<?php namespace Admin\Model; use Think\Model; /** * 订单模型 */ class OrderModel extends Model{ /* 自动验证规则 */ protected $_validate = array( ); /* 自动完成规则 */ protected $_auto = array( array('create_time', 'getCreateTime', self::MODEL_INSERT, 'callback'), ); /** * 构造函数 * @param string $name 模型名称 * @param string $tablePrefix 表前缀 * @param mixed $connection 数据库连接信息 */ public function __construct($name = '', $tablePrefix = '', $connection = '') { /* 设置默认的表前缀 */ $this->tablePrefix ='tab_'; /* 执行构造方法 */ parent::__construct($name, $tablePrefix, $connection); } /** * 订单列表 * @param integer $p 页码 * @param array $map 条件数组 * @return array 结果数据集 * @author 鹿文学 */ public function lists($p=1,$map=array()) { $page = intval($p); $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据 $data = $this->field('count(merchandise_id) as mid,GROUP_CONCAT(id) as ids') ->where(['is_refund'=>0,'pay_time'=>array('gt',0),'send_time'=>0]) ->group('merchandise_id')->having('mid>1')->select(); foreach($data as $k=>$v) { $tempids = explode(',',$v['ids']); asort($tempids); $ids = array_slice($tempids,1); $this->where(['id'=>array('in',$ids)])->setField('is_refund',2); } if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$row = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$row = 10;} $lists = $this->alias('o')->field('o.id,o.is_refund,o.order_number,o.seller_account,o.buyer_account,o.order_price,o.poundage,if(o.pay_status = 0 and o.pay_time<1 and timestampdiff(MINUTE,FROM_UNIXTIME(o.order_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i"),now())>30,2,o.pay_status) as pay_status,o.order_time,o.pay_time,o.send_time,m.game_name,m.server_name,m.small_account,m.title,m.phone') ->join('tab_merchandise as m on (m.id = o.merchandise_id)') ->where($map)->page($page,$row)->order('o.id desc')->select(); $count = $this->alias('o')->join('tab_merchandise as m on (m.id = o.merchandise_id)')->where($map)->count(); $data['data'] = $lists; $page = set_pagination($count,$row); if($page) {$data['page']=$page;} return $data; } /** * 新增或更新一个订单 * @param array $data 手动传入的数据 * @return boolean fasle 失败 , int 成功 返回完整的数据 * @author 王贺 */ public function update($data = null){ /* 获取数据对象 */ $data = $this->token(false)->create($data); if(empty($data)){ return false; } /* 添加或新增基础内容 */ if(empty($data['id'])){ //新增数据 $id = $this->add($data); //添加基础内容 if(!$id){ $this->error = '新增基础内容出错!'; return false; }else{ if(!isset($data['relation_game_id'])){ $relation=M('Game','tab_')->where(array('id'=>$id))->save(array('relation_game_id'=>$id)); if(!$relation){ $this->error('关联id添加失败');//游戏添加完成 } } } } else { //更新数据 $status = $this->save(); //更新基础内容 if(false === $status){ $this->error = '更新基础内容出错!'; return false; } } // 添加或新增扩展内容 $logic = $this->logic('Set'); $logic->checkModelAttr(5); if(!$logic->update($id)){ if(isset($id)){ //新增失败,删除基础数据 $this->delete($id); } $this->error = $logic->getError(); return false; } return $data; } /** * 创建时间不写则取当前时间 * @return int 时间戳 * @author huajie <banhuajie@163.com> */ protected function getCreateTime(){ $create_time = I('post.create_time'); return $create_time?strtotime($create_time):NOW_TIME; } protected function ratio_c(){ $ratio=I('post.ratio'); if((0<=$ratio)&&(100>=$ratio)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } }