 * @license Copyright (c) 2009-2013, xhEditor.com. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see LGPL-LICENSE.txt or http://xheditor.com/license/lgpl.txt
    'default': 'Default',
    'none': 'None',
    'defaultReadTip': 'WYSIWYG Editor,press alt+1-9,toogle to tool area,press tab,select button,press esc,return editor',

    'Cut': 'Cut (Ctrl+X)',
    'Copy': 'Copy (Ctrl+C)',
    'Paste': 'Paste (Ctrl+V)',
    'Pastetext': 'Paste as plain text',
    'PastetextTip': 'Use Ctrl+V on your keyboard to paste the text.',
    'Blocktag': 'Block tag',
    'Fontface': 'Font family',
    'FontSize': 'Font size',
    'Bold': 'Bold (Ctrl+B)',
    'Italic': 'Italic (Ctrl+I)',
    'Underline': 'Underline (Ctrl+U)',
    'Strikethrough': 'Strikethrough',
    'FontColor': 'Select text color',
    'BackColor': 'Select background color',
    'SelectAll': 'SelectAll (Ctrl+A)',
    'Removeformat': 'Remove formatting',
    'Align': 'Align',
    'List': 'List',
    'Outdent': 'Outdent',
    'Indent': 'Indent',
    'Link': 'Insert/edit link (Ctrl+L)',
    'Unlink': 'Unlink',
    'Anchor': 'Anchor',
    'Img': 'Insert/edit image',
    'Flash': 'Insert/edit flash',
    'Media': 'Insert/edit media',
    'Hr': 'Horizontal rule',
    'Emot': 'Emotions',
    'Table': 'Insert a new table',
    'Source': 'Edit source code',
    'WYSIWYG': 'WYSIWYG mode',
    'Preview': 'Preview',
    'Print': 'Print (Ctrl+P)',
    'Fullscreen': 'Toggle fullscreen (Esc)',
    'About': 'About xhEditor',

    'dialogOk': 'Ok',
    'dialogCancel': 'Cancel',
    'cutDisabledTip': 'Currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcuts(Ctrl+X) instead.',
    'copyDisabledTip': 'Currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcuts(Ctrl+C) instead.',
    'pasteDisabledTip': 'Currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcuts(Ctrl+V) instead.',
    'close': 'Close',

    'listFontname': [{n:'Arial'},{n:'Arial Black'},{n:'Comic Sans MS'},{n:'Courier New'},{n:'System'},{n:'Times New Roman'},{n:'Tahoma'},{n:'Verdana'}],
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        'p': 'Paragraph',
        'h1': 'Heading 1',
        'h2': 'Heading 2',
        'h3': 'Heading 3',
        'h4': 'Heading 4',
        'h5': 'Heading 5',
        'h6': 'Heading 6',
        'pre': 'Preformatted',
        'address': 'Address'

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        'justifyfull': 'Align full'

    'list': {
        'insertOrderedList': 'Ordered list',
        'insertUnorderedList': 'Unordered list'

    'link': {
        'url': 'Link URL: ',
        'target': 'Target:   ',
        'targetBlank': 'New window',
        'targetSelf': 'Same window',
        'targetParent': 'Parent window',
        'linkText': 'Link Text:',
        'defText': 'Click here',
        'anchor': 'Anchor:   ',
        'anchorNone': 'None selected'

    'anchor': {
        'name': 'Anchor name: '

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        'height': 'Height:   '

    'media': {
        'url': 'Media URL:',
        'width': 'Width:    ',
        'height': 'Height:   '

    'emot.default': {
        'smile': 'Smile',
        'tongue': 'Tongue',
        'titter': 'Titter',
        'laugh': 'Laugh',
        'sad': 'Sad',
        'wronged': 'Wronged',
        'fastcry': 'Fast cry',
        'cry': 'Cry',
        'wail': 'Wail',
        'mad': 'Mad',
        'knock': 'Knock',
        'curse': 'Curse',
        'crazy': 'Crazy',
        'angry': 'Angry',
        'ohmy': 'Oh my',
        'awkward': 'Awkward',
        'panic': 'Panic',
        'shy': 'Shy',
        'cute': 'Cute',
        'envy': 'Envy',
        'proud': 'Proud',
        'struggle': 'Struggle',
        'quiet': 'Quiet',
        'shutup': 'Shut up',
        'doubt': 'Doubt',
        'despise': 'Despise',
        'sleep': 'Sleep',
        'bye': 'Bye'

    'table': {
        'rows': 'Rows:       ',
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        'headers': 'Headers:    ',
        'headersRow': 'First row',
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        'align': 'Align:      ',
        'alignLeft': 'Left',
        'alignCenter': 'Center',
        'alignRight': 'Right',
        'caption': 'Caption:    '

    'upload': {
        'btnText' : 'Upload',
        'browserTitle': 'Browser file',
        'progressTitle': 'File uploading(Esc cancel)',
        'progressTip': 'File uploading,please wait...',
        'countLimit': 'Please do not upload more then {$0} files.',
        'extLimit': 'Upload file extension required for this: {$0}',
        'typeLimit': 'You can only drag and drop the same type of files.',
        'apiError': '{$0} upload interface error!\r\n\r\nreturn error:\r\n\r\n{$1}'

    'aboutXheditor': 'xhEditor is a platform independent WYSWYG XHTML editor based by jQuery,released as Open Source under <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html" target="_blank">LGPL</a>.'