* @since: 2019\4\16 0016 13:42 * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException */ function get_user_big_info($id=0, $flag=false) { if((is_numeric($id) && $id>0) || (is_string($id) && !empty($id)) ) { if($flag) { $map['b.account'] = $id; } else { $map['b.id'] = $id; } return M('User','tab_') ->alias('a') ->field('a.id,a.account,a.balance') ->join('inner join tab_user b on a.id = b.puid') ->where($map) ->find(); } else { return ''; } } /* * 获取推广员列表(根据父级编号) * @param integer $id 父级编号(为负数则是全部) * @author 鹿文学 */ function get_promote_list_by_id($id=0) { if(is_numeric($id) && $id>=0) { $list = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin')->where(['parent_id'=>$id])->select(); } elseif(is_array($id)) { $list = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin')->where(['parent_id'=>array('in',$id)])->select(); } elseif(is_numeric($id) && $id<0){ $list = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin')->select(); } else { $list = ''; } return $list; } /* * 秒数转时长(时分秒格式) * @param int $times 秒数 * @author 鹿文学 */ function second_to_duration($times){ $result = '00:00:00'; if ($times>0) { $hour = floor($times/3600); $minute = floor(($times-3600 * $hour)/60); $second = floor((($times-3600 * $hour) - 60 * $minute) % 60); $result = $hour.':'.$minute.':'.$second; } return $result; } /** * 后台公共文件扩展 * 主要定义后台公共函数库 */ function get_vip_level_limit($field='',$level=0) { if(empty($field)) {return '';} $tool = M('tool',"tab_")->field('config,status')->where(['name'=>'viplevel'])->find(); if(!empty($tool) && $tool['status']==1){ $viplevel = json_decode($tool['config'],true); $vl=''; if(empty($viplevel)) {return '';} foreach($viplevel as $k=>$v) { $cur = intval(str_replace('vip','',$k)); if($level == 0) {$vl = $field . '<' . $v;break;} if($level>=count($viplevel) && $cur >= count($viplevel)) {$vl = $field . '>=' . $v;break;} if($level==$cur) { $vl = $field . '>=' . $v . ' and ' . $field .'<'.$viplevel['vip'.($cur+1)]; break; } } return $vl; } else { return ''; } } function addZeroToTime($v) { return $v.':00'; } function set_date_day_format($day='') { return strlen($day)==1?'0'.$day:$day; } /* * 异常类型 */ function get_bug_name_by_id($id=0) { if (!is_numeric($id) || $id<0 ) {return '';} $list = get_bug_list(); return $list[$id]; } function get_bug_list() { return array( 100=>'开发者注册未审核', 101=>'游戏充值未到账', 102=>'补单失败', 103=>'平台币充值未到账', 104=>'绑币充值未到账', 200=>'开发者提现未处理', 201=>'推广员提现未处理', 300=>'推广员注册未审核', 301=>'推广员混服申请未审核', 302=>'推广员游戏申请未审核', 303=>'推广员游戏申请未打包', 304=>'推广员游戏盒子APP申请未审核', 305=>'推广员游戏盒子APP申请未打包', 400=>'游戏未设置分成比例', 401=>'开发者游戏未审核', 402=>'游戏原包未上传', 403=>'礼包数量不足', 404=>'评论未审核', 405=>'发放平台币失败', 406=>'发放绑币失败', ); } /* 获取色系 鹿文学 2017-11-17 */ function get_color_style_list() { $result = M('config')->field('extra,value')->find(13); if ($result) { $list['list'] = parse_config_attr($result['extra']); $list['value']=$result['value']; } return $list; } //根据游戏id获取游戏唯一标示 function get_marking($id) { $map['id']=$id; $game=M("game","tab_")->where($map)->find(); return $game['marking']; } function get_auth_group_name($uid){ $model = D("auth_group_access"); $res = $model->join("sys_auth_group on sys_auth_group.id = sys_auth_group_access.group_id") ->field("title") ->where("uid=".$uid) ->find(); return empty($res["title"]) ? "空" : $res["title"]; } //根据发送消息的ID获取通知名字 function get_push_name($id) { $map['id']=$id; $list=M("push","tab_")->where($map)->find(); if(empty($list)){return false;} return $list['push_name']; } //获取推送通知应用 function get_push_list() { $list=M("push","tab_")->select(); if(empty($list)){return false;} return $list; } function get_promote_list($select='') { $list = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin')->select();//where("status=1")-> if (empty($list)){return '';} if($select==111){ $new['id']=-1; $new['account']="全站用户"; array_unshift($list,$new); } return $list; } /** * [获取所有一级推广员] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_all_toppromote(){ $map['status']=1; $map['level']=['lt', 4]; $list = M("Promote","tab_")->where($map)->select(); if (empty($list)){return '';} return $list; } function time_day($time){ $now = time(); return floor(($now-$time)/(60*60*24)); } function mdate($time = NULL) { $text = ''; $time = $time === NULL || $time > time() ? time() : intval($time); $t = time() - $time; //时间差 (秒) $y = date('Y', $time)-date('Y', time());//是否跨年 switch($t){ case $t == 0: $text = '刚刚'; break; case $t < 60: $text = $t . '秒前'; // 一分钟内 break; case $t < 60 * 60: $text = floor($t / 60) . '分钟前'; //一小时内 break; case $t < 60 * 60 * 24: $text = floor($t / (60 * 60)) . '小时前'; // 一天内 break; case $t < 60 * 60 * 24 * 1: $text = '昨天 ' . date('H:i', $time); break; case $t < 60 * 60 * 24 * 30: $text = date('m-d H:i', $time); //一个月内 break; case $t < 60 * 60 * 24 * 365&&$y==0: $text = date('m-d', $time); //一年内 break; default: $text = date('Y-m-d-', $time); //一年以前 break; } return $text; } //所有支付方式 function all_pay_way($type=false) { if($type){ $pay_way[0]=array('key'=>0,'value'=>"平台币"); } $pay_way[1]=array('key'=>-1,'value'=>"绑币"); $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>1,'value'=>"支付宝"); $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>2,'value'=>"微信"); $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>8,'value'=>'金猪'); $pay_way[9]=array('key'=>9,'value'=>"双乾支付-支付宝"); $pay_way[10]=array('key'=>10,'value'=>"双乾支付-银联"); // $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'微信APP'); // $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'威富通'); /* $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>5,'value'=>'聚宝云'); */ // $pay_way[5]=array('key'=>6,'value'=>'汇付宝'); /* $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>7,'value'=>"苹果支付"); */ $pay_way[15]=array('key'=>15,'value'=>'双乾支付-快捷'); return $pay_way; } /* //获取支付方式 */ function get_pay_way($id=null) { if(!isset($id)){ return false; } switch ($id) { case -1: return "绑币"; break; case 0: return "平台币"; break; case 1: return "支付宝"; break; case 2: return "微信"; break; case 3: return "微信APP"; break; case 4: return "威富通"; break; case 5: return "聚宝云"; break; case 6: return "竣付通"; break; case 7: return "苹果支付"; break; case 8: return "金猪支付"; break; case 9: return "双乾支付-支付宝"; break; case 10: return "双乾支付-银联"; break; case 15: return "双乾支付-快捷"; break; } } function get_pay_way_map($id) { if(!isset($id)){ return ''; } switch ($id) { case -1: return -1; break; case 0: return 0; break; case 1: return 1; break; case 2: case 3: case 4: return array('in',[2,3,4]); break; case 5: return 5; break; case 6: return 6; break; case 7: return 7; break; case 8: return 8; break; case 9: return 9; break; } } function get_obtain_pay_way($keys=array()){ $pay_way[0]=array('key'=>0, 'value'=>"平台币"); $pay_way[1]=array('key'=>-1,'value'=>"绑币"); $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>1, 'value'=>"支付宝"); $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>2, 'value'=>"微信"); $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>5, 'value'=>'聚宝云'); $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>7, 'value'=>"苹果支付"); $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>8,'value'=>'竣付通'); if(!empty($keys)){ foreach ($keys as $key) { unset($pay_way[$key]); } } return $pay_way; } //获取支付方式 function get_register_way($id=null) { if(!isset($id)){ return false; } switch ($id) { case 1: return "SDK注册"; break; case 2: return "APP注册"; case 3: return "PC注册"; case 4: return "WAP注册"; break; } } /** * 获取所有第三方注册方式 * @param [type] $id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_register_type($id=null){ if(!isset($id)){ return false; } switch ($id) { case 3: return "微信"; break; case 4: return "QQ"; case 5: return "百度"; case 6: return "微博"; break; } } /** * 所有注册方式 * @param boolean $type [description] * @return [type] [description] * @author zc <894827077@qq.com> */ function all_register_way($type=false) { $pay_way[1]=array('key'=>1,'value'=>'SDK注册'); $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>2,'value'=>'APP注册'); $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'PC注册'); $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'WAP注册'); return $pay_way; } /** * 所有第三方注册方式 * @param boolean $type [description] * @return [type] [description] * @author zc <894827077@qq.com> */ function all_register_type($type=false) { $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'微信'); $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'QQ'); $pay_way[5]=array('key'=>5,'value'=>'百度'); $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>6,'value'=>'微博'); $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>0,'value'=>'游客'); return $pay_way; } /** * 根据用户账号 获取用户昵称 * @param [type] $account [用户账号] * @return [type] user_nickname [用户] * @author [yyh] */ function get_user_nickname($account){ $map['account']=$account; $user=M("user_play","tab_")->field('user_nickname')->where($map)->find(); return $user['user_nickname']; } //判断用户是否玩此游戏 author:yyh function get_play_user($account,$gid){ if(empty($account))return false; $user = D('User'); $map['account']=$account; $map['game_id']=$gid; $data = $user->field('tab_user.id,tab_user.account') ->join('tab_user_play on tab_user.account=tab_user_play.user_account') ->where($map) ->find(); return $data; } //生成订单号 function build_order_no(){ return date('Ymd').substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8); } /** * [get_game_id description]根据游戏名称 获取游戏id * @param [type] $name [游戏名称] * @return [type] [id] * @author [yyh] <[email address]> */ function get_game_id($name){ $game=M('game','tab_'); $map['game_name']=$name; $data=$game->where($map)->find(); if($data['id']==null){ return false; } return $data['id']; } /** * [ratio_stytl 数值转百分比 * @param integer $num [description] * @return [yyh] [description] */ function ratio_stytl($num = 0){ return $num."%"; } /** * [get_user_account 根据用户id 获取用户账号] * @param [type] $uid [用户id] * @return [type] account [用户账号] * @author [yyh] <[email address]> */ function get_user_account($uid=null){ if(empty($uid)){return false;} $user = D('User'); $map['id'] = $uid; $data = $user->field('account')->where($map)->find(); if(empty($data['account'])){return false;} return $data['account']; } /** * [checked_game description] * @param [type] $id [description] * @param [type] $sibling_id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function checked_game($id,$sibling_id){ if($sibling_id){ $map['id']=array('neq',$id); $map['sibling_id']=$sibling_id; $game=M('Game','tab_')->where($map)->find(); if(empty($game)){ return ''; }else{ return $game; } }else{ return false; } } /** * [获取游戏原包文件版本] * @param [type] $game_id [description] * @param string $type [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_game_version($game_id,$type=''){ $model=M('game_source force index (`game_id`)','tab_'); if($game_id==''){ return ''; } $map['game_id']=$game_id; $map['file_type']=$type; $data=$model ->where($map) ->select(); return $data; } /** * [获取游戏版本] * @param [type] $id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function game_version($id){ $game=M('game','tab_'); $map['id']=$id; $data=$game->field('sdk_version')->where($map)->find(); if($data['id']==null){ return false; } return $data['version']; } /** *获取游戏配置的指定字段信息 */ function get_game_set_field($game_id,$field=""){ $map['id'] = $game_id; $data = M('GameSet','tab_')->where($map)->getField($field); if(empty($data)){ return "暂无"; }else{ return $data; } } /** * 渠道列表 * @param $type * @return mixed */ function promote_lists($type){ if($type){ $map['level'] = $type; } else{ $map = ''; } $data = M('promote','tab_')->where($map)->select(); $items = M('PromoteBalanceCoin', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => 0])->select(); $records = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $records[$item['promote_id']] = $item['num']; } foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $item['common_coin'] = isset($records[$item['id']]) ? $records[$item['id']] : $item['balance_coin']; $data[$key] = $item; } return $data; } // 获取IOS游戏名称 function get_ios_game_name($game_id=null,$field='id'){ $map[$field]=$game_id; $map['game_version']=0; $data=M('Game','tab_')->where($map)->find(); if(empty($data)){return false;} $game_name=explode("(", $data['game_name']); return $game_name[0]; } /** * [获取区服名称] * @param [type] $id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_server_name($id){ if($id==''){ return false; } $map['id']=$id; $area=M("Server","tab_")->field('')->where($map)->find(); return $area['server_name']; } /** * [获取游戏区服名称] * @param [type] $area_id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_area_name($area_id= null){ if(empty($area_id)){return false;} $area_model = D('Server'); $map['server_num'] = $area_id; $name = $area_model->field('server_name')->where($map)->find(); if(empty($name['server_name'])){return false;} return $name['server_name']; } /** * [根据推广员获取所属专员] * @param [type] $id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_belong_admin($id) { $map['id']=$id; $pro=M("promote","tab_")->where($map)->find(); if($pro){ return get_admin_nickname($pro['parent_id'],$pro['admin_id']); }else{ return false; } } /** * [获取管理员列表] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_admin_list() { $list= M("Member")->field('uid,nickname')->where("status=1")->select(); if(empty($list)){return false;} return $list; } /** * [渠道等级] * @param [type] $pid [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_qu_promote($pid){ if($pid==0){ return "一级推广员"; }else{ return "二级推广员"; } } /** * [上线渠道] * @param [type] $id [description] * @param [type] $pid [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_top_promote($id,$pid){ if($pid==0){ $pro=M("promote","tab_")->field('account')->where(array('id'=>$id))->find(); }else{ $map['id']=$pid; $pro=M("promote","tab_")->field('account')->where($map)->find(); } if($pro==''){ return false; } return $pro['account']; } function get_parent_promote_name($id) { if(!is_numeric($id) || $id<1) {return '--';} $promotemodel= M('promote','tab_'); $pro = $promotemodel->field('account,parent_id')->where(['id'=>$id])->find(); if(is_array($pro)) { if($pro['parent_id']==0) {return $pro['account'];} $pre = $promotemodel->field('account')->where(['id'=>$pro['parent_id']])->find(); if(is_array($pre)) { return $pre['account']; } else { return $pro['account']; } } else { return '--'; } } /** * 获取管理员昵称 二级跟随一级 * @param [type] $parent_id [description] * @param [type] $admin_id [description] * @return [type] ` [description] */ function get_admin_nickname($parent_id = 0,$admin_id=null){ $user = D('member'); $map1['uid'] = $parent_id; $data = $user->field('nickname')->where($map1)->find(); return $data['nickname']; } function get_admin_account($id=0) { $map['id'] = $id; $data = M('UcenterMember')->field('username')->where($map)->find(); return $data['username']; } /** * [根据推广员获取所属专员] * @param [type] $id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_admin_promotes($param,$type='admin_id') { $map[$type]=$param; $pro=M("promote","tab_")->where($map)->select(); return $pro; } /** * [根据推广员id获取上级推广员姓名] * @param [type] $id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_parent_promoteto($id){ if($id==''){ return ''; } $list=D("promote"); $map['id']=$id; $pid=$list->field('parent_id')->where($map)->find(); if($pid['parent_id']!=0){ $mapp['id']=$pid['parent_id']; $pname=$list->field('account')->where($mapp)->find(); if($pname){ return "[".$pname['account']."]"; } else{ return ""; } }else{ return ""; } } //获取注册来源 function get_registerway($way){ if(!isset($way)){ return false; } $arr=array( 1=>'SDK', 2=>'APP', 3=>'PC', 4=>'WAP', ); return $arr[$way]; } //获取注册方式 function get_registertype($type){ if(!isset($type)){ return false; } $arr=array( 0=>"游客", 1=>"账号", 2 =>"手机", 3=>"微信", 4=>"QQ", 5=>"百度", 6=>"微博", 7=>"Facebook", 8=>"Google", 9=>"邮箱", ); return $arr[$type]; } //获取推广员id function get_promote_id($name){ $promote=M('Promote','tab_'); $map['account']=$name; $data=$promote->field('id')->where($map)->find(); if(empty($data)){ return ''; }else{ return $data['id']; } } //获取管理员id function get_admin_id($name){ $promote=M('Member','sys_'); $map['nickname']=$name; $data=$promote->field('uid')->where($map)->find(); if(empty($data)){ return ''; }else{ return $data['uid']; } } //获取所有用户列表 function get_user_list(){ $user = M('User','tab_'); $list = $user->field('id,account,balance')->order('id')->select(); return $list; } //获取所有用户列表 function get_user_play_group_list(){ $user = M('UserPlay','tab_'); $list = $user->field('user_id,user_account,game_id,game_name,bind_balance')->group("user_id")->select(); return $list; } /** * [array_group_by 二维数组根据里面元素数组的字段 分组] * @param [type] $arr [description] * @param [type] $key [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function array_group_by($arr, $key){ $grouped = []; foreach ($arr as $value) { $grouped[$value[$key]][] = $value; } if (func_num_args() > 2) { $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($grouped as $key => $value) { $parms = array_merge([$value], array_slice($args, 2, func_num_args())); $grouped[$key] = call_user_func_array('array_group_by', $parms); } } return $grouped; } /** * [前几个月] * @param integer $m [前几个月] * @return [type] [description] */ function before_mounth($m=12){ $time=array(); for ($i=0; $i <$m ; $i++) { $time[]=date("Y-m", strtotime("-$i month")); } return $time; } /** * 获取上周指定日期时间 * @param $str 指定时间 * @return unknown 时间 */ function get_lastweek_name($str){ switch ($str) { case '1': $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-1,date('Y'))); break; case '2': $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-2,date('Y'))); break; case '3': $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-3,date('Y'))); break; case '4': $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-4,date('Y'))); break; case '5': $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-5,date('Y'))); break; case '6': $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-6,date('Y'))); break; case '7': $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-7,date('Y'))); break; // case '-1': // $time = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-7,date('Y'))); // break; default: $time =date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),date('d'),date('Y'))); break; } return $time; } //获取广告图类型 function get_adv_type($type=0){ switch ($type) { case 1: return '单图'; break; case 2: return '多图'; break; case 3: return '文字链接'; break; case 4: return '代码'; break; default: return '未知类型'; break; } } /** *获取广告位标题 *@param int $pos_id *@return string *@author 小纯洁 */ function get_adv_pos_title($pos_id=0){ $adv_pos = M('AdvPos',"tab_"); $map['id'] = $pos_id; $data = $adv_pos->field('title')->where($map)->find(); if(empty($data)){return "没有广告位";} return $data['title']; } function get_relation_game($id,$relation_id){ if($id==$relation_id){ $gdata=M('Game','tab_')->where(array('relation_game_id'=>$relation_id,'id'=>array('neq',$id)))->find(); if(!$gdata){ return false;//未关联游戏 即没有例外一个版本 }else{ return true; } }else{ //再次确认关联的游戏 $gdata=M('Game','tab_')->where(array('relation_game_id'=>$relation_id,'id'=>$relation_id))->find(); if($gdata){ return true; }else{ return -1; //数据出错 } } } function get_kuaijie($type=''){ if($type==''){ return false; }else{ $data=M('Member')->field('kuaijie_value')->where(array('uid'=>UID))->find(); } $data=$data['kuaijie_value']; if(empty($data)){ $data='1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10'; } $dataa=explode(',',$data); if($type==1){ if($data==''){ $dataa=''; }else{ $map['id']=array('in',$data); $dataa=M('Kuaijieicon')->where($map)->select(); } }elseif($type==2){ if($data==''){ $dataa=M('Kuaijieicon')->select(); }else{ $map['id']=array('not in',$data); $dataa=M('Kuaijieicon')->where($map)->select(); } } foreach ($dataa as $key => $value) { foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if($value==$v['value']){ $dataa[$key]=$v; } } } return $dataa; } /** * 获取游戏版本 * @param $game_id * @return string */ function get_sdk_version($game_id){ $game = M('Game','tab_')->find($game_id); $version = empty($game) ? '' : $game['sdk_version']; return $version; } function get_kefu_data(){ $map['status']=1; $map['istitle']=1; $list = M('Kefuquestion') ->where($map) ->group('title') ->select(); return $list; } //获取短消息未读条数 function get_msg($id = 0){ $id = $id ? $id : session('user_auth.uid'); $map['user_id'] = $id; $map['status'] = 2; $count = M('msg', 'tab_')->where($map)->count(); return $count; } function array_status2value($status,$param,$array=array()){ foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if($value[$status]!=1){ unset($array[$key]); } } return $array; } /** * 获取渠道平台币 * @param $promote_id * @return mixed */ function get_promote_coin($promote_id){ $promote = M('promote','tab_')->field('balance_coin')->find($promote_id); return $promote['balance_coin']; } function intFun($v) { $v=(int)$v; return $v; } /** * 获取渠道父类 * @param $promote_id * @param string $field * @return mixed */ function get_promote_parent($promote_id,$field='account'){ $Promote = M('promote','tab_'); $data = $Promote->field('parent_id')->find($promote_id); if($data['parent_id'] != 0){ $data = $Promote->find($data['parent_id']); } return $data[$field]; } /** * 获取渠道父类 父级默认空 */ function get_promote_parent_acc($promote_id){ $Promote = M('promote','tab_'); $data = $Promote->field('account,parent_id,chain')->find($promote_id); if(empty($data)){ return $data["account"]="官方渠道";exit; } $chain = trim($data['chain'], '/'); if ($chain == '') { return '------'; } else { $topPromoteId = explode('/', $chain)[0]; $parent_promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $topPromoteId])->find(); return $parent_promote['account'] ?: '------'; } } //获取所有苹果证书id function get_applecert(){ $data=M('applecert')->select(); return $data;; } /** * 获取ios游戏描述文件路径等 * @param [type] $game_id 游戏id * @param [type] $type 1 原包路径 2描述文件路径 * @return [type] 路径 */ function get_game_url($game_id,$type=1){ $map['game_id']=$game_id; $find=M('game_source','tab_')->field('file_url,description_url')->where($map)->find(); if($type==1){ return $find['file_url']; }elseif($type==2){ return $find['description_url']; } } /** * 检查苹果渠道包打包状态 * @param [type] $pid [渠道id] * @param [type] $gid [游戏id] * @return boolean [-2 可以申请 -1 正在打包 1打包成功 2 打包失败 ] */ function is_check_pack_for_ios($pid,$gid){ $map['channelid']=$pid; $map['game_id']=$gid; $find=M('iospacket')->where($map)->find(); if(null==$find){ return -2; }elseif(null!==$find&&$find['status']==2){ return -1; }elseif(null!==$find&&$find['status']==0){ return 1; }elseif(null!==$find&&$find['status']==-1){ return 2; } } /** * 根据游戏id获取存入iospacket的原包/描述文件路径 * @param [type] $game_id [description] * @param [type] $t [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function get_ios_purl($game_id,$t){ $a=explode("/",get_game_url($game_id,$t)); return $a[3]."/".$a[4]; } /** * 判断原包是否有更新 * @param [type] $game_id [游戏id] * @param [type] $promote_id [渠道id] * @return [type] [1 有更新 0 无鞥下] */ function check_iosupdate($game_id,$promote_id){ $map['game_id']=$game_id; $source=M('game_source','tab_')->field('game_id,file_url')->where($map)->find(); $map['channelid']=$promote_id; $iospack=M('iospacket')->field('originalpath')->where($map)->find(); if($source['file_url']!=="./Uploads/Ios/".$iospack['originalpath']){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } /** * 获取积分类型列表 * @return mixed * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com */ function get_point_type_lists(){ $data =M("point_type","tab_")->where(['status'=>1])->select(); return $data; } /** * 获取积分商品列表 * author: xmy 280564871@qq.com */ function get_point_good_lists(){ $data =M("point_shop","tab_")->where(['status'=>1])->select(); return $data; } /** * 验证退款记录 * @param $pay_order_number * @return int */ function ischeck_refund($pay_order_number){ $map['pay_order_number']=$pay_order_number; $find=M('refund_record','tab_')->where($map)->find(); if(null==$find){ return 1; }elseif($find['tui_status']=='2'){ return 2; }elseif($find['tui_status']=='1'){ return 0; } } /** * 获取支付方式 * @param $order * @return mixed */ function get_spend_pay_way($order){ $map['pay_order_number']=$order; $find=M('refund_record','tab_')->field('pay_way')->where($map)->find(); return $find['pay_way']; } //得到ios游戏的plist_url function get_plist($game_id){ $map['game_id'] = $game_id; $data = M('Game_source','tab_')->where($map)->field('plist_url')->find(); if (empty($data['plist_url'])){ return ''; }else{ return "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].substr($data['plist_url'],1); } } /** *删除数组中特定元素 * @param array $data, 要移除的数据 * @param type $element,要移除的指定元素 * @return array 移除后的新数组 * @author 小纯洁 */ function remove_array_element($data=null,$element=null){ foreach ($data as $key=>$value) { if ($value === $element) { unset($data[$key]); } } return $data; } /** *获取首冲续充对象名称 *@param int $case 类型 *@return string 返回对象名称 *@author 小纯洁 */ function get_discount_obj_name($case = 0){ $result = ""; switch ($case) { case -1: $result = "全站玩家"; break; case 0: $result = "官方渠道"; break; case -2: $result = "推广渠道"; break; default: $result = "全站玩家"; break; } return $result; } /** *根据推广员ID获取商务专员账号名称 *@param int $promote_id *@return string 返回对象名称 *@author 小纯洁 */ function get_promote_business_account($promote_id=0){ $promote = M('promote','tab_')->find($promote_id); if(empty($promote)){ return "错误"; } $business = M('BusinessAffairs','tab_')->find($promote['ba_id']); return empty($business['account']) ? "暂无" : $business['account']; } function get_highlight_subnav($cate_id=0,$url='Article/index',$param='cate_id'){ $map['sys_category.id'] = $cate_id; $cate_id = D('category') ->field("tab.id,tab.title,tab.pid,tab.sort") ->join("sys_category AS tab ON sys_category.pid = tab.pid") ->where($map) ->order('tab.sort asc') ->getField('tab.id',1); $url = U($url,array('cate_id'=>$cate_id)); return $url; } /** *根据唯一字段查找特定的字段值 *@param string field 要返回的字段结果 *@param string fieldMap 要查询的字段名称 *@param string value 要查询的唯一字段的值 */ function get_spend_fields($field='user_account',$fieldMap='id',$value=''){ $map[$fieldMap] = $value; $data = M('Spend','tab_')->field($field)->where($map)->find(); if(empty($data)){ return false; }else{ return $field === 'true' ? $data : $data[$field]; } } /** *根据模板id获取获取模板名称 */ function get_tepname($id){ $model = M("Template"); $map["id"] = $id; $reg = $model->where($map)->find(); return $reg["temname"]; } function open_url($url=null){ $str = "".$url.""; return $str; } /** *获取自建模板 */ function templatelist(){ $model = M("Template"); $list = $model->select(); return $list; } /** *返回游戏名称 */ function get_gamename($gid=0){ if($gid == 0){return "未知";} $model = D("Game"); $list = $model->where("id=".$gid)->find(); return $list["game_name"]; } /** *返回游戏官网名称 */ function get_self_name($gid=0){ if($gid == 0){return "未知";} $model = D("Game"); $self=M('selfbuilt')->where(['id'=>$gid])->find(); $list = $model->where("id=".$self['gameid'])->find(); return $list["game_name"]; } function get_list_data($model=null){ $m = M($model)->select(); return $m; } function get_list_row($item = "global",$modelName="Model"){ $list = new \Admin\Event\listRowEvent(); $r = $list->getItem($item); return $list->listRows(); } function get_pos_game($type=16){ $map['apply_status'] = 1; $map['game_status'] = 1; if($type == 16){ $map['sdk_version'] = 1; }else{ $map['sdk_version'] = 2; } $data = M('game','tab_')->field('id,game_name')->where($map)->select(); return $data; } function get_promote_levels($id = 0) { $data = M('promote', 'tab_')->field('parent_id, level')->where(array('id' => $id))->find(); switch ($data['level']) { case '1': return "会长"; break; case '2': return "部门长"; break; case '3': return "组长"; break; case '4': return "组员"; break; default: return ''; } } /** * 统计推广员总流水 * @param [type] $id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ function sum_promote_total_money($id){ $map['promote_id']=$id; $map['pay_status']=1; $res=M('Spend','tab_')->field("SUM(pay_amount) as pay_amount")->where($map)->select(); return $res[0]['pay_amount']==null ? '0.00':$res[0]['pay_amount']; } /** *后续可用额度 * @param [type] $game_id [description] * @return [type] $promote_id [description] */ function max_quota($game_id,$promote_id){ $map_s['game_id'] =$game_id; $map_s['promote_id'] =$promote_id; $map_s['support_type'] =1; $map_s['notice_status'] =1; $yishenhe_support_sum=M('support','tab_')->field("SUM(real_support_num) as sum_support_num")->where($map_s)->select(); $map_s['notice_status'] =0; $map_s['status'] =['neq',0]; $weishenhe_support_sum=M('support','tab_')->field("SUM(support_num) as sum_support_num")->where($map_s)->select(); $support_quota=M('game','tab_')->field('support_quota,support_ratio')->where(['id'=>$game_id])->find(); $max_quota=$support_quota['support_quota']-$support_sum[0]['sum_support_num']; //算法一: 可用额度 = 后台设置额度 - 已申请额度 $map_sp['pay_status']=1; $map_sp['game_id']=$game_id; $child_promote = get_zi_promote_id($promote_id); if($child_promote==0){ $child_promote = $promote_id; }else{ $child_promote = $child_promote .','.$promote_id; } $map_sp['promote_id'] = ['in',$child_promote]; $spend=M('spend','tab_')->field('SUM(pay_amount) as sum_amount')->where($map_sp)->select(); // 该渠道该游戏可用额度 = 该渠道和子渠道的所有玩家的充值量 * 扶持额度 - 待审核额度 - 已申请成功额度 $promote_quota=floor($spend[0]['sum_amount'] * $support_quota['support_ratio']/100 - $weishenhe_support_sum[0]['sum_support_num'] - $yishenhe_support_sum[0]['sum_support_num']); return $promote_quota < 1 ? 0 : $promote_quota; } //现金支付方式 function cash_pay_way() { //$pay_way[1]=array('key'=>-1,'value'=>"绑币"); $pay_way[2]=array('key'=>1,'value'=>"支付宝"); $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>2,'value'=>"微信"); // $pay_way[3]=array('key'=>3,'value'=>'微信APP'); // $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>4,'value'=>'威富通'); /* $pay_way[4]=array('key'=>5,'value'=>'聚宝云'); */ // $pay_way[5]=array('key'=>6,'value'=>'汇付宝'); /* $pay_way[6]=array('key'=>7,'value'=>"苹果支付"); */ $pay_way[7]=array('key'=>8,'value'=>'金猪'); $pay_way[9]=array('key'=>9,'value'=>"双乾支付-支付宝"); $pay_way[10]=array('key'=>10,'value'=>"双乾支付-银联"); $pay_way[15]=array('key'=>15,'value'=>'双乾支付-快捷'); return $pay_way; } function getMonth() { $start = date("Y-m", strtotime("now")); //开始月份 $range = []; $i = 1; do { $month = date('Y-m', strtotime($start . ' - ' . $i . ' month')); $range[] = $month; $i++; } while ($i<13); return $range; } function getPayType($type) { $return = ''; switch ($type) { case -1: $return = '绑币'; break; case 0: $return = '平台币'; break; case 1: $return = '支付宝'; break; case 2: $return = '微信(扫码)'; break; case 3: $return = '微信app'; break; case 4: $return = '威富通'; break; case 5: $return = '聚宝云'; break; case 6: $return = '竣付通'; break; case 7: $return = '金猪'; break; case 9: $return = '双乾支付-支付宝'; break; case 10: $return = '双乾支付-银联'; break; case 15: $return = '双乾支付-快捷'; break; default: $return = '未知'; break; } return $return; } function getPartner() { $map['status'] = 1; $data = M('partner','tab_')->field('id,partner')->where($map)->select(); return $data; } function getGameList($partner_id) { if ($partner_id) { $map['partner_id'] = $partner_id; } $data = M('game','tab_')->field("id,game_name")->where($map)->select(); return $data; } function getAdminData ($uid) { $adminData = M('auth_group_access') ->field('data_empower_type,data_president') ->join('left join sys_auth_group on sys_auth_group_access.group_id=sys_auth_group.id') ->where(array('uid'=>$uid))->find(); $promoteData = M('promote','tab_')->field('id')->where(array('admin_id'=>$uid))->select(); $promoteData = implode(',',array_column($promoteData,'id')); $adminData['data_president'] = $adminData['data_president'].','.$promoteData; return $adminData; } /** * 获取当前管理员有权限查看所有推广员id * @return mixed|string 格式如;all-全部;1,2,3;为空表示都没有权限 */ function getPowerPromoteIds() { //session已存在当前管理员可查看数据的推广员id,则直接返回,权限有变化事删除此session if (!empty(session('user_auth_promote_ids'))) { return session('user_auth_promote_ids'); } $userAuth = session('user_auth'); $promoteIds = 'all'; $userAuth['data_president']= trim($userAuth['data_president'], ","); if (!empty($userAuth['data_empower_type'])) {//数据权限 1 全部 2 部分数据 3 自己底下的会长 //等于1默认全部数据,不进行筛选 if (in_array($userAuth['data_empower_type'], [2, 3])) { $promoteIds = ''; //自己创建的会长 $myPromote_ids = M('promote', 'tab_') ->field('GROUP_CONCAT(id) as promote_ids') ->where(['admin_id' => $userAuth['uid']]) ->find(); $myPromote_ids = $myPromote_ids['promote_ids']; if ($myPromote_ids) { if ($userAuth['data_empower_type'] == 2) {//部分会长加上自己创建的会长 $userAuth['data_president'] .= "," . $myPromote_ids; } elseif ($userAuth['data_empower_type'] == 3) {//自己创建的会长和底下推广员 $userAuth['data_president'] = $myPromote_ids; } } if (!empty($userAuth['data_president'])) {//查询有权限查看的会长以及底下的推广员 $map = array(); //查询会长底下的推广员(首个斜杆之间的数字) $where['SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`chain`,"/",2),"/",-1)'] = array('exp',"IN({$userAuth['data_president']})"); $where['id'] = array('in', $userAuth['data_president']);//会长本身 $where['_logic'] = 'or'; $map['_complex'] = $where; $sqlResult = M('promote', 'tab_') ->field('GROUP_CONCAT(id) as promote_ids') ->where($map) ->find(); $promoteIds = $sqlResult['promote_ids']; } } } session('user_auth_promote_ids', $promoteIds); return $promoteIds; } function setPowerPromoteIds(&$map, $column = 'promote_id') { //为数据权限添加 $promoteIds = getPowerPromoteIds(); if (empty($promoteIds)) { $map[$column] = -1; } elseif ($promoteIds != 'all') { if (isset($map[$column])) { if (isset($map['_string'])) {//查询字段中已存在promote_id,不覆盖此条件而处理 $map['_string'] .= " and $column in($promoteIds)"; } else { $map['_string'] = " $column in($promoteIds)"; } } else { $map[$column] = array('in', $promoteIds); } } } function get_promote_listOther($select='') { // $promoteRoot = getPowerPromoteIds(); // if ($promoteRoot) { // $map['id'] =array('in',$promoteRoot); // } setPowerPromoteIds($map,'id'); $list = M("Promote","tab_")->field('id,account,balance_coin')->where($map)->select();//where("status=1")-> if (empty($list)){return '';} if($select==111){ $new['id']=-1; $new['account']="全站用户"; array_unshift($list,$new); } return $list; } /** * 渠道列表 * @param $type * @return mixed */ function promote_listsOther($type){ if($type){ $map['level'] = $type; } else{ $map = ''; } // $promoteRoot = getPowerPromoteIds(); // if ($promoteRoot) { // $map['id'] =array('in',$promoteRoot); // } setPowerPromoteIds($map,'id'); $data = M('promote','tab_')->where($map)->select(); $items = M('PromoteBalanceCoin', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => 0])->select(); $records = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $records[$item['promote_id']] = $item['num']; } foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $item['common_coin'] = isset($records[$item['id']]) ? $records[$item['id']] : $item['balance_coin']; $data[$key] = $item; } return $data; } function get_admin_listOther() { $nickname = session('user_auth')['username']; $list= M("Member")->field('uid,nickname')->where("status=1 and nickname='{$nickname}'")->select(); if(empty($list)){return false;} return $list; } ?>