$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
						$table[$k] = $v;
					}elseif($k == 'xmodel'){
						$table[$k]['ios'] = $v['ios'];
						$table[$k]['and'] = $v['and'];
						$data[$k]['ios'] = implode(',',$v['ios']);
						$data[$k]['and'] = implode(',',$v['and']);
					}elseif($k == 'model'){
						$table[$k]['ios'] = $v['ios'];
						$table[$k]['and'] = $v['and'];
						foreach($v['ios'] as $t => $s) {
						foreach($v['and'] as $t => $s) {
						$data[$k]['ios'] = implode(',',$v['ios']);
						$data[$k]['and'] = implode(',',$v['and']);
						$sum = 0;$x='';$y=0;$tempexport=[];$count=0;

						foreach($v['ios'] as $t => $s){
							$sum += $s;$count++;
								if ($t%2==1) {$tab['ios'][$x.'~'.$t] = $y+$s;$x='';$y=0;}else{$x .= $t;$y += $s;}
								$tempexport[]=['time'=>$start.' '.(substr($t,0,2)).':00','count'=>$s,'version'=>'ios'];

						foreach($v['and'] as $t => $s){
							$sum += $s;$count++;
								if ($t%2==1) {$tab['and'][$x.'~'.$t] = $y+$s;$x='';$y=0;}else{$x .= $t;$y += $s;}
								$tempexport[]=['time'=>$start.' '.(substr($t,0,2)).':00','count'=>$s,'version'=>'android'];

							$table[$k] = $v;
						$export['sum'][$k] = $table['sum'][$k]=$sum;
						$data[$k]['ios'] = implode(',',$v['ios']);
						$data[$k]['and'] = implode(',',$v['and']);

			if ($start != $end) {

                $table['duplicate']['active'] = $this->getActiveDeviceNum(['time'=>array('between',[$starttime,$endtime])]);

                $table['average']['active'] = number_format($table['duplicate']['active']/(((($endtime+1)-$starttime)/86400)),2,'.','');
//                var_dump($endtime-$starttime);die();

            } else {
                $table['duplicate']['active'] = $table['sum']['active'];


			if ($flag) {

				$data['table'] = $table;

				echo json_encode($data);

			} else {





