Commit Graph

5561 Commits (6c1f898fb9bfed5de149ae0527c4006a40d143d2)

Author SHA1 Message Date
廖金灵 20b401fe85 Merge branch 'feature/promote_withdraw' of wmtx/platform into release
zhengyongxing bdc5d3a385 结算中心提现总金额等4个功能隐藏
廖金灵 849731fd2a Merge branch 'feature/ylw-06-17' of wmtx/platform into release
yulingwei c8924779c4 Merge branch 'release' into feature/ylw-06-17
廖金灵 109ca9d159 Merge branch 'feature/ylw-06-10' of wmtx/platform into release
电子合同展示设置 针对工会,市场部总监的信息可展示的情况需要做成配置
yulingwei 8c18f2aa1d 1
廖金灵 c4ec5753f0 Merge branch 'feature/loginInfo' of wmtx/platform into release
廖金灵 66ee6ea1f6 Merge branch 'hotfix/promote_limit_rule' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF 2d872ed710 解决冲突
廖金灵 a30ff6aece Merge branch 'feature/admin_arpu' of wmtx/platform into release
ELF 2589806e62 解决冲突
yulingwei 3f4406a1ee Merge branch 'release' into feature/ylw-06-17
yulingwei 0decb03cb1 merge
ELF a153fb9a0e 修改
chenzhi ad801a37fb 优化前端
yulingwei b2b28bce07 upt
yulingwei 5b604ab073 upt
yulingwei cdf2d903cd upt
chenzhi ca551b9c50 己方公司新增搜索项目
chenzhi e0b588be11 新加加载load
chenzhi c335c1f0b3 优化补点和月结集合
廖金灵 dbfad2d69c Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi bffc9a32f1 数据迁移
chenzhi 26ccc9c450 优化导出权限
yulingwei e4a29b8bb4 upt
廖金灵 130206b132 Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi b8610e3490 永星-优化提现提醒
廖金灵 900a33b3ee Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi 2229e16a9d 永星-优化前端请求
chenzhi a629654ccb 优化打款
chenzhi 42dc519712 永星-打款中
chenzhi 1da5da1ea5 永星-优化提现说明
廖金灵 30d5182381 Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi e96c6e8b52 公司获取优化
chenzhi 40940b4536 优化比例
chenzhi d2a10e626d 永星-优化提现
廖金灵 603ff5efe0 Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi f321c6259d 永星合并
zhengyongxing 0c4b96dd56 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
zhengyongxing 846264600e Merge branch 'feature/promote_withdraw' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
zhengyongxing 5957ffddcf 汇总单代码提交
廖金灵 066b57d8de Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi 511f53e83c 优化权限
yulingwei bd166bb5eb upt
廖金灵 5b236870c0 Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of wmtx/platform into release
chenzhi c422b84df4 Merge branch 'feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' of into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
chenzhi d845ab35a3 优化新增结算
zhengyongxing 7c0294bb4c Merge branch 'feature/promote_withdraw' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance
zhengyongxing b6026f1b32 汇总单代码提交
zhengyongxing 25ae6a03a4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance' into feature/platfrom_aggregate_finance